Men, as long as they want to take some responsibility, what can they do?If men don't memorize these things, they will face greater environmental pressure.

I can only bear it - I am the group of people whose income can barely reach [-]%, what about those men who are not [-]%?What about those men whose monthly income is less than [-] yuan, or even about [-] yuan, or even less?

Being a man is much harder than being a woman.

The years seem to be fine, just because you haven't been fucked by society.

The book "From 1935 to 2020", the book is the literary projection of the author's thoughts,

It is said that this book is too preachy, nonsense, this is a historical political military literature, without this flavor, is it still a historical political literature?Even Jin Yong never forgets to sell his private goods in his novels, please tell me whoever said such a thing, which book does not include the author's private goods?

For a book to be followed by everyone, the first thing is to arouse the resonance and empathy of readers somewhere.

I originally intended to write this book for people who have entered society and been fucked by society.The background data also shows that most of the readers are over [-] years old.

In addition, my QQ account has been frozen, and I cannot enter any groups, and I don’t know when it will be restored

Chapter 290 The Fire Spreader and the Betrayer

On June 6, the big news that the Anti-Japanese Alliance forcibly took back the Shanghai Concession, in conjunction with the "peaceful" liberation of Shanghai, made the whole of China lively for a while. media focus.

During this period, a large number of foreign journalists and foreign consuls who were still stranded in the concession in Shanghai did not leave.During this period, the CCP has completely blocked Shanghai's external shipping, and is arresting people on the "blacklist" all over the city.

"The Scary Red Terror!"

"Accord Bingo reappears in China!"

"As soon as the Anti-Japanese War was won, Li Runshi tore off his hypocritical veil of affection."

Countless Western reporters screamed.

But in fact, during this period, the people who entered the Shanghai Anti-Union and arrested all over the city were gangsters headed by Huang Jinrong and Du Yuesheng, as well as the most disgusting Shanghai-style demolition of the White Party and beggars.

As for those Kuomintang veterans who participated in April [-]th, Shanghai used to be an occupied area, and those who were able to leave had already left Shanghai in the past six months. There are not many big bosses in the street lamps, and all the people left are small and medium-sized people who are not high or low.

As for Huang Ke's gnashing of teeth compradors and financiers, some of them were arrested, including the most famous foreign compradors in the Shanghai Concession during this period: Xu Run, Zheng Guanying, Tang Tingshu, and Xi Zhengfu.

The latter is what makes the British and American newspapers shout "Accords" overseas...they hype it up, more to stir up shit.During this period, although the CCP had not officially established a state, the entire capitalist powers in Europe and America were already exclaiming that another Bolshevik regime with a large population was born.In contrast, Hitler's current act of annexing Sudetenland did not make them more fearful and vigilant than the "turning red" of China with a total population of 5000 million (actually [-] million).

During the period before the anti-union forces entered Shanghai, the top leaders of the central government discussed the issue of Shanghai for a long time. Huang Ke also handed over the historical materials of what happened after the liberation of Shanghai by the People's Liberation Army for reference.

Surprisingly, for these giant maggots parasitic on the Chinese people, Huang Ke's opinions are the most "leftist" among the upper echelons, and the punishment requirements are the most severe: everyone on the blacklist must be shot at hanging street lamps.

Behind the scenes, Wu Hao told Huang Ke the reason: Someone XXX covered our party cadres in a certain month of a certain year.So-and-so, in fact, his son is an underground party, and he is a progressive person who secretly supports our party (two-sided investment).A certain person has been cooperating with our party during the Great Revolution. In fact, he is so so...

"It's nothing more than investing in multiple parties in troubled times!"

Before leaving China, Huang Ke complained to the chairman dissatisfied.The list that Huang Ke took out at that time, after discussion, dozens of guys were let go in one breath, and people close to this number were circled and marked with question marks - this means that they will never be killed .In the end, those who would be dealt with specially accounted for only a little more than half of them. Although it was much more than in history, in Huang Ke's view, nearly half of the people who should hang street lamps had escaped.

"You doll, politics is not as simple as you imagined."

