The blond king was too lazy to talk, and turned to the knight beside him and asked, "Mr. Lancelot, what do you think of this woman named Guinevere?"

Lancelot was taken aback for a moment, his expression was obviously stunned and at a loss.

Conscience of heaven and earth, he felt that he was pulled by King Arthur to make up the number, as long as he watched the interviewers off without saying a word.At first I thought it would be enough to get through it, but now I suddenly throw the problem to myself.

And... I really have nothing to say about Guinevere, how should I answer it?

Let's be honest.

"Reporting to the king, I think she is an ordinary girl who can be seen everywhere... at most, she is a bit pretty, and she might be even more beautiful if she dresses up. Other than that, it's not a big deal." Lancelot thought After a while, he added, "She can read and write, she is a bit literate, and she can be qualified for some positions."

"I remember that Sir Lancelot is very romantic and suave. I thought you would have some brilliant taste."

"This is choosing an attendant for the king, I dare not intervene."

If you have this awareness in another world line, you won't be able to play GG easily.Says Hayasaka Heart.

In her view, the end of the legend of King Arthur was the result of the intensification of various reasons, and even Morgan, the black hand behind the scenes, contributed to the flames, among which Guinevere was the fuse.Regardless of whether it has anything to do with Yang Nai or not, I think it is necessary to take good care of this broom star.

Having said that, Lancelot actually fell in love with his boss's woman and came out to mess around. This is a taboo among taboos, and he doesn't have a B number in his heart.

Hayasaka loves to test Lancelot's attitude, and it doesn't mean to sell Guinevere. If this is a novel, giving away a daughter is super poisonous. Even if she is kept by her side as a canary powerful.

If Lancelot really fell in love at first sight, it would be scary, because it may represent a forced correction of the trajectory of history.

Fortunately, it didn't reach that point, otherwise Ai Hayasaka would definitely solve the problem when she couldn't solve the problem. She has always been ruthless and decisive in this regard.

"In short, I only need this Guinevere, and I can choose a few to make up for the rest." Hayasaka Ai gave the order and ended the interview meeting.

"As ordered."

In this way, time passed quietly.

After all, Britain is a huge and sophisticated state machine, and a mere interview meeting is not even an episode. When Guinevere was anxiously waiting without knowing that she had been appointed by default, Britain continued to operate.The top priority is the renovation of various public facilities and the construction of the royal city. The entire British Isles are in an atmosphere of great construction.

However, most people only see the most superficial construction, but they don't realize that with the development of public works, a large amount of advanced currency is rapidly flowing into the market.Under the unified control of the Bank of Britain, a new economic order is taking shape.

As the helm of the kingdom, Ai Hayasaka took on the role of the captain very well. She has pointed out the general direction, so that everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plan, and it is a prosperous scene.

Under the prosperity, there are turbulent waves.

In stark contrast to King Arthur's wise leadership is the lack of professional quality of the official institutions, they do not know what economic theory, even if they do things according to the scriptures, it is easy to make mistakes.The same policy is blooming everywhere in Britain, but they are all blooming colorfully, which is completely inconsistent.

This is a fatal flaw, and it is gradually exposed over time.

Britain's leadership is very deformed. Apart from Hayasaka Ai, the only real civil servants are Merlin, and there is a serious shortage of talents.Besides, even if Merlin's wisdom is supernatural, he still can't understand the modern system of thousands of years later.

To put it bluntly, the huge kingdom doesn't even have a high-level executive who can keep pace with King Arthur!

Machinist Merlin can also cooperate with Ai Hayasaka, but when it comes to the modern economic system, he is blinded. He feels that there are things that he doesn't understand everywhere, and he is really overwhelmed.

As soon as Merlin stretched her hips, Ai Hayasaka had no one to use, so she had to stop the construction of the financial system.If this goes on like this, the people who read the scriptures under his command will drag the whole of Britain into the abyss. If the economy collapses, it will explode, terrible!

