asked Ron.

Tina turned her head away and took a puff of cigarette, then said coldly:

"Tina is not angry."

No wonder!

You can't hide the look in the eyes of a person, okay?

Ron complained in his heart.

"Well, since Colonel Tina is not angry, then I will leave."

As he said that, he wanted to turn around and run away.

"Wait." At this moment, Tina's voice sounded again.

Ron froze.

Damn, I almost slipped away!

With a forced smile on his lips, he turned around.

"Colonel Tina, what's the matter?"

Tina looked at Ron expressionlessly, until the latter was sweating, and then whispered:

"So you've always been this strong?"

Tina was really angry.

She failed to catch up with the defense of Marin Vandor, but after the war, she read the report of that war and was shocked by the great strength Ron showed.

In addition, Ron later went to sea and single-handedly beheaded the golden lion feat...

She felt cheated by Ron.

Even though he is so strong, he still worries about him!

And thinking of the scene where she tried to prevent Ron from participating in the war on the warship, Tina felt even more ashamed, and her toes tapped in embarrassment.

The bastard! !

Looking at Tina's angry and resentful eyes, Ron couldn't help touching his head, a little embarrassed, and didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Bamen dunjia is a very magical ability, which can explode a person's combat power several times or even dozens of times.

This is a tactic that has never appeared on this sea, and he has no way to explain it clearly to Tina.

Seeing Ron's tangled expression, Tina sighed,

"Forget it, Tina will let you go."

She moved her eyes to the distant sea again, and said lightly:

"Tina thought you wouldn't come to the graduation party."

Ron was taken aback, subconsciously said:


Tina said slowly:

"Because you are a very serious person, well, it is more accurate to say that you are a person who does not like to have fun and enjoyment, except for training and fighting hard, Tina has never seen you stop, slow down and do anything something to enjoy."

"Tina can tell that your nerves are tense all the time, and you seem to be eager to chase time."

"Others will go to rest, chat, or go back to the dormitory to sleep after the graduation ceremony..."

"Only you, you, the 'hero' who needs rest, sleep and adjustment the most, went to the military academy for training and ruined most of the school grounds."

Tina turned her head to look at Ron, staring at the latter quietly.

"So... what are you running after?"




Thank you for everything, guys.

Chapter 33

"What are you running after?"

Tina's calm eyes were full of doubts and puzzles, and she quietly looked at the world-renowned rear admiral in front of her.

What are you chasing after?

Ron fell silent.

The answer to this question was actually very clear, but he couldn't explain it clearly.


"I graduated!!"

"Future journey, here we come!!"

At this time, a series of excited and joyful shouts sounded from the other side of the warship, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Ron turned his head following the sound, and saw Kebi and other military academy graduates standing on the deck, holding hands with each other, and shouting heartily towards the distant sea.

The youthful radiance bloomed on the faces of the boys and girls, and they waved their arms wantonly towards the unknown distance.

"Go ahead and have a good time like this."

"You are too tired to live."

Tina suddenly said, turning her back to Ron.

The scarlet light on the cigarette streaked across the night sky with faint traces of light, and the misty smoke made her back look more attractive.

Ron smiled.

He looked at the scene of the cadets playing and laughing on the deck, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became warm and soft.

Perhaps this is the life a teenager should have.

There is no need to worry about wars, justice, fighting, hard work, and desperation.

the time of youth,

can be absurd,

Can write quickly,

It can also be relaxed and free.

Enjoy the moment in front of you, enjoy the shining stars, and enjoy the beauty of everything.


The warship quickly docked.

A group of military students came to the bar street in the illegal area of ​​Chambord Islands with ease and opened a box.

The private room was full of feasting lights, filled with a strong smell of alcohol.

Kirby held the microphone and sang a catchy bitter love song, crying heartbreakingly.

Others were playing poker, playing dice, yelling, enjoying the last leisure of their school days, and venting their inner emotions.

"Ron! I toast you!"

The "heroic" Ozawa stood up suddenly, raised the beer in his hand with a blushing face, and said courageously.

"Do one!"

"Do one!!!"

The others were also happy, joking and encouraging.

Ron smiled, picked up the wine glass and touched Ozawa.

Xiao Ze raised his head and gulped it down, his face suffused with drunkenness.

Ron didn't refuse either, and simply gulped down the beer in the glass.

The atmosphere gradually warmed up, and everyone let go of their restraint, and they drank and chatted shoulder to shoulder.

After graduation, not everyone will stay in the headquarters, and more people will be assigned to serve in major naval branches.

This also means that after today's parting, their comrades-in-arms and classmates who once shared life and death and fought side by side will go their separate ways.

The parting is imminent, almost everyone's face can't hide the disappointment, and some people take advantage of the drunkenness to muster up the courage to confess to the person they like loudly, which attracts bursts of good-natured laughter.

And some people's eyes were red, crying tears streaming down their faces.

The separation of comrades-in-arms, this kind of emotion is quite difficult to let go.

"Come, come, come!! Don't cry!! We can find time to get together again anytime in the future!"

"Maybe we will all go to our own posts in the future, but we are all fighting for justice!"

Ozawa stood up suddenly, stepped on the coffee table, and said with pride.

Her eye sockets were extremely moist.

Ron also poured himself a full glass of wine again, stood up and raised his glass with a smile:

"You're all like a bitch! Don't cry!"

"Come and drink!!"

"Kebi, stop singing! You sing so badly, people don't know how many wives you have died!"

Everyone laughed again, Kebi put down the microphone with a blushing face, and walked over.

Ron raises his glass:

"The past period of time was the happiest time of my life."

"I am very grateful to have met you all, it has been an honor for me."

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