The priest spoke in a panic at this time, but Xincheng was speechless when he heard these words.

I am a member of the victory team, and I will not kill people indiscriminately. Even if the guy in front of me is really going to die, he will be sentenced to death instead of shooting himself.

"Hmph, if you don't want to be the ghost of my sword, tell me everything you know."

Although I am well aware of my situation, but the guy in front of me doesn't know that Xincheng is threatening to point at the priest with a small sword at this time.

In fact, I have long wanted to try to say this, to imitate the tone of the ancient swordsman.

The priest who didn't know much about the victory team decided to reveal a little bit of news: "My lord's name is Gatanjae, which is the ultimate salvation of mankind. I am ordered by my lord to kill at all costs. The list given to me by my lord The existence of my Lord is now..."

Just about to tell the location of his master, the priest who planned to kill with a knife suddenly felt that he was choked by an invisible force and could not speak at all.

Green blood flowed from the priest's seven orifices, and the priest's eyes were gradually lost at this time, and a deep voice sounded in his ear:

"There is no need for traitors in the priests who brought darkness to this world, human beings, welcome your own death."

At the same time as the voice fell, the priest felt that his consciousness was gradually blurring, and the vitality in the priest's body was rapidly disappearing the next moment.

Xia Qing decided to kill this priest decisively. When he first found him, he read his memory and found that distorted thoughts, and directly recruited the act of stepping on the criminal law as a sacrifice.

Writing a sacrifice and reading it as a sacrifice, in fact, Xia Qing had already prepared the way to die for him before fooling him.

This priest was actually the leader of a cult in Tokyo. He has extraordinary eloquence and profound brainwashing skills, and brought the cult's followers to believe in a non-existent evil god.

According to the teachings of the sect, it is probably that human beings do a lot of evil, and gods can’t bear to send monsters to punish humans. The leader needs to spend a lot of money to buy sacrifices to please the gods, and the sincere sacrifices of the followers can also please the gods.

If God is pleased, the world will be peaceful, and those who contribute to God will enjoy eternal happiness in God's Kingdom.

This guy has done things like living sacrifices of believers to increase the cohesion of the sect, and there are quite a few times.

And besides the cohesion of the sect, the biggest reason for him to hold the living sacrifice is the desire to destroy in his heart. Because of his bewitching, many ordinary people who were deceived into the sect voluntarily sacrificed to the monsters.

Thinking of the long list of deaths, Xia Qing had a clear conscience about letting the leader of the cult die under the "curse of the evil god" in order to do justice for the heavens.

Because the living sacrifice method of that sect is to chase the monster to commit suicide, the living sacrifice of that sect has not been noticed by the outside world until now.

Dagu and Xincheng saw this scene and prepared to rescue them at the same time, but they didn't know what to do. They were powerless to deal with the situation in front of them.

At this moment, Dagu suddenly felt that the dark sublimator in the inner pocket of the victory team uniform began to heat up. Feeling the heat, Dagu quickly took out the sublimator and pointed it at the priest.

An extremely tiny part of the green substance poured from the priest's body into the dark sublimator, and the tortured priest barely regained his sanity at this time.

Glancing at the dark sublimator in Dagu's hand, he felt a little regretful. If the effect of the thing in the hands of the victorious team member was stronger, he might not have to die.

"It's useless, the thing in your hand can only absorb an extremely weak point of my strength, and the amount swallowed up by that point is like a drop in the bucket, and it is impossible to save my life.

I didn't expect that Gatanjae was watching me all the time, remember, Gatanjae, the location of Gatanjae, the location is..."

The voice of the priest was intermittent at this time. Gatanjae once promised to keep himself alive with the soul after destroying human beings, but that promise seems to be meaningless now.

He didn't succeed in destroying human beings, and even the cause of his death was Gatanjeh's direct action.

On the other side, Dagu, who heard this sentence, glanced at the dark sublimator and felt a little bit lost, but because of the position of Gatanjiehe mentioned by the priest, he became anxious at this time.

