Who knows if he told me where Fischer is, this dark night hero who doesn't know what happened and didn't match the rumors would sneak out to find Fischer in the middle of the night.

After hearing this answer, Diluque showed a hint of approval in his eyes, and then continued to speak to the staff in a threatening tone:

"This matter is a secret between the two of us. You'd better not tell others. I know where you work and which department you are in. You'd better be careful with me. If you let me know that you leaked the secret If so...hehe."

Di Luque's last sneer caused the staff to break out in cold sweat. The incident of being suddenly picked up from the bed in the middle of the night and pointed at him with a sword was a bit too exciting for him.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it."

The staff spoke intermittently at this moment, Diluque, who knew the fake news from the other party, directly opened the window and rushed out, quickly hiding himself under the cover of night.

Watching the Diluc staff leave quickly, he took a deep breath and drew his long sword from the bottom of the bed to defend himself. Monsters were rampant in the wilds of the Tivat continent. As a member of the Adventurers Association, he naturally had the weapons he prepared when he went out.

I quickly went to the Adventurer's Association on the side of Mond City. After trotting all the way, the staff was already out of breath when they arrived.

"Dick, what's wrong with you Dick."

Seeing the panting staff, the receptionist of the Adventurer's Association hurriedly got up, and Dick gasped and said, "Fischel is in danger."

Hearing these words, the receptionist immediately remembered who Fischer was. After all, that accent was so distinctive that the receptionist could hardly forget it.

"Did something happen?"

Looking at Dick's receptionist's tone of voice, Dick hurried over with a long sword and explained, "Someone asked me about Fischel's condition just now."

The receptionist who got this explanation quickly picked up a pen and paper and prepared to record: "Who is that person, did he show up, and what are his characteristics?"

Regarding the receptionist's doubts, Dick thought for a while and said in an affirmative tone: "Red, very hot... well, that's a hot guy with fiery red hair. I suspect that he is probably the one circulating in Mond City." The hero of the night, not long ago, he quietly knocked on my window with his sword.

When I woke up, he pushed open the window and pointed his sword at my throat. The blade of the sword was surrounded by flames. I was very strong at that time.

How dare I ask who doesn't know, I didn't reveal any key information about Fischer, at that time I was like a human..."

Before Dick finished speaking, the receptionist of the Adventurer's Association suddenly frowned.

"Red, very hot, I seem to have heard this description somewhere before? I have recorded what you said. Please rest at the Adventurer's Association tonight. It is really difficult to return home now." Too dangerous.

I immediately went to Fischer's side to inform someone that the Adventurer's Association must be absolutely safe.

As long as Fischel is brought here, it is absolutely impossible for that red hot guy to hurt him. "

Dick breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this sentence. With the Adventurer's Association, he wouldn't have to worry about being attacked suddenly by that night hero.

At this moment, neither he nor the receptionist of the Adventurer's Association noticed a figure quietly listening to all this behind the tree trunk not far in front of the Adventurer's Association.

"Fischel... With my current strength, even if he is Darkseid, he should be able to deal with it."

At this time, Di Luque said to himself that he was not willing to shoot at Fischer unless it was absolutely necessary for him.

Every figure in the city of Mond is a precious treasure in the eyes of Diluc, and those who try to get their hands on and erode these wealth should be out of print by him.

The reason why Mond's people are precious wealth is naturally because of the free soul in them.

I will not let those who meddle and erode freedom succeed, the reason is very simple, because I am a righteous person!

For his future title that may be widely spread, although Di Luke feels a little unpleasant, he is not disgusted.

That's right, I am the righteous man who secretly guards Mond in the name of justice!

Of course, I still like Heroes of the Night better than this name.

A hero of justice would not shrink back at this time, and Di Luke became a little more determined when he thought of Mond's various wind flowers.

Speaking of Wind Flower, it seems that there are only a few months left before the Wind Flower Festival.

When Di Luke was thinking about it, he soon got what he wanted to wait for. The Adventurers Association went to inform Fischer of this idiom.

The Adventurers Association's ability to act is definitely strong, and a team that happened to be here has already set off at this moment.

Silently following behind, Di Luke's stealth skills were undoubtedly clear, and the team that went to inform Fischer before advancing for more than ten minutes did not notice his existence at all.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"If I remember correctly, this is Fischer's home."

Looking at the room in front of him, the members of the Adventurers Association held swords in their left hands and knocked on the door with their right hands.

After knocking on the door for a while, there were sounds of walking in the room. Fischer's father in the master bedroom opened the door with some doubts, not sure who was looking for him in the middle of the night.

Father Fischer, who had just opened the door, looked at the long sword gleaming like silver, and without saying a word, stretched out his hand to the weapon next to the door, and the adventurer who saw this move immediately took action.

Throwing the sword directly to the ground, the adventurer quickly raised his hands: "We are not bad people."

The man who heard these words had a puzzled expression on his face, while the adventurer continued to explain: "There is a mission from the Adventurer's Association, let us escort you and Fischer to the association."


Hearing this explanation, the man was a little stunned: "Fischer... oh oh oh, you mean little Amy, could it be that she committed something?"

And just at the same time, Fischel, who was dressed in regular clothes, came down from the second floor: "Who is little Amy, I, this princess is the real ruler of darkness and oblivion, Fischel!"

When Fischer's father hadn't said anything, facing his previous doubts, the adventurer replied simply:

"Actually, I'm not very clear about this. As far as I know, someone seems to be eyeing Xiaoai... Ah no, it's Miss Fischer."

The adventurer who has been delayed for so long has not had an accident, and the old adventurer who led the team naturally has a high desire to survive.

