This is a huge golden-yellow building that looks as if it is made of gold. It is incompatible with the other snow-white architectural styles of the Holy Land Marie Gioia.

So, did the Golden Emperor build a mansion here?

Such a thought flashed across Ron, and he couldn't help complaining that the money ability of local tyrants was invincible.

"This way, Mr. Ron."

Under the guidance of Bacala, Ron walked into the elevator of the building and reached the top floor.

With a "ding", the elevator stopped slowly.

"Lord Tezolo has been waiting for you for a long time."

Bacala stood in the elevator and smiled.

Ron nodded, stepped out of the elevator, and after walking through a long corridor, he came to a spacious oval hall.

The lighting in the room is bright and the decoration style is extremely luxurious.

A tall man stands in front of a huge French window, with his hands behind his back, looking down at everything below

His gray-green hair was combed back, and he was wearing a custom-made pink suit. He wore rings made of pure gold on the ten fingers of both hands behind his back, except for the ring finger.

The man carried Ron on his back, and seemed to have no intention of turning back for a while.

—— Gilder Tezolo, the head of Gulan Tezolo, the largest entertainment city in the world.

Tezolo, nicknamed "Golden Emperor", came from an ordinary background, but he is the world's leading business genius. In just 12 years, he grew from nothing to the world's richest man from a penniless slave. He is the king of all casinos. ".

Relying on the astonishing wealth of Bailey who owns 20% of the world, Tezolo can do both black and white, using the power of money to manipulate the Tianlong people freely, and even use the power of the world government.

In the underground world, he is the golden emperor who uses money to rule the dark world, and his influence spreads all over the world.

The "Gulan Tezolo" Golden City he established is an independent country recognized by the world government and one of the countries with the most influence on the world government's decision-making.

Doflamingo, who is also the dark emperor who takes both black and white, has become the largest intermediary in the underground world by virtue of the so-called "Dragon Man" status privilege, in terms of talent, he is not even worthy of Tezolot's shoes .

After all, Tezolo, who had nothing back then, snatched the golden fruit from the Don Quixote Pirates.

His deep voice sounded slowly, and he asked a question that surprised Ron.

"Ron, do you believe in gods?"




There is another update tonight, please support, thank you.

Chapter 30 The Biggest Gamble

After Tezolo's voice fell, Ron was slightly taken aback.

He squinted at the figure standing in front of the huge French window, shook his head and said:

"I don't believe in God."

"Don't believe in God?"

Tezolo seemed a little surprised, he turned around slowly.

It was an unruly face, with long and narrow lips that looked cool, and a shrewd and fierce light shone in the eyes.

He sized up the Rear Admiral for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said:

"But we're standing on God's ground, aren't we?"

Ron said with great interest:

"Tezolo, if you think that the so-called Celestial Dragon Man is the god of this world... I believe there is no need for us to stand here and chat."

"after all……"

He smiled coldly:

"I have seen it with my own eyes. The so-called blood of a god is only red."


Tezolo laughed wantonly and ferociously when he heard the words.

With his emotional agitation and grinning, the pure gold pillar behind him wriggled like a living thing, like a burning golden flame.

"Interesting!! So much fun!! are the funniest navy I've ever seen!!"

Ron narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the gold rising like a pillar of fire and huge waves behind him, Tezolo seemed to have developed his devil fruit ability to the state of awakening.

Tezzolo shook his hand violently.

A golden light flew out of his hand like a phantom, tearing through the air like a bullet and shooting towards Ron's face.


next moment,

The golden light and shadow suddenly hovered between Ron's eyebrows, pinched tightly by two fingers, and kept trembling.

Ron squinted at the golden object in his hand.

That is a gold coin.

"—This is the god of this world."

Tezolo sat on the wide leather sofa with a smile, crossed his legs, and intertwined fingers with rings on his hands, lying across his abdomen:

"He who holds a gold coin does not need a god."

He stared at the Rear Admiral with a smile in his eyes and opened his arms.

"Ron, you're a funny guy, and while you're a navy, overall, I owe you a big favor."

"Because you killed Doflamingo, I was able to annex a large amount of property that originally belonged to him."

"I know that your navy's military expenditure is very scarce now, and I believe you are very clear that it is impossible for the world government to meet your military expenditure needs."

"I'm a businessman, and I value integrity, and I don't like to owe favors to others."

"As long as you speak, I can help you solve this problem."

Tezzolo smiled with disdain.

He raised his hand,

"The issue of military expenditure may be a headache and difficult to solve for your navy, but for me..."

He made a gesture of snapping his fingers.


"—It's that simple."

After saying this, Tezolo looked at Ron with a determined and confident look.

He knew Ron wouldn't say no.

Tezolo knows the power of money better than anyone in this world, and that's why he works so hard to make money.

As long as you have money, you have armies, weapons and power!Even the world government, in front of itself, the Golden Emperor who owns more than 20% of the world's wealth, has to be polite and polite.

The difficulty facing the Navy is obvious.

Without enough military expenses, let alone counterattack the New World to crusade against the Four Emperors, they can't even pay the pensions for the war dead!

"Just open your mouth, as much as you want, 30 billion? 50 billion? 100 billion? I can satisfy you."

Tezolo said with a crazy smile.

However, what the rear admiral said next made him stunned:

"Are you finished?"

Tezolo was taken aback when he heard this.

He saw the sneer on the corner of Ron's mouth.

"Tezolo, I killed has nothing to do with you."

The Rear Admiral's indifferent voice echoed in the resplendent oval hall.

"As for your so-called favor, it's even more unnecessary."

"Our navy will solve the problem of military expenses. It's not up to you, the so-called dark emperor of the underground world, to help."

Tezolo frowned, anger welling up in his eyes.

"Why? I've obviously given enough sincerity."

Ron shook his head and said:

"It's not about sincerity."

"I appreciate your sincerity, but it is impossible for the Navy to accept your assistance."

He lit a cigarette,

"Arms smuggling, drug dealing, slave trade, usury, organ trafficking... These lucrative and illegal businesses are all controlled by your group of so-called dark emperors."

"It's impossible for the navy to accept this money. After all, everyone knows that every gold coin you earn is covered in blood."

"And I can tell you very frankly..."

Ron exhaled a long puff of smoke, his eyes were cold.

"If this is not the holy land of Mary Joa, if you didn't invite me here politely, if you are standing here not as a distinguished guest of the world government and navy but as the 'Golden Emperor'... now you are already a dead person gone."

The navy is a symbol of justice. The source of the navy's military expenditure must be legal and compliant, otherwise it will easily become a violent organization manipulated by some powerful figures.

Some money is absolutely unacceptable.

Hearing the Rear Admiral's words, Tezolo's face darkened suddenly.

He slowly stood up from the sofa, and the golden waves behind him seemed to be irritable and boiling with his rising anger.

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