"These words should not be uttered by militarists who brainwash the whole people with the idea of ​​militaristic fascist robbers and encourage all Japanese to come to China to rob!"

Toshishiro Obata blushed, and then turned pale again.

"You started out as rebels, and now you are teaching the people to do this kind of thing. Are you not afraid of repercussions in the future? Mr. Huang, you have learned a lot. You should know that during the French Revolution, after the flood of populism on a large scale, professional rebellion was finally born among the mobs. Those who have nothing to do in the name of revolution, all kinds of troubles in the name of uprising..."

Huang Ke replied: "That's right, the power of the people is water, and there must be a strong political party in control, so that the flood can be turned into the power of the hydropower station instead of a flood disaster. Toshi-kun Xiaobata, it's rare for you to come to China One trip, I will have someone take you around in a few days. See how the CCP controls this "water" power. What you are worried about will not happen."

On the same day, after the public trial was over, the four people on the stage were dragged out to patrol the streets, and then sent back to the Town Counter-Revolutionary Committee.

The reason why they lived longer is because the public trial of Chang Kaishen is about to begin, and these people need to appear in court as "witnesses".

PS, there is another chapter tonight, which is being written.Ask for a monthly pass, tomorrow is a holiday, my goal is at least [-] words.

Chapter 302 Public Trial of Chang Kaishen

One wave just flattened, another wave rose again.

On September [-]th, after sending away tens of thousands of Japanese prisoners of war, Shanghai Beach became even more lively.After the CCP forcibly took back the Shanghai Concession, countless foreign journalists are still stranded here, just waiting for the birth of this big news—the public trial of Chang Kaishen!

Before the start of the public trial, journalists from various countries were already very happy—because after China entered Shanghai, it produced all kinds of eye-catching news for them every day, and they were simply the parents of these journalists stationed in China.

In June, the eye-catching news photos about Shanghai were: the Chinese Communist Army neatly sleeping on the streets without disturbing the people.

From July to August: It is a big campaign to clean up the gangsters, brothels, gambling halls, and opium dens in the city, killing countless people and leaving countless foreigners in awe.

At the beginning of September, when tens of thousands of Japanese prisoners of war were released, a "farewell concert" was held for six consecutive days. The internationally famous "muse", the golden princess Elena, came on stage and sang in Japanese.

This climax had just passed, and the public trial of Chang Kaishen was staged in Shanghai.When the representatives sent by the southern warlords were gathering in Beiping for "peace talks" with Li Runshi, the CCP hurriedly tried Chang Kaishen at this "inappropriate" time, which itself was sending a strong political signal to the outside world.

In fact, in the North-South negotiations after July, the two sides did not go very smoothly.To paraphrase the words of Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi: Li Runshi is too much, this is not a negotiation, this is asking us to wash our necks and send them to his knife.

The demands of the CCP are: hand over the army, accept reorganization, local land reform, and the most terrible thing: the trial of war criminals...

Among the list of Class A war criminals issued by the CCP, Chang Kaishen ranks first.Negotiations are still going on here, and the interrogation of Chang Kaishen has already started there.

The shit-stirring British people gave Chang Kaishen the last help in this process. They spent money to hire a famous lawyer Jiang Yiping to defend Chang Kaishen-this person also defended Neiji Okamura in history Litigation stick.

During this period, the evidence of Chang Kaishen's crimes was almost finished.The place where Chang Kaishen was interrogated was the former Supreme Court for Foreigners on Zhexi Road in the Shanghai Concession—Chang Kaishen is no stranger to this place. Last year, he was accused of kidnapping by a wealthy businessman from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Humiliated at the banquet, now it can be regarded as "second entry into the palace".

Chang Kaishen was the only one who was sent to the dock, but when he was pushed to the trial seat in a wheelchair, he was surprised to see several acquaintances standing under the stage: Zhu Huaibing, Kang Ze, and a large group of accused Captured his own students and subordinates.All of these people were handcuffed and stood honestly under the stage.In addition, there is a large group of senior leaders of the "communist bandits" who he once offered rewards ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of oceans, and the sufferers are also on the side, including Xu Haidong.

There were no empty seats in the auditorium of the court, and there was a sea of ​​people outside the court.

