"That's what I should do. Every innocent life has the right to be saved."

"We rely on the Soviet Red Army, too much. The fire is not hot enough! Always rely on the Soviets, and there will be a price to pay in the future. Not only the external price, but also the internal Red Army. Insufficient pressure and calcination, the team is not pure enough, and there are too many speculators... Just like the Soviet Union after the October Revolution. In fact, I can already imagine that after the founding of the country in the future, the movement of the pure team again and again must be It will be more intense..."

At about the same time, in his former residence in Peking, after Li Runshi sent a telegram to Stalin, he sat alone in the room for a long time, and suddenly he picked up a pen and wrote a poem on paper.

"If the sky is loving, the sky is also old, and the right way in the world is vicissitudes."

In fact, he could ask Stalin for more, but he didn't ask for it. The victory of the revolution requires suffering and suffering, which is indispensable.Because of the appearance of Huang Ke and Elena, too much suffering has been escaped, and the suffering and trials that were lost will need to be repaid one day......

For a determined revolutionary team, suffering is calcination, tempering, and a big filter.But, for ordinary civilians, that means more deaths.

In fact, there is no perfection in the world...


"The Japanese have finally launched an attack in South China? It's great! The Japanese will never have another chance, reunited with the British! Our two hundred million dollars was not in vain."

In the White House, after Roosevelt heard the news of the Japanese attack on Jiangnan, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up. It took a lot of effort to suppress his joy and not show it.

Soon he called a meeting of his staff to discuss the great changes in the Far East.

At the time of the meeting, Zhukov's Far East Front Army was launching a third wave of fierce offensives in North Manchuria, and Stalin also made a public speech in Moscow, severely condemning the Japanese army's aggression against southern China.In the content of his speech, Stalin publicly declared: The great Soviet will fight to the end against all acts of fascist aggression in the world, and will support the Chinese people at all costs in resisting the atrocities of fascist aggression.

Judging from the content of the speech, Stalin had completely substituted himself into the role of "friend of justice" at this time, desperately trying to seize the moral high ground.At the same time, the third round of fierce offensive launched by Zhukov's Red Army in North Manchuria is also verifying his words.

Secretary of State Cordell Hull was puzzled and said: "Are the Japanese crazy? They are still opening up a third battlefield in the south when they are so passive in North China?"

"It is precisely because they lost too much in Northeast China and North China that they launched an offensive in South China to grab something. Compared with Stalin and Li Runshi, Chen Jitang, who was supported by the British in the south, is much easier to grab."

Roosevelt smiled disapprovingly, feeling extremely happy. After the Sino-Soviet-Japanese War began, purchase orders from Japan continued to flow into the United States, which greatly eased the "Roosevelt crisis" he had just faced.It's a pity that Japan's national framework is too small and its purchasing power is limited. Roosevelt's staff estimated that by next June, Japan's national finances will reach the brink of bankruptcy.

The "Washington Naval Treaty" is about to expire, and Roosevelt can imagine that such a devastating war has come to China. At that time, Japan will no longer have the power to engage in a new arms race with the United States.The most important thing is that Roosevelt has seen in advance that Japan is falling into an endless cycle of "the more you fight, the more you get poorer", and "the more you get poorer, the more you fight".

Rose opened the drawer and glanced at the book by Huang Ke in the drawer. Roosevelt was actually Huang Ke's "loyal reader".

The reason is the content in this book, especially the last "American Conspiracy", which is Roosevelt's favorite content.Roosevelt has realized in recent years that the world is standing at the crossroads of an unprecedented great change.For grasping the future world structure, Roosevelt originally only had a vague and immature concept, but when he saw Huang Ke's book and read the last chapter, he instantly felt enlightened. I thought about my vague thoughts at that moment, so I also had the attitude of supporting Hitler more firmly later.

Roosevelt thought to himself, "I never imagined that the person who understands me best in this world is actually a Chinese."

After thinking about it, his mind drifted to another person.

"Stalin, you know me well too..."

Roosevelt suddenly remembered something, and asked Hoover, "That Huang Ke, will this year's Nobel Prize in Physics be awarded to him, a Chinese?"

"That's right! In order to help him win the award, Mr. DuPont and Mr. Morgan have all done their best..."

"These greedy guys!"

Roosevelt snorted dissatisfiedly: "I can't believe that a communist, a follower of Marx, is actually so good at financial magic tricks!"

Hoover replied: "This Chinese spy once said that if the descendants of big capitalists want to inherit the family business, they need to read Marx's "Das Kapital" backwards!"

"Read backwards?"

