Neiji Okamura gave him a contemptuous look: The empire is in such a predicament in China, isn't it the consequences of you going alone to launch September [-] a few years ago that are backlashing you?

Okamura Neiji was still on duty at the military headquarters tonight, he snorted and left, leaving only Ishihara Waner, the defeated dog yesterday, to stay where he was and continue drinking.

After the Battle of Bailing Temple, Ishihara Waner was sober, but the result of soberness was even more desperate.

the other side.......

Colonel Kravchenko, who was coordinating and commanding the division of the armored forces, was at the temporary tank maintenance base in Tongzhou City at this time, which is now full of tanks waiting for repair.

The battle lasted from the evening of the 29th to May 300st. Before the war, the Red Army invested more than [-] tanks and self-propelled artillery.After continuous intense fighting, only half of the armored vehicles can continue to fight.The rest are waiting for rush repair and overhaul.

When Colonel Kravchenko came to the Tongzhou maintenance base, a French-made tank trailer was just pulling back a heavily damaged T26 tank from the front line.For minor injuries and minor afflictions, the maintenance team will repair them directly on the battlefield.It will be pulled back, usually with serious damage-for example, the newly pulled one has an engine that was directly blown up by a Japanese mortar.

The top armor of the T[-] tank is too thin, especially at the engine position, and its ability to defend against curved guns is extremely poor.Being directly hit in the engine room, it basically loses its mobility as soon as it is fired.Sometimes, if you're unlucky, a direct hit from a [-] grenadier can have a similar effect.In addition, the bombs dropped by the Japanese army aviation planes that frantically supported Tongzhou broke through the interception were also a great threat.

It is very troublesome to repair the damaged engine caused by bombing.Most of the T[-] tanks on the Tongzhou battlefield use diesel engines.After the engine is damaged, it can only be replaced directly. Although [-] similar engines were backed up before the war, they were defeated after two days of tragic attrition.Twenty engines were replaced just for the engine.

During the two days of fierce fighting, the tank trailers imported from France pulled the tanks that were severely damaged and could not be repaired on the battlefield countless times to the rear.The vehicle is the most popular equipment for the front-line Red Army armored soldiers, and their appearance promptly recovered a large number of damaged tanks.

In the battle of Tongzhou, the commander-in-chief of the enemy was Liu Mingzhao. He graduated from Frunze, is proficient in Russian, and can connect well with Kravchenko.Kravchenko rushed to Tongzhou from the front line to meet Liu Mingzhao, and at the same time to know the specific number of tanks that can be put into battle after dawn tomorrow.

On the battlefield at this time, the annihilation of the Fifth Division is basically a certainty.When Kravchenko and Liu Mingzhao met, the remnants of the Fifth Division in the Tongzhou area, only the last two patchwork groups, each with about 4000 to 36 troops, were surrounded in an area two kilometers apart.After fighting for [-] hours in a row, after the logistics were cut off, the Japanese army that encircled the morning began to lack even ammunition.

Night is not suitable for tank assaults, only some tanks are still cooperating with infantry as mobile fortresses to launch night battle offensives.

Liu Mingzhao said:

"At eight o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest, we can wipe out the Fifth Division!"

After asking the opinions of the logistics and maintenance department, Kravchenko confirmed that he can probably command 160 tanks and self-propelled artillery after dawn tomorrow.Compared with when the war started, the number of armored soldiers in his hands has dropped by half.The supervisor of the maintenance team told him: If they can wait five days, they are confident that they can repair [-]% of the damaged tanks.

"Five days? It's a pity we don't have so much time!"

The armored force is easy to use, but it takes too much logistics and also consumes too much.After knowing the situation of the troops, both Kravchenko and Liu Mingzhao realized that it was not that easy to besiege the city and fight for reinforcements, making dumplings for the First and Sixth Divisions.

When Liu Mingzhao and Kravchenko reported to Li Runshi the serious attrition of the armored force and the difficulties they were facing, Shiro Inaba, in the First Division on the other side, was also troubled by the harsh surrounding military environment.