Thanks to the early appearance of transistors, the public trial of Chang Kaishen was broadcast live to the people of Shanghai.As long as you have a transistor ore radio at home, or have wired speakers, you can always hear the content of the court hearing.

A total of [-] Chinese and foreign journalists were allowed to enter the courtroom.In addition, there are representatives and witnesses of the people in the old areas who were sent from the base areas of the whole country.

When the trial began, the public prosecutor began to read the indictment.

Even though he knew that he would die if he fell into the hands of the Communist Party, Chang Kaishen, in despair, did not want to bow his head to the mortal enemy. As soon as he came on stage, he yelled that this was a clown show of political persecution...

Then, as soon as the judge struck the hammer and the continuous warnings were invalid, the court police who had been prepared by the side took coercive measures and tightened the noose around his neck in advance, and Chang Kaishen quickly "quiet" down.

After being punished to be honest at last, the trial began.

When the public prosecutor began to indict Chang Kaishen's crimes, the audience was stunned for a second, because he sued Chang Kaishen for only two crimes: the crime of massacring people and the crime of treachery and treason.

At the scene of the public prosecution, every Chinese and foreign reporter received a thick stack of documents and materials: the content of the materials is very simple, all of which happened in the Red Army base area during the ten years from 27 to [-]. Information on mass massacres, and related to them, Chang Kaishen sent out telegrams ordering massacres.

Chang Kaishen's first court trial did not mention "counter-revolutionary" at all, but focused on the two points of "the crime of massacre of the people" and "the crime of traitors and traitors"-the CCP is very clear that when it comes to counter-revolutionaries, It will be used by Chang Kaishen and foreigners for political persecution, but the crimes of massacre of people and traitors and treason, this crime is very clear, and there is no way to stir up shit.

"It's not that counter-revolutionary crimes will not be investigated, but will be carried out later. The public trial against Chang Kaishen will last for many sessions. Let's start with the simplest ones and sort them out one by one. First, the crime of massacre of the people and the crime of traitors and traitors. crime, then the crime of kidnapping and extortion, the crime of murder, and the last one will be the current counter-revolutionary crime. The trial will take a long time..."

When Huang Ke said this, he was standing on the pier in Shanghai, seeing off his "old friend" Dai Yunong.Dai Li's subordinates left the country early, but he himself delayed leaving until this time.Through the loudspeaker on the pier, Dai Li also heard the content of Chang Kaishen's complaint.

According to the higher-ups, the process of interrogating Chang Kaishen deliberately separated his crimes into trials—if they were tried together, it would be easy for people to falsely describe him as "political persecution."

And this kind of split trial is relatively simple and clear: like a jigsaw puzzle, after each trial and confirmation of one of Chang Kaishen's major crimes, a piece of the jigsaw puzzle is completed. When these jigsaw puzzles are put together, the last thing you see is a China's No. The true face of counter-revolutionaries.

Dai Li said to Huang Ke with a wry smile: "Brother Yuan Xing, I just want to live out my life as an apartment when I go abroad, but you still refuse to let me go."

"You also owe a lot of blood... If you don't make some contributions to the country, I can't explain it to other comrades. And brother Yunong, you are not content with yourself and are willing to be ordinary. This time It is a world of great controversy, not only the great changes in China that have not been seen in 3000 years, but also the big changes that have not been seen in the world in 3000 years. In the next few years, Nanyang will inevitably be turbulent, and it is impossible for you to hide there."

"Unexpectedly, the United States is not suitable for me...Brother Yuanxing, you gave me too much money, but you made me suffer..."

At the end, Dai Li smiled wryly.He originally wanted to take refuge in the United States, but Huang Ke gave him the information on the European wealthy who had mysteriously disappeared in the United States in the past few years, and Dai Li dismissed the idea.

Relying on Huang Ke's relationship, Dai Li has made too much money in the US stock market, so he has been targeted for a long time.If he really went to the United States, he would definitely be skinned and boned, and eaten clean.

Huang Ke said:

"In the next few years, Nanyang will be very lively. Japanese and Americans will stretch their hands there. On the Chinese side, after the defeat of Chen Jitang and Li Zongren, a large number of Kuomintang members will flee there. In this period, whoever has money, Whoever forms a group first, whoever organizes first, whoever has a backer, will be the underground emperor here."

