Huang Ke asked: "Mr. Bei Yihui, do you know Cai Yuanpei?"

"I've met a few times... old friends from Xinhai, there are not many left now."

Kita Ikki once again felt the passage of time.

"Chairman Li and many high-level CCP officials can be regarded as his students, and they all followed his back. But he is now in Nanjing, and he refuses to come to Peking or enter the campus of Peking University. .”


Huang Ke said softly: "Probably because he didn't have that shame. He participated in April [-], and his best and best students were all listed by him to be purged and shot... He later But he was kicked out of school by his own students who broke his ribs."

"Four one two?"

Huang Ke said:

"In fact, Japan also had April [-], that is, the Chibao team. Compared with the anti-shogunate coalition forces, they have made much progress, but you are also very clear about the final fate. In the great era, the road of Marxism-Leninism is for ordinary people. The most beneficial road is the most difficult, the most painful, and the road with the most thorns and tempers. During the Meiji era, there were also many idealistic people with lofty ideals who were dedicated to the country, but they were all rejected in the end. Killed without mercy."

Bei Yihui said uncomfortably: "Are you trying to say that I'm like Cai Yuanpei, and I can't keep up with the times later? I've regressed from when I was young?"

Bei Yihui paused, and said unconvinced: "I haven't forgotten my original intention!"

"Senior is almost three times my age. I dare not blame you. Let me tell you one thing: When the CCP was first established, it did not count the representatives of the Communist International. A total of thirteen members attended the First Congress."


"The chairman also had a role, but he was just a small clerk at that time. Now, 16 years later, there are only three members of the thirteen members at that time: the chairman, Dong Biwu, and Chen Tanqiu. In the first year of its establishment , there are about 50 party members, but up to now, there are only less than ten people left, more than half of the rest died, and the rest left the party and quit.”

Huang Ke bowed his head and said: "Actually, the chairman should have said this to you, and I stole his lines again... This is the most difficult road to walk. As long as you hesitate a little, it is easy to be like you." , chose the current path.”

"This way now?"

Huang Ke suddenly laughed.

"Mr. Kita Ikki, do you want to know the final form of your current road, which is trying to satisfy all classes in Japan and reap happiness, in the most perfect state?"

Bei Yihui sat up straight in his seat.

"All ears!"

"The Third Reich, Hitler, he is the final form of your dreams."

Kita Ikki said: "The current economic situation in Germany is very good."

Huang Ke said: "After Yongren came to power, the economic situation in Japan seems to be very good in the past year."

"That's just a false boom created by reckless armaments..."

Speaking of this, Bei Yihui was stunned for a moment, and understood the meaning of Huang Ke's words.

"You mean Europe is about to go to war."

"It's coming soon, but Germany's strength is not enough to start a war. Hitler is already preparing for the annexation of Austria. In the next year, the Austrian issue will be the focus of Europe, and then Czechoslovakia - after completing the Greater Germany plan. , Hitler’s false armament economy is about to go bankrupt. If you don’t want to go bankrupt, you have to launch wars and looting abroad......”

Huang Ke paused, and then went straight to the tunnel: "Just like this year's Japan. If we hadn't started the Pinglu campaign, you would have planned to make trouble in Jiangnan, right?"

Bei Yihui bowed his head and remained silent.

"I said before that in the great era, if you want to choose the path that makes everyone happy, you will end up like this. Use foreign aggression, plunder, transfer pain to other countries, and suck the blood of others to make your own country happy. The upper, middle and lower classes are all happy...Compared to Hitler who knew how to distribute the looted things to all classes, those greedy old upper classes in your country will only eat up everything they robbed. How much will be left to the lower classes. After September [-], you occupied the Northeast, and how much of the rice and soybeans you looted went into the stomachs of ordinary Japanese?"

Bei Yihui remained silent. He actually understood what Huang Ke wanted to say. After all, he was once a Marxist.

"Hitler's road is considered the best - but it is still a dead end. Because the end of taking this road is to become an enemy of the world. In the past ten years, the Americans have paid for Germany's rearmament. How much money? I think you have read my book and listened to Stalin’s speech to the Comintern, so you should understand. This time, the United States agrees to Japan’s issuance of war bonds in the United States. How kind do you think Roosevelt will be?”