His troops were ordered to rescue the Fifth Division and attacked westward for more than 36 hours, but it is still six miles away from the nearest besieged troops of the Sakagaki Division.

The Red Army on the opposite side is getting more and more intercepted, not to mention that the remaining troops of the besieged Sakagaki Division are also getting fewer and fewer.

"We have actually killed more people than we could have saved in order to save him."

Compared to this kind of complaint, Inaba Shiro was more afraid of his rear.Xu Zijing's flexible defense tactics made the Japanese army consume countless shells for every mile they advanced.The artillery shells he carried when he went south had already been fired in the first day of the attack, and now it all depends on the support from the rear, but at this terrible time, the opponent repeatedly attacked his transport convoy from the plane to the artillery.

What made him even more frightened was that his relief force contacted the rear with Tangshan and reported tonight that they had been attacked by a large number of Red Army troops.Peng Shichuan's troops were trying to move behind him, and he had already discovered the danger that he was being surrounded.

In the middle of the night on May [-]st, Li Yunshi was worried that the front troops were too worn out to encircle the Japanese army on the eastern front, while Inaba Shiro was worried that his troops were in a desperate situation of being surrounded.

Stay here, Tongzhou is obviously a fire pit, and it will not end well.

As for the voluntary retreat? Telegram after telegram from Tokyo urging him to save the Fifth Division was also forcing Inaba Shiro to his death.

Change first, school tomorrow

-------------------- Chapter 233 Our Red Army is the strongest --------------------

"Your Excellency! Even the stones are burning here!"

"The communist shells are falling like rain, we can't hold on anymore!"

"Hold on, hold on, Kyuubi-kun, we've seen you!"

"How long will we have to wait? More than half of our people here are wounded!"

"The enemy's offensive is fierce! The armored chariot is charging over again!"

From the evening of May [-]st to [-]:[-] am in the morning, this period was definitely the most difficult night in the life of the head of the Sixth Division Inaba Shiro.In the encirclement circle a few miles away, the remnant of the besieged Fifth Division, and its commander Kyuubi Maruji kept sending help telegrams to Inaba Shiro. From the panicked telegram, Inaba Shiro could imagine that he was what happened.

Standing in the village that has been blown into ruins by the artillery fire from both sides and looking west, you can see the deadly explosion red light flashing in the sky over there, and there are continuous explosions and even more terrifying sounds of tank tracks.

The artillery brought by Inaba Shiro can already launch artillery support to friendly forces, but unfortunately, he soon discovered that the artillery shells he carried were not enough to accomplish this goal.

His troops were blocked here in Tangjia Village, a shallow river less than 20 meters wide, and the seventh line of defense behind them could not break through no matter what.The continuous breakthrough operations soon ran out of ammunition, and the support from the Tangshan logistics base also became a big problem due to the continuous attacks on the transport convoy.

The communists did not blow up the bridge, but instead covered the river beach and roads opposite the bridge with landmines.The Sixth Division, who had no time to clear the mines slowly, could only force the soldiers to rush into the minefields desperately.After risking their lives and rushing through those insidious minefields that would only blow people up, what greeted the warriors of the Great Japanese Locust Army were trenches, barbed wire, machine guns, and hidden behind the trenches, who were as brave as the Japanese army. Red Army soldier.

The Japanese army, whose marksmanship and individual quality are better than their opponents, actually hates night battles.In the dim light of night, the entangled soldiers from both sides fought bloody hand-to-hand battles, which was very uneconomical.Facing the Communist army in front of us, we have enough reserves, and we can afford to exchange two for one.Wave after wave, they continued to enter the battlefield, as if they couldn't kill them all.

In the dark night, with the flashes of shell explosions on both sides, from time to time you can see the enemy close at hand on the opposite side: a resolute face covered with dust and blood, and pairs of blood-red eyes full of hatred.

