Huang Ke picked up the "Selected Works of Li Runshi" on the table and said: "Chairman, the content in this book, the teenage children read it and memorize it, but it is just a sponge to absorb water, which is difficult to digest. People in their 20s read it. Unless you are talented enough, or have suffered major pain or failure beforehand, you can understand the digestive part... Most people read it, probably just watching it for fun. People who live in an era of too much happiness, it is actually very difficult to really read it. understand this book."

Then he said: "In order for them to better understand this book in the future, we must help them establish a materialist and revolutionary way of thinking about analyzing the world, observing the world, and thinking about the world from the perspective of the masters of the socialist country from an early age. .....This is a hundred-year tree person!"

Zhou Shuren laughed and said to Li Runshi: "Cultivate people in a hundred years? Haha, I, Zhou Shuren, are not talented, and I am willing to be the one who cultivates people in this century for the chairman."

On that day, the three of them broke up happily.But a group of members of the Democratic League, well known to the society, have joys and worries, and are anxious about the coming new era.

In private, Liang Shuming, who had never said a word, said to Huang Yanpei: "China has thousands of years of history and dozens of founding heroes, but there has never been a person like Li Runshi. What he wants to do , even more unprecedented.”

Last year, he met Li Runshi and handed in his book "Rural Construction Theory", but the two sides had great differences. (Note: This incident happened in 1938 in history)

The conflict of opinion between the two was that Liang Shuming only wanted reform, while Li Runshi wanted revolution.Liang Shuming thought that the CCP’s revolution was just an agrarian revolution, and he tried to learn from Soviet Russia to complete the so-called revolution of “production relations”.But after experiencing today's events, he knew that what the other party planned was beyond what the word "revolution" could cover.

"Li Runshi, he wants to open up the world, compete with the sky, the earth, and the hearts of the people! Guess who he reminds me of?"

Huang Yanpei was slightly taken aback, a name flashed through his mind.

"Wang Mang?"


"Although I'm not talented, I also know how capable Wang Mang is, and how can he compare with Li Runshi?"

"Wang Mang is indeed not worthy of being compared with Li Runshi. Li Runshi's talent is ten times that of Wang Mang, but his ambition is a hundred times that of Wang Mang. Someone else might be a madman, but he is Li Runshi, he is Li Runshi!"

Liang Shuming sighed.

"I used to be puzzled, why loyalty is like traitor, and what is good is like evil... But what happened today, I understand that the ancients did not deceive me..."

The next day, Li Runshi's speech at the bank of the East Lake in Wujing, according to his instructions, was on the front pages of newspapers across the country intact, and soon after, the relevant content in "Selected Works of Li Runshi" was divided into one chapter per day. In this way, it began to be published serially in the "People's Daily", which is distributed nationwide.

Later, when I came to China, I took the train to Xiyuan Temple Gongwang in Hankou. After seeing this "pair by the East Lake" in the newspaper, the old fox was in a daze for a long time, and then he sighed to the ghosts around him: "What a Li Runshi, what a book." The Book of Dragon Slaying! I finally understand why that arrogant Huang Yuanxing is willing to work for this person."

Chang Kaishen, who was transferred to Wuhan Prison, was fortunate enough to read Chapter 1939 of "Selected Works of Li Runshi" on April 1, [-]—it was read to him by his son Jing Guo.

"Who is our enemy? Who is our friend? This question is the first question of the revolution..."

While reading Li Runshi's article, Jiang Jingguo savored and pondered, and then his hands trembled suddenly.The last time Huang Ke saw him, he assigned him homework. Jiang Jingguo was forced to do it and hand it in, but he was sent back shortly after, with a bunch of comments and evaluations added to it.

Jiang Jingguo didn't know who wrote it, but he had to bow his head under the eaves. After reading the annotations, he had to do his homework again, hand it in again, and then he was sent back to do it again. This happened several times.

Jiang Jingguo was just an "ordinary worker" who had been under house arrest in the Soviet Union for ten years. Although he had received an elite education, he had never really participated in the revolution. How could he know how his father failed.In fact, most of the homework he handed in was "dictated and written" by his father, and then he revised it after understanding it and handed it in again.

Jiang Jingguo was holding the newspaper, and saw that it was taking pictures with printed photos about some of the original manuscripts in "Selected Works of Li Runshi". The reason why his hands trembled was that he noticed that the handwriting on it seemed familiar.

He took out the returned homework, looked at the comments on it for comparison, and was shocked.

"Father, these annotations were written by Li Runshi! The handwriting of these annotations is exactly the same as those of Li Runshi's books!"

