Tai'an is close to Mount Tai, and the area is mountainous. It was originally a paradise for the Red Army guerrillas. The Japanese army stationed a brigade here to barely suppress the guerrillas.However, the Japanese army, which seriously lacked effective anti-tank weapons, could not withstand the assault of the "heavy armored" T34 tanks of Lin Hu's three troops. The T[-] tank, except for the disadvantage of a gasoline engine, was infinitely close to the T[-]A in other aspects of performance. For the Japanese anti-tank guns of this period, they were almost unsolvable undead monsters.

How can a brigade lacking effective anti-tank guns be able to stop an all-out assault by an armored division plus a large number of infantry divisions?Not to mention that during this period, there were still a large number of guerrillas backstabbing everywhere in Tai'an.

After a year of hard fighting, just like the Japanese army in Nanjing, the quality of the Japanese army in Shandong has also declined sharply.It only took one day for Lin Husan to tear the Japanese army here into pieces, seized the Thai safety border, and then continued to rush southeast.

Tai'an is an important barrier connecting the three divisions of Japanese troops in Jining and Zaozhuang in the southwest. If it is lost here, the Japanese troops in Linyi and Zaozhuang will be copied and trapped in a crisis of siege.

Compared with Matsui Iwane and Doihara Kenji's hard work in Nanjing, Tada Hayao, who learned their lessons, made a decision immediately when the news of Taian's fall came, that is, on the 28th, directly send a The unlucky 116th Division was thrown there, asking them to "break the rear", and then the rest of the troops retreated to Qingdao desperately.

After realizing that Jun Tada wanted to run, Li Runshi ordered the Red Army in Shandong to attack and stop it with all his strength.

In the next two days, Linyi, Zibo (now Linzi and Bo County), Huaifang (now Huai County and Fangzi), the Japanese army and the Red Army in these areas started the "running to the sea" race together .

As a peninsula province protruding into the Pacific Ocean, Shandong Province, which is close to the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea, has sea transportation to facilitate the retreat of the Japanese army.After Tada Jun threw away a division "in time", he also gave up a dilapidated brigade that was bitten and surrounded by Lin Husan's troops, and a bunch of countless small and medium-sized troops that were interspersed and cut up, and finally On March 31, part of the main force was withdrawn to the vicinity of Qingdao. The price paid was that in the process, there were one division and one brigade, plus a few fragmented regiments and brigades. The total statistics added up to about two The Japanese army of three divisions was surrounded, and at the same time lost all the heavy equipment on the front line, and completed this escape retreat at the cost of losing their "two legs".

In the next few days, the Japanese navy frantically dispatched, using naval guns as a cover to suppress, and continuously transported the Japanese troops in Qingdao away by sea.

At noon on April [-]th, a guerrilla unit of the Red Army occupied the empty Weihai Port in the sharp corner of Shandong. Looking at the telescope, I looked at Weihai in the distance more than ten nautical miles away.

He knows that this departure is likely to be the last time the Japanese army "leaves" Shandong in the next few hundred years...

PS: I've just mentioned the Shandong campaign, anyway, you don't want to see it too much.I am writing the next chapter, and there will be another chapter of [-] words around two o'clock.Everyone dumped the monthly pass.

Chapter 281 Summation (Part [-])

When he invaded Shandong half a year ago, Tada Jun received a total of eight divisions and one independent brigade from the Japanese troops in Shandong.A total of more than 20 people.But during the big retreat in the past few days, he only took away less than 6 remnants and defeated soldiers from Shandong in the end-in addition, more than 5 wounded soldiers retreated early, and the rest were either captured or stayed forever. China.

When the front line retreated, about 116 Japanese troops were surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Red Army regiments.When Tada Jun left Weihai, he received a telegram from Kishige Shimizu, the commander of the besieged 500th Division. At that time, the new T[-] tank of the Red Army had rushed to a distance of less than [-] meters from his headquarters.All Tada Hayao could do at this time was to reply him by telegram: All the way, Shimizu Xizhong-kun, see you in Yasukuni Shrine!I take care of your wife...