The Red Army on the opposite side has countless reserves. After breaking through six lines of defense in a row, the identified opponents have seven different army numbers. Every time a new enemy number is discovered, the fear in Shiro Inaba's heart on the front line will deepen. one cent. ———

Six lines of defense, he just penetrated rather than smashed.Because every breakthrough, in fact, is the opponent's intentional and voluntary abandonment when he still has spare power.The front line of defense was pierced, and the next line of defense with mines was repaired. The endless feeling almost made people collapse.

Line after line of defense, patches of disgusting minefields, repeated bad battles, like layers of sponges, continuously sucked away the energy, courage, and morale of the Japanese army bit by bit during the attack.

"Kill the little devil, kill the little devil, our Northeast Army is not a coward!"

"Kill the little devil and fight back to the northeast!"

When they reached Tangjia Village, the Japanese army had a tragic night battle with their opponents.

The opponent is Shiro Inaba's most wanted opponent-the Northeast Army of "Native Chicken and Wagon Dog", and Wang Yizhe's 67th Army.

It's really a chicken and a dog. On September [-], the Japanese army, which was less than [-] at that time, easily drove hundreds of thousands of Northeast troops out of the customs.

When they heard the cries of killing in the northeast accent, the whole Sixth Division thought that they had encountered a soft persimmon, and their morale was greatly boosted.

However, they were wrong...

In my impression, the Northeast Army, which is not as good as pigs and sheep, seems to have changed their souls after not seeing them for a few years, and has become as fierce as the Red Army in front.

The Red Army's defensive position against the river was like a bottomless black hole. One after another, Japanese squadrons and squadrons rushed over and filled it in, without even a bubble popping out in the end.Corpses, layer upon layer.In the battle in the dark night, as long as there are living people and fighting spirit on both sides, the deadly battle will continue to be fought.

Inaba Shiro became more and more afraid...

Throughout the night, he kept sending electricity to the Third Division in the north, asking Masaki Ito's troops to get closer to him as soon as possible, and use his troops to fill the gap between here and Tangshan.However, Fu Zuoyi's Jinsui Army, who was going south, was firmly blocked on the north bank of the river with the help of a Fragrant River. The Third Division, which was rushing south, lacked sufficient equipment to cross the river. Can't break through the opponent's defense line.

The Japanese reconnaissance troops in the three directions from the east, the south, and the north were all calling the police. On their respective fronts, they found that a large number of Red Army troops were rushing towards Tangcun. There was a fierce exchange of fire with the guards of the First Division in the dark, and no one knew how many soldiers Peng Shichuan had brought.But the head of the first division reported that the opponent's offensive was extremely fierce, and tanks and armored vehicles were also dispatched.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I am already in great danger! The Third Division cannot go south, and Peng Shichuan and Dong Zhentang are attacking our east! The Empire has already lost strategically in the Pingjin battlefield!"

Kyosuke Kawamura personally made a field call to Inaba Shiro. He was dealing with the onslaught from the Red Army on the Eastern Front, and he knew better than anyone else the critical situation.

"Japan's war situation in the Pingjin battlefield has been a mess from the beginning strategically."

The Fifth Division was already hopeless when it was surrounded on the [-]th.Any effort to save him will only result in more losses.

The battle has come to this point, everyone from the military to Inaba Shiro actually understands it.

However, no one is willing to take this board, and no one is willing to issue "instructions to abandon the Fifth Division."

From the evening of May 36st to the early morning of May [-]nd, Inaba Shiro, who had not slept for more than [-] hours, kept sending telegrams to the Tokyo Military Headquarters, informing him of his plight: hundreds of thousands of enemy troops were attacking him and the No. The troops of the First Division gathered together and outflanked them, and if they didn't leave, they would be reduced to the same fate as the Fifth Division.

But on the side of the Tokyo Military Headquarters, the damned upper echelon of the military headquarters is like a dead man, still wanting him to advance resolutely, save the Fifth Division, and not allow him to retreat.

In the eyes of those Showa staff officers who worked on the map, his troops are now only six miles away from the besieged Fifth Division.If it is daytime, you can see the opposite side from a high point.From the point of view of those army horse dung who work on the map, your troops of Shiro Inaba just need to work harder, grit their teeth, and rush over, and they can rescue the first part of the Fifth Division.

