There is a reason for this!

A bonus from talent!

Chu Yun discovered that the talent panel is not on the attribute panel, but a separate system!

He opened the talent panel!

The unexpected happened to him!

On the empty talent panel, three bright little suns appeared!

Chu Yun looked at the talent panel.

"I go."

"Is this the awakening of three talents?"

He was stunned!

Chu Yun discovered that there should only be one talented professional in the fourth rank.

And he has three of them!

Talent [-]: Taboo

Talent [-]: Charm

Talent [-]: Fortune Draw (MAX)

Current remaining talent points: 105


The imperial capital is extremely far away from Donghai Province.

This is the most prosperous capital of the Dragon Kingdom, and it is also the guild headquarters of the Ninth Rank Guild Fighter Association.

Zhan Tianman, as the leader of an elite regiment of 387 of the Warrior Association, is a rank seven professional with a combat power as high as a thousand stars.

At this time, he was in a gravity room with ten thousand times the gravity.

Sweat profusely!

Punch after punch!

Bang bang bang bang!

Every punch seemed to explode a hill!

The fiery breath brought out by the fist wind is like the sun!

The huge high pressure almost melted the entire gravity chamber!

He is as terrifying as a humanoid tyrannosaurus rex!

The daily warm-up is over.

Feeling very good.

Zhan Tianman is ready to take on his own professional mission.


"News from Donghai Province."

At this time, a muscular man who was also full of muscles came slowly, and said to Zhan Tianman with a serious expression on his face.

"Donghai Province?"

It took Zhan Tianman three seconds to remember this small province that is extremely rare in the Dragon Kingdom.

"what happened?"

He looked at the muscular man with a pair of tiger eyes, sparkling.

"Dongdu City in Donghai Province has a legendary secret realm, the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters."

"We played records there."

"Just before, it was broken by the Magic Association."

The muscular man frowned with a serious expression on his face.

"Oh, that little secret realm?"

Zhan Tianman thought for a long time, and finally remembered.

"If it breaks, it breaks."

"The record was typed casually at that time."

"It must be more than ten years?"

"The paranoiacs from the Magic Association are getting more and more stupid, and they want to fight for a [LV.60] legendary secret realm."

Zhan Tianman didn't react when he heard the words, and commented lightly, there was a bit of contempt for the Magic Association in his words.

He was telling the truth.

The legendary secret realm of Wan Yao Kingdom is the record that he brought his team through Donghai Province to play casually.

Although it is said that the secret realm only opens once in a few years, no one has been able to break his record for more than ten years. Now that the Magic Association has finally broken it, it is normal for him to look down on it.


"The news just came."

"The latest record of Wan Yao Kingdom is - one hour, two ten minutes."

The muscular man shook his head with a bit of shock in his tone.

Back then, he had personally participated in the Battle of Mystery Realm Records in the Wan Yao Kingdom.

Although this small secret realm began to suppress levels after the seventh world, the last three-form Lord of the Ten Thousand Monsters is very distinctive.

At that time, 25 of them fought fiercely for three hours.

Even after more than ten years, the muscular man still has some impressions.

If it's just a little faster than their record, that's fine.

But this record, as the think tank of the Manshan Group, he deduced for a long time, but he didn't figure out how to make this record.

"One hour and twenty minutes?"

"How much time did we play before? One hour, three 10 minutes?"

Zhan Tianman frowned, his memory is not very good.

It was more than ten minutes soon, and he felt that there was nothing more.


"Leader, the record we made at that time was - 8 hours and 35 minutes."

The muscular man whispered.

ps: Four more [-] words completed!Please customize!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for all kinds of data!Kowtow bang bang bang bang! .

071 Forbidden Talent!Shock of the Fool! [1, ask for customization]

Zhan Tian was stunned. ()

"Wu Ji, are you saying that the people from the Little Secret Realm Magic Association were six hours faster than us?"

He stared at the muscular man named Wu Ji seriously.

"It's seven hours."

Wu Ji knew that his team leader's IQ gave him muscle.

My memory is not good, and my arithmetic is not very good, so I immediately corrected it.



"Which elite group from the Magic Association achieved the results?"

"The blue bird group or the Yuankong group?"

Zhan Tianman asked lightly.

"No, it's a team called Fuyun. I've never heard of it. It might be a new team."

Wu Ji had already investigated clearly, and immediately revealed the information.

"Hehe, do you want to step on our Manshan regiment?"

"Then he made a mistake."

"Wu Ji, go prepare the destiny scroll, call the brothers, and go to Donghai Province."

Zhan Tian said very coldly.

"Ah, boss, we don't have many scrolls to renew the destiny."

"Besides, it's too wasteful to use destiny to refresh the scroll in a mere level 60 legendary secret realm?"

Wu Ji was stunned.

Who was despising the Magic Association just now...

Why did the boss change the subject and go to Donghai Province?

He was a little bit embarrassed.

Although the record was broken, it was a bit of a bummer.

But he came to tell Zhan Tianman that he just wanted his boss to pay attention to this floating cloud group. According to his speculation, the secret realm of Wan Yao Kingdom must be the first shot fired by the opponent, and other records will definitely be set in the future.

Unexpectedly, Zhan Tianman was going to kill Dongdu City directly.

Also use the destiny to refresh the scroll!

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