The next day, Hayao Tada, who was still tossing around at sea, had just left Shandong Hell and was about to be thrown into Northeast Hell, received a notification from the Red Army on board the Izumo armored cruiser: Kishige Shimizu committed suicide.

On April [-]th, while Tada Hayao was disembarking at Dalian Port, Li Runshi announced to the world that the last organized resistance Japanese army in Shandong had been wiped out, and the Shandong campaign was basically over.

And Hayao Tada, who fled from the sea to the northeast with the remnants of the defeated general, had not recovered from seasickness, and his troops were sent to the front line of Beiman by the base camp.

As for Tada Hayao himself, he was dismissed from the base camp and transferred back to Tokyo for review.

When he was dismissed for investigation, Hayao Tada heaved a sigh of relief, feeling much relieved.When leaving, he met Hideki Tojo, the Gendarmerie Commander of the Kwantung Army.

This former vanguard of the madman who invaded China, how could he see the slightest fanaticism in his body at this time?Some are just terribly tired.

"It's really lucky, Tada-kun, you can jump out of the Chinese hell earlier than us..."

Hideki Tojo appeared in Dalian. He was not here to punish people, but to supervise the transportation. The Japanese military department also realized at this time that Japan’s defeat in China was doomed. What it can do now is to do as much as possible All the machinery and equipment in the Northeast were seized and transported to the country.

At the same time, two special envoys sent by Yongren had already entered the Soviet Union through secret channels at this time, and they were currently flying to Moscow. His task was to "beg for peace talks" with Stalin.


When Lin Husan captured Tai'an, the anti-union army with more than 60 troops on the frontal battlefield assaulted and squeezed, and an additional [-] guerrillas made trouble in the rear, and the Japanese army's layout in Shandong collapsed. At this time, Japan, from the emperor to the military headquarters, Everyone is in a mess, at a loss, and everyone feels that the end of the world is coming. ,

At this point in time, a Japanese and a German were sitting together drinking sake in a mood in a restaurant near the National Assembly Hall in Tokyo.

Outside the wall were people who once again took to the streets to protest after hearing the news of the defeat in the Battle of Nanjing, shouting "Heaven punishes the country's traitors, the Prime Minister resigns."Inside the wall, the "heartless" Japanese just sighed softly.

"The Shandong Dispatch Army is about to lose too? If we lose well, the sooner we lose, the less we will lose! If we drag it on endlessly, we will truly be doomed."

"Nishiharaji-kun, you are Japanese!"

"Mr. Sorge, you are still German!"

The Japanese traitor "non-citizen" and the German traitor "non-citizen" smiled at each other and shook their heads together.

The traitor said helplessly: "Hitler will only bring Germany into hell!"

The Japanese traitor also said helplessly: "The same is true for the emperor and red deer of Japan! To be precise, we are already in hell now."

The two smiled wryly at each other, if they were not completely desperate for each other's country, how could they have come to this point.

Sorge told Nishiwonji the answer that the other party was eager for: "Stalin can give up the liberation of North Korea and use the Yalu River as the boundary to cease the war. This is their bottom line!"

"The Yalu River is the boundary?"

Xi Yuanji blinked his eyes, but at this moment, he remembered the "crazy words" that Huang Ke said at that time.

"What do the CCP and the Soviet Union want?"

"When the Japanese army is retreating, it is not allowed to damage the infrastructure in all parts of the Northeast!"

"It's not easy. Those lunatic red deer in the military can do anything."

"Huang Ke asked me to tell Mr. Nishiharaji: At most one and a half years, the cars in Europe will be opened. Needless destruction will only damage the national power of China and Japan. He wants you to send someone with a brain to go Moscow."

While talking, Sorge took out an envelope from his pocket, handed it to Mr. Xiyuan Temple, and said: This is what he asked me to forward to Mr. Xiyuan Temple.