Huang Ke sneered.

"The problems of China and Japan, and the problems of Asia, are actually all in the book I gave you. If you choose this path, you will end up becoming a pawn for the Americans..."

As Huang Ke spoke, he picked up the three versions of "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" on the table, and then "admitted".

"I have written about the final fate of Germany and Japan in the book. However, I can only count as half or even a third of the author of this book. His real author is actually someone else. He just I just pretended to be my identity at the time and distributed it in various countries around the world. Especially about the world chapter, the American part, I don’t have such a far-sighted vision.”

Bei Yihui nodded and said, "Who is the real author of this book?"

"You can see him in the evening."


"You little brat, you are using my name to bluff outside again."

"I'm just a historical plagiarist who saw the answer in advance. People with a little bit of wisdom will think that I am too evil. My current age and status are not worthy of these fame. Some things still make me taller and taller." .”

Before Bei Yihui entered the door, Huang Ke said to Chairman Li with a smile.When Huang Ke met Bei Yihui in advance, it was for the two sides to make a "front stand" to meet each other, reveal their respective hole cards to each other, and prepare for the next official meeting.

Bei Yihui came to Beiping to meet the high-level CCP. It was not his own idea. Behind it was the selfishness of Xiyuanji Gongwang to "reserve a way out" for his descendants, as well as the tacit acquiescence of the Japanese high-level officials.

After the Battle of Tongzhou (the Japanese side referred to the half-month-long battle as the Pingjin Battle), the top Japanese leaders were stunned by the combat effectiveness and morale displayed by the CCP troops.

Showa’s staff calculated that with the support of the Soviet Union, to eliminate the CCP’s existing armed forces in North China would cost at least 50 locust army casualties, and this is not the worst case where the Soviet Union would go south at any time. situation.During the Battle of Pingjin, the tanks and artillery in the hands of the CCP troops were basically provided by the Soviet Union. In addition, the Soviet Red Army also provided three-quarters of the air force, one-third of the tankers, and almost all of the ground support personnel.The support was strong, even surpassing the support for the Spanish Republican Army.

The "Jinghe staff officers" who are a little bit more rational now understand that as long as the attitude of the Soviet Union does not change, it is simply a dream to win North China. "Fortunately" in Japan at this time, lunatics and red deer are rampant, and the bottom is forcing the upper.

However, the main prerequisite for the success of the Southern Attack is: the CCP must turn a blind eye to the Japanese invasion of China and sit back and watch it wreak havoc in other parts of China, but is that possible?

But no matter how impossible, how can you be willing if you don’t try?Under the influence of various forces, Bei Yihui was sent over.Of course, Bei Yihui himself has other thoughts, and he also has his own thoughts and considerations when he comes to see the top leaders of the CCP.

Li Runshi's residence is just an ordinary courtyard house near Peking University - this house, which he lived in more than 20 years ago, is the residence of his father-in-law and wife.Mr. Yang Changji saw very early on that "this son's future is limitless", and Li Runshi did not live up to his expectations. Unfortunately, he and his daughter, Li Runshi's favorite "Jiao Yang", did not have the chance to see this day.

Bei Yihui didn't know the story of this house, and when he came here, he was only slightly surprised by the simplicity of the owner's residence.

After Bei Yihui was brought in, Huang Ke wanted to go out, but was told by the chairman to stay, and Elena also told him to stay, and the two followed him as temporary secretaries.Beforehand, with permission, Huang Ke quietly hid a mobile phone at the scene and turned on the recording function.

As soon as they met, Bei Yihui admitted:

"I was able to come to China this time because of the help of Xiyuan Temple. If it wasn't for him, I would still be in prison."

Li Runshi glanced at Bei Yihui, thought for a while, and asked directly: "The upper class in Japan, are you still dreaming?"

"Master Xiyuan Temple woke up, but the other princes refused to wake up and were still sleeping."

