As for other historical ancient capitals, Nanjing was destroyed long ago during the Anti-Japanese War. The three ancient capitals of Xi’an, Luoyang, and Kaifeng were constrained by the poor natural environment around them (mainly due to lack of water). Although Hangzhou is beautiful, it is too weak. ", as well as the province's special cultural background, were even rejected in the party from the very beginning.

After Xiyuansi Gongwang and his party met with the top CCP leaders, they were sent back to their residence the next day and put under semi-house arrest, waiting for the founding ceremony to take place.

Their residence was arranged in a villa halfway up the mountain—this house used to be a vacation villa for important members of the Kuomintang, but it was confiscated by the people's government after liberation.People who live here can see the belt-like Yangtze River by opening the window, and when they look down, they can see the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army who are training in the military barracks preparing for the founding ceremony at the foot of the mountain.

"Forward, forward, our team to the sun...."

In the early morning of April [-]th, Gong Wang of Xiyuan Temple was woken up by the sound of singing coming from the mountain.He put on his clothes, walked to the roof and looked down the mountain, only to see that the People's Liberation Army below had started morning drills.A group of devil officers who got up earlier than him were all standing there at this moment, peeping with binoculars.

Early in the morning, in the sky of the three towns of Wuhan, there were many planes forming formations, piercing the sky from time to time, shuttling back and forth between the north and south of the Yangtze River.Looking at the residential areas in the city, there are pieces of five-star red flags fluttering in the wind everywhere.

This group of Japanese devils headed by Xiyuanji Gongwang came to China at this time, all with various purposes.Everyone knows that they are witnessing the birth of an era.

Neiji Okamura murmured in Xiyuan Temple's ear: "Chang Kaishen was imprisoned from Shanghai Prison to Wuchang not long ago. I don't know if Li Runshi will kill him tomorrow to sacrifice the flag."

As a China hand, Neiji Okamura is well aware of those "old customs" in traditional Chinese culture.

"Mr. Okamura, you have underestimated Li Runshi. The reason why he let Chang Kaishen live until now is because the crimes committed by Chang Kaishen and the Kuomintang have not been fully exposed... Have you noticed, the CCP After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, five democratic parties were allowed to remain in the country. These so-called democratic parties are actually branches from the former KMT.” (Three less than in history.)

Okamura Ningji said: "It's just a decorative vase."

Gongwang of Xiyuan Temple said coldly: "Chang Kaishen and Chen Jitang are finished, but Sun Yat-sen's Kuomintang has not really perished, but Wang Jingwei, Zhang Qun and others have gone into exile overseas, and now they are raising the Kuomintang flag again in Singapore."

Neiji Okamura said: "Now in China, there is another leftist branch of the Kuomintang."

Mr. Xiyuan Temple said: "A centipede is dead but not stiff. Those who stayed in the country did not commit any major crimes. The CCP cannot shoot them all. This detail can be seen, just like what he wrote in his book. In this period, he also needs to unite with the petty bourgeoisie and the middle class in the country. Because the current CCP is seriously short of talents. They are introducing a large number of scholars, including college students, high school students, and normal students, into their own The political system. In this period, those who are able to provide education for their children in China will not be so poor in their family background.”

Okamura Neiji glanced at the young master of the Xiyuan Temple family in surprise. This person looked "ordinary" among the children of the Chinese ethnic group, but he did not expect that he would have such foresight.

Xiyuanji Gongwang recalled: "70 years ago, after our victory in the Fallen War, many things happened later. Okubo Toshimichi and Saigo Takamori all died in the end... After the birth of a new era and a new country, we must Wipe out the old forces and establish a stable framework for the new regime, and there will be fierce internal struggles. Japan is like this, Lucia is like this, and the CCP is no exception..."

Gong Wang of Xiyuan Temple looked at the red flag in the distance, and smiled: "Tomorrow is the founding ceremony of the Communist Party of China. I don't know how many people will be left standing on the tower of Zhonghemen in 20 years... ..."


Wuchang Gongdelin Prison was originally called Meizhaishan Prison.It was only after a large number of Kuomintang war criminals were escorted from various places last year that it was renamed "Gongdelin" Prison.There is a saying that all the prisoners in the prison are war criminals who have committed many crimes and owed countless merits, so they need to serve in the merit forest and wait for the punishment to repay their merits.

Although all high-ranking war criminals were held here, it was very different from prisons in other places - officers who were not at the brigade level or above, or special agents above the bureau level, were not eligible to be held here.

In the cafeteria in Gongdelin, there is a large straight-shaped counter with bricks, and behind it are three large rice buckets and two square tables sandwiched between them. The tables are filled with cooked pot vegetables.

