After that, the two sides exchanged prisoners of war (mainly the Sino-Soviet side), and secretly negotiated in private to discuss subsequent unresolved issues.

The news of the end of the Far East Campaign shocked the entire world, and the entire Western media exclaimed that another red Bolshevik regime with an extremely large population was established. What is more deadly is that in the process of establishing this regime, it was also in the process of establishing it. A Bolshevik regime formed a "blood alliance".

Stirring the shit, the British newspapers exclaimed: The "Moscow-Peking" axis has been formed.

"The greatest enemy of the world order is not Germany with a population of only 600 million! It is the Soviet Union and China. These two evil red communist regimes are the red axis between Moscow and Peking!"

Behind the loud exclamation of the British media is that at this time, Hitler has publicly clamored to solve the topic of civil rights of the "German minority in the Sudeten region of Czechoslovakia".

After Austria, whether it is Chamberlain or Daladier, they are already planning to betray the next ally, the younger brother!

On June 22, the Red Army, which entered Shanghai, suddenly sent troops to the concession, directly disarmed the armed forces in the concession, and then blocked the port, prohibiting anyone from using the port to leave.

Before that, a man named Deng Fa had sneaked into the concession for a long time a month ago. At the same time, another man named Xia Xi also came to Shenyang, which had just been liberated, at this time.

The war between China and Japan is over,

(The next chapter will explain the plot of Chang Kaishen. The final battle in Northeast China was not intense. As for the Shandong campaign or other specific base battles mentioned earlier, I plan to use It takes a few days to write a small rumor, and put it at the end as a separate article, which can be regarded as a completion.

What I hate about historical texts is that there are too many things to explain, including economics, politics, upper-level strategies, technology, and all aspects.If you write too much here, you will write less elsewhere.If you want to write very detailed, the plot development rhythm of the whole book will become extremely slow, and it will become procrastinated and watery. )

There are [-] words to be updated first, and there is no time to proofread. There are still [-] words to be written, and I will proofread after writing.If I become addicted to writing, I will write until [-] words, but it may be one or two o'clock. )

Chapter 288 Diamond Cracks (Second Update, 1.1 words completed)

"Japanese, trash!"

On June [-], in a private house in the Shanghai Concession, Chang Kaishen, unwilling to resign himself to reading the news about the liberation of Jinzhou in a newly published newspaper, hugged the newspaper into a ball.

After being seriously injured and paralyzed by the bomb on New Year's Day, Chang Kaishen stayed in Guangci Hospital for nearly three months before being discharged.When he was discharged from the hospital, he could no longer stand up and walk on his own.

A few days before he was discharged from the hospital, it happened to be the same time when the Red Army launched the battle to recover the Northeast. The attention of the whole of China and even Shanghai was attracted by this news.

As for Chang Kaishen, the paralyzed patient lying in Guangci Hospital, the former Supreme Chairman of the Nanjing Nationalist Government, Japanese spy Yusuke Ishida, anyway, no one paid attention to his life and death. A Dried Tofu page reported on this matter.Now he is no longer the darling of the media, and now the darling of the news circle in Shanghai has changed his target.

In the past two years, Shanghai newspapers mentioned Li Runshi's name has been changing.

During the Long March: Li Runshi, an ogre devil who was a communist and a wife, had been shot to death.

After the Battle of Songpan: Li Runshi, the leader of the bandit party, escaped by chance in Songpan.

After the Battle of Shanxi: Communist bandit Li Runshi reached a captive exchange agreement with the Chairman of the Standing Committee.

After the Battle of Hubei: Li Runshi, the leader of the Communist Party, established the Northern Anti-Japanese Alliance.

After the Battle of Huainan: Li Runshi, the leader of the Communist Party, forced the Yangtze River with troops, Nanjing was in danger, and Songhu was in danger.

And on June 1938, [-], the newspaper headlines published in the concession that day were already extremely flattering, and there were even more shameless ones who embroidered the red flag overnight: The Northern Anti-Japanese Alliance regained Jinzhou, an important town in the northeast, Long live Chairman Li Runshi!

