Very good, it seems that my words and prestige still have some effect.

Seeing the member of the organization holding the gun, Snake nodded in satisfaction, but soon this satisfaction became another mood.

Surprise, surprise was exactly what Snake was feeling at this time.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Qiqi aiming at his organization members and the organization members at the burly man, Snake showed a look of surprise on his face.

"Snake, I have already said that your organization has been infiltrated by me quite seriously. These members who pointed their guns at you are actually spies from our Sound Nest!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Come on, spy..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Snake felt that he had the urge to curse. Your mother is outrageous, what is the organization's review for?

He coauthored that about half of his subordinates are all spies. Check whether he is also a spy, and how did he let so many spies join the organization.

Snake's heart fluctuated frequently at this time, and at this moment the remaining half raised their guns and confronted the previous spies.

The scene was filled with invisible pressure, and silence became the best portrayal of this matter.

Kuroba Kaito sat quietly on the tree trunk, expressing that we dare not think about anything, dare not move anything.

"If you are pointed at by so many guns, it will be difficult to use magic to escape."

Kaito Kuroba whispered something to himself, and Xia Qing subconsciously opened his eyes and looked sideways at him.

Good guy, this isn't magic at all, it's magic.

Just one word, outrageous.

Seeing Kuroba Kaito, who was still confident in escaping under such circumstances, Xia Qing thought so, and at this moment, Snake took a deep breath and already had some guesses in his heart.

Most of the auditors of the organization are also spies...

Half of the spies from the Sound Nest organization must have been put in by the spies.

Sound Nest...

I didn't expect the organization to be infiltrated so severely by this organization, but fortunately, the infiltration of these spies has not yet reached the point where it cannot be resisted.

There are still loyal people in the organization, and there are as many as half of the loyal people.

Seeing this kind of people aiming at each other at this moment, Snake showed a satisfied expression, the half of the spy and the half of the organization center confronted each other, this scene is really gratifying.

Even if the number of enemies is almost the same as his own, even if the attack is destined to cause heavy casualties, the loyal members of these organizations have no fear at all.

"Hurry up, get rid of those spies!"

Looking at the battlefield filled with gunpowder at this moment, Snake yelled and then turned around and tried to escape, but the situation changed at this time.

A group of loyal members at the scene, some of them pointed guns at Snake.

"shut up."

One of the leaders of the loyal members said in a cold tone, and Snake frowned subconsciously when he heard this sentence.

"How do you bastard talk?"

Snake's tone was a little angry, and one of the leaders of the loyal members continued to say in a chilling tone: "Everything before is just my performance in disguise. Snake, I have put up with you idiot for a long time, hehe , In fact, I am also a spy, including those who point their guns at you, that is, my subordinates."

Snake felt that he had a lot of question marks, how did that idiot do the review, and actually let two organizations in at the same time.

Some people are not sure whether the audit is a spy or really stupid. Wouldn't it be possible to put another force into the organization to make the situation out of control and put Soundnest in a disadvantageous situation.

When Snake thought of this, the expression of the panther on the other side was a little strange.

Looking at the spy from another force who suddenly stood up, the black panther showed some doubts in his eyes.

Little brother, I didn't expect that your kid is also a spy.

"Ah, this organization's review really, really makes people wonder what to say."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Kaito Kuroba couldn't help complaining in a low voice, a spy is a spy anyway.

Two-quarters, or half of the members of this organization are from an organization called Sound Nest, and the other quarter are from an unknown organization.

Co-authored... Only a quarter or less of you are loyal?

Kuroba Kaito said that he really opened his eyes today, and it is a miracle that this kind of organization can survive until now.

"You, you actually betrayed the organization."

Seeing the hands of the traitor Snake who stood up first trembled slightly, the reviewers responsible for reviewing the joiners crawled up, how did you review?

Good guy, I fucking call him good guy.

More than half of them are actually spies from other organizations. If I can survive this time, I must find the boss and ask the boss to send the reviewer to Siberia to dig potatoes.

For that kind of organization member who is like a fool, all the remaining value should be squeezed out!

Wait... what about that member who can't even play potatoes well?

As long as I'm trash, no one can take advantage of me?

Hmph, that member would be stupid if he had such an idea, the organization is very good at recycling waste.

With a lot of thoughts in Snake's mind, watching the remaining quarter loyal to the organization, he immediately ordered: "You hold these traitors back, and support will arrive soon. My heart is bound to a bomb from the ground, as long as If I pull the trigger, you will die instantly."

