This is not only the view of the Communist Party, the Cantonese and Guangxi factions, especially the traitors under Chang Kaishen who abandoned him in the last month, have all reached a consensus on this matter, and everyone unanimously attacked him and attacked him together. Reservoir dogs.As for the British, he had already supported Chen Jitang, so he naturally looked down on Chang Kaishen, the "American" running dog.After Chang Kaishen, an old dog, stepped down, the Americans hated him for his incompetence on the one hand, and on the other hand, they also noticed that he had recently had secret contacts with the Japanese and resented him, so they did not protect him.Therefore, Chang Kaishen, the former No.1 of the Republic of China, the chairman of the committee, was sent to the concession court to accept the humiliation of "court trial" only one month after he resigned.

"I originally wanted to be here to get rid of this scourge that has harmed the country and the people!"

A man wearing sunglasses stood on the opposite side of the road in front of the Concession Court, watching Chang Kaishen and the Chen brothers get in the car and leave coldly.

"There are 5000 million people in China. There are all kinds of people. There are heroes and traitors. There are actually a lot of people like Chang Kaishen. Killing him alone will not solve the problem, and assassination will not save China. "

The person talking to Wang Yaqiao was Hua Kezhi, who is the person in charge of the CCP in Shanghai and is in a cooperative relationship with Wang Yaqiao.

Wang Yaqiao hummed: "Your Communist Party has many rules."

Hua Kezhi replied: "There is no rule without rules. The more effective an organization is, the more rules it will have."

Wang Yaqiao was silent for a while, and then said: "I now understand why Pan Hannian and Wu Hao gave me a three-year inspection period. Are they afraid that I will not obey the rules?"

Hua Kezhi nodded and said: "Someone in the organization has said that Wang Yaqiao is a chivalrous man, he is not confused about major issues, and has the style of a chivalrous man in the spring and autumn. But our Communist Party emphasizes discipline the most..."

"Are you afraid that I won't fit in?"

"That's what it means."

Wang Yaqiao said: "The person who said this must be Huang Yuanxing. In your Communist Party, this young man is the most attractive to me, very much like when I was young."

Wang Yaqiao met Huang Ke once, and Huang Ke gave him those "black materials" about Chang Kaishen.After Chang Kaishen stepped down, Wang Yaqiao returned to Shanghai to recall the old ministry, and got Huang Ke's economic and weapon support behind him.

Hua Kezhi said: "Chang Kaishen's strength lies in his political tactics, but his ability to handle specific affairs is very bad. If the Japanese want to find traitor agents in China, Chang Kaishen is no better than Chang Kaishen. And he Originally embracing Britain and the United States, the status is embarrassing, and keeping him here will cause trouble for future traitors. On the contrary, other capable but evil-minded guys are the ones who need to be eliminated in advance."

"Dingmo Village, Li Shiqun?"

Wang Yaqiao silently read the two names and nodded.

These two are traitor spy leaders in history. They were originally members of the Central Committee, traitors of the Communist Party, and the founders of the famous "No. 76 Devil's Nest" in Shanghai.

With the end of Chang Kaishen's regime and the collapse of the Central Committee, many people wanted to embrace Chen Jitang's lap.But the reputation of Zhongtong is too bad, and too many people have been offended.When the backer fell, all kinds of backlashes were happening.

Just like the fall of Nine Thousand Years, Wei Zhongxian's Dongchang spies also fell into bad luck. Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, the two "little bosses" who are "not up and down", have become very good "back-up men" .Those who were eager to hug their thighs and clean their upper layers threw them out, claiming that these guys did all the bad things for Chang Kaishen.

Both of them are now hiding in the Shanghai Concession, and Wang Yaqiao found out through his relationship with the Fuxingshe that they had also secretly had close contacts with the Japanese recently.

After getting the exact hiding place of the two from Wang Tianmu, Wang Yaqiao was ready to act.After he informed Walker, he quickly separated from him, and then came to his secret stronghold in the concession.