Chang Kaishen, who was half leaning on the bed, was stunned, grabbed the homework book from his son, carefully looked at the writing on it, and compared it with the writing on the newspaper. After a few seconds, he yelled crazily .

"I want to see Wang Yingguang, I want to see the director! Call him over!"

The place where Chang Kaishen is staying now is the prison in Wuhan, and the name of the prison is Gongdelin—because the location of the capital has changed, Gongdelin has also moved from Beiping to Wuhan.At present, the number of war criminals in the Gongde Forest has increased several times compared to before. Its director is named Wang Yingguang, who is the famous director of the Gongde Forest in history.

After Chang Kaishen met Director Wang, he asked on the spot, "Did these words be written by Li Runshi?"

Director Wang glanced at the number one counter-revolutionary in China, nodded and said, "That's right, this is what the chairman wrote."

Chang Kaishen "..."

Director Wang looked at the "workbook" that Chang Kaishen threw over and said, "The chairman said that you, Chang Kaishen, are not as useless as everyone imagined. All your abilities are focused on scheming and seeking personal gain for yourself. In fact, in a feudal society, at least he was Wang Qin and Yan Hao. However, times have changed..."

The new group is full, open a second group, the group number is 410109003

Chapter 316

Sitting on the destroyer Porter with the Stars and Stripes flying up the river, Pierre Dupont had a complacent expression on his face when he passed the Nanjing section.

"Proud in the spring breeze" is the mood of Lao Du at this time. He colluded with China and the Soviet Union to speculate on streptomycin stocks. The continuous harvest in the stock market made him a lot of money, but the most proud thing about Du Pont is that he obeyed. According to Huang Ke's suggestion, he "actively" made an investment in the CCP.

More than 5 outdated second-hand Mosin Nagant rifles, more than a dozen rusty old machines, and about [-] tons of explosives donated to the CCP after the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance, enabled him to successfully harvest the "Chinese people's "Old Friend" title.

"There is no higher rate of return than investing in an emerging power."

What Huang Ke said to him at the beginning is now becoming a reality.

In January last year, when the CCP’s special envoy visited the United States secretly, Huang Ke negotiated a series of industrial cooperation agreements on behalf of the CCP and DuPont in private.At a cost of US$[-] million, the CCP introduced several "nitric acid-fertilizer" production lines to DuPont, and this is only the beginning of the long-term cooperation between the two parties. (However, the money is paid in installments.) This year, after the news of the cooperation with the CCP came out, DuPont's stock also soared in the stock market.

After the CCP unified China, this emerging regime has shown a crazily pursuit of industrialization, which is completely different from the Chang Kaishen regime.Most of the few foreign exchange hard currencies in hand were invested in DuPont.

When the old DuPont came to China for the third time, DuPont provided equipment and technical personnel. The fertilizer plant built at the site of the former streptomycin factory in Nanjing was about to be completed, and it was just waiting for the final commissioning before it could be put into production.

In 1937, China and Japan fought a bloody battle in and outside Nanjing for more than 120 days. After the war, 200% of the buildings in Nanjing were razed to the ground. Outside the city, there was only the "quasi-concession" site belonging to DuPont, because of the American The protection of the Marine Corps and the bad precedent of "mistakenly bombing" the factory were the first. On the contrary, except for one main factory building that was blown up during the war, the rest of the auxiliary facilities were all intact.However, the total value of the remaining machinery and equipment and pipelines in this factory is only more than [-] million US dollars. The old DuPont donated the old factory to the CCP very early on as a "gift for the founding of the country".

As a shrewd businessman, the old DuPont learned one thing from Huang Ke: free is the most expensive.Afterwards, he was quickly rewarded and negotiated with the CCP the huge amount of technical equipment import business.

Originally, this factory was designed for the production of chemical fertilizers, but the core equipment was stolen by Huang Ke during Chang Kaishen's period. Then with the help of the Soviet Union, the Red Army established the first nitrogen fertilizer factory in New China in Baoji area—— The plant started in 36, but actually produced the first batch of fertilizers in early 1939.

As for the original factory in Nanjing, most of the infrastructure has been preserved intact. After the Sino-Japanese armistice in June last year, the CCP immediately rebuilt the original factory to "restore" it to the original design. Fertilizer plant" production function.

Due to the former foundations, its restoration to a nitrogen fertilizer plant was very fast.Only less than a year later, the main factory building has been rebuilt, and most of the new equipment imported from the United States has been basically installed in place, and the rest is just debugging.According to the plan, trial production will probably start in July of that year.

