Vortigern nodded, "The dragon slayer is also a human being, and there is no perfect person in this world."

"Yes, so a dragonslayer shouldn't fight alone—"

After all, the blond king swung his knight's spear and turned around to break open the entire cave with a blow, and the overflowing gold coins spewed out in an instant.Countless treasures flowed under Ai Hayasaka's feet, but she remained unmoved.

Dazzling light shone in from the dark cave, it was already dawn outside, the sun was rising, and it was all red.

The red light not only illuminates the cave, but also illuminates the people below the mountain. They were once oppressed but now they finally stood up.They applaud, they cheer, they jump for joy.Some held a crowbar, some a shovel, some a sickle and a hammer.At this moment, everyone celebrates this moment, the moment when the dragon is finally wiped out.

The dragon slayer's back was backed by the radiance of the rising sun, and his whole body was covered with a layer of golden coat, which was so piercing that Vitigeng could hardly open his eyes.

"Have you heard, Vortigern, this is your funeral song."

"It turns out that you reached the cave by relying on the people to drive all the way through the mountains, and you distributed all the treasures to the people... You are different from all the dragon slayers in the past..."

"Reflection makes people progress."

Voutigeng was convinced, "Huhahaha, I lost, King Arthur, you are the one who wins."

The reincarnation of the evil dragon ends here, the real protagonists of history have come, and the tears of the times will eventually exit.Witnessing the vicissitudes of a century, my former brave man is not living in vain, witnessing the end of the curse...

It seems to be relieved, it seems to be angry, it seems to be looking forward... All kinds of emotions are gone with the wind, and the too long years have not even left a sigh.There is no need for Ai Hayasaka to make a move. The soul that has lost the maintenance of the palace is fragile, and it gradually dims and disappears under the sunshine.

The dragon slayer didn't take a second look, put away his spear and turned around.

No one went to pick up the priceless treasure, they just looked at themselves with an awakened look in their eyes.

The blond king raised his arms and shouted "Long live victory!"

"Long live--"

Corresponding to this was a chorus of shouts that went straight into the sky, arms raised high and connected to form a sky, just as powerful as the hope full of vitality in their hearts.The evil dragon has been eliminated, and the prosperous age is coming.

"In the name of King Arthur, Britain will fully support the post-disaster reconstruction of Long Lake Town, and it will be tax-free for one year."

The blond king on the top of the lonely mountain, just like the new sun in the sky, equally gave every inch of this world warm light.

This time, the voice of the people is even louder!

Gao Wenke clapped vigorously, as if he was about to slap his hands swollenly before giving up.He was happy for King Arthur, and he was able to complete the feat of slaying the dragon by himself, which is rare in the world.

There was a smile from the heart on the corner of Bedivere's mouth, admiring Wang's great achievements.

Merlin breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that something might happen to Liya entering the cave alone where he could not see, but luckily everything went well.

In this way, Hayasaka Ai slowly walked down the hill from the crowd's welcome to the magician, "How about it, Merlin, I told you to trust me."

"Liya, you must be the greatest king of this era, I promise you with these eyes."

King Arthur gracefully took the magician's hand, and the magician respectfully sent the king to the pumpkin cart, just like she came.

It's time, the class teacher returns to court.

Chapter 90

The evil dragon Vortigern was wiped out by King Arthur in his lair, Lonely Mountain, and it was the result of a one-on-one duel.This news is an incredible thing to most people, and they couldn't even believe it when they heard it for the first time.

After all, the whole of Britain grew up listening to the notoriety of the despicable king. Apart from the deep fear, there is also a sense of history.

Hearing that this evil dragon was punished, the first reaction was of course to be ecstatic and then shouted long live King Arthur.The next moment, I felt the atmosphere of "Yeqing knot". This is the sign of the end of a new era by King Arthur himself, and it is more meaningful than driving away the barbarians on the grassland.

People can look up at the sky with peace of mind, and don't have to worry about their villages being burned or being plundered by evil dragons... These real benefits tell the British people that the bleak autumn wind is here again, and the world has changed.

Everything is an image of a prosperous age, which makes people hopeful.

As for the fact that King Arthur took the initiative to reveal himself as the queen in the dragon slaying incident, no one cared at all.