The cryptic message above stated that as long as you rescued the part of the Japanese army in front of you, you would be considered as having completed the mission, and you could retreat north and rendezvous with the Third Division.

Of course Inaba Shiro knew why there was such a weird instruction, it was for the "face" of the military and the emperor.Thousands of people were rescued, and it was so embarrassing to spread that it was just a "big break" instead of "complete destruction"... On this terrible night, the only good news that Shiro Inaba got was that the 23rd Division had also arrived in Tangshan, Go south today.

At the beginning, Inaba Shiro thought so too.However, his troops fought all night, but they were still unable to penetrate the last line of defense in front of them...

At four o'clock in the morning, from the direction of the encirclement on the opposite side, there was a terrible sound of charging horns.The Japanese army, who was fighting with the Northeast Army on the front line, reported back. The opponent dispatched tanks again, and then there were continuous explosions that lit up half the sky. At 04:30 in the morning, the telegram communication between the Sixth Division and the remnant army was suddenly interrupted.. ....

Before the contact with the Fifth Division was interrupted, the last telegram was: Aren't you going to come and save us?

In the western sky, countless colored signal flares rose in the sky at the same time. Inaba Shiro, who had almost turned gray overnight, finally came to his senses at this moment.

"Retreat する! Retreat する!"


On May [-]nd, at five o'clock in the morning, the sun peeked out from the eastern horizon.

48 T60 tanks, 36 T23 tanks, 76 T[-] tanks, and [-] M[-] tanks, the armored cluster is ready to go after absorbing the dew all night.

Three to four "flying cavalry" are attached to each tank. They use special hooks to hang themselves on the tank's hanging rail.This tactic of tanks and infantry is dangerous when charging, but it is the "best" means for infantry to accompany tanks.

Behind the tank cluster, there are more than 40 armored vehicles, 40 armored personnel carriers, and more than [-] trucks.They will charge behind the tanks.

The engine has been warmed up, and when the commander Kravchenko on the last BA-[-](K) armored vehicle gives an order, it will charge forward with a loud roar.

On the third day of the Battle of Tongzhou, the Red Army was indeed at the end of its strength. After concentrating the armor forces in the hands of Lin Husan and Xu Zijing, Kravchenko managed to form an armored brigade.

But that's enough, because his opponent is just about the same, and the situation is even worse.

This patchwork armored brigade in the hands of Kravchenko, half of the exposed tankers have high noses and deep eyes, obviously not Chinese - they all came to China with Kravchenko to support China Tank soldiers aiding China in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

At [-]:[-], as the sun showed its eyebrows in the east and the sky was getting brighter, Colonel Kravchenko standing on the armored command vehicle waved forward!


Russian shouts of various accents came from the communication channel, and hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles launched at the same time, forming an invincible torrent and rushing forward together.

While the torrent was moving, Russian-style singing sounded from the loudspeaker at the starting point of the attack.

"The soldiers of the Red Army march forward,

Answer the call to fight.

From the English coast to Siberia,

Hey, the Red Army is the most powerful in the world.

Soldiers of the Red Army, polish your bayonets,

Hold the gun tightly.

We should all fight harder and harder,

Fight the enemy to the death on the battlefield. "

In the tank, both Soviet and Chinese tankers hummed the same song, driving the tank forward.

On the command vehicle behind, Kravchenko turned his head, glanced at the "foreign friend" beside him, and asked, "Lieutenant Colonel Mitterrand, I'm going to charge!"

"Well, let's go together!"

The armored vehicle roared into action.

This Lieutenant Colonel Mitterrand is French and a French military attache in the Tianjin Concession. In response to Stalin's instructions, Kravchenko enthusiastically "invited" the French to "watch the battle" on the spot, and experience the magnificence of the armored group assault!When this armored brigade assaulted, the Soviet photographers arranged nearby also took pictures of this magnificent scene.

In this Far East campaign, he will send someone to Britain and France to send a copy of all combat documents and experience summaries related to armored forces.

Stalin will not let go of any opportunity to trouble Germany in the future.....

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