"What a neat way to play!"

Morgan, who watched the battle from the sidelines, couldn't help but marvel.

She watched helplessly as Ai Hayasaka fought steadily with every move, but without losing her bold style, she even made a flaw in Bach V by taking a slanted sword.Then he shot decisively, destroying the enemy without even leaving a trace.

It's not wrong, the pure love warrior has already mastered the abilities of his heroic role, and I'm afraid he will go further on this basis.

It is said that the top ten players have entered a new realm, it seems that the rumors are true.


While Morgan was in a daze, Ai Hayasaka threw herself at the young girl's tender body and hugged her sideways, and then the spear that came first swept across her cheek, leaving a trail of blood.

I saw another gargoyle turned into Bach V, "King Arthur, you haven't realized the horror of this inherent enchantment. I am an immortal existence here, but your physical strength will decline sooner or later."

The energy of the enchantment is even greater than imagined. If it is a war of attrition, Morgan and King Arthur may not have a chance of winning.

A tactic must be changed.

"I only know how to sneak attack, only pick on weak women, and I'm not ashamed."

When Morgan came back to his senses, he realized that he had escaped a catastrophe. Zhu Lip said in a daze, "Thank you, Liya..."

In just a few minutes, I have already been rescued twice, it is really useless.

Ai Hayasaka turned her head and showed a reassuring smile to Morgan, then put two fingers on her lips and whistled once, only to hear the sound of horseshoes from far to near.

The speed of the white war horse was as fast as lightning, and within a few breaths, it passed many stone statue soldiers, riding the wind and waves to reach the owner's side.When Bai Ju saw King Arthur, he couldn't help but let out a high-pitched neigh, expressing his excitement that he finally had the chance to play.

Ever since she used the holy spear to open the way to the inherent barrier, Ai Hayasaka left Baiju on the edge to stay away from the battlefield, and now it really comes in handy.

"Baiju, this time I have to count on you."

The blond king stroked the majestic mane of his war horse.

She whispered a few more words into Morgan's ear, then reached out to the girl's armpit, and placed her firmly on the comfortable horseback, "Sister Wang, I will leave this matter to you, and I will buy time. "

Morgan sat on the horseback and said anxiously, "I haven't fully mastered the magic ability of this character."

"The Yang I know is a confident girl, she will definitely be able to do it."

"The names are all called, it's really close... Do you have contact with me in reality?"

"I'll tell you when I get out."

After finishing speaking, Ai Hayasaka slapped Baiju's neck hard, and the horse neighed and carried Morgan away at a speed that could not even catch up with a bow and arrow.

Looking back, I saw Bach V in military uniform waiting for a long time, "I thought you would stop our whispering just now."

"It's not that I won't do it, but that I can't do it." The red-haired man's eyes flickered, and he said firmly, "Anyway, it's not too late to kill King Arthur first and then deal with her sister. It's just that the order is different."

"Just right, I don't want Morgan to see your stinky face again."

Hayasaka Ai slowly spread out her other hand, and the light particles condensed into a silver-white spiral knight spear. The holy gun, the holy sword and the scabbard are trinity. Now her battlefield configuration is not inferior to the battle of the lonely mountain. Long Fu Tigeng.Bach V is indeed tricky, such a powerful Inherent Barrier is worth using all his strength.

Bach V did not expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes. He clearly planned to cooperate with the Marquis of Maltz, but he was suppressed by Morgan's thunder.It was not easy for her to catch up with her rapid march, and she happened to trap the Duke of Ireland and let her men wreak havoc in Britain, but was interrupted by King Arthur's own expedition, and she dared to break into the inherent barrier of unknown power.

Is it self-confidence?Or for her own sister?

No matter which one is no longer important, the enemy is right in front of us, and it is the biggest obsession to kill King Arthur to comfort the martyrs of our family.

"Come—King Arthur!"

The last barbarian chief charged, as his ancestors had done from the west of Eurasia to Britain.