It took Roosevelt a few seconds to understand the meaning of these words. He thought for a while and asked:

"What an interesting communist... When he wins the Nobel Prize this year, will he go to Norway to accept it himself?"

"This is not clear. The information I have collected is that he is currently staying in the Soviet Union for a long time. He is a lecturer at Moscow University for part of the time, and in charge of scientific research in the semiconductor laboratory. Would be a most terrible spy."

"I heard that he once pretended to be a graduate of the University of Massachusetts?"

"There is such a saying."

Roosevelt said to Hull:

"Let someone from the University of Massachusetts send him an invitation letter and invite him to come and give an academic lecture. If I have a chance, I would like to see this interesting Chinese, the most successful CCP spy..."


"It's fighting, it's finally fighting!"

When Roosevelt convened a meeting of his staff to discuss the new changes in China, Pierre happily accompanied the Morgan family, toasting to celebrate the "Golden Pharmaceutical Harvest Plan 3.0", which is about to reach its climax.

The old Morgan asked the old DuPont: "We have almost sold out the stock, when are you going to blow up that factory?"

Old Dupont replied:

"When the first bomb fell into the city of Nanjing!"

"How much money are you going to claim from the Japanese?"

Old Dupont held up a finger.

"One hundred million? They can't afford that much money."

"1000 million!"

"Just so much?"

"Zhizhao Factory can still pick up 1000 million for nothing, why not?"

"That's right!"

The two clinked glasses with each other, and then Morgan asked: "Pierre, this is the first time I have met someone who has known you for so many years and can take so much money from you."

"That's because he helped me earn more money, and I will not be stingy with excellent employees."

"I mean, I suddenly want to meet the Chinese who has brought us so many surprises! Look at all the things he has done in the past, it is a legend... There is a way to invite him to the United States ?"

Old Dupont laughed: "It's easy...."

-------------------- Chapter 247 Defense of Nanjing --------------------

Li Runshi's active attack in Pingjin in April forced the Japanese's plan to move south until August.And together with the Soviet Union, it attracted a large number of troops originally planned to invade China to the Northeast and North China.

When the Second Division launched an offensive in the Songhu area at the end of August, there were as many as 35 in Northeast China and North China, including the disabled Japanese division.At this point in time, Japan and Taiwan have only [-] divisions left, and most of them are Type B and Type C divisions.

But for the entire four months, what was the Nanjing government headed by Chen Jitang and Li Zongren doing?

The answer is: Chen and Li's energies are all arguing for the division of land and power.The old bureaucrats of the former Nanjing government, generals and vases, such as Wang Jingwei, Zhang Qun, and Wu Zhihui, who adorned the imperial court, worked hard to stir up shit during this period.The noisy scene is like the French government before September 1939.

Although the Communist Party of Li Runshi in the north repeatedly warned the Nanjing government to strengthen its armaments and guard against Japanese invasion, even though Chen Jitang also noticed that the Japanese around him were becoming more and more dangerous every day.But the five major forces in the south, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, and Yunnan, are like five loose fingers that have never been twisted into a fist.

Chen Jitang really wanted to mobilize the forces of warlords from all sides to enter Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and squeeze out the Japanese who had already occupied the attack position in advance, but in fact, as the new chairman of the committee, he could not mobilize any forces except his own soldiers.

In terms of military construction, Chen Jitang did a pretty good job in this regard because there were no Kong and Song maggots gnawing on trees behind him.In terms of tactics, Chen Jitang is far behind Chang Kaishen.In the past four months, what Chen Jitang could do was to buy Gladiator fighter jets from the British, upgrade the air force at hand, obtain more than 40 tanks through various means, and form an armored regiment. This is his biggest "war preparation".As for the troops, the essential nature of the warlords made him think that Guangdong was his home. Although the Songhu Yangtze River Delta was good, it was just a spoil of war (and it had to be shared with the Guangxi faction).

In Chen Jitang's eyes, it is of course good to keep this place, if not, he will run away, and he can't lose all his money for this place.So in the past four months, only a direct line of the 62nd Army was placed here to control Nanjing City, the armored regiment was placed outside Nanjing City, and the remnants of Chang Kaishen were placed on the outer periphery in the direction of Songhu.

That's all he's ready for.

As for the assistance and cooperation proposed by Li Runshi in the north, Chen Jitang agreed on the surface and made some military exchanges, but in fact he was very jealous in his heart—especially when he saw Song Zheyuan of the 29th Army, cooperating and cooperating. "Not lost" was completely digested by Li Runshi's handsome subordinates, and no bubbles of resistance appeared until his death. Chen Jitang was also "terrified".