Its process equipment is exactly the same as that sold by DuPont to the Soviet Union. After the CCP introduced it, the Soviet technical experts assisted by the CCP can also easily and seamlessly connect it.

Standing on the command podium of the American destroyer, the old Du Pont looked at the tall nitric acid tower on the shore which had been renamed "Jinling No. The efficiency of the CCP regime is almost several times higher.

In February 1938, when the Battle of Nanjing was over and the Japanese army was still occupying Songhu, the CCP organized troops to clean up the ruins inside and outside Nanjing, and at the same time, it did not forget to restore the supporting projects and facilities around the streptomycin factory that were destroyed by the war.In March, the relevant missing equipment was ordered from the United States in advance.When the war ended in June, 10 people were immediately organized to work continuously around the factory to repair related facilities.It took three months to complete the preliminary work required for the construction of the fertilizer plant.

"China's labor is really cheap! Three shifts and two shifts, a worker coolie works 0.4 hours a day, and only needs to pay a wage equivalent to 0.4 US dollars!" The average American worker earns a minimum wage of one dollar a day, and $[-] is roughly equivalent to an ocean.)

However, considering that in China today, the cultural level of the common people is too poor and there is no infrastructure. Even if the old DuPont is greedy for his labor, he will not invest here easily.So for the time being, everything can only be purchased from the CCP with money.

"According to Huang, the CCP will have to wait eight to ten years before it can train the first generation of industrial workers..."

Old Dupont muttered in his heart.He, who is far away in the United States, knows all about the changes in China through his reporters stationed in China.In March, the cover of a certain issue of Time magazine in the United States featured a picture of [-] laborers working in Nanjing.

The old DuPont came to China this time not entirely for business, but to represent President Roosevelt's will and to greet the CCP as a "pro-China" person.After the long exam, Roosevelt has now decided to recognize the new regime of the CCP.

Pragmatic Roosevelt knew very well that whether he admits it or not, the red regime of the CCP is certain to win China.It is obviously a stupid action to fight against such a country with a population of more than 5000 million and force it to the hostile side.

Roosevelt's final decision was to recognize the new regime immediately after the founding of the CCP.Not only that, in order to increase the influence of the United States on the CCP, he also sent a warship with a small number of sailors up the Yangtze River, preparing to participate in the founding ceremony of the CCP.

When the destroyer Porter was going retrograde in the Yangtze River, another Soviet destroyer flying the sickle and hammer flag was also going up the Yangtze River at the same time.The Soviet warship was the first of a dozen Stalin sent to China from Europe.This approach also made the Japanese very nervous, mistakenly thinking that China and the Soviet Union were going to join forces to invade Japan.

They are all coming to attend the upcoming founding ceremony after getting permission from the CCP.When these two warships went upstream one after the other, the cruiser Dinghai was leading the way in front of them.


In the White House, Roosevelt took a globe, turned to China, and was communicating with his staff.

"In two days, Li Runshi will officially found the country. Mr. Hurley, do you have any opinions on the recognition of the CCP?"

"It's too early! Even if it is inevitable for us to recognize the CCP regime, we shouldn't recognize him at this time."

"You are wrong, now is the best time to establish diplomatic relations with the CCP."

Roosevelt shook his head, tapping his finger on the location of Germany on the globe.

"If I'm not mistaken, by the end of this year, Mr. Hitler will go bankrupt, right? The money he owes our American consortium can hardly even pay the interest!"

"The war in Europe will definitely break out within this year. You know, if it wasn't for the annexation of Austria at the beginning of the year, a large amount of foreign exchange was stolen from the Austrian treasury, and the Third Reich would have been bankrupt long ago."

(The annexation of Austria provided the Germans with as much as half a billion dollars in liquidity, which allowed Mustache's "economic miracle to continue", but by September of that year, Hitler's Germany's finances were also in a state of crisis. On the verge of total collapse, foreign debts exceeded 400 billion U.S. dollars, while the foreign exchange in the treasury was only [-] million yuan, and even the interest on debt repayment could not be paid.)

"We recognize the CCP regime now, which is the least cost. When war breaks out in the future, if we admit that we have to do something with the CCP in a hurry to establish diplomatic relations with the CCP, the price will be high."

Roosevelt explained that the whole world can now be sure that only the Soviet Union and the United States are ready to recognize the new China in the first place.

As for Japan, China's "short strip of water" neighbor, Japan sent the dying old man Xiyuanji Gongwang to China at this point in time.