During this period, even fools in Shanghai knew that the Japanese army had withdrawn from Songhu, and the liberation of Shanghai by anti-union troops outside the city was just around the corner.

The evidence is that after June, the Japanese in the Shanghai Concession are frantically transferring property and evacuating from Shanghai.Many foreigners from various countries are also evacuating this oriental city that never sleeps.The Japanese soldiers who appeared on the streets of Shanghai were not as energetic as before, and they could no longer see the arrogance of the past.

"The Japanese are about to lose!"

Chang Kaishen also knew that the Japanese were going to be defeated. Once the Japanese were defeated, the Red Army would definitely enter Songhu. If he, the heinous Chairman of the Standing Committee, fell into the hands of the Red Army, he would have to be skinned and cramped.Lying in the hospital, unable to take care of himself, Chang Kaishen kept thinking of a person very similar to himself: He Jian

Two years ago, someone smashed He Jian's patella, chopped off tendons in his hands and feet, and smashed his lower body. He became "the last eunuch in the Republic of China". After lying at home and wailing for two months, he finally died. Death.

Chang Kaishen's physical condition is better than He Jian's, but his family's situation is terrible: Wang Yaqiao's shocking explosion, the Chen family's Kong family collapsed, the older generation is almost dead, and the Song family is only left with Qing, who he doesn't like to see. Mrs. Ling and the youngest Song Zian, it is impossible for them from the younger generation to come and take care of Chang Kaishen.The worst thing was that Chang Kaishen was in the concession in the occupied area, and it was impossible for his friends and students to take the risk to visit and take care of him—not to mention that his reputation was notorious in China, and everyone avoided him.

In the past, the words "I am the principal's student" were very valuable.

Now if someone wants to use Whampoa's status to talk about things, they will probably only say: I am a student of Director Wu, or say: I was admitted to Whampoa by Chairman Li.As for Principal Chang, we don't know you, Chang Jingtang.

The only thing Chang Kaishen can rely on is his son Jiang Jingguo who is far away in the Soviet Union and his adopted son Jiang Weiguo in Germany.

However, in this plane, Chang Kaishen's nemesis "Ke Yuanxing" is in the Soviet Union. He blew wind in Stalin's ear, and Stalin is still holding Chiang Ching-kuo to this day.

As for Jiang Weiguo, who was studying in Germany, he had only recently returned from Germany after receiving a telegram that Chang Kaishen had been bombed.After Chang Kaishen was discharged from the hospital, he now lives in a house temporarily rented by Jiang Weiguo in the concession. The house was bought by Chang Kaishen's old friend Dai Jitao through connections, and Jiang Weiguo hired a nanny to take care of him.

On February [-], when Chang Kaishen's family was hospitalized in critical condition after being bombed, the entrance of the hospital was bustling like a market.After a while of uproar, Chang Kaishen, who was no longer newsworthy, quickly became a bug in the latrine that no one cares about.

In the past, everyone still cared about when he would become a traitor. Now that the Japanese are about to get out of China, if anyone still cares about him, it is only one possibility: when will he be caught and shot by Li Runshi.

Chang Kaishen wanted to leave Shanghai a long time after he was discharged from the hospital, but now he can't even take care of his stool and urine, and his mobility is very inconvenient.Moreover, Shanghai is an occupied area, which is inconvenient.What's more, in this period, he has been stared at for a long time, and it is not so easy to leave.

"Don't let Chang Kaishen run away! Huang Jinrong, Du Yuesheng, these youth gangsters who have their hands stained with the blood of working people and Communists, we must not let them go. An early revolution is worse than a late revolution, and a late revolution is worse than a counter-revolution. The Soviet Union One of the lessons of the disintegration is that the law thieves locked up in Siberia haven't killed enough. In our time and space, a lot of descendants and grandchildren of guys who sneaked into the organization through the opportunity of the united front and owed blood debts, relying on their parents 20 years later, the remaining resources will still be masters, living happily, and 30 years later, taking advantage of the tide of reformation, they will come back to sleep with the little girl and make a fortune, continuing the cycle of history!"