At that time, Li Runshi stretched out his hand and rubbed Huang Ke's hair, which was only one inch high, vigorously.

"Your thoughts are very innocent, but you just want to eliminate the problem, not solve it."

Huang Ke thought for a while, but didn't speak.

"Do you think that what happened later is that these guys who were supposed to hang the street lamps, as you said, survived and were united, and then created such a situation?"

"No...they're just dogs! They used to be foreigners' dogs, but later..."

Li Runshi glanced at Huang Ke, nodded, and said, "That's right, it became the dogs of those who became our own side, degenerated, and took the initiative to become evil dragons. They just changed from foreign compradors to capitalist-roaders." It’s just a comprador. But dogs are not lacking in any era! Hang these capitalist speculators who have contributed a little to the revolution. They can cultivate more children from the descendants of more heroes at any time. Miao Hong's red capitalists! Compared with the former, the latter is more difficult to deal with!"

"Understood, at least the former is a dead tiger that we can press to death at any time, keep them alive, occupy the latrine to prevent them from shitting, and we can pull them out again to borrow their heads when needed... Ouch!"

It was Huang Ke who was pecked on the forehead by the chairman.

"You brat..."

Li Runshi sighed, looked at Huang Ke and shook his head.

"Am I wrong again?"

"Wu Hao once said that you look like a person, do you know who he said you look like?"

"He didn't tell me."

"I'm very happy, you still have a pure heart. But, like me, you are too impatient to do things, because you are a time traveler, and you can see the results of many years earlier than others The answer, so your style of doing things is always too aggressive, and sometimes even unscrupulous."

Huang Ke admitted: "My mother also said about me, she said that I love to use tricks too much, that is to say, I am clever, and lack grandeur and upright schemes."

"The world is three-dimensional, and people's hearts are changing. People's hearts don't flow in one direction like the diode you invented. They are actually stars in the sky, changing anytime and anywhere. For example... .”

Li Runshi walked in the yard with Huang Ke.At this time, Beiping did not have the light pollution of later generations, and you could see the stars in the night sky when you looked up.

Li Rundao: "For example, Minister Zhuo, so far, he is still a qualified revolutionary."

"That's because he hasn't tasted power yet, and his child hasn't been born yet!"

Li Runshi sighed: "Yes, power is inherited by blood, blood continuation, few people can resist this human instinct, right?"

"The sun will eventually set, but the sun will eventually rise...History is a cycle. What you and I can do is to make the cycle of rising longer and cultivate qualified descendants. One generation, spread the fire. When the descending reincarnation inevitably appears due to the change of the times, a new fire passer can appear in time to pull it back to the ascending reincarnation..."

"What if you can't pull it back?"

"The flame will eventually go out, but the flame will eventually rekindle. People who have seen the bright and beautiful, living in the dark, will naturally instinctively create new flames again, and pursue the former light."

Li Runshi said and patted Huang Ke on the shoulder: "Because of you, the Chinese revolution experienced a lot of hardships and took a shortcut. It's not your fault. Because of you and Elena, China avoided being sacrificed in the War of Resistance Against Japan." The loss of 3000 million people is huge, but there will be a price to be paid for taking shortcuts - in the days to come, it is time for us to work hard to make up for this missing price..."

Li Yunshi said: "I will not be merciful. I am just recalculating now, how to pay the price of the 12 years of suffering that I have escaped."

Huang Ke nodded half-understanding, and then asked: "Comrade Wu Hao said that I look like a person, but who do you mean I look like?"

"Didn't you already hear the answer when you were in the Soviet Union?"



Only then did Huang Ke recall that Stalin once commented on him: not like Li Runshi, but like himself, with a strong and fiery temper.

Li Runshi grabbed Huang Ke's hands, held them in his hands, looked into his eyes and said, "Your heart is a fire. After meeting Elena, you fell in love with her, and you led her to the road of revolution." , but in the process, I was also attracted by her, from a speculator to a revolutionist, and walked on the same path. The flame in your heart is also ignited redder and more prosperous in the process, However, the burning passion of petty bourgeois romanticism alone cannot last long."