Gongwang of Xiyuan Temple arrived in Hanyang two days before the founding ceremony. With the permission of China, he crossed south from Hankou Port on April [-] and took a boat to meet Li Runshi.

At this time, Gongwang of Xiyuan Temple had already seen the recently popular "Selected Works of Li Runshi" in advance, as well as the topics about revolution and re-revolution that he said on the bank of East Lake that day.

With extremely complicated emotions, Xiyuan Temple Gongwang saw two foreign warships parked at Wuchang Wharf when he was crossing the river by boat.

Sending a small number of military personnel to participate in the founding ceremony of this new red regime, both the United States and the Soviet Union can be said to have given the CCP enough face in this matter.

The appearance of a U.S. warship with the Stars and Stripes at Wuchang Wharf surprised Xiyuan Temple.

"What a terrible man! Li Runshi is the founding father of a generation, but the current President of the United States, Roosevelt, is also a hero. Fortunately, his term of office is about to expire."

Since April [-]th, Lee Yun-seok has been very busy.Xiyuansi Gongwang arrived in Wuchang on the [-]th, but he did not meet Chairman Li Runshi immediately, but first met Huang Ke and Bei Yihui who came to visit him specially.

"Master Xiyuan, after three years, we meet again."

Xiyuansi Gongwang looked at the young Huang Ke who was full of vitality from head to toe, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Xiyuan Temple Gongwang said while taking out the "People's Daily" published in recent days, pointing to the report on the front page, then sighed and said to Huang Ke: "This is the ambition of Li Runshi, whom you are loyal to. See These things, I finally understand why such an arrogant person like you would willingly serve them."

Huang Ke replied: "Mr. Xiyuanji, when you entered China at this period and participated in the founding ceremony, do you represent the Japanese government or your personal opinion?"

Gongwang of Xiyuan Temple replied: "All I do is just to see Li Runshi's demeanor up close. He rises in the grass in the body of a commoner. Such people are always unwilling to see them with their own eyes. As for Whether Japan will live or die in the future has nothing to do with me, a dying old man."

Then he asked Bei Yihui in front of Huang Ke, "Are you a Communist Party now?"

Bei Yihui was taken aback for a moment before he replied, "I joined the party last year."

"In the Northeast, the 15 citizens who were abandoned by the Kwantung Army, and those idiots in the military, actually treat all these people as abandoned children and throw them in China, which is equivalent to creating more opportunities for you."

Bei Yihui shut his mouth in embarrassment. After the Japanese were driven out of the Northeast, the so-called garrison of 15 people was captured after the war.

Afterwards, when the CCP and the Japanese army exchanged prisoners of war, the Japanese side pretended to be stupid and pretended not to know about the life and death of these 15 people. They also "pretend not to know", but afterwards accepted these people with great joy.

Kita Ikki replied: "The Japanese government abandoned them first, and they regarded them as a burden." "

When he saw Bei Yihui, Gongwang Xiyuanji almost didn't recognize him.Now he is darker and thinner than he was in Japan, but his spirit is quite good.

Both of them are very clear about the situation in Japan.It has come to this point today, and the Japanese side is still clenching their teeth, spending the last yen in their pockets into the bottomless pit of armaments and continuing to expand their armaments.

Xiyuan Temple Gongwang sighed and said: "Those people will become the seeds to overthrow the emperor system in the future. Those red deer of the Kwantung Army, they are looking for their own death again."

Kita Ikki replied: "In my opinion, the emperor system should have ended as early as the Meiji era, and the compromise back then was a big mistake."

Gong Wang of Xiyuan Temple was noncommittal.

In the following time, Bei Yihui stood in front of Xiyuan Temple Gongwang and introduced to him his experience, knowledge, and insights in China in the past two years.

After chatting for a few words, Gongwang of Xiyuan Temple suddenly asked Huang Ke who was sitting on the side: "Three years ago, Yuan Xing, you said that China's dynasties changed, and there were too few deaths. Did the CCP think of using expansion to solve this problem?"

Huang Ke replied: "Mr. Xiyuan Temple, I am just an insignificant person in the CCP, a commoner and a white man. I have no right to participate in this kind of national strategic level."

"You young man, don't deceive me."

Huang Ke smiled and said nothing. When he went to Chichibu Palace three years ago, everything was on eggshells.But three years later, the mentality of both parties was completely reversed.

Huang Ke said: "The contradiction between population and land is indeed a major headache for China in the future. Regarding these matters, you should ask Chairman Li Runshi face to face after you meet him."

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