Sorge, who had completed the message mission, put on his hat and left through the back door of the kiosk shop.As soon as Xiyuan Temple finished paying the bill, he left through the main entrance.

That night Xiyuan Temple Gongwang took the note written by Huang Ke to Chichibu Palace and found Yongren. After a long discussion, Yongren summoned Okamura Ningji and Obata Toshiro into the palace.

A few days later, when Hayao Tada disembarked at Dalian Port, the plane that Neiji Okamura and Toshishiro Obata were on was crossing Siberia in the Soviet Union.

Neiji Okamura is a China hand, while Toshishiro Obata has served in Russia many times, and has experienced two different periods in White Russia and Red Russia. He is a "Russia hand" recognized by the Japanese army.

When the war reached 1938, even Yongren knew that the Japanese army was doomed in China.

It's just that he, who has already entered the gambling table, thinks that he has lost all the bets made by three generations from his grandfather Meiji to the dead ghost Hirohito in less than a year. ", and the infamy he will bear, Yongren was so scared that he didn't know how to face it, so he had to bite the bullet and continue to sit on this gambling table, betting that there was still a chance, or he would really be ashamed if he didn't bet . .

How can you not gamble?Perhaps one day, the British will be angry with the CCP for robbing their concessions, and they will send troops to China in a convulsion. At that time, they will pull Japan to do it together... Maybe Hitler also went crazy after swallowing Austria, directly in this The time to attack the Soviet Union forced Stalin to transfer his troops away from the Far East—although the possibility of these things happening is about one in a billion, but there is always this possibility!

And when Xiyuan Temple Gongwang came to visit late at night, he took out the note.

On the note that Huang Ke sent, he himself wrote nine big characters with a brush with average brush skills: Asia is Asia for Asians.

According to Xiyuan Temple Gongwang, Huang Ke himself asked Bei Yihui to send this note, and it also contained a message.

"Mr. Yongren, do you still remember the Asianist Huang Yuanxing in Chichibu Palace?"

Tada Jun's defeat in the Shandong battlefield caused another psychological pillar of Yongren to collapse.But Huang Ke's note became the life-saving straw that he longed for when he was in a desperate situation.

In the conversation in the Chichibu Palace two years ago, Huang Ke kept saying that he was actually an Asiatic, advocating the friendly coexistence of China and Japan......

At that time, Yong Ren thought that he had ulterior motives, but now, he felt that it was true.

Yong Ren had already received information that none of the Japanese prisoners of war who fell into the hands of the CCP were killed (referring to those who were sent to prisoner-of-war camps).The CCP even had the extravagance to give every wounded Japanese soldier Ome Pills to prevent infection.

After finding out that besides losing cleanly, there is a better choice of losing a pair of underwear, Yong Ren finally flinched.

The nine words on the note made Yongren see a life-saving straw, and quickly sent a tentative inquiry to the Soviet ambassador to Japan. As a result, the Soviets gave an extremely positive response, and Stalin replied that they could talk again.

After several secret telegrams, Okamura Neiji and Obata Toshishiro were sent out, and then there was Okamura Neiji and Obata Toshishiro's secret visit to the Soviet Union to "seek peace".

The two old devils, Ningji Okamura and Toshishiro Obata, actually didn't want to take on this hot job.But both of them were appointed by Xiyuan Temple Gongwang. Even the emperor bowed his head and said to them: Please, you two...

"That Huang Ke, he's preparing poison candies again!"

On the plane, Toshishiro Obata sighed, for Huang Ke who had never met before, Toshishiro Obata had always had deep scruples—after all, there was the case of Chang Kaishen being miserably tricked by him before him. .

"I also know that this person is very dangerous, but does the imperial country still have the right to choose?"

Okamura Ningji sighed, he didn't know that Huang Yuanxing, the red devil, was extremely sinister.

On the other side, Gong Wang of Xiyuan Temple said to his grandson:

"Gong Yi, the 40-year Universiade of the Imperial Kingdom has been exhausted. Don't get involved in any of the things that the red deer in the military will do next. There is only one thing you have to do in the future, and that is to do a good job with yourself and Relations between China and the Soviet Union."