"You have to learn to control the flames in your heart and learn to compress them. It's like a fist that needs to be retracted and then punched out to be the most powerful. The power of the flame also needs to be compressed to become what you said, the greatest core. Fusion explosion. The same is true for the process of revolution. There is a period of bold advancement, but it also requires temporary retreat, hiding, accumulating energy, quietly observing, and thinking carefully! Waiting for a better opportunity, excessive radicality will only make the Around me, there are a lot of "pretending revolutionaries" who pretend to be more revolutionary than you."

"Pretending to be a revolutionist?"

Li Runshi laughed at himself and said: "Speculators, counter-revolutionaries, and capitalist roaders all have brains, and they will also evolve. The future capitalist roaders you told me, when needed, have always behaved better than anyone else." Are they all revolutionary? Even if the peasants raise an extra chicken and plant a few chrysanthemums in the corner fields of their homes, they will be cut off by them as the tail of capitalism! Isn’t this the birth of the revolutionary high-pressure environment I created? Is it the 'most revolutionary' "pretending to be a revolutionist" out there?"

Then he held Huang Ke's clenched hand and squeezed it hard again,

"The fist must be withdrawn to hit harder. This is the way to win the war. In fact, in political struggles, it is often necessary to wait and choose the best time to attack."

"Well, let the bullets fly for a while..."

"Hehe, is it the language of your era again?"

Li Yunshi sighed: "I was in another time and space, and one of the final failures was that he was in a hurry - of course, he had no time at that time. But now, the victory of the revolution was 12 years ahead of schedule, and I have more The 12 years of preparation time have also absorbed the mistakes I made in those years. This will be a long and arduous road, and any radical approach that wants to achieve it in one step is wrong."


In Moscow, Chang Kaishen was not the only one who was sold out by the Japanese.

The Japanese who lost everything in China only thought about the largest possible stop loss.

As an extra, Chang Kaishen was sold, and the Japanese helped arrest Du Yuesheng when he escaped, and sold them together.Huang Jinrong was hiding in the concession at that time, but he did not expect that the Japanese before the retreat were unreasonable and secretly colluded with the CCP’s underground party. A group of CCP contingents who sneaked into Shanghai in advance that night entered the British Concession from the Japanese Concession and directly attacked Huang Jinrong's residence, he was taken away from the house on the spot, and then retreated with the "cooperation" of the Japanese.

At that time, the patrolmen from the British Concession arrived after hearing the news, but they were stopped by the Japanese troops from the Japanese Concession.

The whole process was like a reversal drama - who would have thought that the Japanese who fought the Communist Party yesterday would play such a drama on the eve of retreat.

Of course, the key reason why the Japanese are so kind is that they are greedy for the "technical" exchange proposed by China and the Soviet Union.What they helped arrest and hand over were exposed traitors and gangsters. The real, well-hidden, Japanese-colluded spy traitors were still lurking.

On the other side, Fu Yi, the emperor of the puppet Manchukuo in Changchun, was captured by the Chinese and Soviet troops going south from the north as early as June [-].

The withdrawal of the Japanese army in the direction of Jilin was carried out in secret, and even the puppet government of Fu Yi concealed the whole process.write

"When I woke up, the city was filled with red flags", which was almost the status quo of the entire Jilin Province when it was liberated.There have been only a handful of non-violent firefights.

Fu Yi only received the information when the tracks of the T50 tanks of the Central and Soviet Army had run into the streets of Changchun City, and then desperately packed up his belongings and wanted to escape, but was blocked by his opponents. Fu Yi added a bunch of All the courtiers of the puppet Manchukuo were captured neatly.

Now this group of people was collectively imprisoned in the prison in Changchun, and Chang Kaishen in the south was quickly transported back to Shanghai after being caught—the place where he was detained was the prison of the former Longhua Police Headquarters.

Jiang Weiguo, Chang Kaishen's son, was arrested by the CCP and interrogated for a while. Because he had no blood debt on him, the CCP released him quickly.