As a Cantonese, he has experienced April [-] and the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. He is very aware of the Communist Party's strong organizational capabilities, infiltration capabilities, and assimilation capabilities before and after April [-].

How did Song Zheyuan end up?Isn't it just that in the "long-term cooperation" with the Communist Party, the generals and soldiers under him are constantly influenced by the Communist Party's set of ideas, and finally become their color little by little?

Song Zheyuan once wailed, I also want to resist Li Runshi, but I don’t have as much money, guns, and people, and I don’t even have "ism", so why fight Li Runshi, I can only lie flat in the end.

Compared with him, Chen Jitangism, but today's Kuomintang, the so-called "Three People's Principles", even they themselves don't believe in it, they only talk but don't do it, and they don't even want to say it (for fear of self-suffering), why should they use this with the Communist Party The "communist" confrontation of talking and doing and desperately doing it?

When the army attacked the Kuomintang army on August 26, Li Runshi in the north immediately sent a power to Chen Jitang, saying that the Red Army in the north of the Yangtze River was ready, and that 20 troops were lined up along the Yangtze River. If necessary, they could cross the river at night and support Nanjing at any time. government, to help resist the Japanese.

As a result, as soon as this telegram was sent out, the "KMT vases" from Chen Jitang to Wang Jingwei and Zhang Qun immediately reacted with their pores standing on end, shaking their heads in fear and saying, "No!".

In history, Chang Kaishen fought in Songhu, imagining that Britain and the United States could put pressure on the Japanese and force them to negotiate peace.In this plane, Chen Jitang also had great fantasies.

The reason is simple: Li Runshi and Stalin put so much pressure on the Japanese in the north, how many troops can they invest in the south?In Chen Jitang's view, this should be the people below "walking alone", as long as the Anglo-American law exerts pressure.The Japanese should retreat in spite of difficulties.You must know that the Japanese are making enemies of China, the Soviet Union, Britain, France, and the United States at the same time, which is a big crime in the world......

With such an illusion, he rejected Li Runshi's immediate request for reinforcements, and at the same time declined the Northeast Army from the north to go south, thinking that he could solve the problem with his own strength.

And what were the other warlords doing during this period?

The Guangxi faction and the Cantonese faction failed to compete for the central government. Li and Bai saw that the situation in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was strange and unfavorable, so they withdrew their main forces to the Guangxi faction around Jiang (west) and Zhejiang in order to avoid Japan in the future. The first wave of people, save strength.

The warlords of the Hunan clique were a mess. Chen Qian and Tang Shengzhi led the old troops to cut a piece of flesh in Jiangxi and occupied some territory.However, the Hunan Army itself is too complicated and chaotic. There are factions in the Hunan Army. Chen Qian and Tang Shengzhi are not short, and some of them are tall and slightly capable of getting on the stage. The internal integration is not good. The two of them only cared about fighting "at home", and the crisis in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was all pretending to be blind.The distance between Sichuan and Yunnan is even further away, and the crisis in Songhu cannot be managed.

Li Runshi in the north launched the Pingjin Campaign, and he could recruit the Jinsui Army and the 29th Army to fight together, and all three of them went all out.However, the Japanese army marching south was only fighting the "half-hearted and half-hearted" Chen Jitang's family.

Less than 24 hours after the start of the war, the Japanese Combined Fleet escorted the first wave of reinforcements, and the troops of the Fourth Division arrived in Shanghai, which instantly shattered Chen Jitang's illusion that this was just "walking alone".

"It's not walking alone, it's just pretending to be walking alone from below, carefully preparing for the onslaught!"

Neiji Okamura said to Toshishiro Obata in Tokyo: The key to this battle is a fast word!If you don't send it, you will be done. If you send it, you will attack it with all your strength. Using the powerful shipping capabilities of the navy, launch a large-scale landing operation, take Nanjing within half a month, and wipe out the entire northern Zhejiang within one month.

Before the war, the Japanese army mobilized all domestic transportation capabilities, and desperately transported troops to Shanghai to transport equipment as soon as the war started.On the first day of the war, the well-prepared Second Division almost seized the core and key points of Shanghai, and all docks and ports suitable for landing. Within 48 days of the war, with the arrival of reinforcements from the Fourth Division and the support of the navy, The No. 13 and [-] armies of the Kuomintang on the front line in Songhu have been defeated.Then more Japanese troops poured into Shanghai by sea.

The war started on the 26th, and by September 31th, the vanguard of the Japanese army was less than [-] kilometers away from Nanjing.As early as August [-], another division of Japanese troops also landed in Hangzhou Bay and attacked Nanjing from another direction.