At first, the prisoners designated by the prison management were responsible for distributing the food. However, because the prisoner who divided the food gave his former officer two extra shreds of meat, a fight broke out and finally turned into a large-scale brawl.Afterwards, the management learned a lesson, and changed the war criminals to take turns to share the dishes, and then they calmed down.

When ordering food, the prisoners have to line up, carrying a wooden dinner plate with a rice bowl, a soup bowl, and a plate, and walk to the three counters one by one to get food and vegetables.Under the pressure of the red iron fist of the proletariat, all the war criminals in the meritorious forest are honest and stick to their duties.

In Gongdelin's cafeteria, Chang Kaishen was the only special existence who didn't need to line up to get meals, and someone delivered them to his door while sitting.Every time his wheelchair was pushed into the cafeteria, the previously noisy cafeteria would suddenly become silent, only the sound of rice spoons colliding with porcelain bowls echoed.

Among the dozen or so square tables in the cafeteria, the one in the middle was for Chang Kaishen's exclusive use—it wasn't arranged by the guards, but given to him spontaneously by the prisoners in the prison.

The usual picture is that Jiang Jingguo, the only one who is not a prisoner but is in prison with Chang Kaishen, pushes him in a wheelchair to the table, and then picks up the plate to prepare food for him.

It is strictly forbidden for prisoners in the prison to waste food, but no matter how much food they get, Chang Kaishen deliberately does not eat all the food every time, so that Jiang Jingguo, who takes care of him, has to take the leftovers from the plate for him every time. eat up.

At first, most of the people in the cafeteria were Chang Kaishen's students, and the rest were all his subordinates.After the public trial in Shanghai last year, the relationship between Chang Kaishen and most of his students was at a standstill—those who can be imprisoned here have a lot of blood debts in their hands. After pushing each other and accusing each other of being the real mastermind of "slaughtering the people", the friendship between teachers and students is no longer.After Chang Kaishen's crime of "colluding with the Japanese invaders and sabotaging the War of Resistance" was carried out, even Huang Wei, the nerd most loyal to Chang Kaishen in the prison, lingered on the word "principal" when he saw him, I can't say anything.

After Gongdelin was transferred from Beiping to Wuchang, the number of prisoners held has been slowly increasing.The composition is also composed of all regular people, and the fineness of Guangxi and Sichuan has been added.But no matter what, when the new prisoners saw Chang Kaishen, even a bully warlord like Liu Wencai, he would show a disgusted expression like a maggot to Chang Kaishen.

In Gongde Forest, apart from the war criminals of the Chang and Guangxi clans, there are also some well-known local warlord leaders.The prisoner who has been imprisoned for the longest time is Jing Yuexiu. He was captured when the Red Army completed the Long March and launched the Battle of Yulin, and has been imprisoned ever since. Thanks to the grace of saving his life, he has been imprisoned for the needs of the United Front and Yang Hucheng's plea in the early days.

Every day when it was time to eat and relax, the horn in the cafeteria would sound on time to publicize current events and explain history and politics to the prisoners.One of the most talked-about content on the loudspeaker is the analysis of Chang Kaishen's life story.

Every time Chang Kaishen eats and plays the wind, the loudspeaker on the wall will play all kinds of dirty things he has done in the past: in addition to the massacre of civilians, the content also includes "the Micromanipulation", the resulting consequences.....

Just imagine, when all of a person's hidden privacy is exposed in front of colleagues, subordinates and students, how strong the feeling of "social death" will be...

This approach of the prison was naturally instructed by a certain senior man surnamed Huang.Chang Kaishen owed a lot of blood to the CCP. At that time, a senior surnamed Huang mentioned it casually, and everyone said it was great.Then there was the special benefit of "when the Chairman of the Standing Committee eats, his past embarrassing stories are broadcast on the loudspeaker for him to "bibimbap".

"Li Runshi didn't kill Chang Kaishen, but he killed him through the eyes of the prisoners in the prison." (Memoirs of a war criminal in Gongdelin)

On April [-]th, Gongdelin Prison became lively.The reason was to celebrate the upcoming founding of New China, and the prison management sent a little black pig for extra meals that night.

These bigwigs in the meritorious forest have killed countless people, but no one knows how to kill pigs.Dozens of people worked hard for a long time, stabbed several times, and took a whole morning to barely kill the second senior brother who "suffered torture" and died tragically.

That night, everyone had a large piece of meat on their dinner plates, and the prison officials even sent several jars of old wine.

