Looking at Brook's figure, Rab kept tweeting again and again.

"Hey~"Six Eight Seven"~ Rab~~Come back first~~"

"Let them dock first, the waves you caused are too big~~~"

At the Cape Twins, Kulocas looked at the ships and Rab parked in the distance, and couldn't help but shouted loudly.

After all, Rab's body is extremely huge, and even a small move by Rab will cause huge waves in the surrounding sea water.

The ships of the Jianhao team were also constantly ups and downs in the surrounding waves.

However, when Brook saw Raab, he fell into the same joy as Raab.

The effect of the waves on the boat was completely unaware.

But now, Brook woke up suddenly after hearing Kulocas' shout.

"Yes, yes, hurry up, get to the shore first!"

"Why don't you remind me!"

Hearing this, Sargeras, a member of the Jianhao team, couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"It's not because you are so happy, that's why we didn't bother you and this big whale."

Hearing this, Brooke's white skull eyes suddenly turned red.

There was an expression of incomparable emotion on the face of a skeleton.


Alsace looked at Brook's appearance, reached out and patted his bony shoulder.

"It's all in one team, there's no need for this."

"Besides, you are our captain, it's very bad to cry~"

Hearing this, Brook quickly wiped his eye sockets.

However, although the tears were wiped away, the ruddy eye sockets still remained.

Following the actions of the Jianhao team, the ship quickly docked beside the Shuangzi Cape.

And this is, Kulocas and slowly walked over.

Soon, during the conversation, Brook also knew what happened after the Rumba Pirates left.

And Brook also told Kurokas and Raab about the Rumba Pirates.

In this way, with their respective narrations, time passed quietly.


The Great Route - Kingdom of Helios - inside the palace.

On this day, Yisi was enjoying Monet and Robin's full body horse killing chicken.

Under the sunlight, Yi Si looked lazy.


tata tao...

It's a pity that the affairs of the kingdom can never be finished.

No, Reiju's figure came to the palace again following the sound of footsteps.

"Your Highness~"

Reiju bowed slightly to Iss, and Reiju called softly.

Hearing this, Yisi opened his eyes involuntarily, looked at the document in Reiju's hand, and sighed softly.

"What's the matter, tell me."

"Yes." Hearing Ice's words, Reiju took two steps forward and began to open the folder in her hand.

"Your Highness, the spare grain warehouses have been built, most of which are located in the military area, and the others are distributed in other areas."

"All the spare grain warehouses add up to a hundred, and each spare grain warehouse can store one hundred tons of grain."

“农业部与商业部的两位部长想让我询问殿下,这些备用粮食仓库是以自产为主还是以交易为主。”认,准,??幼,儿'园!?;中?转: .『,5;4;1;8,4;7.0;2:0'』;


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, go to the 'commercial' advertisement: dead 'mom'

Yisi stroked his chin and spoke directly.

"Of course it's about trading. How much can we produce by ourselves..."

"Order to let the people in the Ministry of Commerce buy those high-quality grains, and then store them all in the spare grain warehouse."

"In addition, let the Ministry of Agriculture and the scientists of the Ministry of Science and Technology-Agricultural Group develop new types of seeds as soon as possible, and the experimental base is placed in the windless zone."

Following Yisi's instructions, Reiju hurriedly filled this document with what Yisi said.

"Your Highness, the next thing is about the update of military weapons that His Highness said before..."

After finishing writing, Reiju turned to the next page and started talking about the second thing.

Hearing this, Yi Si pondered for a moment, and said.

"First of all, this matter is handed over to the scientific research department-ammunition team for research and development."

"Start updating from today's guns to automatic pistols, rifles, machine guns..."

"Then there are rockets, missiles and other large munitions, and finally there are things about nuclear bombs, and the final space strike idea... 0"

"For these things, I have sorted out a concept paper later."

"That concept paper can be used as a reference, and you can bring it to them later."

Hearing this, Reiju recorded it over and over again, and nodded in response over and over again.

Next, as Reiju kept flipping through the documents, Ice also gave some answers from time to time.

Today, many things in the kingdom are decided by Yisi.

King Yiluo decided to delegate power long after he discovered Yisi's talent.

Therefore, during Yis's return to China, King Yiluo and Queen Elisa had spent their lives together.

All government affairs are handed over to Yisi for handling.

As for Yisi, he also made fine-tuning of government affairs.

Some unimportant ones can be handled by each department, but they will be registered in the register after processing, and will be reviewed by IS every week.

Some of the more important ones are reported directly to Yisi, who will make up his mind and deal with them.

Therefore, in this way, the amount of government affairs that Yisi had to deal with was reduced by more than half.

Every day, Reiju, Monet, and Robin take turns to sort out more important government affairs.

Summarize those government affairs into a folder, and let Yisi review them together.

And today, it's Reiju's turn.

After today's government affairs were dealt with, before Yisi closed his eyes again, he could rest.

All I saw was that Granose ran into the palace bouncing and bouncing.

"Your Highness~ Brook and the others are back, and they brought back a super big whale."

Behind Granu, Perona's figure also slowly floated in.

"Halehale 5.1 Hale~ That whale is really big~~ It's like an island~"

Hearing the words of the two women, Yi Si was also slightly taken aback.

Then, with a slight turn in my mind, I knew what that big whale was.

Unexpectedly, Brook brought Raab back.

Smiling lightly, Yisi no longer has the interest to continue massaging.

Standing up, Yisi walked out of the palace with the four daughters.

Soon, after finding Akatsuki, under her control, the smaller Dawn carrying Yisi and others landed on the seaside of the kingdom.

Looking at the boats docked by the sea and the tumbling whales in the far sea, Yisi couldn't help chuckling.

"Your time is just right, it's exactly half a year now."

On the boat, everyone in the Jianhao team spread their wings and flew after seeing Yisi's figure.

When Yisi's words fell, Brook led the swordsman team to the front of Yisi.

"I have seen Your Highness."

[142] The present situation of the kingdom

"Fulfilling our mission, I have completed His Highness's trial mission."

Brook stood in front of the ten members of the Jianhao team, holding a tray in his hand, and five devil fruits were placed on the tray.

Yi Si didn't speak when he heard the words, but looked around at the Jianhao team and the island whale Rab in the distance.

"Good job, it seems that you have completed the two trial tasks, and there is an extra surprise."

"Tell me briefly about the situation."

Listening to Iss' words, Brook stepped forward and bowed to Iss, and said.

"In this trial, a total of five devil fruits were obtained, and most of them were spoils from pirates."

"The five devil fruits are: Talking Fruit, Locking Fruit, Chain Chain Fruit, Nitrate Fruit and Hypnosis Fruit."

"In addition, after meeting Raab, Raab also wanted to join the Kingdom of Helios because of his subordinate's personal reasons."

"Right now, the Flying Swordsman's squad has a total of eleven members. His subordinates are elected as the captain, Alsace is the vice-captain, and the rest are members."

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