The blond king tore off the white plush cloak from his body, and the knight's spear and golden sword danced with both hands, interweaving into an airtight slaughterhouse.


The figures of the two intertwined, and Hayasaka Ai, who shot with all his strength, pierced Bach V's body in one encounter, and his ferocious expression froze on his face.

However, the next moment, another spear poked out from behind.

Hayasaka Ai stretched out her hand to block like a prophet, the holy sword cut off the undead's arm, turned around and pierced the newly resurrected Bach V's heart smoothly with a spear.The latter showed a ferocious smile, and then the body fell down.

Although it can achieve theoretical immortality, the current version of King Arthur, a warrior of pure love, is more powerful than the original legend. Bach V wanted to win with tricks, but he couldn't help Ai Hayasaka.

Chapter 107 Victory in Countering the Rebellion (2/6)

The opponent is King Arthur, who is invincible to all people, and ordinary methods will not work at all, but Bach V has also exhausted all his means.He has only one way, to use the almost endless force to adopt the crowd tactics and see who will fall first.

Another shot, and the body of a red-haired man fell down in front of the blond king.

As a result, a new gargoyle was immediately added to become Bach V.

With swords and swords in the inherent barrier, Ai Hayasaka's face sank like water, and he fought against all the gargoyles and Bach V who emerged from the darkness from time to time with his own strength.Obviously, it was just a fight between two people, and it was a chilling killing of thousands of troops.

Swallowing thousands of miles, breaking mountains and rivers.

Ai Hayasaka swept the holy spear, and the holy spear danced. The incandescent and golden light quickly wiped away thousands of gargoyles like an eraser.The muffled sound of rumbling was endless. It was King Arthur who couldn't break through even a hundred thousand people. She burst out with the power of a red dragon, and there was no existence that could hurt her at all, and even the scabbard was useless.

She is not only attacking, but also guarding.While Ai Hayasaka was sweeping around, she built a line of defense vaguely, separating the direction Morgan left from all the gargoyle soldiers.

This is an insurmountable dividing line divided by the absolute strength of iron and fire. If you want to cross it, you have to pay a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

However, even if Bach V bet to this point, that figure is still tall and straight.

"King Arthur, aren't you tired?" the leader said in a daze.

"Just relying on you shrimp soldiers and crab generals, can you still consume my physical strength? It can't catch up with my recovery speed."

The blond king stood alone on the top of the hill, surrounded by [-] undead soldiers, but Bach V didn't feel that he was the attacking party at all.

King Arthur's prestige is invincible to one person.

Right now, I am clearly looking up at that invincible figure.With the crown passed down from generation to generation by the British kings on his head, he is tall and straight, with blond hair and blue eyes, and a holy spear and a holy sword in one.As long as Artoria Pendoragon stands here, she is the embodiment of the power of life and death.

With Tianxian in his mouth, the king's will is unshakable.Not only because she is backed by the entire country of Britain, but also because of her own unstoppable power.

A sense of powerlessness appeared in Bach V's heart.

He couldn't remember how long it had been since the war started, but King Arthur told himself what it means to be overbearing.

She fought off fifty thousand stone statue soldiers by herself. That's right, she alone killed half of all the undead accumulated in the inherent enchantment so far. She was unscathed during the whole process, and she didn't feel low morale at all.

"Hmph, I can build you into the capital while I'm alive, and it won't even count as rubbish after I die." Ai Hayasaka unceremoniously released a taunt, "Now, the ancestors of your barbarians have truly ascended to heaven collectively .”

Bach V gritted his teeth angrily, "You...you King Arthur are too deceitful."

"You're still swearing from here, you better hurry up and say hello to the seniors before I take your head, and let them make room for you on Huangquan Road."


After all, the leader of the barbarians was not as good as an educated man like Earl Maltz. Even he was speechless by Ai Hayasaka in front of the two armies, not to mention Bach V, who was even inferior.

Now when Ai Hayasaka opened her mouth, Zaun spoke endlessly, which made Bach V lose his temper and didn't even know how to fight back.