For Chang Kaishen, the CCP is also benevolent. According to the standard of sick patients' meals, there is meat every meal, three dishes and one soup.But during the meal on the day before the founding of the Communist Party of China, Chang Kaishen looked at his students and subordinates, drinking and eating meat excitedly, as happy as a festival, his face was livid with anger at that time, and he didn't even move his chopsticks afterwards.

The guards in the prison saw it in their eyes and enjoyed it in their hearts—although their superiors repeatedly ordered them to pay attention to discipline and not abuse Chang Kaishen, but the so-called policy at the top and countermeasures at the bottom, and the bottom will do things in detail, I hate Chang Kaishen. Comrades, even under the guidance of a young man surnamed Huang, there must be a way to torment Chang Kaishen with cold violence.

That night, after drinking and eating, the warden Wang Yingguang stood up and told the war criminals at the scene a good news: tonight there will be a movie playing, and the name of the movie is "Liberation".

The film is a two-and-a-half-hour historical documentary, which records all the major events from the KMT-CCP ​​cooperation to the Northern Expedition to April 1939 to [-]. The production of the film started in June last year, and a large amount of content is used from It is edited from video tapes collected from various places.

At the beginning of the film, the narration started from the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Within 5 minutes of the broadcast, it talked about the Whampoa Military Academy, and the school talked about the important protagonist Chang Kaishen on the scene.During the period, two major events were mentioned like a horse on a horse: the assassination of Liao Zhongkai and the Zhongshan ship incident.

Chang Kaishen, who was forced to review his life in the cafeteria and was not allowed to leave, was forced to sit in the last row of the cafeteria with a black face at the time, watching a documentary film, while other people muttered in his ears, Whispers such as "the thief who steals the country" and "Chang Kaishen was also responsible for the murder of Mr. Liao".

"Nonsense, Mr. Liao is my good friend, and the person who killed him is Hu Hanmin's!"

Chang Kaishen was so angry that he patted the table—before Liao Zhongkai was assassinated, he and Chang Kaishen had a very good relationship, and this case has never been clarified. It is not yet clear who is behind the scenes until the 21st century, but Chang Kaishen During this period, his various political assassinations were almost exposed in this year, and he was recognized as the "No. [-] political hooligan in the Republic of China" in the country, and no one believed him if he denied it.

The movie was still playing, and Chang Kaishen, who was forced to watch it, couldn't leave if he wanted to, and had to endure countless mutterings from "colleagues and students of the party and state". He was so stimulated that his blood rushed to his brain, and he passed out directly.

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Chapter 319 Before the Founding Ceremony

In the early morning of April [-], Chang Kaishen was woken up from a dream by starvation.

He was dizzy last night, not so much because he was dizzy, but because he didn't eat dinner and was hypoglycemic and hungry. Afterwards, he recovered after drinking some hot soup, and continued his hunger strike.Comrade Nicholas Jingguo, who had been serving him all night, saw him wake up, and hurried over to help remove the shit and urine.

At 07:30 in the morning, the prisoners in the Gongde Forest woke up one after another. Today is the founding ceremony. The prisoners in the Gongde Forest do not need to go to work for forced labor. In the yard, those who boxed, did morning exercises, and ran, but all of them were very energetic, and they were all heartless, heartless, liverless, skinless...

Chang Kaishen, who was sitting in a wheelchair, finally couldn't help but reprimanded: "Don't you have no shame? Today is the day of the death of the party state!"

"This shouldn't be said by you, Chang Jingtang, who usurped the party and seized power, the destroyer of the Kuomintang!"

The person who said this strange remark was Liu Wencai, the leader of the Central Sichuan Warlord who was imprisoned in Gongde Forest almost at the same time as Chang Kaishen.

Under the guidance of Mr. Huang, in the past year, the Communist Party has specially publicized the "outstanding contributions" made by the large number of KMT members who were wiped out to the Chinese revolution when Chang Kai Shen purged the party, and made extremely detailed analysis.

Historically, before April [-]th, there were nearly one million registered party members and probationary party members of the Kuomintang, but after two purges of the party (the second purge was on May [-]th and lasted until September [-]st), the resulting As a result, the elite of the Kuomintang was completely destroyed. Instead, it was flooded with old and new bureaucrats, politicians, garbage, speculators and corrupt elements. It completely degenerated from a relatively progressive political group to a feudal warlord power overnight.

Even Bai Chongxi, Zhang Jingjiang, and even Cai Yuanpei, who has fled overseas now, and those high-level officials of the "Qing Party Committee" admitted afterwards with great pain: the Qing Party completely destroyed the faith and courage of the Kuomintang, and the spirit and spirit left over from the Sun Yat-sen era Completely destroyed, the entire organization was completely plunged into gloom and pessimism.

