Just fifty kilometers of railway.

It takes 1 people to protect.

The railway from Jiangdong to Xuzhou is estimated to be hundreds of kilometers long.

That would require tens of thousands of people to protect the railroad.

This is a huge waste of troops.

Sun Ce is also aware of this.

"Come here, please invite Jia Xu, Xun You, and Zhao Yun."

Sun Ce pondered for a moment and spoke.

Take orders from left to right.

Not long after, Xun You, Jia Xu, and Zhao Yun came to the General's Mansion one after another.

Sun Ce told the story of the bombing of the railway.


"Do you have any good solutions?"

"Tie Cao is too deceptive.

Do not kill him as a son of man.

Please allow me to lead the Azure Dragon Legion, my lord.

Kill Xudu, cut off Cao thief's head and offer it up! "

Zhao Yun was the first to express his opinion.

There was a murderous look on his face.

"If there is no other way.

This is also a good way. "

Sun Ce nodded.

Chapter 559 'Kill chickens to warn monkeys. '

Sun Ce does not fight Cao Cao now.

Not incapable of fighting.

If Sun Ce goes to war with Cao Cao in an all-out way.

The winning rate will be as high as [-]%.

The reason why Sun Ce planned to wait two more years.

It is intended to accumulate enough strength.

Increase the winning rate to [-]%, or even [-]%, and then eliminate Cao Cao.

But if Cao Cao insists on provoking Sun Ce.

Sun Ce didn't mind launching a war early to get rid of Cao Cao.

"My lord, it would be better to wait two years before attacking Cao thief.

The subordinates have a way to solve the problem of the railway being bombed. "

Jia Xu said with a smile.

"any solution?"

Sun Ce asked.

"Why don't Cao's men dare to blow up the railway during the day?

Because of the good visibility during the day, Cao thief's people can be easily spotted.

My lord, why don't you build street lights along the railway?

That way, even at night.

Line of sight can also be good.

The person who can find the Cao thief.

If Cao's thief dares to bomb the railway.

He must be told to come and go! "

Sun Ce thought about it carefully and thought it was pretty good.

So praise.

"Good plan.

Wenhe, fortunately, I have you.

Otherwise I don't know what to do. "


Jia Xu laughed.


Sun Ce asked.

"Kill chickens to scare monkeys."

Jia Xu said with a smile.

"If my lord can arrest the first wave of people who bombed the railway.

And be late in public.

Cao Cao will understand that the method of bombing the railway will not work.

Naturally, they dare not send people to bomb the railway easily. "

"Very well, do as you say."

Sun Ce's eyes lit up slightly and he nodded.

Since then, the problem of how to prevent the railway from being bombed has been solved.

Build streetlights along the railroad.

Let Zhuge Liang do this.

And the matter of killing chickens and monkeys.

In order to express the importance of Sun Ce.

Decided to go out in person.

Sun Ce mobilized three thousand guards.

Here is a brief description of the composition of the defenders.

The Guard Corps consisted of ten divisions.

One of the divisions was cavalry.

Eight were infantry.

Another is a gunner.

It's not a gun like the corner gun.

It is a musket researched by Tiangong Institute.

Sun Ce ordered the god musket.

At present, only the Musketeers and the Tenth Division of the Guards Corps are equipped with the Celestial Musket.

Sun Ce brought three thousand guards this time.

These three thousand soldiers are all from the Tenth Division of the Guard Corps.

Everyone carries a gun.

Sun Ce himself also brought a god musket.

After all, thermal weapons are the direction of future weapons.

Even if it is a fierce general like Sun Ce.

If you get shot, you will be seriously injured.

If the shot hit the head.

Sun Ce will be headshot.

Therefore, Sun Ce gradually abandoned cold weapons such as Overlord Spear and Overlord Bow.

Playing with guns instead.

After a month of training.

Sun Ce has grown into a sharpshooter.

Within 300 meters, one shot will kill a child.

300 meters away?

It's not that Sun Ce couldn't make it right.

But beyond the range of the gods musket.

There is nothing the gods can do when they come.

Back to topic.

Sun Ce took Zhuge Liang and led the [-] spearmen of the [-]th Division of the garrison army day and night.

Rush to Nanji City as fast as possible.

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