"The lord strives hard to govern and practice benevolent government.

Not only give the people fertile land, but also reduce or exempt taxes.

The most important thing is to provide them with a safe and stable environment.

You are not worthy of being greeted by the people out of town.

No one in the world is worth it that day. "

A Lujiang official stood up and complimented him.

Said flatteringly.

"Yeah yeah."

Other officials chimed in.

Surrounding Sun Ce, they bowed and bowed again, and flattered them again.

He exaggerated Sun Ce's contribution to the people of Lujiang to the sky.

He also praised Sun Ce himself as a god.

The people also thought so after hearing it.

One by one, they began to spontaneously shout Sun Ce's name.

With a smile on his lips, Sun Ce talked and laughed happily with everyone.

It took a long time for the welcome to end.

Everyone followed Sun Ce back to Shucheng.

Arrived in Shucheng.

A banquet to clean up the dust is indispensable.

The banquet did not end until the evening.

Many officials left one after another.

Sun Ce summoned Xun You alone at the State Shepherd's Mansion.

"Gongda, you know I hate these red tapes the most.

Next time, don't engage in any drama where tens of thousands of people come out of the city to welcome them.

I'm tired and so are they. "

Sun Ce said.

I have some complaints about Xun You.

as a modern person.

Sun Ce dislikes complicated etiquette very much.

Don't say anything else.

It took a long time to talk to the officials and people who greeted him.

Dry throat!

"Return to my lord.

The common people went out of the city to greet them, not organized by their subordinates.

It was organized by themselves. "

Xun You smiled and said:

"After all, my lord, you are a wise monarch, deeply loved by the people."


Sun Ce was taken aback.

Immediately touched his nose, feeling a little surprised.

He never expected that his image in the hearts of Lujiang people would be so good.

in fact.

As a modern person, Sun Ce has a conscience and shows compassion.

The ancient rulers basically exploited the people.

Some are so ruthless that the common people cannot live and can only die.

This is how the peasant uprising came about.

Sun Ce is not a saint.

But he is kind and benevolent compared to other rulers.

It is very good for the people.

This will allow tens of thousands of people to spontaneously leave the city to welcome him back in triumph.

Sun Ce thought about it.

Still said:

"Even if the people are spontaneous.

Don't want it next time, it's too troublesome. "

"The subordinates don't think so.

My lord doesn't like trouble, but this trouble is necessary. "

Xun You had a look of solemnity on his face.


Doesn't Mr. Gongda also hate the hypocritical etiquette of welcoming and sending off? "

Sun Ce was surprised.

"not like this."

Xun You shook his head.

He explained to Sun Ce: "The common people went out of the city to meet him.

This is good for your reputation.

Conducive to establishing your image.

Let the world fear and respect you.

This is also a performance that you have won the hearts of the people.

So this behavior cannot be undone. "

"Is that right?"

Sun Ce touched his nose.

I think it makes sense.

The Modern Life star arrives at a place by plane.

If more people pick up the plane.

Then it means that he is hotter.

Even if it doesn't actually fire.

Others will also find him angry.

If there are fewer people picking up the plane.

Even if he's actually hot.

It's the queen of heaven.

Others will also sigh and sigh.

I feel that he has gone downhill and is not popular anymore.

The same is true when the people go out of the city to greet them.

If Sun Ce returns triumphantly, there will be no people to greet him.

Even if he actually won the hearts of the people.

The prestige in Lujiang is unparalleled.

People in the world will also feel that he is unpopular.

thought here.

Sun Ce smiled shyly and said to Xun You.

"Okay, let's not cancel the activity of the people going out of the city to welcome them, let's keep it."

"My lord is wise."

Xun You gave a compliment.

Sun Ce smiled and asked:

"I've been fighting in Wujun these days, how is the situation in Lujiang?"

"Very well, the farmers live and work in peace and contentment.

Everyone is working diligently.

Provide food for Lujiang.

There are more merchants.

They buy and sell.

Sell ​​the special products of Lujiang.

Bring goods from all over the world.

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