Wang Yaqiao's power in Shanghai, at most, had more than 200 "loyalty" passionate gang members, united with North Korean patriots, and killing Bai Chuanyi was the pinnacle of his life. In ancient times, he was like Ji Bu and Guo Xie figure.

After returning to the stronghold, several young people were waiting for him there, and everyone went out in cars and went straight to the Japanese Concession.

Dingmo Village is now hidden in the Japanese Concession, and they were arranged by the Japanese in a hotel in the Concession, and there are Japanese wanderers nearby to protect them.After the war between the CCP and the Japanese started in Pingjin on April [-], affected by it, the Japanese Concession in Shanghai was put into a state of martial law for a while, prohibiting Chinese people from entering.As for Li Shiqun, he is now hiding here in the British Concession, at the residence of his old brother Wu Sibao in the British Concession.

As a local snake in Shanghai, Wang Yaqiao has a wide network of contacts. He managed to get a pass and successfully entered the Japanese Concession.

They met with people at the pier first, and got a box of weapons: five flower machine guns and a large number of oval grenades.

At twelve o'clock that night, in the dead of night, Wang Yaqiao and his party of five came to the hotel. A few minutes later, fierce gunshots rang out in the concession.

At about the same time, there were also gunshots and explosions in the British Concession.

On the second day, Shanghai was shocked by the shocking incidents that occurred in two places, and even more shocking news came out on the third day.

"Slander, slander, this is a malicious slander! Zhang Xiaolin's whole family was killed, what does it have to do with me? This is a clumsy slander!"

In the mansion in the Shanghai Concession, Chang Kaishen angrily tore the newly published "Declaration" to pieces.

When Chang Kaishen was brought to court jointly by wealthy businessmen from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, two former high-ranking members of the CC department were killed in the Shanghai Concession, and people immediately connected the two cases.

Dingmo Village was shot to death in the Japanese Concession, and Li Shiqun died even worse. He hid in the residence of his old brother Wu Sibao, protected by more than a dozen gangster thugs. He seemed safe, but was broken into in the middle of the night with a submachine gun. The residence was first greeted with an American grenade meal, and then machine guns were used to sweep wildly, directly sweeping and blowing up the house.

Including Wu Sibao, a total of nine people were killed and several were seriously injured.When the patrol room inspected the scene afterwards, they accidentally found a "surprise" at the bottom of a box in Wu Sibao's residence.

Two years ago in the concession, Zhang Xiaolin's home was ransacked.In addition to losing a large amount of property, all relevant passbooks related to his deposits in foreign banks were also lost.Afterwards, in order to recover the property, the family and relatives even filed a lawsuit with the unscrupulous foreign firm. Who knew that these missing things were accidentally discovered here.In addition, a small amount of jewelry lost by Zhang's family was also found during the inspection of the scene.

On the Zhongtong side, people are being investigated for the kidnapping and extortion case they created. Now two Zhongtong officials have been killed and evidence of "murder and robbery" was found here. Naturally, people put these things together linked together.

After the news broke out, "Shenbao" and "Ta Kung Pao" blatantly published such headlines on the front pages as "Deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestor Chang Kaishen, is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality?" When it came to Chang Kaishen and the Zhongtong, the killing of Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun was said to be Chang Kaishen's murder.

Just before Zhang Xiaolin was killed, he sent his son to ask Chang Kaishen for an official but failed, and Chang Kaishen wanted to issue legal currency at that time, and Zhang Xiao was against Chang Kaishen in this matter. Both of these things were confirmed.Some people took the opportunity to make a fuss about this point, took it out and processed it, the story was made up vividly and vividly, with nose and eyes: They said that after Chang Kaishen became the chairman of the committee, he had been ashamed of his black history of being a young gangster in Shanghai, which happened to be Zhang Xiaolin hated him, so he sent Li Shiqun to kill him.