As a leader, Ai Hayasaka's sense of smell and adaptability are both top-notch, and she immediately provoked the leader to lead the way.

He changed the policy overnight and improved it into a fool's version of the plan as much as possible. King Arthur's diligent appearance scared Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table.

"Wang, why don't you take a break?"

Guinevere, who was working as a secretary at the desk, added another cup of black tea, looked at the blond king reading at night and said worriedly, "King, for the future of Britain, you must not be exhausted."

The beautiful girl's concern is still very useful, Hayasaka Ai raised her head slightly and put down her pen.

She shook her head, "I think things are too simple, now I deserve to pay for my negligence."

"Well, if you know your mistakes, you can correct them."

Guinevere blinked her big innocent eyes twice.

Ai Hayasaka sighed deeply about this, and said earnestly, "Silly boy, when the leader complains about his mistakes in front of you, you must not follow the words. If the leader is right, the wrong ones are those who are useless subordinate."

"Ah this..."

"Hey, hey, Liya, I'm here with you to work overtime, why am I being accused of scolding Sang?" Merlin was immediately unhappy.

Chapter 96 Morgan, Duke of Ireland

In the office, the master and apprentice started their long-lost high-ranking match.

The magician curled his lips, "It's so chilling. I have dedicated myself to being with Liya, but I still get scolded from time to time. Is it easy for me?"

The blond king was a little calm and calm, and shot back, "Don't make mistakes. I didn't specifically point out who is an unreliable subordinate. This is just teaching the little girl some principles of life, so that she won't suffer in society in the future."

"Right, Guinevere?"

The girl was silent.

Knowing that she was a humble long-haired girl who could only pretend to be stupid, Guinevere did not dare to intervene between King Arthur and her court magician, neither of which she could offend.

Hayasaka Ai also stopped teasing Guinevere, she felt more and more that this person was not Yukinoshita Yono.

But there was still a lingering concern in her heart, which made Ai Hayasaka choose to keep Guinevere by her side, and then slowly observe.

"Merlin, how do you think this series of economic policies should be implemented?"

When it came to business, the magician also became serious.

"Liya, I've already read your new plan. It's simple and clear enough to be implemented at the grassroots level. As long as you wait for a while, a large number of professional officials from the school can fill the current vacancies. So, the real problem is not It lies in the general officials, but in the high-level."

"In the task of constructing a new economic system, Agguiwen and I can't help you at all. The top management lacks a leader who can cooperate with you."

The blond king shook his head and sighed.

"There is no solution to this for the time being... Let me make up for it by myself."

This topic can only be left alone. Hayasaka Ai knows the problem but can't find a solution for a while. She can only lament that she thinks the problem is too simple. After all, this is the real Xingyue world and not a game.

I have never underestimated realistic factors, when did I become so careless?

Ai Hayasaka thought about it carefully, and felt that she had been too smooth all along. This smoothness refers to various events rushing one by one.The assassination of the city hall, the revelation of the truth about the fortress, and the awakening of Vortigerm were not self-inflicted, just like the plot of the game.

If it is a real game, that's all. After all, it is only natural for the plot to find players.But it's intriguing to change it to reality. How could they make an appointment to confront themselves head-on.

And it all seems to be pandering to the Arthurian legend.

This is not something that can be explained by saying "no coincidence, no book". If troubles come to you one after another in reality, there must be something wrong.

The long-term experience of the traveler was preconceived by the view of "this is a game", and when he came back to his senses, he immediately realized that something was wrong. This is obviously an invisible pusher adding to the legend of King Arthur.

And this good thing!

No, this is not a good thing!Is it behind the power of historical revision, restraint, and destiny?

Since Guinevere's appearance, Hayasaka Ai has become more and more wary, and she has been thinking about the possibility of the world line closing.

The bad ending must be prevented, otherwise it would be King Arthur in vain.