"They're not sleeping, they're just pretending to be asleep."

"Pretend to be asleep?"

Bei Yihui was taken aback, and nodded in agreement, while Li Runshi turned to look at Huang Ke at this moment.

"If you don't pretend to sleep, you can't. Because there are too many red deer, the upper echelons have been pushed down. If Japanese officials don't pretend to sleep, they will be torn apart by the red deer below. So they still want to go south... "

-------------------- Chapter 238 Experience of Failure --------------------

Li Runshi in front of him is the most determined man he has ever seen.

After chatting for only one minute, Kitaichi knew that Japan could not get anything from the CCP.

Fortunately, this was not the purpose of his coming to China.

Bei Yihui said: "Before I came to China, Tokyo was in riots again. In front of the National Assembly Hall, many people surrounded it. Japan will probably start to collapse again."

Huang Ke asked, "Did the commotion happen at the same time as the yelling about Heaven's Punishment?"

"Yes, it seems that you know Japan very well."

Huang Ke mocked: "It's really greedy to the extreme. As long as the chaebol spits out half of what they eat, the rice commotion in Japan will never happen."

Li Runshi sighed: "Japan is a country with a strong atmosphere of feudalism, militarism and capitalism. The upper class is as greedy as the bureaucratic landlord class in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, but as cruel as the Manchu Qing group in the late Ming Dynasty."

Bei Yihui bowed his head and said: "Before I came to China, people in the army were talking about going south and attacking Jiangnan. It was the upper-level people who were guiding the army's thinking. They asked me to come here because they wanted me to find out your attitude... ...."

Bei Yihui said in a self-deprecating tone: "Their delusion is that they can reach an agreement with you. The Japanese army will withdraw from Shanhaiguan in exchange for your non-interference in the actions south of the Yangtze River-I know this is impossible."

Li Runshi smiled and just asked, "What about you, what do you think of the future between China and Japan?"

Bei Yihui raised his head and sighed, clenched his right fist and said: "China has woken up, and I have been dreaming for 20 years, so it is time to wake up."

"When you wake up, where are you going to go..."

Bei Yihui lowered his head, and after a while, he said with pain on his face: "Seeing your success, I just feel stupid... I wasted 20 years and never achieved anything... 20 years, It’s like a big dream. After finally waking up from the dream, there is only emptiness left.”

"Why do you have such an idea?"

"I thought I had found the right path. After walking for 20 years, I found that the end of the path was still a dead end... To tell you the truth, before meeting Yuan Xing on February [-] last year, I was I felt that I chose a dead end, but I refused to admit it at the time, and then gambled wildly with a self-destructive mentality."

Admitting that I woke up from the dream is tantamount to denying my 20 years of hard work.The price was too great, but today Bei Yihui finally stopped evading.

Li Runshi laughed.

"These 20 years of your time have not been wasted. All you have done is to accumulate experience for future success.... To achieve the final victory of the revolution, you need to experience pain, setbacks and tempering. In fact, It’s indispensable.”

Li Runshi stood up, opened the window, looked at the night sky outside, and then turned to Bei Yihui and said:

"Japan's problems are deeply rooted and hard to return. It is similar to China in that it is essentially a "big empire" with a long history. During the Meiji Restoration, Japan appeared in Hirobumi Ito, Takamori Saigo, Toshimichi Okubo, and Kido Xiaoyun has so many heroes, but these heroes were lazy at the time. They clearly knew that the roots of the upper class were rotten. The emperor and the Chinese are the root of all suffering in Japan. All problems are always the problem of unreasonable distribution of resources and wealth. .”

"At that time, they were unwilling to face this problem. They took advantage of it! The Meiji Restoration, Japan seems to have begun to industrialize, but in the process, the lives of ordinary civilians have become more miserable than before the Restoration. The Restoration did not resolve the conflict. The root cause, in order to take advantage of it, Ito Hirobumi’s solution was to launch the Sino-Japanese War against China and feed back Japan by plundering China. However, he still did not solve the problem of the distribution of labor and wealth in Japan. The biggest interest is still being mercilessly taken by the chaebol consortium Harvesting, and the bottom layer still got nothing after paying a huge price."