The location, where is the location of Gatangeh?

Dagu looked at the priest anxiously, and just when he thought that the priest sitting half-sitting on the ground was already dead, a place name was said by the priest: "Gatangie is at the place of the ceremony, and the place of the ceremony is located... ..."

Before finishing talking, the priest who once led countless believers to go bankrupt for money directly lost consciousness. Dagu and Xincheng looked at the body of the priest silently at this moment.

"Dagu, don't be too sad, you have tried your best. Anyway...let's try to contact the captain first."

Xincheng looked at Dagu and said so, and with the death of the priest, the green barrier covering the fishing village began to disappear.

"The signals of Dagu and Xincheng communicators have been detected!"

Among the victorious team, seeing the signal reappearing in front of him, Ye Rui's excited voice sounded, and Ju Jianhui immediately got up when he heard this sentence.

Because of the green barrier before, the victory team and Dagu and Xincheng lost contact inside the barrier and could not contact each other at all.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Time is always passing unknowingly, and Xia Qing, who is wearing Kirisaki's appearance, is quietly stepping on the soft fallen leaves with a pumpkin-shaped lantern.

There are few people on the street here, and the sound of children playing in the brightly lit place not far away is transmitted to this side.

Now it's Halloween, and what Xia Qing has been doing during this time is undoubtedly arranging Gatanjae's faith invasion from time to time.

In addition to the first time, my recent research on light has also made a little progress.

The level of earth science and technology in the Ultraman world has surpassed almost all the worlds he has been to in the same period, and many scientific research documents are difficult to read by himself, which is not rare in this genius.

Walking towards the Dagu location he had marked, Xia Qing looked forward to the next plot. The reason he ran out on Halloween was actually to follow the clues to find the witch that appeared in the plot.

In his own memory, in Halloween, Dagu will meet a witch who can steal the wishes of the children. Xia Qing really wants to see how the wishes are captured.

Among the crowd, Xia Qing first looked at where the witch was. After all, that guy's temperament was the most conspicuous among the bunch of light people.

People's physiques cannot be generalized. The bodies of ordinary people in the Tiga world actually emit a faint light from their own observation perspective.

Generally speaking, the younger the child, the brighter the radiance, and the older the radiance, the dimmer as the knowledge increases.

Of course, this is only in most cases, Dagu's ridiculously bright self can be seen across three streets.

This guy... has no shadow!

On the other side, the pupils of Dagu, who was following the children, shrank slightly at this time, and there was no shadow in the body of the sugary guy.

"It have seen things you shouldn't have seen. In fact, it is not a good thing to know too much, since you have seen it. Then...let's take a walk with these children and me."

The gap came to Dagu's line of sight, at this time the witch raised her right hand and aimed at Dagu as if she was about to cast a spell or something.

When Dagu became vigilant and picked up the Victory Haipa gun, the sugar-haired witch looked at Dagu with disdain.

What's the use of being vigilant against oneself for a mere human being, this stupid human being can't do anything in front of him.

Under the influence of the witch, the street lights flickered as quickly as if they were broken, looking at Dagu and thinking so.

At the next moment, Dagu directly picked up the dark sublimator and pointed it at the witch, and the witch who was pointed at by the dark sublimator felt weak at this moment.

"Power, my power is passing, who are you!"

Looking at the tone of the ancient witch holding the dark sublimation device, she was a little surprised, but Dagu said without any panic at this time: "I'm just an ordinary passerby."

After discovering the magical effect of the dark sublimator before, Dagu took it out from time to time to suck it at monsters. Although it has no effect on most monsters, it seems to have an extraordinary effect on human-shaped enemies.

The previous priest was just an exception. The cultist possessed the powerful power bestowed by Gatanjae, which exceeded the upper limit of the dark sublimator's absorption.

But compared to that sacrifice, most of the cosmic people will feel weak in limbs within a few seconds after being sucked by themselves with the dark sublimator.