In fact, the evidence found at the scene was deliberately far-fetched, and the smell of "intentional defacement" was really strong.But evidence is evidence, whether the police and the judge believe it or not is the same thing, but the unscrupulous media and the public who already hate Chang Kaishen are willing to believe it.

Overnight, because of Chang Kaishen's "love affair" with the Qing Gang, he now has the big hat of "deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors" on his head.

After stepping down, the unlucky Chang Kaishen became very angry. During this period of time, his mouth was covered with blisters. When he yelled and tore the newspaper in anger, the wound was affected, and the pain directly made him grit his teeth and mouth.

"Who is this, who is cheating me like this?"

When Chang Kaishen was gnashing his teeth in hatred, the person who had made him miserable was reporting to Wu Hao the actions in Shanghai together with Pan Hannian.

The Communist Party prohibits political assassination, but it makes exceptions for traitors and traitors.Ding and Li happened to commit two crimes. Huang Ke made a suggestion to the party organization, and the upper management approved it. In the end, Ding Mo Village was solved by Wang Yaqiao, while Li Shiqun was solved by the underground party in Shanghai.

Shanghai will soon fall, but there are some things that need to be prepared in advance.

What Pan Hannian reported to Wu Hao was that he planted a bomb at No. 76 Feier Road and installed bugging devices in the meeting rooms of key departments such as Shanghai City Hall.According to the records of later generations, the Shanghai underground party organization is now setting up secrets in advance in places that the Japanese Shanghai occupying forces will occupy.

The early birth of the transistor has greatly improved the hardware technology of the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist Party in electronic warfare and espionage overnight: the wiretapping and listening devices can be made smaller and more concealed.

According to Pan Hannian's report, the most important core is whether Chang Kaishen will become a traitor and seek refuge with the Japanese.

"Ryuhiko Aoki, the head of Japan's high-tech department in Shanghai, has been in frequent contact with Chang Kaishen these days. The news we got is that Chang Kaishen did not agree. But Soong Meiling left Chang's mansion during this time and lived in Song Ziwen's residence. , she had a fierce argument with Chang Kaishen recently..."

Wu Hao said coldly: "The Song family and the Kong family are the spokespersons of the British and American forces in China. Although these two families were abandoned by the British and American masters, the dogs love their old masters, and the dog chains around their necks are still held by the Americans. Of course he was reluctant to easily vote for the Japanese. But Chang Kaishen is different..."

Pan Hannian asked: "Is it possible for Chang Kaishen to be a traitor? If so, we can..."

"Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun are because they are traitors, and they are indeed in contact with the Japanese. As for Chang Kaishen..."

Li Runshi on one side interjected: "It's going to rain, and Chang Kaishen wants to be a traitor, so let him be. His reputation is already rotten. If he becomes a traitor first, it will have less influence than Wang Jingwei being a traitor. Let him jump, the harder he jumps, the more people like them can be drawn out..."

In fact, at this time, it is very easy to assassinate Chang Kaishen—use the rhubarb crossbow invented by Huang Ke, and throw a poison gas bomb into his residence to poison him to death.Now Li Runshi and Wu Hao are more concerned about the land communication channel with the "Fang Su" Red Army in the south of the Yangtze River.

After the Battle of Tongzhou, the north temporarily stabilized, but the south of the Yangtze River was turbulent.The upper echelons of the Red Army are planning to transfer more soldiers and officers with actual combat experience to the south to support the construction of the southern base before Japan fully invades China.

-------------------- Chapter 236 Bei Yihui's trip to China --------------------

Arriving in Peiping from Shanghai by train, Bei Yihui clearly felt the difference between the two Chinas within a short walk after getting off the train.

Bei Yihui is a China hand.When he was young, he participated in a series of revolutionary movements in China during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China for a long time. He did not leave China until 1916.