Dai Li asked: "Won't your Communist Party make arrangements there by itself? This is what you are best at, Brother Yuan Xing."

"Of course!"

Huang Ke didn't deny it either, because he knew that Dai Li couldn't be fooled.

He answered bluntly:

"There must be red, and there must be white! In the next few years, the Chinese in Nanyang will definitely split into two factions, red and white, but I hope that both factions will have our own people to preside over it... "

Dai Li: "..."

Dai Li followed his men and left by boat. The destination was first Hong Kong and then Singapore.After Huang Ke finished sending off Dai Li, the second person who was about to send off was He Wei, a senior cadre from the Red Fourth who would be in charge of Nanyang work in the future.

During the Long March, Huang Ke and Elena rushed to the headquarters of the Central Red Army. Before exposing Zhang Guotao's identity, He Wei, Li Te, and Huang Chao, as Zhang Guotao's core core, got very close to him.

After Zhang Guotao fell, the three were stripped of their military posts and received certain punishments.Afterwards, the strength of the Red Army developed rapidly, and the territory became bigger and bigger, but the three of them were always assigned to civilian and reserve jobs, and they never had the chance to return to the frontline battlefield.

Among the three, He Wei's background is the most special.

He Wei joined the Communist Party of Malaya in his early years.Malaya was a British and Dutch colony at that time, and was ruled by the British and the Dutch.Because of his active activities, He Wei was deported by the British and Dutch colonists and returned to China.After returning to China, He Wei was admitted to Xiamen University.After graduating from Xiamen University, He Wei was sent to Hong Kong to work in a garment factory and carry out revolutionary struggles.

He himself joined the party after April 1927, "butcher knife": In May 5, He Wei graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy. In December 1927, He Wei participated in the Guangzhou Uprising and joined the Communist Party of China.

Because He Wei was highly valued by Zhang Guotao, he was quite domineering.He Wei's working method is simple and rude, and many people have objections to him, but because Zhang Guotao appreciates him very much, everyone has nothing to do with him.

In 1989, "Digest" published a manuscript "He once shot at Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai", saying that on August 1935, 8, during the Red Army's Long March, the Party Central Committee held a meeting in Maoergai, Sichuan, and Zhang Guotao sent a message to He Wei. With a wink, He Wei took out his pistol and shot at the chairman opposite. Marshal Xu Zijing pushed He Wei's pistol upwards, and the bullet hit the roof, leaving a dense patch of bullet holes. deny.In addition, the other person who said that he shot was Li Te.

In this plane, after Huang Ke and Elena dealt with Zhang Guotao, they asked the chairman about it, and the answer was that they did not shoot at that time, but He Wei's attitude was not very good during the Maoergai meeting. (The author prefers that he was Zhang's pawn at the time, and he jumped very fiercely.)

The chairman said it very "politely" when he mentioned this matter, but the tail of the Red Fourth Front Army's problems has always been a headache for the upper echelons of the Red Army.Although Huang Ke killed Zhang Guotao and saved the Fourth Red Army, it brought about a problem: at the end of the Long March, the soldiers of the Fourth Red Army accounted for more than half of the Red Army.

From the Northwest campaign to the Shanxi campaign, most of the battles were also fought by the Red Fourth Front Army.This situation did not drop to less than [-]% due to the expansion and dismantling of the Red Army until the Second Red Front Army completed the Long March and entered the Northwest. However, the impact was still huge.

Cutting the hills is a must.The attitude of the upper echelons towards Zhang Guotao's former unit of the Red Fourth Front Army would naturally be dealt with according to the performance of all parties at the Maoergai meeting at that time-here, the views of Huang Ke, a newcomer, definitely played a big role.

Xu Zijing and Yu Tianyun, two of the most capable fighters and individual "stab heads" (stab heads mean that they are also thorn heads in Zhang's eyes) were reused.The rest are dismantled and reassembled according to the situation, mixed with sand.During the war, due to the rapid development of the Red Army and Li Runshi's repeated victories, now, three years later, people from the Fourth Red Army have basically obeyed Li Runshi and the Central Committee, and dare not have any delusions.