After saying this, the old fox lay on the bed, and soon fell into a drowsy sleep. Now his time is running out.

Chapter 282 The Soviet Marshals

In the office in the Kremlin, Stalin sat at the desk in the center, surrounded by a circle of generals who had returned from the Far East Front, among which General Zhukov was famous, and Kravchenko who had just returned from China major general. (just promoted)

In addition, there are two other celebrities staying in the room: Marshal Budyonny and Marshal Yegorov - the latter will be historically in February 1939, because he resisted Yezhov's arrest, he drew guns and shot each other on the spot , and finally died under the random guns of the Ministry of Internal Affairs-its tragic and dramatic death stimulated Stalin and also prompted the early end of the Great Purge.

The death of Yegorov is definitely a major event that affects the history of the Soviet Union, and even affects the mentality of other Soviet marshals in the future.

With regard to the Yegorov case, although Yezhov was powerful at the time, it was absolutely impossible to arrest a distinguished marshal without Stalin's approval.But in the whole incident, what kind of role did Stalin play, and his true attitude towards Marshal Yegorov, even after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in later generations, no relevant materials can be found-the secret is probably only known to him . (PS: About this case, why he was arrested, I can't find information on the Internet, whoever has it will post it in the group.)

However, during this period, Yegorov, as the "loyal" horse boy next to Doctor Sta, still followed him closely.During this period of time, as Japan's defeat in the Far East was imminent, the Chinese revolution was in good shape, the crisis in the east of the Soviet Union was about to be lifted, and the tension within the entire Soviet Union had eased a lot—even at this point in time, Hitler had completed his plan to annex Austria, But the atmosphere in the Kremlin was not tense at all.

After handing over the Far Eastern forces to Rossovsky, Zhukov returned to Moscow to report to Stalin on the Winter War.

Unlike before, Stalin didn't care at all how far the Soviet Red Army had invaded the Northeast and how many Japanese people it had wiped out. He only cared about two things: After this year of actual combat training, what is the state of the Soviet Red Army now?

As for the second matter, it is the specific performance of the "Chinese Front Army" formed in Heilongjiang, with CCP soldiers as the main force, in this winter campaign.

So far, both Kravchenko and Zhukov have brought back good news.

After a year of actual combat and rounds of battles, the Soviet Red Army exposed a lot of problems. After a year of adjustments, it has been greatly improved. At the end of 1937, in conjunction with the CCP’s Nanjing Campaign, the Soviet Red Army suffered minimal losses during the winter campaign—the number of wounded was not even as many as those injured by frostbite.

The reason why casualties are so low is of course the reason why the Soviet Red Army's own combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. Another factor is that half of the main force in this battle is the use of more than [-] anti-union troops formed by the CCP as the main force.

This force was provided with weapons by the Soviet Union and had been carefully trained for more than half a year.Its performance on the battlefield is remarkable. The evaluation given by the Soviet adviser who directly commanded them is: Although the military skills need to be improved, the combat will is very tenacious, and the performance in actual combat is no worse than that of the troops from Central Asia. .

If the anti-union forces of the CCP in Northeast China performed well, most of the reason is that they have the support of Soviet armored forces, artillery and air force are superior, but it is "inevitable" to follow the trend to pick up victory, then the CCP itself is in Shandong and Songhu. The big victory they achieved was basically the result of their own hard work.The Soviet military advisory group from Shandong and Songhu battlefields brought back extremely positive comments for Stalin.

Because of the great purges, Stalin's domestic prestige inevitably declined—it was only because of fear that everyone made him "order like a mountain."

However, he supported the CCP at all costs and the huge benefits brought about by supporting the revolution, but in March 1938, the date when the "bad news" of Germany's annexation of Austria came, the entire Kremlin did not A Soviet would be terrified.