Snake pointed a gun at his head while talking, urgently needing soldiers to make dangerous moves, it seems that he tried to deceive.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to have such a skill."

Seeing that Snake Panther frowned slightly, Snake looked at the remaining quarter of the organization members with trusting eyes.

Even in the face of an undercover agent who has surpassed him in number and is not inferior to him in terms of elite level, he can still keep his face unchanged.

Very good, very good, this is the talent that the organization should recruit, the pillar of the organization.

Look, if you face the threat of death, you still don't have the slightest fear at this time.

Not bad, really good, who recruited these people can check when the time comes.

Anyway, most of these members who are extremely loyal to the organization can't be recruited by that stupid batch of identity review members!

"Hey, do you still have the will to fight in this situation? You have indeed won the respect of the leader of my Fantasy Special Operations IV team."

The second batch of exposed members revealed their true origins, and the Black Panther also said: "You are indeed a group of respectable fighters, but today Snake will undoubtedly die. He knows too much .

I have heard the name of the Fantasy Economic Union for a long time. Our Sound Nest has no intention of being an enemy of Fantasy. Why don't we unite for the time being and get rid of these respectable fighters first? "

Black Panther said with interest that at the moment he is showing his worth to Kaito Kuroba, one of the leading cadres in charge.

"We, Fanmeng, have also heard the name of Sound Nest, and the record of frequent internal disintegration of Faust is enough to make anyone pay attention to it.

Since there is no entanglement of interests, we have no objections.

This Snake knows something he shouldn't know. Wendy, one of the special executive officers of our fantasy, who is mainly responsible for the layout of the collapse and the sub-world, has issued a lore order.

No matter how much he pays, Snake, who knows the information he shouldn't know today, will surely die. "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You said...Wendy, Kanvada Regent Wendy?"

Hearing the name that the fantasy staff said, the pupils of the black panther shrank slightly, and an aura spread from him like a leopard staring at its prey.

"The regent... It seems that Executive Wendy is indeed the regent in a small country?"

Scratching his head, the staff of the Fantasy Group said with some uncertainty, and at this time, the expression of the panther quickly became cold.

"Deal with them, solve the dreamer and Snake together."

The order was given in a cold and ruthless tone, and the people who looked at the black panther's fantasy were stunned.

What's the situation, why did that guy suddenly turn his face?

Snake didn't dare to say anything at this time, and didn't dare to do anything.

Now it is better to minimize your own existence as much as possible, and then find a chance to sneak away.

After all, the Fanmeng Group is a business whose main source of funds is business, and it has already suffered a wave of attacks before it became vigilant after hearing the words of the Black Panther.

"Hurry up and support Fanmeng's brother!"

At this time, the remaining 1/4, who seemed to be the leader among the loyal members of the organization, suddenly waved his arms.


Hearing this voice, the members of the fantasy dream had doubts on their brows, but the leader explained: "We are undercover agents sent by Passionate for Pandora."


Hearing this sound, Snake felt that it was really difficult for him.

Another... how is it another traitor?

There are traitors everywhere, who is the person in charge of the review, you must see for yourself if you have the opportunity.

If he didn't die this time, he wouldn't let the person in charge of the review go to Siberia to dig potatoes.

I want to send her to Thailand to change her sex and make her debut in Kabukicho!

Although Snake thought so in his heart, he also knew that this idea was probably impossible to realize.

It's unbelievable that I can get out alive under such circumstances. The co-author said on the scene that I am all spies.

Snake said that he dared not even dream of such a situation, Guigui, how does his own organization maintain it?

Xia Qing controlled several people and began to fight, but at this moment, the black panther frowned suddenly.

"Is there a large number of people in police uniforms approaching here?"

Black Panther suddenly started talking to himself as if he was talking to someone. He glanced at the passionate member and fantasy member Black Panther who was facing him and frowned, as if he was a bit unwilling.

"Forget it, let's go, hum, I'm not finished with Kanwada's accounts. Kaito-sama, it's not the time to talk now, I will visit you again someday."

With a cold snort, the Panther decided to retreat for the time being, and the Fanmeng staff, who had probably discovered some personal grievances between the Panther and Wendy, didn't stay any longer.

"Here comes the note, Yoyo!"

When the police chased to the door, the current voices rang out in the small courtyard, and Kaito didn't intend to stay longer when he saw this.

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