Li Runshi looked into Bei Yihui's eyes, and then said: "After the First Sino-Japanese War, the bottom class in Japan was still poor. In fact, you at that time knew the root of the pain in your heart. So you came to China, which is undergoing change, to find a way out. But the reality is huge. Resistance made you choose to back down and compromise. Your subsequent thinking changes are actually no different from your predecessor Ito Hirobumi. In the past 20 years, your thinking has actually been thinking, although it has gone in the wrong direction , but you have also accumulated a lot of "failure" experience. Don't underestimate the experience of failure. To achieve the real and most thorough victory of the revolution, you have to experience both the correct victory experience and the wrong failure experience. No less."

Li Runshi turned back and sighed: "Before April [-], whether it was us Communists or the leftists of the Kuomintang, everyone wanted to play tricks. Relying on warlords and landlords did not dare to carry out the most thorough revolution, and did not dare to smash the old upper class. , and finally reached the critical point of the outbreak..."

"The Chinese revolution has come to this point because we first accumulated enough experience of mistakes and failures, and then we were driven by repeated failures to find and choose the right experience..."

In this matter, Li Runshi is somewhat "modest".Throughout his life, most of the time he was a "correct" minority. He was like a male protagonist in a netizen. To take everyone on a walk.Historically, before the rectification movement, the situation of Chairman Li in the party has been going through these repeated cycles: he was in power, led the revolution correctly, the situation was good, and then self-righteous "revolutionary companions" appeared in large numbers to drive him out of office. Or try to take him out of the way or set up a Southern Bureau or something to sing against him, and then this group of people who do their own thing are beaten to death by the reactionaries, shouting in unison, "Go and invite Li Runshi to come", and finally come out to clean up the mess.

Relying on the "comrades" self-righteous trial and error again and again, giving face, and repeatedly proving his wisdom and correctness, finally everyone was convinced and became the "chairman".

Li Runshi said to Bei Yihui as a person who came here:

"The truth of revolution is often difficult for most people to accept. Because he can't take advantage of it, it is often the most difficult and painful path. Unless it is a last resort, there is no way to go. Human beings basically will not choose this path ...In the past few decades, Japan has accumulated quite a lot of "mistakes and failures" experience, and the opportunity for change is actually close at hand."

Bei Yihui understood what he said, but he bowed his head with little confidence: "Japan's territory is too small, and the power of the Chinese people is too strong. And the people believe in the emperor far more than in the revolution. And after decades of brainwashing. …”

"A fake is a fake after all. Deceptive propaganda can be deceived for a while, but not forever. Japan is now like Germany. When the illusory power is still maintained, the reactionaries seem extremely powerful, but when this soap bubble supports When it doesn't go down and breaks..."

Li Runshi turned to Bei Yihui and said: "Now Japan is only a small failure. When the big failure comes and the lies of the reactionaries cannot continue, the opportunity for revolution will come, and this day will not be long... "


After meeting Li Runshi, Bei Yihui stayed in Beiping for a few days, but felt unwell all over, so he took leave temporarily.

Twenty years ago, Bei Yihui was considered a well-known Japanese in China. He actually had many acquaintances in Beiping.After knowing that Bei Yihui was here, many old friends came to see him specially.

"Brother Beiyi, it's really surprising that you came to China at this time."

"I heard that you and Chairman Li Runshi met last night. Did you talk about the topic between China and Japan?"

It was a good thing to meet friends, but when they reunited 20 years later, Bei Yihui suddenly felt a strong sense of strangeness towards these old friends.

He was old, and they were old, and older than he was.Having come into contact with the Communist Party, Li Runshi, and Huang Ke, a bold new generation, and comparing their infinite vitality, Bei Yihui immediately felt that all of his old friends were "deadly".

Before Li Runshi started the war in Pingjin, many people fled Pingjin as early as April and took refuge in the relatively safe south. After May, the Red Army defeated the Japanese army, and they came back one by one under the banner of "condolences to the anti-Japanese heroes".

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