During these three years, He Wei's task was to return to his old job in the Red Army University: serve as a teacher and train reserve officers. It was not until the beginning of 1938 that he was transferred to the central government to assign new tasks.

Besides Huang Ke, the person who saw him off was Zeng Zhongsheng.

"Old He, for the past three years, the central government has been throwing you in the cadre school and letting you work as an educator. The real purpose is to grind your temper. You used to be too rough in your work style. After two years of grinding, now you are Much more stable."

He Wei kept his mouth shut and didn't speak.

Huang Ke heard people say that a few years ago, he once slapped the table with the top of the Central Red Army in Maoergai, but after being sent to the cadre school for two years, he seemed to be a different person.

The so-called nature is hard to change, human nature will undergo earth-shaking changes, only to encounter major setbacks and failures - in history, He Wei left the revolutionary team in despair after the entire army of the West Route Army was wiped out and Zhang Guotao defected , returned to Hainan to work as a farmer, and then died in the ordinary.

In this time and space, he was sent to the cadre school for two years, but his violent temper in the past has improved a lot, and he was promoted again just now.

The task that He Wei received was very simple: the central government dispatched a group of people to him, asking him to take advantage of the opportunity of the upcoming war of liberation, sneak back to Malaysia as a "KMT fugitive officer", and then lurk there to unite the local Chinese Power, waiting for the big changes in the future.

On the day Chang Kaishen was put on public trial, He Wei took more than 20 young people who returned from Nanyang to participate in the Anti-Japanese War and left by boat.The CCP has received a lot here.These overseas Chinese patriotic youths who have lived overseas for a long time have a high level of education compared to China, and many of them hold important positions.

After the war ended, these young people who had experienced the war of resistance became a new kind of fire to spread the revolution when they returned to their overseas hometowns.

PS: The plot of the overseas layout will be suspended here, and the next chapter will return to the plot of Chang Kaishen.

Chapter 303 The Headmaster and the Students Biting Each Other

Taking advantage of the fact that the whole world is paying attention to the public trial of Chang Kaishen, the Communist Party quietly sent away the "Red Party" and "White Party", preparing to plant mines in Southeast Asia.

On the other hand, the interrogation against Chang Kaishen is still going on.

Jiang Yiping, the lawyer who defended Chang Kai, prepared a lot of defenses in advance, but when the court first opened, he found that there were very few arguments to refute.

Jiang Yiping knew very well before the trial that he would not be able to defend successfully in this trial.But reputation is sometimes more important for those who eat the food of lawyers and lawsuits.Attorney Jiang felt that Chang Kaishen could take advantage of this trial to show his strength as a "public intellectual" who did not fear the Communist Party. Attorney Jiang felt that it would be very beneficial to his future development abroad.

However, as soon as the court opened, he discovered that the charges against Chang Kaishen that his opponent was prosecuting were not the "current counter-revolutionary crime" that he had prepared for a long time, but the simplest and purest crimes of "massacre of people" and "traitor".What's more terrible is that Chang Kaishen, the useless chairman of the committee, has almost all the telegram warrants issued by him as chairman of the committee for nearly ten years.

"Appointed to sit in handbook, written in black and white", even if you want to rely on it, you can't deny it.

When the public prosecutor prosecuted and questioned Chang Kaishen in court, they basically used the same rhythm: On a certain day, a certain month and a certain year, you issued this massacre order against a certain base area. Did you write this warrant? "

The words in black and white were revealed on the spot in the courtroom, and afterward, they went around in front of reporters from all over the world and allowed them to take pictures.Even if you want to deny it, you can't deny it.In fact, Chang Kaishen's massacre against the Soviet area was no longer a big news, and it was even a slogan he publicly chanted.

In this matter, Chang Kaishen is also a head-scratcher, and he admits it through gritted teeth.Then he explained, "This is an unacceptable act aimed at the evil communist ideology." This guy still has some brains in some places, and he wants to bring the topic to the rhythm of "current counter-revolution", and wants to bring the massacre of the people The crime becomes the rhythm of "against communism".His lawyer Jiang Yiping also wanted to bring the rhythm here in court.

It's a pity that the public prosecutor obviously came prepared. He didn't talk about revolution or ideological disputes, but only talked about the massacre of civilian children.