Chen Jitang, who was in a hurry, didn't really realize until August 31, when the Japanese army landed in the other direction of Hangzhou Bay, that he was not walking alone, and the other party really regarded him as a soft persimmon.Only then did he remember what he had repeatedly rejected. The Communist army on the north bank of the Yangtze River hastily sent a telegram to Li Runshi for help.

During the North-South peace talks in April, the CCP opened an office in the city of Nanjing, and Ye Jianying was the general manager—mainly managing the military exchanges between the two sides.

At this time, the city of Nanjing was already in chaos.Inside and outside the city, there are only a bunch of defeated troops scattered and retreated by the Japanese around the city, with a total strength of no more than [-] people.Chen Jitang's own troops, plus the messy former Chang Kaishen's troops, originally numbered [-] people, but in less than nine days of fighting, these troops sent to the front line had been defeated by the fiercely attacking Japanese army. .

The most well-organized reinforcements were the troops of Li Zongren from the Guangxi line coming from the west, but there was also a division with less than [-] people—the situation in the south of the Yangtze River had completely collapsed at this time, and anyone with a discerning eye knew that this place could no longer be defended. It was just a symbolic gesture. In fact, his troops were all [-] kilometers southwest of Nanjing, and they were ready to retreat to Jiangxi at any time.

For Chen Jitang and the so-called high-ranking officials in the Nanjing government, Ye Jianying was both angry and contemptuous.At this time, those people are still acting like clowns.They were all eager to run away, but no one was willing to be the first to open their mouths. They pretended to be stupid and said politically correct nonsense. Their ugly performances were simply disgusting.

Before coming to Nanjing, Ye Jianying had participated in high-level party meetings, and the chairman had long foreseen that there would be a day in Nanjing.And that mysterious "Comrade Huang Ke" made a bunch of predictions about how ugly these people would perform at that time, and they all foresaw it.

In front of Chen Jitang, who was in a hurry to go to the doctor, Ye Jianying threw out a evacuation plan that he had prepared long ago, and placed it in front of Chen Jitang.

"This is our evacuation plan for you! The chairman said that we will use all our strength to help you withdraw from Nanjing as much as possible."

Then he shouted loudly: "Brother Bernan, what you think about now is not about face, but to minimize losses as much as possible—don't lose Guangzhou too! Li Zonger, Tang Shengzhi and those bastards are talking big at the meeting , They are watching your jokes! But don’t forget, your roots are in Guangdong!”

What Ye Jianying and Chen Jitang said was not too politically correct, but it was the chairman's order.

"What our Communist Party can do here is not to consider our own reputation or anything else, but to protect the people here and avoid the terrible massacre that is coming here."

"Chen Jitang is more patriotic than Chang Kaishen, and he will fight the Japanese with his heart, but he is a warlord after all. There are a lot of empty talk in the city, and he only talks about the anti-Japanese. Yu Yu, if Chen Jitang wants to run away but is afraid of losing face, and if he doesn't have the courage to defend, it will only bring the worst ending. At this time, you can tell him in words that he can understand and listen to, that he is from Guangdong. People, his roots are in Guangdong, give him a step to step down!"

Everything was as expected by the chairman, Ye Jianying yelled at Chen Jitang, "Your roots are in Guangdong", and Chen Jitang became energetic "suddenly" as if he had suffered a blow.He took the plan handed over by Ye Jianying, glanced at it, and was taken aback.

"You guys, are you planning to fight to the end in Nanjing?"

"Carrying the flag of the Anti-Japanese National United Front is done, not just said."

Chen Jitang looked up to the sky and sighed deeply. He really wanted to say that he was willing to stay and defend Nanjing with the Communist Party, but his lips moved, and the words came to his lips, but he couldn't say anything.

Ye Jianying finally said: "Your army's troops, if you are willing to stay together, we welcome them. If you don't want to stay, we will not force you to stop them."

In the early morning of September [-], Peng Shichuan crossed the Yangtze River by boat, entered Nanjing, met with Chen Jitang, and formally took over the defense of Nanjing City.Work.At the same time, a large number of Red Army troops were crossing south from the north bank of the Yangtze River, entering Nanjing, and taking over the defense area.

On the Nanjing defense line, the Red Army dominated the outside and the Kuomintang army dominated the interior.At this time, inside and outside the city of Nanjing, there were gathered troops who had retreated from the front line in disorder, the Gui Army (a small number), the Guangdong Army, the former Chang Kaishen Army, and the local security militia.

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