At this point in time, the prison of the former garrison headquarters, which has been renamed the "Shanghai Revolutionary Committee", has once again attracted the attention of the media from all over the world.A large number of Chinese and foreign journalists gathered at the gate every day. Jiang Weiguo, who voluntarily returned to the prison to take care of his adoptive father, would be surrounded by a large number of reporters for questioning every time he went out.

Compared with Chang Kaishen's fate, during this period, there were a lot of gangsters imprisoned in Shanghai, such as Du Yuesheng, Huang Jinrong, and big-ticket foreign compradors. Because of their own fame, they were not as big as Chang Kaishen, so not many people paid attention to them. .

On June 25th, when Li Runshi, who was far away in Beiping, was interviewed by American Smollett, the other party asked about Chang Kaishen.

"We will not simply shoot him. On April 11, [-] years ago, it was not Chang Kaishen who betrayed the revolution alone. There would have been Li Kaishen without Chang Kaishen. Wang Kaishen stood up and replaced him to complete the counter-revolutionary campaign at that time. The mission of counter-attack by elements—for example, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi of the Guangxi Clique today, at the same time, were already colluding with the British and American forces to prepare for counter-revolutionary incidents. Before the merger of Ning and Han, the Wuhan Nationalist Government headed by Wang Jingwei and Hu Hanmin did the same. They are also sharpening their knives in secret..."

"Chang Kaishen's crimes are far more than simple betrayal of the revolution on April [-]. After April [-], he encircled and suppressed the Communists, committed countless massacres against the people in the Soviet area, and politically assassinated progressives in the Kuomintang-controlled areas. , persecution, and the despicable acts of kidnapping and extortion that drove the secret agents of the central government, all of these must be liquidated. He will be brought to court, and all the evidence of crimes will be made public in court, publicized, and he will be tried publicly !"

The short answer of a few hundred words has actually revealed quite a lot of information.

After the news was announced, the whole world and all of China saw one thing. With the CCP’s overall victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Northern Alliance forces led by Li Runshi and the Southern Alliance led by the Guangxi and Guangdong warlords “cooperated” in the honeymoon period of the anti-Japanese war. it's over......

PS: It's almost the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass

Chapter 291 Wei and Qiu go to Shanghai

Shanghai in July 1938 was hotter than any previous year.

After the CCP forcibly took back the Shanghai Concession, the British Yangtze River Fleet spent half a month in the Yangtze River.During this period, the Royal Navy, which felt ashamed, even urgently transferred several warships from Singapore and Hong Kong, and parked at the Yangtze River estuary for several days, including the aircraft carrier Hermes.

But it was a self-defeating demonstration of force.

Applying the views of the Japanese who have been kicked out of China: "What did you do earlier?"

"The British are simply slapping swollen faces to pretend to be fat."

Needless to be reminded by the traveler, Li Runshi and Stalin expressed similar views in unison. The British move was just pretending to be a hero.

Facing the threat of armed force from the British at sea, the CCP unceremoniously set up more coastal defense artillery and deployed more aircraft on both sides of the Yangtze River.

While threatening force, the British negotiated with the CCP, demanding the fulfillment of all unequal treaties signed since the Opium War, but even if they brought in the French and Italians, all they got was a resolute no.

Difficulty riding a tiger is a true description of Chamberlain's embarrassed appearance at that time.Chamberlain still wanted to get the Americans to speak out together, but Roosevelt, who also saw that the British Empire was too weak, would never place a bet on a game table that would lose. During this period, as Roosevelt's secret representative, Du Pont Sr. was visiting Beijing as an "old friend of the Chinese people", chatting and laughing with Li Runshi.

As for the task of negotiating with the British in Shanghai, it was handed over to Peng Shichuan.

In front of the British, Peng Shichuan uttered the famous saying of later generations more than ten years in advance: the era when imperialist countries can dominate China by setting up a few cannons on China's coastline is gone forever... .

At this point in time, Hitler also took advantage of the opportunity to make troubles in Europe, using threats of force and political statements. He was about to force Czechoslovakia to cede the Sudetenland region.

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