During the trial, the public prosecution side, from time to time, pulled out victims from various liberated areas who had been massacred to testify in court, recalling the tragedy of the massacre.It's really blood and tears every word, and I feel palpitations when I hear it.

The old base of the Red Fourth Front Army in Jiangbei and the Ruijin base in Jiangnan are now in the hands of the Red Army, and many mass graves after the massacre have been dug there.The photos were taken, developed and enlarged, and hung up in the court one by one. The picture of the mountain of bones is like hell on earth.

Chang Kaishen knew he couldn't live, but he didn't want to die with the name of a butcher, so he kept trying to bring the topic to "anti-communism", claiming that all the people he killed were communists.Chang Kaishen and his lawyer argued in court that his order was only to kill the local Communists.This is partisanship, not massacre.Responsibility should be borne by the militia and soldiers below.

As soon as Chang Kaishen said these words, Kang Ze, Zhu Huaibing and other "highly talented students of Whampoa" beside the court, these butchers whose hands were stained with the blood of the people in the old base area, suddenly changed their expressions.

Then, with a sneer, the public prosecutor dragged a bunch of war criminals specially drawn from the Gongde Forest to the court, and asked the butchers who executed the massacre order one by one what happened.

What happened next was horrible.

On stage, Chang Kaishen desperately blamed himself, saying, "He didn't expect the massacre to go out of control" and "everything was done by the people below."And his students, whether it be Kang Ze, Zhu Huaibing or his ilk, the division commanders, brigade commanders, and the specific executors of the massacre, all tried their best to blame them, saying that these were all orders and instructions from the committee.

During this time, Zhu Huaibing, who was driven into a hurry, also said something that made Chang Kaishen and countless "party-state remnants" who eavesdropped outside the venue vomit blood.

"We can't do it if we don't work hard! Chen Mingren, does everyone know? He also participated in the suppression of the Communist Party. His troops were suppressing the bandits. Ah, during the suppression of the Communist Party, they captured prisoners. As long as they are not officials and party members , was quickly released. But that’s why the Standing Committee Chairman has always disliked him, so he can only be a brigade commander....... This is him far away in Hunan, we are in Jiangxi In the war, the chairman personally sits in the battle to command, and keeps a close eye on it, and the chairman knows whoever kills less..."

The "KMT witnesses" brought to court were almost all Huangpu students, Chang Kaishen's "students".On the first day of the trial, the rhythm turned into a "principal" and "student" fighting each other, and there was no one who stubbornly admitted.

Jiang Yiping tried very hard to defend Chang Kaishen, but he soon discovered that the Communist Party prosecutor opposite him did not defend him at all.

They made the purpose of this public trial very clear: just use this platform to tell the people of the whole country what Chang Kaishen has done in China in the past ten years.

After proving that both the telegram and the massacre had actually happened, the rest of the time was spent constantly "repeating" reporting the horrible massacres that occurred in various bases in China, and "repeating" non-stop.

It took three days for the CCP's public prosecutor to roughly understand the "people massacre case" committed by Chang Kaishen.No matter how Jiang Yiping messed around on stage, the other party was like a programmed robot, not arguing with him, not arguing with him, but showing physical evidence (the massacre order issued by Chang Kaishen) on his own, and pulling him away. Witnesses, exhibits, appearances in court.In terms of witnesses, in addition to the murderer and the victim, there were a few more overseas people—foreign journalists who followed Chang Kaishen's troops into the Soviet area.

What has Chang Kaishen been doing in China for the past ten years?In fact, all foreigners who regard China as a chessboard know it, but they just pretend not to know it.After the CCP’s procedure was completed, the foreign journalists who heard the trial at the scene also understood: This is the true face of the cruel spokesperson supported by the British and American governments in China.People with a little bit of conscience cursed him as a beast in their hearts.People who have no conscience are also "this is our livestock".

During the public trial of Chang Kaishen, the court stopped every day of the trial.On September [-]th, the seventh anniversary of the "September [-]th Incident", the public prosecutor in court shifted the issue to the second crime: the crime of treason and treason.

Then Chang Kaishen's original "non-resistance telegram" before September [-] was publicly presented in court.

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