When he was young, he wrote the "Outline of the Japan Reconstruction Act" in Shanghai, advocating the reconstruction of Japan through armed revolution.At the end of the same year, he returned to China to join the right-wing socialist movement. In 1921 (the tenth year of Taisho), he published "The Foreign History of the Chinese Revolution", introducing the Chinese revolution and advocating the Sino-Japanese military alliance. In 1927 (the second year of the Showa era), Kita Ikki's disciple Nishida Yasu founded the Tianjian Party in Tokyo, using Kita Ikki's theory as a blueprint for construction, recruiting middle and lower-level military officers across the country, and plotting a revolution.

In countless novels of the Republic of China in later generations, Bei Yihui has always played the role of the leading party, the Japanese traitor, and the protagonist's little fan.

In the original history, he was executed by Hirohito one month after the July [-]th Incident broke out.On the other hand, when the Battle of Pingjin broke out and Japan was defeated, Kita Ikki came to China at this time.

Before he came to China, his background and mentality were very complicated.

He was rescued by Xiyuanji Gongwang, who discussed Japan's future prospects with him. This 90-year-old political old fox is very pessimistic about future wars.But the reason why old foxes are old foxes is that they will never express their position or bet lightly until "the matter is a foregone conclusion".

After the discussion, and after understanding what Bei Yihui was thinking, Xiyuansi Gongwang subsidized him a sum of money and asked him to "go to China and meet Li Runshi" by himself, and then came back to answer him.

At this time, Bei Yihui has also "wasted his years" in his fifties. Half a century of ups and downs, ups and downs, has seen countless heroes rise up like a tide, and fall like a tide. Die early, or anticlimactic, forgetting the origin and betraying.

In China, he has seen the most noble virtues among human beings, and also encountered the most despicable betrayals.However, before February [-], he could not see "hope" whether in China or Japan.

When he was young, Bei Yihui, because Sun Yat-sen accepted money from the Japanese government and left Japan, he did not hesitate to stand in the position of Zhang Taiyan, Song Jiaoren and others, and criticized Sun Yat-sen's actions.In Bei Yihui's view, Sun Yat-sen was a completely Westernized Chinese, no matter how he acted or thought, he followed the Western model.Sun Yat-sen did not carry out the revolutionary cause from the standpoint of the Chinese, but wanted to implement the Western democratic concept in China through revolutionary means.Therefore, in order to achieve their goals, they often seek support from foreign countries by any means.Therefore, he put the hope of the Chinese revolution on Huang Xing, Song Jiaoren and others.He believes that after the success of the Chinese revolution, the people who can stabilize the situation in China are not Sun Yat-sen, but Huang Xing and Song Jiaoren.

Then Song Jiaoren was assassinated, Huang Xing died early, both of them died in the same year when they were young, and they left early. Bei Yihui also completely lost hope for the Chinese revolution, and turned his attention to the country, and later in China He didn't care too much about what happened, and then he went to the route often taken by the hero of modern web novels: (Mao+Si+Xi)/3=Bei Yihui's ideological path.

What really inspired Bei Yihui to return to China to seek the way, was that after the February [-]th Incident, the CCP rose up in China at an incomparable speed. It took only one and a half years to defeat the ordinary The Kaishen regime, and then severely damaged the Beizhi garrison in the Battle of Pingjin...

Bei Yihui wants Shanghai to board the train, all the way north, passing through Jiangsu and Shandong, and after entering Hebei, when he calmly stopped at a small station on the way to rest, a few people wearing red sleeve pockets came on board, and then began to treat them like this one by one Passengers from Shanghai are registered, inquired and screened.

This kind of thing happens occasionally in Japan, and it happens "every day" on the Northeast Railway that was occupied by the Japanese army. Kita Ikki did not expect that similar things would happen in China, in areas controlled by the Communist Party.

Some of these people wearing red sleeve pockets are very young, and one can tell from their demeanor and conversation that they are still students at school.Soon the group of people asked about Bei Yihui.

"Name? Where are you from, where do you get on, where do you get off, where are you going? What do you do?"

"Ikki Shimokita! Japanese!"