Wudou can't be beaten, Wendou's verbal battle is still crushed, can it be better, is this reasonable!

Here, Ai Hayasaka is still fighting with Bach V at high intensity, and on the other side, a huge magic circle suddenly rises in the grassland in the distance. space.

Bach V looked over in shock, he clearly felt that the barrier became unstable and even threatened to collapse.

The counter-magic has already started, and after the analysis, it will disintegrate.

Standing on a high place, Ai Hayasaka could see the figure supporting her with all her strength. Yukinoshita Yono did not disappoint her, she was the kind of person who dared to fight hard that she liked.

"Damn it, we can't let that witch destroy the enchantment." Bach V waved his hand violently, "All the undead, go and suppress Morgan."

"you dare--"

The next moment, there was a mountain-like pressure from the top of the hill, and the air seemed to freeze.

The blond king stuck the holy spear and holy sword upside down by his side, and stood with his arms folded. He said solemnly, "In front of me, you can come and leave whenever you want!"

Leadership temperament!

Hula!As soon as the words fell, Ai Hayasaka unreservedly released this skill that was often hidden by herself. She vaguely realized that this ability definitely has an active effect, and the EX rating must be strong. If you have a rare opportunity, try it out.

"What's going on!" Bach V felt that the bones of his body were under pressure. This was not an illusion, because his legs were sunk in the mud.

There seemed to be a pair of powerful big hands pressing down on her shoulders, wishing to break her spine.Looking around, a golden-haired king created an absolute dominance radius around the center, and a total of [-] stone statue soldiers were affected.

Is this... human power?Or a divine presence!

Wave after wave, Hayasaka Ai's aura turned into substantial pressure on every surviving stone statue soldier, and the fifty thousand enemies who could be suppressed by only one person could not move.

The ground opened cracks at a speed visible to the naked eye, sinking continuously as if collapsing.

Incredible!Says Hayasaka Heart.

I didn't expect that this EX-level inherent skill could really release the active effect. It seems that the method explored in the last battle of Vortigern was correct.

"But this ability doesn't seem to be able to last for too long."

For just a moment, Ai Hayasaka felt as if her energy and energy had been drained. Even if the red dragon's heart was beating wildly, she couldn't keep up with her consumption. If a low-emission Wuling Hongguang was forced to throw out the Rolls-Royce speed.

As soon as King Arthur's mind wandered, the force field of his leadership suddenly shrank, and the invisible pressure dissipated immediately.

Bach V's body lightened, and the strength finally disappeared.

"The undead obey orders, charge—"

However, the barbarian leader's order was still half a beat late, or it could be said that Hayasaka's domineering look and arrogance bought the right time, and with the sound of "clicking", a big hole was torn open in the sky.

Morgan raised his arm high and announced loudly, "Extend the dead, purify me!"


The undead of Bach V struggled and roared, screaming unwillingly, but still turned into fly ash like all stone statue soldiers.This treasure has no successor, and his death is the real death.Finally, the inherent barrier collapsed, and he returned to the real world with a flash of light.

Looking at his feet, he saw the corpses of barbarian soldiers.Looking around, there are all elite British knights in full armor.The first four were Lancelot, Bedivere, Gawain and Kai.

With this scene in front of me, the answer is self-evident.

King Arthur took the arm of the Duke of Ireland, leading the white war horse with its head high and chest high, and smiled slightly, "I declare: the chief culprit will be punished, and the rebellion will be defeated."

Chapter 108 The history of Britain is striding forward (3/6)

Bach V is indeed a formidable enemy, and his inherent enchantment is even more difficult, but it is still no match for the fully armed King Arthur in full form.Just for Morgan to delay analyzing the enchantment, Ai Hayasaka had already slaughtered [-] people, and giving her some more time might not be able to destroy the entire enchantment by herself.

It's okay to deal with Yukinoshita Yono who doesn't fully control the character's ability, but since Ai Hayasaka broke into the barrier, Bach V has no chance of winning.

King Arthur is already invincible.

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