"Da Gu, what happened, this guy... a cosmic man?"

At this time, Xincheng, who found that the situation here seemed to be a bit wrong, said so, obviously the continuous brightness of the lights here caught his attention.

"Xincheng, this thing is much better than the Victory Hypa Gun."

Dagu couldn't help feeling emotional at this time, Xincheng nodded in agreement at this time, this dark sublimator is really easy to use, and you don't have to worry about killing the other person when you capture the alien.

The little panic in Dagu's heart completely disappeared when he met a ghost without a shadow, but the Halloween witch deeply felt that the current situation was not good.

Damn it, how come human technology has reached such an outrageous level.

Unable to suppress the instinct in my heart, I was afraid of that weird thing. In the eyes of the witch, there was an extremely evil power hidden in that thing, and that kind of evil was far above her own.

"Your crime is above me. If this is the case, if you want to kill me, let me die with your teammates."

Glancing at the new city coming from another direction, the witch, who realized that she underestimated the cutting-edge technology of humans, rushed to the new city and tried to take it as a hostage.

"It's really underestimated."

Xincheng frowned slightly and drew his sword straight forward to make a slash. Facing Xincheng's move, the witch was just about to laugh at it but was blown away by the air wave brought by the slash.

Why has the development of human beings become so outrageous in the past few years that I have not been on the mountain? Not only technology but also personal force have been grasped with one hand?

"Don't underestimate the winning team, Dagu, what's the situation now?"

After Xincheng said this, he looked at Dagu. Dagu hadn't answered yet. The witch, who was constantly being absorbed by the dark sublimator and knew she was invincible, quickly turned into smoke and fled away with a terrifying laugh.

The weak and weak witch who escaped confirmed one thing at this time. It seemed that it was not that she was weak, but that the two humans were too strong. The Victory Team had heard it themselves, and it seemed to be an organization to protect humans.

Encountering this kind of enemy, I won't be wronged. That kind of technology and that kind of swordsmanship are worthy of being an organization that protects human beings.

At this time, the witch had never thought about the possibility of fake Xincheng swordsmanship. In the eyes of the witch, it was very possible for humans to have that kind of swordsmanship. She knew a powerful swordsman named Ida Jinglong.

Just as the witch was running away in embarrassment, a sudden force interrupted her escape process.

Looking around, the witch found that she had fallen into an unfamiliar street, and a man who looked a little nervous was walking from the edge of the street.

"His body...has a terrifying power."

The witch's face turned pale at this time, and she could feel the existence of terrifying power from the man who suddenly appeared.

"Terror? No, no, no, no, my power doesn't have that kind of negative emotion. To be precise, it's not terror, but indirect, between terror and tranquility. No, more precisely, it's chaos mixed with the two."

Xia Qing spoke at this time with Kirisaki's rambunctious voice, I will study the principle, and Tregia will take the blame. The witch has been clearly arranged at this time.

"You, who are you?"

The witch's teeth were chattering and she asked, what happened to the earth in the past few years since she was hidden from the world, and where did this guy come from?

"Me? My name is Juggler, Jugglas? Juggler."

Using the appearance of Tregia's human body, Xia Qing at this time used the identity of Jugula to call himself.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Jagulas? Juggler..."

Looking at Xia Qing not far away, the witch wrote down the name in her heart.

This is a dangerous enemy, and the witch at this time clearly marked Xia Qing as invincible.

"Poor and weak, you are really too poor and weak. If you only have this don't deserve to be called a whetstone."

Looking at the witch Xia Qing showing a disappointed expression at this time, the witch herself was slightly taken aback.


"Feel this power. Next... I will give you a monster powerful enough to defeat the Three Emperors."

Watching the witch Xia Qing pretending to speak in an arrogant tone, Xia Qing then changed into Tregia's own appearance and took out the man-made monster he created before from the bubble space.

"This is……"

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