——The irony is that although the above-mentioned people were heartbroken after the incident, none of them were innocent in this matter: when the party was purged, all of them used the reason of "the Communist Party", and the massacre did not belong to them The faction of the "KMT" is even more active than killing the Communist Party...

After the CCP won the world, when Chang Kaishen was publicly tried, the focus of the second stage was to "popularize" the people of the whole country about the purge of the party, what Chang Kaishen and his group did in the purge of the party, and why they did it.Under Huang Ke's instigation, he specifically publicized the fact that Chang Kaishen spared no effort to kill the Kuomintang, and gave a special explanation.

According to Huang Ke: At April [-]th, Chang Kaishen was only the leader of a military force in the Northern Expedition Army. The supporters are also inferior to others: there are no more guns than others, no more votes than others, if he can rise to power, external forces have to betray the country, betray the revolution, and get financial support from foreigners and reactionary forces such as feudalism, buying officials, and plutocrats. In terms of internal struggle, it can only be "bad".

The so-called rottenness is to take the initiative to destroy the grassroots organizations of the Kuomintang, and wipe out all the Kuomintang members who do not belong to one's direct descendants and who refuse to pledge allegiance to him under the banner of the "Communist Party".So there was a scene where a large number of Kuomintang members shouted the slogans "Long live the Three People's Principles" and "Long live the Kuomintang" and were wiped out by the Kuomintang troops.

——The above contents were specifically explained by the CCP during the interrogation and propaganda in the past, and the narration in the film documentary titled "Liberation" released last night also specifically explained.

The narration also specifically mentioned: Chang Kaishen's trick was also followed by other Kuomintang figures.In the documentary, the ex-KMT officials who have fled overseas are named one by one, and the facts and crimes they have massacred the KMT under the pretext of purging the party are highlighted. (Li Zongren, Wang Jingwei, various warlords in the Northern Expedition, and local landlords and evil gentry all took advantage of this banner to simultaneously attack the Kuomintang with various purposes.)

In the documentary "Liberation", the final summary for the April [-]th Qing Party is: After April [-]th, the organization called the Kuomintang, founded by Sun Yat-sen, has died. Just a dancing devil.

The documentary about Liberation lasted for two and a half hours, and the chapter on the April 10 Purge of the Party lasted for three to ten minutes. Chang Kaishen couldn't stand it anymore and fainted after watching this.

The plot and narration comments, the script was decided by Huang Keding, and then the chairman and Wu Hao reviewed and revised it, and asked many "Democratic League" people for their opinions before making it into a film.

Regarding this period of history, the official propaganda of the later generations of the CCP only briefly mentioned "killing a large number of leftist progressives". In Huang Ke's view, this was a big mistake.He specifically explained this point to the chairman: Everyone must know how the Kuomintang was destroyed and degenerate.If this matter is made clearer, those Kuomintang members who have fled overseas will be torn apart and blame each other.

This matter is just a layer of paper. If Huang Ke speaks a little bit, everyone will understand. In this "Liberation" promotional film, when talking about the history of the confluence of Ning and Han, it is an addition to Chang Kaishen who later came to power after leaving the field. He got a new nickname: a monster named Chairman of the Standing Committee in the "painted skin of the dead Kuomintang", and added a sentence "the real destroyer of the Kuomintang" in the narration.

Chang Kaishen-Wang Jingwei's right-wing Kuomintang has been completely driven out of China, and now the remnants are hiding in Southeast Asia, surviving under the protection of the British.Huang Ke, who came from later generations, knows very well that these bedbugs have no other skills, but they can do anything without limit by seeking refuge in foreigners, betraying their compatriots, doing all kinds of reactionary propaganda overseas, begging to hug foreigners' thighs and be dogs.The CCP prohibits political assassination, but Huang Ke has no moral obsession with his work. He has already planned a lot of ideas in his mind to kill these bastards who have fled overseas.

Movie promotion is the first move he pursues.This propaganda film carefully planned by him will flow overseas through various channels and spread everywhere among overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese.This is just one of them. As for those guys who dance too much overseas, Huang Ke has already prepared other big meals for them.

Liu Wencai is one of the few war criminals who are not from the KMT, and he has no respect for Chang Kaishen.He also knew that he had done a lot of evil, and now he was living a day-to-day life. Seeing Chang Kaishen pretending to be aggressive here, he was immediately upset, so he borrowed flowers to present Buddha on the spot, and used the lines from last night's movie.

Liu Wencai spat on Chang Kaishen, not because he was very revolutionary, but because in order to save his life, he acted very revolutionary in the merit forest.