This is what Huang Ke said to the chairman before leaving China for the Soviet Union.

At that time, he was forced to return to China for a "profound" self-criticism because he played tricks on Chang Kaishen.After the review, Huang Ke picked up the party constitution and put forward his views and suggestions as a party member.

In Huang Ke's self-criticism, no matter how low his attitude was and how full the self-criticism was, the punishment he received in the end was a series of fines of three glasses of wine-in fact, those comrades who knew about it were very happy He gave Huang Ke a thumbs up, and muttered, Well done.

The liberation of Shanghai was imminent, and the voice of "Don't let Chang Kaishen escape" began to circulate in the party during this period.

Shanghai, known as the Pearl of the Orient, the Paris of the Orient, is the most "rotten" place in China that is closest to a capitalist country.If Xiao Huang Ke travels two years later, he will have the opportunity to appreciate the scene that "most resembles a Western country" that happened here later.

Before time travel, Da Huang Ke was a native of Huzhou, but he studied at Shanghai Jiaotong University and worked in Shanghai. He has always been a top white-collar worker, but he is also very aware of the local characteristics of Shanghai from the Republic of China to the liberation and then to the 21st century. .

"Shanghai must be thoroughly cleaned up! Compromise in history is a big mistake!"

That's the personal take he gave to the organization when he left.

Historically, Shanghai had some remnants of Chinese industrial facilities.But this time and space at this point in time.Half of the essence of Shanghai has been hollowed out by Huang Ke.The remaining ones were packed and cleared away by the Japanese during the Japanese occupation.According to Huang Ke's "prodigal son", in Shanghai now, there are only some lands that cannot be farmed, and there are no decent businesses except financiers who should hang street lights.Unless China hopes to take the "capitalist road" of "real estate rejuvenation and financial salvation", otherwise when entering Shanghai in the future, the first thing to do is to eliminate the counter-revolutionaries and clean up the country immediately!Hang all the five black and bad elements in Shanghai!

Before leaving China, Huang Ke brought out a long list of people to be shot when discussing the Shanghai issue at the top of the party: the information on the list was collected with the help of netizens in later generations, and even included a certain flour king.

During this period, the Japanese troops in Songhu also had no fighting spirit. From Sadao Araki to ordinary soldiers, and even the leaders of the Japanese secret service agencies stationed in Shanghai, they all knew that the history of the Japanese in China was coming to an end. Everyone was thinking Back off.

Just as the head of the [-]rd Division began to collude with the anti-Japanese people to seek personal gain for himself in the last month, the Japanese troops stationed in Songhu during this period, under the leadership of the [-]th Division, made a "deal" with the Red Army that surrounded them. "There are also more—the Japanese are not really inflexible.We must know that in history, the Japanese army paid tolls to the nearby New Fourth Army in order to ensure the safety of the Yangtze River waterway.

The higher authorities no longer wanted to fight for peace, and the Northeast case came before, and the Japanese herded sheep even more in the last month in Shanghai.

The direct result of this is that the Communist Party has more frequent activities in the concession and even in the Japanese-occupied area of ​​Shanghai.It was against this background that Deng Fa was sent to Shanghai in advance, entered the concession, and presided over the preparations for the future Red Army stationed in Shanghai.

After doing that, Little Huang Ke felt very good, and so did Big Huang Ke from another time and space. The only person who was worried was their mother, Lin Mei.

"You two are hiding from me again, secretly playing with history and manipulating historical celebrities."

"What's wrong, did I do something wrong again?"

"You have committed a big taboo!"

Lin Mu said: "Don't let those people feel that you are manipulating their views and ideas. This is a big taboo for politicians."

"I hope those bastards will all die. Isn't that strange? Everyone knows that, in fact, this is what a group of comrades around me want to do."

Lin Mei said: "But in history, they were united and united!"

"That's because they live out the value of united front..."

Speaking of this, Da Huangke paused for a moment, and suddenly realized: "Tentacles, the Internet, a huge network of interpersonal relationships, countless ties, debts of favor, teacher-student relationship, friend relationship, multi-party investment..."