"Have you set your sights on this princess? You are really arrogant, so bold... Heh, I don't know how many seconds I can last in front of this queen's big illusion."

After hearing this sentence, Fischer said in a confident tone. After she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered something. It seemed that she had just reached a cooperation with Moraxel not long ago.

Could it be that the person who was staring at him...was the actor Morax found?

After thinking for a while, Fischel chose to let others go to the Adventurer's Association to wait for news, while he was preparing to stay at home and face the actor he had found for Morax.

And his father didn't quite understand Fischer's choice: "The Adventurer's Association is undoubtedly safer."

Regarding his father's words, Fischer just silently covered his left eye and shouted loudly: "All of this is in accordance with the will of my princess, and the destiny of this world has already revealed the end of everything.

Everything in the world belongs to the will of the Lord of Youye Pure Land, and everything in the world has no trace to hide from before me. This time, I will punish the ordinary people who pry into the supreme mystery of Youye Pure Land. "


can you speak a little human

Looking at the leading adventurer of the Fischer Adventurers Association not far away, I feel that there are many question marks. What is this girl talking about?

Obviously, I can understand every word, but why it feels quite strange to connect them together, and I can't understand his meaning at all.

At this time, Fischer's chief translator quietly appeared beside him: "Miss means that all of this is under the control of Miss, and she wants to take this opportunity to find out the existence that is spying on her power and solve it once and for all." .”

Oz, my translator.

Looking at Ozzy who suddenly appeared, the adventurer who led the team showed a sense of gratitude in their eyes.

Fischer's reputation in the Adventurers Association is quite high, and the existence of Ozzy is also known to many adventurers.

Fortunately, there was Oz this time, otherwise, I probably wouldn't have understood what this Miss Fischer was trying to say.

"Hmph, that's right, let those ants who try to pry into the supreme technique of Youye Pure Land welcome the holy thunder that cleanses away their sins."

Fischel said in a somewhat complacent tone that the adventurer leading the team at this time probably understood what Fischer meant.

"So you plan to make a break with him when he comes, and you don't plan to take refuge in the Adventurer's Association?

There are many people, and if you are in the Adventurer's Association, the target is your enemy. If you do it, you will definitely fail. "

Hearing the persuasion from the adventurer leading the team, Fischel said confidently: "Don't worry, I am an investigator of the Adventurers Association, the convict Princess Fischel. That enemy will eventually perish after I purify this world." Among the myriad holy thunders.

There are so many people in the association, maybe it will scare the person who tries to pry into the secret of the pure land and run away. "

Facing the persistent Fischer Adventurer Association's leading adventurer, he was a little helpless. After another exchange with Fischer, he reluctantly accepted a reality.

This child...will not leave here no matter what he says today.

Faced with this result, the adventurer leading the team had no choice but to send the others back to the Adventurer Association first, and then the experienced adventurer who had experienced many battles stayed here to assist Fischer.

But it seemed that no one noticed that the red-haired man in black was quietly staring at them not far from Fischer's house.

"Do you actually want to face me directly... It seems that he is still very confident in his own strength."

Di Luque said to himself, at this time the image of Fischer gradually formed in his mind.

It seems that this girl who has stored the power of the dark monarch called the Anti-Life Equation is not simple. This kind of self-confidence is definitely not something ordinary people can have.

Do you have any confidence in your heart... Well, it is very likely that her confidence is the anti-life equation, after all, she has used that trick in front of her.

At the same time that Di Luke thought of this, Ozzy seemed to sense that something was wrong with Di Luke's position, and he seemed to feel the gaze there.

When Oz was puzzled, Diluc still watched quietly. He had no plans to make a move at the moment. In his heart, he had no reason to be an enemy of Fischer.

Fischer is just a person chosen by power, and his possible enemy is the real master of that power, the Dark Lord Darkside.

Thinking of Abedo's dignified expression before, Diluque naturally knew that this matter should not be taken lightly.

Watching the people from the Adventurer's Association pick up Fischer's family, a sudden change occurred when Di Luke was preparing.

Oz, who just felt that someone was watching him, released a thunderbolt directly towards Di Luke's position. Faced with this attack, Di Luke subconsciously wanted to block it with his sword.

But before he blocked it, a figure had already resisted the attack for him.

"Hmph, you must be looking at me, secret walker hidden in the shadows!"

Fischer seemed to have made up some settings in his brain, and his index finger suddenly pointed to a position not far in front of Di Luke.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I didn't expect you to find me, huh, condemned... Your Majesty the Empress."

A voice suddenly sounded from a distance in front of Di Luke, and there was a hint of disdain in the voice when it talked about the convicting princess.

"My Fichel just wants to live a peaceful life, but in the past, this kind of thing is like a dense endless loop of eternal night threads, which will never be cut."

Fischer, who seems to have imagined some setting, said so, and he was not far from Di Luke;

"Whether it is an assassin from the homeland, or someone who is trying to disturb the peaceful life of this princess. Oh, but this is not important anymore, let's usher in the end of annihilation under the holy thunder that rules Vientiane."

After Fischer finished speaking, he casually picked up the bow and arrow pinned by the door and aimed at the direction of the sound transmission, and the purple current was wrapped around the arrow of the bow and arrow.

Accompanied by Fischer pulling the string lightly, the arrows gathered by Lei Mang quickly rushed towards Di Luke.

Just when Di Luke made a conditioned reflex to prepare to dodge, the center not far in front of him began to twist rapidly.

A burly figure appeared in front of him. Several tubes were inserted behind the burly figure, and the light green liquid flowed into the back of the figure along the tubes.

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