"You even have beasts of space. If it weren't for my increasing mastery of space, I might really suffer from your trick."

Her emerald hair was flying, and Garda's voice was full of joy.

"Sure enough, you are really good!"

"You're not bad either. I've never heard that the True Ancestor has such martial arts."

William said indifferently, and then the muscles in his hand bulged, and his free left hand turned into a fist, and slammed Garda's face fiercely.

Garda raised her eyebrows, and a defiant smile flickered from the corner of her mouth.

"After all, my fighting style is a bit different from those two guys."

While she was saying this, she also reached out her right hand and took it straight towards William's heart.

"Habits are harmful!"



Two completely different voices sounded immediately.

With the sound of tearing, Garda's tender white hands directly turned into sharp blades like eagle claws, tearing up William's clothes and leaving three pale scratches on it.

On the other side, Jiada herself flew upside down.

At a speed that almost exceeded the line of sight, it smashed hard to the ground, broke through the ice layer, and sank deeply into the beach.

Under the clenched fist, bright red blood dripped down William's fingers.

"So, you never considered that my body is so much stronger than yours, Garda!"

An indifferent mocking sound sounded, and William also slowly fell from the air to the ground.

"It seems so!"

Jiada struggled to get up, crawled out of the hole, and said very strangely and horribly.

Why do you describe it like this!

The plain white shirt had been completely stained blood red, the tight-fitting jeans were stained with dirt, and a long tear was torn near the root of the thigh, exposing the white, tender and greasy skin inside.

Even on the chest of her blouse, two buttons were missing, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white and deep ravines.

From this point of view, this should be an extremely fragrant scene.

But looking upwards, beyond the plain white neck, at the bright red lips.

What about the rest of the eyes?And half of the head!

"How about it, do you want to continue!"

Delicate granulation protruded from Garda's bloody head, and the inner tissues of the brain were constantly being regenerated.

High nose bridge!

Bright green pupils!

Smooth forehead!

And the emerald green hair that instantly grew to the waist.

"What's the matter with your physical fitness, even the Dragon Clan doesn't have this level!"

Jiada coughed up a mouthful of blood in an instant, and the red, white and all mixed together in a pool of blood on the ground.

She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said in disbelief.

Although this eagle claw is her transformed ability, the sharpness is enough for even the strongest dragon to catch it instantly.

But such an attack, not to mention taking out the heart of the person in front of him, left only three shallow scratches.

"Since you and I are both immortal, the outcome should have been decided just now!"

William said this resignedly. In fact, he tried to directly kill the third true ancestor just now.

But the moment he blew Jiada's head off, he knew it was impossible.

He was able to kill Yuan Yuan in an instant because she didn't have a physical body and couldn't connect with beasts, so she didn't have the immortality of a vampire at that time.

That's how he could kill Yuan Chu in the tomb.

But the Garda in front of her eyes was completely different!

She is the true ancestor who has a real body and resides in the blood of these 27 beasts.

If you want to kill her, unless you cut off the connection between the 27 beasts in her body and herself at the same time, it will be foolish talk.

"It's true, if you continue, it will be a bit ugly."

"I'm going to lose this battle!"

Jiada's facial expression was slightly ferocious, and it was obvious that the pain in her head that had just recovered was really high.

Although True Ancestors are immortal, it doesn't mean they don't have pain nerves.

But she did show her demeanor as a True Ancestor.

Regardless of whether William really has immortality or not, it is true that he lost a move just now and got his head blown off.

"That's good!"

William also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, if Garda continued to entangle with her immortality, it would be troublesome for him.

However, that being said, it is still possible to seal it with all his strength.

"Then let's discuss other things next!"

Jiada narrowed her eyes, smiled frivolously, and leaned directly in front of William.

"I've been thinking about it since just now, your body smells so good!"

While she was saying this, she also raised her nose to sniff William's body.

"Are you thirsting for my blood like Vatra!"

William frowned, and took a step back involuntarily.

It's not that Garda's half-naked posture is unattractive.

It's just that the rust smell on her body at the moment is too strong.

No matter how beautiful a girl is, if she has a strange smell, anyone will run away from her.

Jiada frowned slightly!

The disgust in William's eyes was caught in her eyes, and her red lips parted slightly.


The clear water surged from her white and tender feet, enveloping the entire delicate body of the imperial daughter.

The next moment!

The water dissipated, and the neat and tidy princess appeared in front of William.

The tattered clothes on his body were changed into an elegant white dress at some point.

"I was so rude just now!"

Garda lifted her skirt gracefully.

"Then let's talk about it! How can I exchange blood from you!"

She made no secret of her desire for William.

During the fight just now, there was a fighting spirit to suppress her instinct, and her physical state was not very obvious.

The winking eyes are like silk, and endless affection is exuded in the bright green pupils.

She is in a vampire rut right now.

Whether it was the attraction of William's own blood to her, or the lack of magic power's desire for blood just after the battle.

All these made the desire in her heart reach its peak at the moment.

After all, vampires sucking blood is equivalent to sex!

Vatra standing aside pricked up his ears!

For such a strong person, it is not difficult to hear what is said at a distance of only a hundred meters.

"If he agrees to the deal with the third true ancestor, then it means that I can get his blood through the deal."

An iridescent light of excitement flashed in Valtra's eyes.

Xian Guyong picked up his book and continued to study it carefully.

As for Nangong, he had already returned to Xianshen Island non-stop that month to carry out the work of appeasement.


William was also lost in thought.

Although he was still desired by vampires this time, it was still different from Vatra.

At that time, Vatra wanted to treat him directly as blood food and devour him.

Although Jiada thought the same way, her aggressiveness was not that strong.

Most importantly, Garda and Vatra are of different genders.

Facing this beautiful vampire, he didn't have the anger he felt back then, but seriously thought about the possibility.

Let me ask, being desired by a gay guy is of course different from being desired by a beautiful woman.

"Then you search the magic book! I will contact you when the transaction is made, and I will decide how much blood to give you at that time!"

After thinking for a while, William felt that he only had one need for the time being.

After this feast of flames is over, he will deal with the matter at hand first, and then start to enter the time of retreat and transformation of the body.

At this time, he will also fall into an unprecedented weak state.

Transforming a star beast is not a simple matter, he needs to separate part of the star source in his body.

The star source can be regenerated, but the regeneration speed is very slow.

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