Now it doesn't matter whether Gin is his own person or not, after the boss heard his "confession" words, if he didn't choose to become his own person, the only way he could die was.

"Whatever you look at, you are also a traitor."

At this time, Bourbon, who was next to Rena Mizumu, heard all the words of the boss, glanced at Rena Mizumus who was staring at him and said this, but Gin subconsciously lost his footing when he heard this answer.

"What, are you a traitor too?!"

Looking at the other side of the box, Rena Gin Mizumu, who he identified as a member of the loyal organization, showed an expression of disbelief. Because he was too focused just now and the distance was far away, Gin didn't know about the phone call.

"That's right, let's get to know each other again. I'm an intelligence agent dispatched by the CIA to the organization. I'm currently a part-time FIB intelligence provider, Rena Mizumu."

The words of self-exploding identity made Qin Jiu's expression a little gloomy. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the traitor was by my side.

And at this moment, Toru Amuro came out of the helicopter on the screen, looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone, I am Toru Amuro from Team Zero, now let's clean up the remains of our hero Jin Kurosawa from Team Zero. "

This voice!

Hearing this voice, Gin suddenly turned his head, what, Bourbon, you are also a traitor? ?

Hey, the current situation is a bit dangerous.

Seeing this scene, Belmode felt that if he didn't do anything else, his life would be lost. Forget it, let's choose a traitor at will.

"Ahem, Gin. On the surface, I am Belmode, the cadre of the organization, but secretly I have sworn allegiance to Moriarty of the Heisei era."

Belmode thought for a while and finally chose to use Kudo Shinichi as a shield. The boy's mother had a good relationship with him, and his little girlfriend was the angel who brought him salvation.

Belmode, why even you betrayed the organization!

Looking at Belmode Gin, who made the declaration of betrayal, I feel that the situation is a bit bad at the moment, co-author... the scene is now full of traitors except myself.

Gin, danger.

Hey, wait, do you look like a traitor?

Gin, who felt that he was in danger, suddenly thought of this matter, but he quickly forgot about it.

Joining the zero group to lurk in that zoo seems to be a matter of parallel universes, and has nothing to do with the original universe.

Thinking of this, Qin Jiu felt a little satisfied, but looking at the traitors in front of him, Qin Jiu took a deep breath and said decisively:

"I will not join forces with you traitors. The meaning of my gin existence is to give my heart to the organization. Traitors, hmph, I will let you know the fate of betrayal when I leave here."

Qin Jiu's words made everyone at the scene subconsciously straighten up. Mr. Qin Jiu, it seems that you still haven't realized the seriousness of the problem.

All the members of the organization at the scene, except you, are all traitors.

When the incident happened in the box, the other side was completely a picture of gin feeding the dog faithfully.

"It doesn't matter if that guy Gin Jiu betrayed me. The other members of the organization in the box are loyal to me. Hmph, can Gin Jiu stop so many elite members of the organization by himself?"

Karasuma Renya said with a gloomy face, while he was talking, he mobilized manpower to prepare for the second insurance.

Gin is doomed today, as I said, even Belmode can't save him!

Karasuma Renye's thoughts are not known to Gin at the moment, Gin now only wants to kill these spies and organize a bright future.

Spies, all spies, why are there all spies in the box?

Qin Jiu felt that the Kurosawa array on the screen was probably his own, and he had already encountered a similar environment.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is really... a rather tragic fate."

Looking at the gin on the screen, Conan shook his head and said, he didn't expect that the dangerous-looking killer would have such an identity.

The spy who gave everything ended up with only one tombstone. When dealing with that organization, there must have been more spies sacrificed than gin.

At this time, the atmosphere in the box at the winery was a bit awkward, and the picture on the screen had turned to the funeral.

White doves were flying in the sky, and white lilies were quietly placed around the coffin. Kurosawa, when the hero of the zero group died, many big figures came to mourn.

"May your soul find eternal peace in heaven."

The priest's words resounded in the pale-studded garden, the resting place of gin, where the warrior whose life had been tortuous would rest.

The sound reverberated in the garden, everyone at the scene fell silent, and the tear-jerking music sounded at this moment, and the gin in the box watched this scene with endless sadness.

Is this the final fate of myself in that parallel world?

Gin Jiu glanced at the spies beside him with complex expressions and wanted to say that Lao Tzu is not dead yet, and the funeral on the screen has come to the final stage.

The people in the Pale Court gradually withered, and the sad music slowly turned to soothing at this moment, but the soothing suddenly changed suddenly at the next moment, and an oppressive tune sounded.

"Heh, Snake, Snake, do you really... think that I didn't find anything wrong with you? Even if there was no interference from the criminal secretary Kudo Shinichi, you would have chosen this path in the end, very sorry Normal Snake T800.

I transferred all the spies in the organization to that base, and your every move is within my plan.

Now it's time for the brand new Snake to leave the factory. The Snake T801 at the Department of Biology should have been ready. "

The ignorance of a man's appearance appeared on the screen, and the screen turned around as his voice fell.

Broken body parts, lifeless pupils, there are those unqualified "snakes" piled up here.

