Pineapple gave a thumbs up and showed a thumbs-up gesture: "Your action efficiency is still as high as ever, so are you doing an effect test now?"

Su Qing nodded and said: "After the resettlement is completed, this is the first test today. Next, with the help of the search program, we can perfectly grasp the traces of the main characters."

While talking, Su Qing controlled the mouse to start the program, entered Kudo Shinichi and clicked the search button on the screen in front of her, and the search program began to quickly search for the traces of Kudo Shinichi.

"This program can use image comparison to determine where the person we are looking for is now.

However, due to the fact that there are too many monitors set up, and the computing power of this computer is limited, it will take a little time to search. "

After explaining a sentence, the monitoring search has been completed, and Conan's appearance appears on the screen.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I'm going to conspire with you to kill Yusaku Kudo."

Opening lightning strike.

Su Qing, who just turned on the monitor, saw Conan expressing his plan in a cold and ruthless tone at this moment, so he just staged a fatherly resignation.

"This, I really never thought of it."

Watching the Conan pineapple on the screen, the steady state of mind began to gradually collapse. Good guy, I didn't expect, I didn't expect, Conan, you, who look great and upright, secretly want to be a big dutiful son.

For this wave of operations, Alsace called the expert directly.

But at the moment opposite Conan, Kaito Kuroba was slightly taken aback when he heard his speech.

Is the savior of the wicked so ruthless, he will kill Dad if he speaks.

What should I say at this time?Really worthy of being the savior of the wicked?

Looking at Kaito Kuroba who was stunned at this moment, Conan felt a little bad in his heart.

Could it be that his disguise just now was seen through?

Conan didn't really intend to kill Kudo Yusaku. According to his philosophy, what he should do was to send Kudo Yusaku to prison.

Conan, who had no intention of killing at all, thought for a moment, guessed what the villain's savior would do, and said so.

And Kaito Kuroba opposite him looked at the silent Kudo Shinichi and casually found an excuse to cover up his distraction just now: "You are not as bad as I imagined, I thought you would choose to squeeze out the remaining value of Yusaku Kudo That’s why I planned to give him the choice of being exhausted.”

It's so bad, I'm going to stare at it!

Wait, the bad guy is me, that's okay.

The expression on Conan's face was a little awkward at this moment, he didn't expect that Kudo Shinichi, who created himself in the past, turned out to be the face of this capitalist.

In the past, people like Kudo Shinichi deserved to hang street lamps.

Conan condemned that Kudo Shinichi in his heart, um, the old capitalist is Kudo Shinichi, what does it have to do with me, Edogawa Conan?

Judging from the tone of his nominal younger brother on the other side, it seems that the original self has not done less.

While Conan wanted it so much, the reincarnated people in Mihua Town were silent after seeing it.

"Tell me I'm dreaming now, will you?"

Pineapple rubbed the corners of her eyebrows with some headaches, while Su Qing also nodded with a heavy face: "I really want someone to tell me the news, after all, the current situation is too outrageous."

The plan to kill Kudo Yusaku was formulated by Kudo Shinichi, this matter is a bit too outrageous.

At the moment in the school, Kuroba Kaito did not continue to discuss more with Conan.

This kind of plan cannot be decided directly in a short while, and assassination is not something that can be directly implemented with an idea.

Moreover, neither of them actually had the idea of ​​assassinating themselves. In essence, these two similar-looking people are not the kind of people who would choose to kill under normal circumstances.

After agreeing a time to meet again, Conan left the scene, and Mi Qi, played by Xia Qing, nodded and left the scene as an excuse that he still had business to deal with.

On the way back to the classroom, Kaito Kuroba was still thinking about what he should do next. Dealing with Shinichi Kudo was tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

That guy's disguise was really terrifying. During the conversation just now, Kaito Kuroba felt that the other party was like an honest detective.

Is Kudo Shinichi an honest detective?

Oh, what a joke.

How can someone who can be called the savior of the wicked, the Napoleon of the criminal world, be an honest and good person.

Kuroba Kaito wants to bet that if Kudo Shinichi is really a good person, he will go directly to a whole fish feast next time.

Kaito Kuroba, who is Kaito Kidd, actually has a fatal weakness, and that is fish.

Kuroba Kaito has always paid tribute to fish.

Leaving Heiyu Kaito's side, Xia Qing casually picked up the mobile phone he took away to browse the latest news.

"I see, I'm going there now."

Looking at the message sent by a person with the note "boss" on the screen, Xia Qing thought for a while and imitated Snake's tone.

At the same time, in a certain luxurious residence on the other side, a man who already looked a little old had some doubts in his heart.

Why is the way Snake speaks so strange recently? It was the same way he would report when he completed the task before. His tone feels a bit different from before.

