The members of the winery disguised by Xia Qing from the four directions through the power of collocation have all been wiped out except for the key role. The craftsman was seriously injured, and Su Qing was also slightly injured.

As for the zoo killers... they were all wiped out when they got involved in this battle.

Mao Lilan and Conan were imprisoned by a light prison at this time. Although they could not stop the fighting, they were safe.

"It's really a troublesome situation... How did that guy manage such outrageous energy fluctuations?"

Looking at the door that the craftsman regarded as the trump card with a surprised expression, the corners of the craftsman's mouth raised slightly when facing the pineapple.

"The winner is doomed, I have already held the key to victory, and I have already picked up the original napkin!

It's done, the power storage is finally completed, let you come and experience it, this supreme brilliance condensed with the help of the power of the world! "

The craftsman has seen the dawn of victory at this moment, and then his face changed in the next second: "How is it possible!"

Seeing that the strange substance began to devour the door behind him, the craftsman felt that his connection with the door was gradually weakening.

"It seems that there is a surprise this time. This door can replace the one in Wanmenzhimen's hand. For me, it is something that must be obtained."

An evil voice sounded behind him, and the craftsman turned around in horror, only to see Snake, who should have died, stand up slowly.

His body began to twist quickly, and soon his appearance turned into a black-haired youth who looked like Kudo Shinnichi a few years older.

The black-haired young man stretched his right hand to the surrounding space, and slowly took out the monocle developed by the crystal from the space crack on the slope.

"You are!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the black-haired young craftsman's complexion, the technology used by Gin and others is outrageous enough.

But the problem is, the person who appeared now was able to directly isolate the connection between his own door and himself. Now where is his own door hidden by this guy.

Ignoring the stunned look on his craftsman, Xia Qing took advantage of his new identity and looked at Conan: "Long time no see, my"

Amon's tone seemed to be speaking to Conan or to another person. Hearing this, Xiaolan's eyes instantly became strange, as if she had heard something extraordinary.

But this should be fake, how could Conan have such a big brother.

At this time, the craftsman whose door was taken away chose to run away. Running away was not a shameful decision, it was a self-knowledge of his own strength.

The craftsman is familiar with the power of the door he has mastered, and he has no intention of fighting against that power.

Not stopping the craftsman from escaping, Xia Qing looked at Conan with a somewhat happy expression wearing a new vest tentatively named Amon with a monocle.

"I won't bother you guys... Well, did the brothers communicate? Excuse me and say goodbye first."

Kaito Kuroba, who survived just now thanks to Amon's strength, said that he has no plans to continue to learn more.

He still knows the truth that the more he meets, the sooner he dies. In fact, he and the Amon who claims to be born from his heart are purely using each other.

"Then let me give you a ride."

Amon said in a calm tone, and as his words fell, Kaito Kuroba was sent home directly, and Su Qing and Pineapple also returned to their distance in this world.

Mao Lilan returned to the Maori Detective Agency, but Gin and others also disappeared, leaving only Conan and Amon at the scene.

"Who the hell are you?"

Looking at Amon on the edge of the roof, the tone that was trapped by the barrier that Xia Qing condensed through the power of collocation before was a bit dignified.

"I've already made it clear who I am, well, to be honest, I don't understand your current state, brother.

But... We have the same blood in our bodies, you must be very clear about this. "

Amon's expression at this time was slightly raised at the corners of his mouth, and he couldn't see his inner thoughts at all. Facing Amon Conan, he took a deep breath.

Good guy, the same blood...

Could it be that the person in front of him might be his father's illegitimate son just like Kaito Kidd?

Wait, Dad doesn't look like someone who would cheat.

Conan was full of doubts, and at this moment Amon frowned slightly: "Well... your situation is really complicated, my dear brother. Have you... really completed the rebirth on this container? "


Conan felt that he seemed to have heard some incredible information, and just when he was about to ask, Amon said in a tone that seemed deeply troubled but joyful:

"Hey, it looks like things are getting quite interesting. My dear brother, it doesn't look like this is the time for us to meet again."

After the words fell, Amon's figure slowly disappeared, and Conan, who had seen it disappear and rushed to the center of the rooftop, stretched out his right hand.

The famous detective who somehow had a younger brother seemed to be about to say something, but it was a pity that Conan still didn't say what he wanted to say in the end.

Conan, who has experienced this scene tonight, has been helplessly convinced that there are some areas in this world that the current technology has not touched.

For example... These guys all use methods that cannot be explained by the laws of physics they are familiar with.

"Phantom Thief Kidd, you are surrounded, surrender to me!"

When Conan watched the scene in front of him helplessly, a voice suddenly sounded from behind, and Conan turned sideways subconsciously.

Apparently, the fact that there were people on the rooftop had been discovered, and Ginzo Nakamori, who was in charge of catching Kaitou Kidd and grabbed a doll, immediately realized that this might be Kaitou Kidd's real escape route.


Nakamori Ginzo, who rushed to the rooftop with a team of policemen, froze in place. There was a rooftop full of bullet marks and several cylindrical marks that he didn't know how to make.