Under the rule of King Arthur, the government of Britain was smooth and the people were harmonious. They never closed their doors at night and never picked up lost things on the road.Everyone can have enough to eat, and there is no need to worry about unexpected disasters. These are the achievements of King Arthur.Besides, what does it matter if she is a man or a woman?Even if it is said that King Arthur is actually a foreigner, Britain will not care.

Let's be more practical, so what if there are really discordant voices?Ai Hayasaka has always been experienced, and Merlin is not a vegetarian.

After thinking about it, King Arthur himself, as a princess, deceives the evil dragon, reveals his identity as Artoria Pendragon in front of the Lonely Mountain, and then surrenders the evil dragon. Isn't this a kingly plot.

The second daughter of King Uther, isn't that a British princess like Morgan? I didn't expect the little princess to ascend the throne and rule the British Isles.Vortigern seemed to have died unjustly, it did meet the real princess.

This is so legendary, the bards are completely excited!

They spared no effort in creation, in storytelling, and in promoting the legend of King Arthur.

In this way, the classic plot of "true and false princesses" in the dragon slaying incident has become a good story that has been passed down through the ages in the mouth of the bard, and is loved by people.

Regarding the subsequent impact of the Battle of Gushan, of course, it has been under the monitoring of Merlin.

In the simple main tent, a meeting of King Arthur and all members of her staff is being held.

Merlin patted the document on the table, "I was worried about the adverse effects of King Arthur's identity being revealed...but it turned out to be the icing on the cake, Liya, you are really good at predicting things."

The blond king sitting on the main seat smiled slightly, "King Arthur is unparalleled in strength, so it is natural that someone will wash his hands."

Consider the ambiguous shift in headlines when Napoleon returned to Paris, from fear to licking the dog.The reason behind all this is strength, and strength can make the unreasonable reasonable.If you enter the customs, there will be a great Confucian in the south of the Yangtze River to endorse for me.

If my motherland is in the top spot, then there is no such thing as "Chinese learning", because that is popular culture, world culture.

Hippies, jazz and rap, it's not a question of good or bad, it's just born in a beautiful country.So they are popular elements around the world, simple as that.

King Arthur is in full swing, who dares to say a word.

It is said that a princess should not be a king, then you have a try and see if the knights of the round table agree.

"Fame is not worth mentioning. Since ancient times, those who have achieved great things have all been praised and slandered." Ai Hayasaka changed the subject and said solemnly, "My dear friends, we should now discuss how to deal with the spoils of war. .”

Agguiwen saluted, "I tell the king that Vortigerm's treasure is still being escorted, and the amount that has been liquidated so far has reached 4000 taels and 22 pounds."

Kai also added, "The treasures in the Lonely Mountain cave are far more than this amount, and the final result will definitely be even greater."

"Well, I see."

The amount of treasure left by Vortigern is indeed huge, and it is definitely a surprise. Buying the Roman Empire is not empty talk.The wealth it has amassed from looting around for 500 years is staggering enough to cause inflation.

Fortunately, the traverser was a financial giant in his previous life, and he was familiar with handling these economic affairs.

"This money must be strictly guarded. It cannot be allowed to flow freely to the people. It must be distributed by the state. For quite a period of time, Britain's mission is to spend money reasonably. Merlin, remember the memo."

"As ordered."

The magician confidently prepared the document paper and quill pen, and skillfully set up a posture, just waiting for Ai Hayasaka to give advice.

The two masters and apprentices can be said to have a specialization in art, and Merlin is a good hand in internal affairs management, and his overall planning ability is full.Ai Hayasaka is often full of insights in controlling the general direction, and can always point out the problem directly, and the solution generally starts from the macro level.

Facing Britain's financial affairs, Merlin is willing to believe in Hayasaka Ai's wisdom.

"If this money is to be spent reasonably, we must look at the big picture and selectively flow some coins into the market to stimulate the commodity economy. Before the completion of the five-year plan, let Britain enter the silver standard economy."

"The convenience of currency can speed up the exchange of goods. When the economy is active, workers can be hired from Rome to work, but the domestic economic level must also be reached, otherwise they will bring the rewards back for consumption, which will lead to currency outflow."

"With the support of the domestic market, the goods are more competitive, and we can export them to the Roman Empire in large quantities. Aren't they fighting the Germans? Then make weapons and sell them to them."

"However, the transaction process must be settled in British currency..." Hayasaka Ai paused, as if he felt that the plan was not strong enough.

After thinking for a moment, she smiled and spoke again:

"At that point, we'll have quantitative easing ... that's minting money, which makes Rome even more dependent on us for commodity exchange."

