He will definitely choose to surrender!

As such.

The lord can take Kuaiji County without a single soldier. "

Jia Xu said calmly.


Sun Ce's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but praise.

Jia Xu deserves to be the number one poisonous warrior of the Three Kingdoms, with a unique vision.

Always see where others don't.

It's not that Xun You is inferior to Jia Xu.

Both are great talents.

It's just that Xun You studied Confucianism since he was a child.

So do things more upright and defeat the enemy from the front.

But Jia Xu is cunning, like a poisonous snake.

Can always deliver a fatal blow where the enemy is not paying attention.

The two are bright and dark.

Can make up for each other's deficiencies.

Chapter 128 The system reappeared, please give a five-star praise

Sun Ce was very satisfied with this.

With the assistance of these two people, why worry about not being able to become supreme?

"Wen Hezhi just saw it today, and Xun admires it."

Xun You thought carefully about Jia Xu's plan.

The discovery was indeed better than his.

He bowed his hands to Jia Xu in admiration and said.

"You're welcome, you're welcome.

Gongda your wisdom is not inferior to mine.

I just got away with it this time. "

Jia Xu smiled slightly, and bowed back to Xun You.

At the same time, don't forget to blow each other's business.

At this time.

Other generals offered flattery and compliments one after another.

The corners of Jia Xu's mouth rose slightly, and he was in a good mood.

"Since everyone..."

Sun Ce was about to order to attack Wu Jun first.

The long-lost three options appeared.

"Please choose one of the following three options.

First: Attack Wu Jun first, and reward Chang Yuchun, the No.1 general of the Ming Dynasty.

Second: Attack Kuaiji County first and reward Bao Zheng.

Third: Divide into two groups, attack Wu County and Kuaiji County at the same time, reward Chang Yuchun and Bao Zheng! "

This choice comes out.

Sun Ce suddenly found himself in trouble.

According to rewards.

He must have chosen the third option.

After all, Chang Yuchun was the No.1 general of the Ming Dynasty.

Not only is he powerful in force, but he is proficient in all eighteen weapons.

And the control ability is amazing.

Commanding one hundred thousand soldiers and horses is no problem.

Even an army of one million can be commanded well.

Chang Yuchun followed Zhu Yuanzhang to conquer east and west.

He has won a great reputation.

Bravery is his postcard.

Facing a strong enemy, he never knew how to write the word fear.

It can be said.

Chang Yuchun is a comprehensive talent.

Compared with Gan Ning, Tai Shici, Huang Gai and others, he is much stronger.

Even Huang Zhong, who is currently the best under Sun Ce's command, is probably not as good as Chang Yuchun.

If you can get Chang Yuchun.

Sun Ce is like a tiger with wings added.

And Bao Zheng's value is also great.

No less than Chang Yuchun!

One side wants to prosper for a long time.

You must follow the rules, that is, the law.

There is a word in later generations called ruling the country by law.

The importance of the law can be seen.

Bao Zheng happens to be a top talent in law.

He was not only well versed in the law.

Moreover, he abides by the law, enforces the law strictly, and is not afraid of the powerful.

Such people exist.

The laws of a place and a country will be carried out to the end.

Society will function stably.

There will be no unrest.

At present, Jia Xu is in charge of judiciary under Sun Ce.

But Jia Xu's talent lies in tricks and poisonous schemes.

He is not as good as Bao Zheng when it comes to justice.

After all, Bao Zheng devoted his whole life to justice.

At the height of the law has reached the ceiling level.

Don't talk about Jia Xu.

Even many ministers of the Ministry of punishment in history are not as good as Bao Zheng.

Sun Ce was eager to get Bao Zheng.

In order to make up for the lack of justice.

But here is the problem.

Want to get Chang Yuchun and Bao Zheng at the same time.

You can only choose the third option to attack Wu County and Kuaiji County at the same time.

This plan is not as good as Jia Xu's.

If Jia Xu's plan is not used.

He will definitely think about it.


After Bao Zheng came, he was going to be in charge of justice.

That is to say, the power in Jia Xu's hands will be greatly weakened.

Two things go together.

Don't say that Jia Xu is sensitive.

Even a loyal person like Xun You would feel that Sun Ce was messing with him.

Sun Ce pondered for a long time, then said:

"I choose the third option."

"The selection is complete.

Chang Yuchun and Bao Zheng will arrive in Shu County within three days.


The two have been modified, and their memories and origins are in line with the current era.

And absolutely loyal to the host. "

A cold voice sounded.

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