Ai Hayasaka irritatedly repeatedly improved the plan. In this way, the office fell into silence again. However, as the center of power in Britain, there has never been such a thing as silence.

Suddenly, Agguiwen rushed in.

"I told the king that the implementation of the economic policy in Ireland suffered a premature end. The local merchants collected the coins in the circulation market for the first time, but they used the grain trade extensively. Now, the price of goods in Ireland has risen five times, and the grain has risen even more. unaffordable."

"Didn't I issue a decree that forbids the private collection of currency?"



The blond king slammed the table and stood up suddenly, and said angrily, "You don't need to explain, I understand, those guys are colluding with each other."

"As you expected, Ireland is originally facing the island across the sea, and its control is low. The effect of the Tweeting Order there is also limited, and there are still some remnants of nobles, and the situation is very complicated."

Hehe, this is okay, it will not be possible to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the future!

Split up?Whoever dares to mention the separation will wait for his head to move.What did Cromwell, the Lord Protector in British history, do when it was time to act, and now he really needs to divert his attention to make way for his own economic system.

Ai Hayasaka's eyes flickered, "Merlin, I want to hear your opinion on the situation in Ireland?"

Merlin choked for a moment, he didn't dare to look directly at King Arthur's pair of emerald eyes that were shining brightly.He knew his apprentice too well. When Liya put on such a sinking expression, it meant that she already had an idea in her heart, and the reason why she wanted to ask herself was to use the mouth of a courtier to say something that the monarch was inconvenient to say directly.

Look at King Arthur's killing spirit, what this "inconvenience" is self-evident,

The magician knew that he was just a mouthpiece. Once he spoke, King Arthur would raise his sword and point directly at Ireland.

When the emperor got angry, he laid down millions of corpses, and the blood flowed to the oars.

Merlin was deeply moved, and he found more and more that he had cultivated such an invaluable king of people, who could decide the fate of tens of thousands of people with a single mouth.Is this the kind of heart that a 17-year-old girl who has just ascended the throne can have?

And more importantly, the Irish issue is sensitive.

"Mei Linqing, but it's okay to say, I will carefully consider your opinion." Ai Hayasaka urged on a gentle surface.

The magician took a deep breath, "Report to the king, Ireland is mainly the fiefdom of Queen Uther, the Duke of Britain, and your biological sister Morgan. The king can trust her ability."

"Conversely, why did it happen to Morgan?"

"Please trust His Royal Highness Morgan."

The situation on the island of Ireland was chaotic, and it was still Morgan's fiefdom. It would be morally inconvenient for Liya to intervene rashly.There are only two little princesses left in the blood of King Uther, and they cannot fight each other, otherwise there will be no successors in Britain.

And... the current situation is indeed more complicated.

Merlin glanced at Guinevere who was pretending to be the background board without any trace, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Although the same starting point as Hayasaka Ai is for Britain, Merlin has his own considerations, and even prefers Liya, so he turns a blind eye to Hayasaka Ai's hints.

This time, Merlin didn't take the blame.

The blond king frowned, then nodded, "Okay, then let's wait and see what happens."

I didn't expect Ireland to have such an important joint. Be careful when it involves the witch Morgan. It's not too late to see her moves first.

Hayasaka Ai has dealt with a lot of military and state affairs, and finally she is a little tired. She waved her hand, "My dear friends, this is the end of today, step down."

Merlin and Agguiwen are good friends, and the girl in the background also wants to leave.

"Guinevere, you stay."

Chapter 97 Women only affect the speed of drawing the sword

Guinevere was at a loss when the famous King Arthur put on his nightgown without hesitation in front of him, showing the posture of a young girl that no one had ever seen before.

The experience of being a secretary in just a few days only allowed her to see the majestic side of King Arthur. She never thought that under the majesty, there would be such a weak appearance, but her temperament did not change at all, and she was still so unattainable.

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