"Next, issue national credit-backed bonds so that the Roman Empire will stop using their troublesome currency and directly use bonds to trade with each other. By the way, we will buy a large number of slaves from the Roman Empire and set a high price so that the slave owners can catch them. The point of arresting free people. Battleships or something, they are willing to sell us, and they will not refuse."

Hayasaka said gloomily, "Labourers and slaves will gradually flow into Britain, leaving only slave owners with a large amount of bonds in Rome. At this time, we will continue to mint coins...until the debt is declared invalid."

Speaking of this, Sima Zhaozhi's heart is known to everyone, and even the Knights of the Round Table who don't understand economics gasped.

Merlin hastily persuaded, "The debt is invalid, and Britain must be the first to be injured."

"British transitioned to a wartime planned economy, and the distribution of daily necessities is unified. At worst, it will be a few years of hard life."

"What about the Roman Empire declaring war?"

"That's why I just said wartime planned economy."

Chapter 91 Construction Plan of New Royal City Camelot

It's a good way to hit a snake and hit seven inches. King Arthur's strategy of interlocking bracelets is all to hype bonds, directly targeting the slaves of the Roman Empire.In a slavery society, all economic foundations came from the labor provided by slaves, but the wealth represented by those slaves was exchanged for bonds. Once Britain turned it into waste paper, the entire Roman Empire would collapse.

In principle, this is a tactic that kills one thousand and hurts eight hundred, because it is impossible for British businessmen not to buy bonds.Merlin was well aware of this.

However, the economic size of the two sides is different. The consequences of Rome's absence of bonds must be greater than that of Britain.

Letting the slave owners lose their slaves is simply drawing their salary from the bottom of the pot.

What's more, is Rome monolithic?The Germans, Gauls, and Huns continued to invade the Roman Empire, and the internal ruling groups of the Roman Empire were also fragmented and out of step.Internal and external troubles are the best portrayal of it.

Ai Hayasaka knew very well that she could not bring down the Roman Empire with small means, and this financial bomb was just an introduction.

In the end, it still depends on the direct collision of two war machines. In the ancient world with low productivity, conquest is the most powerful way to win.All kinds of show operations on the international stage in later generations are destined to be unacceptable, and iron and fire are the only hymns here.

King Arthur spread out a map of Europa and pointed to the remote corner, "Britain, here."

She drew another circle along the Mediterranean "Rome, here."

"We want to be the center of the world, not a British Isles in a remote corner. The slavery economy of the Roman Empire is full of original sins. On the contrary, Britain represents the advanced productivity behind the emerging forces. We have the obligation and responsibility to push the wheel of history. forward."

"Enter the customs and capture Rome, otherwise we, Britain, will be no different from that barbarian. Whoever can control the Mediterranean Sea will be the master of the world!"

The blond king spoke powerfully, unceremoniously revealing his ambition to annex the wilderness.

In Hayasaka Ai's ambitious plan, the Knights of the Round Table, including Agravin, Lancelot, Bedivere, Gawain, and Kay, could not help but yearn for it. They saw the foundation of an eternal empire.The Knights of the Round Table are military generals after all. They are eager to make achievements on the battlefield, and they feel a surge of excitement when they mention attacking the Roman Empire.

Fighting for the country, the horse leather shroud is returned.

"My lord, we will go through fire and water, and we will die."

The five knights of the round table coincidentally gave a knight's salute, and the sound was like a bell.

"Very well, then we will have to rely on the devotion of your love ministers." Ai Hayasaka nodded.

She changed the subject and began to talk about the internal affairs of Britain. "Come back to business, even if there is a deal with the Roman Empire, the money is still a huge amount. We should spend more on the construction of Britain."

"Lia, I think the royal city must be rebuilt." Merlin stopped recording, and said seriously, "This is the political, economic and military center of the whole of Britain, and it cannot be lost."

"That's right, I thought so too. The new royal city needs to be bigger, grander, and more beautiful. I named it Camelot."

"Camelo, that's a good name!"

Both the Knights of the Round Table and Merlin are very satisfied with this name, as it sounds holy.

Ai Hayasaka smiled knowingly, with a look of joy on her face.She is also keen to reproduce some historical classics. Of course, a spectacle like Camelot will be built, and that's how money is spent.The moment it was built, it was bound to be crowned with the name of the holy city.

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