As soon as these words came out, Chang Kaishen, who was very hungry, was choked on the spot and almost couldn't breathe.He noticed that the people around him, Du Yuming and Guan Linzheng, looked at him with vicious eyes, without any respect.Especially Guan Linzheng, who was imprisoned for fear of war during the Henan campaign. Chang Kaishen was still imprisoned in Nanjing Prison when the regime fell.When the People's Liberation Army swept across the south, he was unfortunately captured and entered Gongde Forest.

As for Du Yuming, he was also unlucky. In 1936, in this plane, he had almost no blood debts in his hands. It was just that during the Battle of Hanyang, he was appointed by Chang Kaishen to replace Guan Linzheng to take over his business, and then Hanyang City was broken and captured. one sheet.

At this moment, the sound of knocking on the bowl came, and it was time for breakfast.

The breakfast that day was actually Yuanxiao dumpling. Chang Kaishen, who had been hungry all night, wanted to pretend to continue his hunger strike, but his son Jingguo kept persuading him to eat, seeing that he had lost a lot of weight because of taking care of him. Son, plus my stomach is really hungry, let's eat.

Then, really fragrant...

"Damn it, all the food that Comrade Huang sent was fed to the dogs!"

The young comrades of the People's Liberation Army standing guard on the side were cursing in their hearts.

After Du Yuming finished eating the glutinous rice balls, he was feeling sad about his future fate. The staff from the management office came over and asked him to pack his things.

As soon as these words were said, there was a little confusion at the scene, and Du Yuming's face turned pale with shock.

The administrator laughed and said, "What are you thinking, you were pardoned by the chairman!"


On the other side, Huang Ke was talking to the director Wang Yingguang.

Today is the founding ceremony of the country, and he came here specially to give condolences (advice) to the comrades guarding the prison.The things sent were all bought by Huang Ke in the Soviet Union with his own salary and brought back.

"Today is the founding ceremony, the first day of the birth of New China. For the war criminals inside, give them a day out, make dumplings, open up family meetings, make it festive, and eat good lunch and dinner."

Huang Ke's task is to get the instructions of the chairman to issue amnesty orders to some people who have not committed serious crimes.Of course, when doing this, Huang Ke also secretly picked up some private goods, and while sending condolences, he instructed Gong Delin to increase the "festive atmosphere", and tossed Chang Kaishen in different ways to let him experience more hatred of subjugation .According to Huang Ke's thinking, if he was in charge, he would load all the people in the Gongde Forest into the prison car, and then participate in the upcoming military parade, and take a walk on the Jiefang Road in front of the Zhonghua Gate to experience Take a breath of new China.

Li Runshi wouldn't do that, but he accepted Huang Ke's other suggestion to lock up the meritorious war criminals who committed minor crimes and release them on the day of the founding ceremony.

When Du Yuming walked out of the gate of Gongdelin, he found that his wife and children had been waiting there for a long time, while a bunch of family members of other war criminals were waiting outside to open the door to let people in.

A large number of family members poured in, and the merit forest suddenly became lively, filled with laughter, crying, tears and laughter.

"The Communist Party, the Communist Party really has tricks!"

Chang Kaishen, who couldn't bear the laughter and laughter of his subordinates on the "Day of the Fall of the Party and the Country", sat in a wheelchair with a dark face and asked his son to push him back into the room. The "Song of the Defenders of Nanjing" (that is, "Conquering Hell") sounded, and he was so angry that he covered his head with a quilt.

Outside, Huang Ke was driving the car, and Radu Yuming's family was walking on the road.

"Old Du, today is the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China. This is a special day. It would be a pity to miss it. The chairman has arranged for you a seat in the auditorium, and your family can watch it there."


Suddenly entering heaven from hell, Du Yuming was also at a loss.He was pardoned this time, and it was indeed Huang Ke who proposed it to the chairman—but the chairman originally planned to let go of the Kuomintang officers captured in the war without blood debt, so as to continue to divide the Kuomintang personnel who fled overseas. Huang Ke It was just a coincidence.Picking up Du Yuming in person was purely a result of his "bad taste" after watching the movies of the Three Great Wars of later generations.

Huang Ke took Du Yuming's family to the vicinity of the military parade, handed it over to the relevant personnel for reception and treatment, and then returned to the headquarters to deal with other people.

In the founding ceremony, there were a lot of things.Huang Ke's task is to collude with people from the education and business circles.

After Du Yuming was released, he quickly saw many acquaintances in the auditorium, including Chen Mingren, Wei Lihuang, Qiu Qingquan, and even Liao Yaoxiang who had just returned from studying abroad, and his teacher Xu Tingyao who had returned to the Communist Party under the call of the Communist Party. .

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