Da Huangke read a lot of words and sentences in one breath. Although the content was fragmented, his mother, who was as smart as him but had more knowledge than him, understood it all at once.

Lin Mei nodded.

"You are from Zhejiang, and I am from Zhejiang. Shaoxing is very close to Lianshi. Don't you and I not know the characteristics of Jiangsu and Zhejiang culture? China is a society of personal relationships. No matter whether the surname is capitalist or the surname is society, whether it is red or white, we all avoid it. This is not the case. The other you, you are young and ambitious, you are arrogant and arrogant by nature, and you never know what awe is—especially him, the edges and corners are too sharp!"

If it was 20 years ago when Huang Ke was a student, he would have dismissed his mother's words, and even retorted his mother with "a young man with edges and corners and personality", but now in front of his mother, it is Rhubarb Ke, whose mental age is approaching.

He thought for a while, and replied: "He is only 21 years old now, he is still a baby, and he can still take advantage of his age. The chairman knows that he is pure-hearted, so he won't care too much."

"The chairman doesn't care, and he really treats him like a doll. But some people will care, some will see it, some will write it down in the notebook, and some will remember it even more in their hearts! Don't think that you are time travelers, everyone will Taking care of you, licking you! Don't forget, who is your real enemy?"

At that time, Lin Mei showed an angry and anxious expression, twisted Da Huangke's face vigorously and said: "Your greatest strength, but also the most fatal weakness is that you know what those people in this world will do in the future! Those who are in the world How many immoral things and people who should be rough and not fine in the future, after the victory of the revolution, they will not tolerate you soon, no, it is him, another you, they will want my son to die soon, because you know Too much!"

Da Huang Ke was silent. He had watched his mother manipulate his QQ account to chat about that period of history with those political bureaus on the Internet.

"In this world, there is not only light, but also endless darkness that can swallow everything! Don't forget, those who committed suicide after the founding of the People's Republic of China, those who died in car accidents, air crashes, sudden illnesses, and those who died for no reason have never been seen. The person who made the conclusion! The biggest of them are all people who have sat infinitely close to the positions of the second and third in command! The chairman alone cannot save his life! Even with that Elena, even if her future It may not be useful to sit in the position of Stalin! Don’t underestimate the lower limit of those people! Remember, they are not a person, nor a group of people, they are a net, they can’t even be said to be pure people, they are The darkest side of the human heart!"

Lin Mei finally said to Huang Ke: "When I see you and him, I think of me when I was young."

"Your father and I are both arrogant people. When we were young, we were very capable and could do everything in the work unit. As a result, the more we did, the more we were suppressed. The reason was that we were too good at doing things, but too We can’t be human anymore. So we will always be overwhelmed by people who can be human, working for them and even being played with.”

"The chairman's talent is stronger than everyone else's, but his shortcomings are also similar to ours-this is probably a common problem for people like us. But there is a kind of opposite talent that is the most terrifying. They have average ability to do things, but invincible ability to be a human being , so wherever they go, they are the center of power that will remain unchanged for thousands of years! What he needs to learn now is not how to do things, but how to behave. Fuck, after getting older and being laid off, I just realized it..."

Da Huangke said: "In the end, will people live in the appearance they hate the most?"

Lin Mei looked at Da Huang Ke and said, "He wants to go further and live longer, so he has to do this!"

Four days later, little Huang Ke met Da Huang Ke in a dream and "heard" this piece of advice from his mother.

Da Huangke said: "Brother, the other me, you have been too proud of yourself these days, it's time to restrain yourself and learn how to behave. You are very young. When you become an X[-] or a high-ranking person in the future, or when you are waiting for a big movement, you will kill people with a knife. There are ways to play those annoying guys to death. Don't rush too fast now!"

PS: I wrote [-] words, completed the [-] words promised yesterday, and added [-] words.

Chapter 289 Chang Kaishen's Price

When he came out of Guangci Hospital, Chang Kaishen's injuries were far from healed.