Without him, at this time Stalin was holding a "Sino-Soviet Mutual Assistance Agreement" signed with Li Runshi. The specific content was that once Germany launched an attack on the Soviet Union, the CCP promised to send more than 100 million troops to support the Soviet Union.

The agreement was signed when Li Runshi visited the Soviet Union in November 1936. At that time, many high-level people in the Soviet Union regarded this agreement as a joke, but they dared not speak out because they were afraid of Stalin.But now, with Hitler's annexation of Austria, revealing its ferocious and dangerous side, while the CCP army has basically relied on its own strength to defeat the Japanese army on the southern battlefield after a year of hard work, and after proving its own strength, all the Soviet Union When the marshals or generals looked at this agreement again, they secretly praised Stalin's "vision".The combat effectiveness of the CCP army, together with the agreement made a year ago, and the "blood alliance" formed by the Soviet Red Army in helping China liberate Northeast China, gave the entire Soviet Union full confidence in the face of threats from Western Europe and Germany. No fear.

"China's revolutionary tide is about to enter the final stage of victory. But Hitler's next plan is to annex Czechoslovakia immediately. It won't be long, and he will take action in two or three months. I hope that before the fall of this year, Drive the Japanese across the Yalu River and completely eliminate the danger to our east, so that we can concentrate our attention on the direction of Europe."

All the senior military officers in the room nodded their heads.A year ago, Stalin started a war in the Far East recklessly, but now he has become a "far-sighted" "far-sighted".Enjoying the convincing eyes of these people around him, Stalin was in a very happy mood. He is not a time traveler, but now he enjoys the benefits of being able to "see through the future" that only a time traveler has. He also felt wonderful after tasting it once.

In the office, Stalin called all parties and held a short meeting, all of which were related to the Far East.As before, he only asked, "During the spring offensive, what else does Rossovsky need to win the Northeast?" As for how to fight, he didn't ask a single word.

At this point in time, the Chinese Red Army, which has completed the Battle of Shandong, is using the Baotou Railway to detour a large number of troops to Mongolia and transfer them to Heilongjiang.After May, in Heilong Province alone, the total strength of the CCP Anti-Japanese Alliance will exceed 35.

According to the plan, after the spring thawing mud period in May, there will be more than 50 Red Army troops in the direction of Shanhaiguan to attack Rehe with all their strength, attacking from north to south,

Regarding the war in the Far East, the victory of the Chinese and Soviet armies is already determined, the difference is only how long it will be fought and how much the loss will be.

Another piece of good news is that the Japanese have relented, and the envoys sent for peace talks are on their way.

When the Soviet marshals and future marshals in a room were having a meeting, Huang Ke followed Stalin, listening as a Chinese representative and an expert on Japanese issues. Japan's future political and military strategic deduction.

I'm writing the next one. There will be another chapter after two o'clock

Chapter 283 Fake Insanity Not Crazy

Although Huang Ke's status was "lowly", the Soviet marshals and generals present here all knew that he was deeply appreciated by Stalin, and he was the only person in the entire Soviet Union who could directly enter the Kremlin to meet Stalin without prior notification.As for his great contribution to the Soviet Red Army, the invention of the transistor radio station, and the high-quality penicillin and streptomycin medium he provided all allowed the Soviet Red Army to enjoy a huge "bonus" in the war.Penicillin alone saved the lives of tens of thousands of wounded Soviet Red Army soldiers in the Far East.Not to mention that he still has a lot of mythical credits on him. Soldiers are very realistic and only identify with the "strong". discriminate.

And these senior Soviet officials also noticed one thing: since this mysterious Chinese came to the Soviet Union and stayed in Moscow for a long time, Comrade Stalin's "mood" seems to have been improving this year.The gloomy and irresistible murderous look on his face was much weaker than before.

Stalin once complained to Li Runshi: After he took a high position, everyone observed him, speculated on his mind and said what he wanted to hear.The people around Stalin observed a phenomenon very early on: as long as Huang Ke and the mysterious "Ekaterina" appeared by his side, Comrade Stalin's mood was always easy to get better.

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