In the battle on the top floor of the rooftop, the zoo is really not enough to watch now when facing the gods from the other three parties.

The killer who belonged to the zoo was doomed to die in that battle, and the result was just as Xia Qing had speculated at the beginning.

All the members of the zoo who were there in the battle were wiped out, um, in fact, only you know if they were all wiped out.

In the eyes of outsiders, Snake, who was the team leader at the time, was the only one who survived.

"Since you took the initiative to present your identity, it would be a pity not to accept it."

After saying something unhurriedly, Xia Qing began to search the address given by the head of the zoo from the map.

That address is in a rather unpopular location, and that place is neither a scenic spot nor a place of interest.

That is to say, there are basically no tourists at that address who will go to enjoy the scenery, and that location is basically bought by zoo organizations.

That place is equivalent to the main center of the zoo, and many decisions are made at that address.

"Let's go and have a look next time."

Xia Qing looked at the address in front of him and said so. At this moment, he silently switched the character card to Sirin the Herrscher of the Sky.

Ordinary walking is too time-consuming, so he chose a more efficient method, which is to directly cross the space.

The connection between space and space was established here. After Xia Qing made himself invisible, he was ready to visit the organization called the zoo.


"It's really loose, and there is no one guarding the corridor."

After more than ten minutes, Xia Qing said a little speechlessly, it seems that he still overestimated the zoo as an organization.

Most of the members in this organization are too low in what they are good at. Most of the members are only proficient in mastering, and have not thoroughly studied the use of a certain weapon.

Xia Qing, an elite killer like Gin from the distillery, is not sure whether he exists in this organization. After all, there are no famous killers in this organization in the original book.

After knocking on the door three times, Xia Qing disguised himself with collocations and began to wait.

"What happened that time, I hope you can explain it to me."

At this time, a black-haired figure sitting on the seat said so, obviously he was very dissatisfied with Snake's failure before.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The double of the leader of the zoo organization is nothing more than an ordinary human being after all, and Xia Qing also knows the identity of the real boss through the ability of manipulating the mind to search the other person's mind.

"Do the bosses of the mysterious organization like to play with dolls... Diablo does too, and so do the dozen or so doubles of the boss in the winery, and this one does too."

After making complaints, Xia Qing quickly created an imaginary number space channel and prepared to have a friendly exchange with the real boss.

Among the character cards I am currently using, the character card of Sirin the Herrscher of the Sky is actually not the space law that is common in some works.

Her ability is essentially the operation of imaginary space. The so-called space teleportation is actually transferred to the imaginary space and then transferred to the corresponding coordinates in the real world through the imaginary space.

After completing a series of operations, Xia Qing began to scan the members of the entire zoo organization base with his consciousness, and nodded after browsing their memories.

As expected, the sad thing is that the winery is not the average status of this world's mysterious organization. It is unexpected that there is not a single undercover agent in the base of the zoo.

It's getting cold, let the zoo be destroyed.

After browsing through the memories of the members of the zoo, Xia Qing thought that if all the members of the zoo were taken to be shot, there might be some innocent ones, but nine out of ten must have missed something.


Kaito Kuroba was bored looking at the scenery outside the window. For him, life in school was obviously not as interesting as being a phantom thief at night.

ding dong...

As the phone rang, Kaito Kuroba picked up the phone to check who sent him the message.

"Unknown number."

Looking at the mobile phone number displayed on it, Kaito Kuroba thought so, but what really caught his attention was the content of this text message.

"The zoo... the code name of that organization."

Whispering in a voice that only he could hear, Kaito Kuroba casually replied yes.

This text message was sent by the secret agent who came to find me before, and the content was to invite me to visit the zoo organization at night tonight.

Judging from the tone of his written description, maybe he really has some perfect way of not being discovered.

Kuroba Kaito has no doubts about this matter, after all, judging from a few words, the organization is not comparable to the zoo.

Thinking of the organization he joined, Kaito Kuroba felt deeply troubled and showed a wry smile. It would be very difficult for this kind of organization to join and leave.

It's really troublesome enough to be the mess left by my previous self.

Kaito Kuroba never thought about the possibility that the organization he joined actually had a total number of less than a hundred, or even dozens of people, and most of them were transformed people.

After all, an organization that dares to claim to secretly control the American continent, not only counts the number of official members, will not be small no matter how you think about it.

The time in the classroom often passed very slowly. After school, Kaito Kuroba began to search for gemstones recently exhibited in Japan as usual.

When the time was almost approaching the time agreed with the secret contract, Kuroba Kaito started to set off half an hour earlier.

"It should be here."

Ten minutes later, looking at the surrounding environment, Kaito Kuroba murmured to himself that no one was quiet around him at the moment, and he also cooperated with the camouflage.

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