When the villa was half-collapsed by the bombing, when he was smashed and broke his waist, he still had multiple fractures on his body. The doctor estimated that it would take at least half a year for the bones to grow back.

But after three months in the hospital, he clamored to be discharged.

The reason is that for the past three months, every night when he closed his eyes, he would have nightmares—dreaming that Tao Chengzhang wanted his life.

At first it was only Tao Chengzhang who came to "find" him, but later, after April [-]th, those revolutionaries killed by him lined up one by one, watching him with bloody eyes.

If he stays in Guangci Hospital any longer, he will go crazy.

So three months later, when his injury recovered slightly, he was rushed out of the hospital, and then transferred to the Japanese Concession, under the covert protection of the Japanese forces.

He used to stay in the British Concession in order not to bear the name of a traitor, but now he is broken.In the Japanese Concession, he was protected by the Japanese military and police, taken care of by Japanese servants, and the Japanese borne the expenses. His life was much easier.

——In the past, when Chang Kaishen lived in the Japanese Concession, if word spread, it would cause an uproar that would shake the whole country and even the whole world.

But after June 1938th, [-], when the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces entered the Northeast, liberated Jehol, and was marching towards the Yalu River, Chang Kaishen entered the Japanese Concession. Is it finally cast?

Newspapers in Shanghai or across the country brought this up, only to laugh at it.In the eyes of Chinese people, Chang Kaishen's actions are probably as ridiculous as rushing to catch Huanggutun's train on the same day ten years ago. (Note: The Huanggutun incident occurred on June 1928, 6.)

As soon as he entered the Japanese Concession, Chang Kaishen secretly contacted Sadao Araki, the commander of the East China Dispatch Army, hoping that the Japanese would send him to Japan for medical treatment.

At this moment, Chang Kaishen was numb from the waist down, but above the waist, he was in excruciating pain even when he moved. He stinks, and the nurses won't really take good care of him. (Decubitus ulcers are due to long-term pressure on local tissues, resulting in persistent ischemia, hypoxia, and malnutrition, resulting in tissue ulceration and necrosis. Skin pressure sores are a common problem in rehabilitation treatment and nursing.)

Originally, he wanted to leave a long time ago, but the injuries on his body were too serious, and even if he moved a little, his whole body still felt extremely painful.Whether departing by plane or by boat, the journey is never easy.More importantly, with the clarity of the situation in China, Chang Kaishen's interest value in the eyes of the Japanese is decreasing sharply.Moreover, after the Japanese reached a secret agreement between Moscow and China and the Soviet Union, the Japanese, who achieved a better ending than expected, really didn't want to, at this point in time, for a stink in the hearts of the Chinese people, whose use value was basically Chang Kaishen, who was at zero, was consuming more resources.

In Tokyo, their attitude towards arranging for Chang Kaishen to leave China was very indifferent. On the East China Front Army, Sadao Araki was dumped to take the blame. He decided to ignore Chang Kaishen, an "out-of-date Internet celebrity".

The only one who showed interest in taking Chang Kaishen out of Shanghai was the newly established Shanghai secret service "Island Agency", and its leader Kagezuo Yoshiaki showed great concern for taking Chang Kaishen out of Shanghai.

The island agency is the former East China secret service agency and the headquarters of the Gendarmerie Commander, which was temporarily established after Wang Yaqiao said "art is an explosion", and together with the person in charge, Tatsuhiko Aoki, blasted into the sky.

(The full name of the devil's agency should be called "secret agency". It originally referred to the department in the army that was engaged in tasks other than combat, such as propaganda, education, royal adjutants, etc. At the same time, the navy and foreign affairs The province also has a similar name. Simply put, "secret agent" originally meant special tasks, not specifically intelligence work.

Later, during the Russo-Japanese War, there was a guy named Motojiro Akashi who was really uncomfortable. As the military attache of the Japanese embassy in Sweden, Akashi organized a group of people to go to Russia to support the opposition uprising. His troublemaker organization was called "Akashi organ".Probably because of the catchy reason, later many special spy organizations of the Devils began to be called agencies.

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