Bei Yihui's Chinese is actually very good, and his Beijing movies are even more standard than Chairman Li Runshi.But the three words "Japanese" on his newspaper immediately made the group in front of him nervous, and everyone immediately surrounded him, surrounding Bei Yihui in the middle.

When the other party was in a daze, Bei Yihui continued to answer: "I'm on the train from Shanghai, get off at Beiping! I don't know where I'm going...but I can tell you what I'm going to do. I'll come Peiping, I’m here to find a new friend I met in Japan last year, and I want to meet another person through him.”

"What new friend? Who do you want to meet through him?"

"The new friend I met in Japan, his name is Huang Ke, and his name is Xingyuan! Chang Kaishen once offered a reward of 100 million silver dollars for his head, the number one spy. The other person I want to meet through him is the biggest Communist Party leader , Chairman Lee Yoon-seok!"

On the next journey, the atmosphere was not very good. Bei Yihui, a Japanese, was surrounded by a group of young and strong young men, staring at him like a spy.

Looking at these nervous young people, Bei Yihui had mixed feelings. Apart from sighs, there was also a trace of relief.

"Brother Dunchu (referring to Song Jiaoren), how many years have passed, I was in China, and I saw this kind of young people with a strong sense of responsibility! The last time I saw so many young people like this was around Xinhai.. ..."

The reason for being bleak and lonely is that he always has a feeling of being outdated by the times.

It has been nearly 20 years since Bei Yihui left China. Twenty years ago, he was considered a "very famous" celebrity in China, and he used to chat and laugh with Huang Xing and Song Jiaoren.

However, Merry is always beaten by the wind and rain.

After 20 years, those great figures who were contemporaries of Bei Yihui, whether they were close friends Song Jiaoren and Huang Xing, former enemies Yuan Shikai and Duan Qirui, or Sun Dapao who was sprayed by him face to face, All are no longer alive.The Qing Dynasty has long since perished, Beiyang has also been wiped out, and the Xingzhonghui, Huaxinghui, and Guangfuhui have long since ceased to exist... In China's political arena, the upper class has changed wave after wave. Chang Kaishen's era has just It's over, now it's Lee Yoon-seok's time.

While on the train, Kita Ikki thought with a sigh.

"Lee Yun-seok, will he be a fleeting meteor, or a star that illuminates the night sky? And whose era will it be in the next era?"

Stared at by a group of people like spies, Bei Yihui felt uncomfortable all over after only sitting for a few minutes.He laughed and said, "Is there someone like me who claims to be Japanese as soon as they meet, a Japanese spy?"

The young man on the opposite side replied: "Why not? Some Japanese spies pretended to be friends, and even revolutionaries sneaked into the ranks to cause sabotage!"

"Oh, who is it?"

"Yusuke Ishida!"

Bei Yihui was taken aback, the name was so familiar, he thought hard for a long time before he remembered who this person was.

"Chang Kaishen? How did he become a Japanese spy?"

"Why is he not a Japanese spy, he is the most powerful Japanese spy!"

The young man on the opposite side said bitterly.

"He personally killed Tao Chengzhang, the president of the Restoration Association, in Guangci Hospital. This was the first crime he committed to kill a revolutionary."

"Needless to say the April [-]th Incident, the great momentum of the Chinese revolution was completely ruined by him! After April [-]th, in the name of purging the party, he killed ten times more Kuomintang cadres than the Communist Party! "

"September [-], the telegram ordered Zhang Xueliang not to resist, and ruined the Northeast! The [-]th Route Army fought bravely in Shanghai, and was finally wiped out by him. Ji Hongchang organized the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, which was also conspired to disband by him, and even killed Ji Hongchang in the name of illegal resistance against Japan. Martyr Hongchang."

"He usurped China's head of state for ten years, and China's military construction is in a mess. The military industry of the Nanjing government is not even comparable to that of Yan Laoxi in Shanxi—by the way, I almost forgot, the first thing he did after the Central Plains War , is to work hard to destroy Taiyuan's military industry!"

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