"Completed, a brand new, stronger new version of the android, Snake T801! Lizard, wake up Snake T801 now."

A somewhat excited voice sounded, and the picture on the screen slowly shifted to the direction of the voice. A few seconds later, in the laboratory near the garbage dump, another Snake slowly opened his eyes.

"here is?"

Snake looked around in some confusion, and a researcher in a research uniform said at this moment: "Master Snake, you woke up, your brain was traumatized and received treatment here.

Please recall your memory quietly first, this is the Skynet laboratory, where you are absolutely complete. "

Seeing the birth of the new gin on the screen, Toru Amuro was stunned: "Gin, you actually..."

Seeing the birth of the brand new Snake, Gin was also subconsciously taken aback, but he soon realized it.

"No, this should be one of the real Snakes. In the parallel world on the screen, I seem to have sneaked into that organization by disguised as Snake."

It is impossible to cause harm to others in the place where intelligence gathers, so Gin intends to temporarily hide his intentions and deal with these traitors after leaving.

This kind of technology...if it is obtained by the organization.

No, with this technology, the Snake's gene should be extremely similar, and the experimental subject used as that drug can only produce a special version of Snake at most.

What the lord wants is a medicine with universal adaptability, and the completion of the accumulation of experimental products can't meet that requirement at all.

Gin, who was loyal to the organization, thought of the way Snake was born, and at this moment the picture on the screen turned to a stupid position again.

Gunshots sounded at this moment, and gunpowder smoke spread in Zhiyu's room. At this moment, Zhiyu lowered his head in surprise.

"who are you?"

The idiot whose mobility was locked because of that bullet asked in a hoarse voice, and the Gin villain behind him appeared in full force.

The pupils full of murderous intent stared at Chiyu, watching Chiyu Gin shout out his name in a tone close to a roar:

"Pai Daxing! Now, as that disciple, I'm here to send you to see God."

Gin's tone was full of murderous intent, but when he heard this voice, there was a hint of disbelief in his stupid eyes.

"Teacher, now...I have revenge for you."

After the words fell, Gin Jiu pulled the trigger again, and the moment the bullet pierced Idiot's heart, Gin Jiu's face suddenly changed.

The teleportation device was activated at this moment, and the gin was instantly teleported to his repair base.

"Are you actually planting a bomb bound to your heartbeat there? However, I'm doomed to be of no use to someone who masters space technology.

Ignorance is dead, so Mr. Black Feather Pirates should be able to rest in peace underground. "

Looking at his own words on the screen, in the real world, Gin felt that he had many question marks, Black Feather Pirate One?Who is that.

At this time, Kaito Kuroba's peace of mind had disappeared, and he didn't expect his father's student to complete his revenge in front of him.

Does Pirate One still have this disciple?

At this moment, Kuroba Chikage's expression was slightly puzzled, but Aoko's and Nakamori Ginzo's expressions changed. Could it be that it was not an accident back then?

On the screen, Gin took a deep breath and cheered up and said: "The leader of the zoo is dead, and it's time for my next goal. According to the information provided by that guy, the new potential target should be a An organization whose core members are codenamed wine."

good guy...

Seeing Gin's words on the screen, Belmode was just a good guy, but he didn't expect that the one on the screen was not the direction of the parallel world's change.

It's right, everything is right.

So that's it, the incident where Gin disguised himself as Snake was before joining the organization.

"I didn't expect you to be a spy?"

Looking at Gin and Mizumu Rena's expression, she was slightly astonished, while Toru Amuro frowned at the moment, is there such a member as Gin Kurosawa in Team Zero?

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense.

Gin, who was loyal to the organization, wanted to refute, but the picture on the screen attracted his attention again.

At this moment, the soundtrack slowly turned into a minor tune with ups and downs, and at the climax of the rhythm, the appearance of Kuroba Kaito appeared on the screen,

"Snake is actually a spy?"

In his room under the moonlight, Kaito Kuroba, who had not turned on the light, showed an unexpected expression.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"So that's the case, I probably understand, if that's the case, cancel the arrangements for Snake.

Now that the person is dead, those arrangements are naturally useless.By the way, how is your investigation on that going? "

Kuroba Kaito nodded and said so, but at the end he changed the subject and asked another matter.

"The location has been investigated clearly, but Mr. Magician, do we really want to participate in the competition for that thing?"

The moonlight streamed in from the unlit room, and Kaito Kuroba, who was sitting by the window, replied decisively when he heard the voice behind him: "We never had a choice. I know the nature of that ZERO guy very well. The purpose of his joining our organization is not to achieve the relief of all mankind at all, but simply to climb to the pinnacle of power.

Under the premise that the leader's soul is close to collapse, ZERO's endless movements have proved to me that my guess is correct.

Now it can only be like this, even if we can't use the taboo power hidden in the snake blood pupil, we can't let that ZERO guy get it.

If he gets that thing and can use it perfectly, we won't have any means to target him.

If that guy can't use that kind of power, I'm not sure if that lunatic will make a copy of the Lord of the Gods of Heaven.

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