And at the moment, in the center of the roof, a boy wearing glasses who turned sideways was looking at the edge of the roof.

Pushing his glasses, the glasses reflected a ray of cold light under the moonlight.


Before Conan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Nakamori Ginzo: "He must be Kaitou Kidd, after all Kaitou Kidd can always do things that we can't even imagine!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under the confrontation accumulated over the years, Kaito Kidd's magic power has reached a terrifying level by Nakamori Ginzo's brain.

It would be easy to turn into a child with Kaitou Kid's magic power, Nakamori Ginzo with this thought rushed towards Conan decisively.

And Conan didn't forcefully try to escape at this moment, the clear one clears himself, no matter how the other party investigates, he can't be Kaitou Kidd.

Conan finally stayed with the police for [-] minutes before being released without suspicion. After all, Kaito Kidd couldn't be so short anyway.

Besides, Conan is really too young, how can such a thing as a schoolboy phantom thief be possible, just as incredible as a schoolboy detective.

A student should look like a student. No matter how he thinks about it, this kid named Conan doesn't have time to work part-time as a phantom thief at night.

Conan, who was let go by the police, left the scene in Dr. Ali's car. On the way, Dr. Ali asked curiously what happened.

"The matter is quite complicated... Even I didn't figure it out for a while. I'll go back to my home and sort out the pile of information I got today."

Conan said with some headaches, Dr. Ali didn't ask much when he heard Conan's headache tone, he could see that Conan was doing his best to think about clues.

This kind of situation is rarely encountered before... Shinichi also feels helpless, should he tell Yusaku?

Glancing at Dr. Conan Ali who was on the co-pilot, he thought so, but soon he shelved this idea for the time being, because Shinichi's home was coming soon;

Looking at the familiar villa not far away, Shinichi took a deep breath and was about to go to his home to look for clues.

If I really lost some meaning, I might be able to find a trace of it in this rather familiar place.

Obviously, Conan already had his own guesses about what Amon said.

Saying goodbye to Dr. Ali who was about to go back and continue to fix some technical problems of the voice changer, Conan set foot on his villa again.

After opening the door, he found the switch to turn on the light very skillfully. In the dead of night, Conan tried to find something related to himself in his past home.

What Conan now chooses to believe is that he has fallen into amnesia. As for the other possibility that Conan guessed before, Conan does not believe it.

That kind of possibility is really outrageous, no matter what you think about it with current technology, that kind of conjecture is really impossible to happen in this era.

Half an hour later, Conan was tired and lying on the bed in his bedroom. Conan, who searched the house for a long time, finally couldn't find anything that seemed to hide a secret.


When Conan got up and poured a glass of water and leaned against the wall, thinking that there should be nothing related to memory in his home, his face suddenly changed.

Turning around suddenly, Conan took a look behind him. This wall looked like any other wall. If he hadn't just leaned against it, he wouldn't have been able to find it.

Behind this wall is empty!

I didn't expect that there was such a place hidden in my bedroom, and I didn't find it at all.

Conan's expression was solemn, and at this moment his fingers were tapping slowly and rhythmically on the wall.

"Is it here……"

Ten seconds later, Conan's right hand stopped at a certain place, and he suddenly pushed towards the wall. With the release of the thrust, the wall split in two and was pushed away.

Looking at the wall that was pushed away by him, Conan walked in vigilantly, and Conan probably saw the basic environment inside through the light passed in from his room.

The size of the room from the entrance to his own bedroom is not that big, and messy papers can be seen everywhere in the room, and each piece of paper has one or more plans on it.

Conan really doubts if he has really lost his memory now. There is such a place behind his room, which he never knew before.

In addition to some documents and archives, this small office room has the largest number of discs;

Opening the room that made Conan wonder if he had lost his memory, the projector seemed to have been covered with dust.

The moment it was just turned on, the loaded pattern appeared on the TV connected to the DVD in this room, and an all-too-familiar figure appeared on the screen as the reading was completed.

Looking at the voice on the screen, Conan's pupils shrank slightly, he was right, the person on the screen was himself, this was the detective's intuition!

"Yusaku Kudo awakened in my body..."

In the video, Kudo Shinichi said in a dignified tone, but Conan who saw this scene was stunned on the spot.

I heard... what?

Why did my father's name appear in my mouth before I lost my memory, and why did I say it was awakening in my body?

At this moment, Conan felt that he had an infinite desire to explore, and he really wanted to know the reason for all this, and it had nothing to do with his father.

"Those who saw this scene, since you can see it, my plan must have failed. Now these videos should have reached your hands, or chances have fallen into the hands of others.

In short... For those who have seen this video, please remember my last advice, be careful of Kudo Shinichi. "

The other self on the screen spoke in a dignified tone, as if Kudo Shinichi would change someone if the plan failed.

After playing this sentence, the screen went black, and Conan brought the progress bar back to the beginning. In this ultra-short video, Conan felt that his doubts had not been answered.

At this time, there is more doubt in his heart, what does Yusaku Kudo wake up in my body mean?

After Conan pressed the button and took out the disc from the pop-up box, Conan glanced around and took a disc and put it in.

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