I'm going to hit six!


Seeing the seven stalwart figures fighting in Holy Sword Sauce, Delia was dumbfounded!

What the hell!

Why should I die like this!

Finally, I just escaped from Ryan, so I met another one!

Does this girl also have the power of lust?


It was her last thought before losing consciousness.

After that, all the calculations in her brain were used to carry the huge breath transmitted by the seven stalwart figures.

As a result, Du Yana, who had already fallen into autism, saw an even more terrifying scene.

That was the sign that Delia finally came back, but after seeing the girl opposite, she changed back in an instant.

Fuck!So the girl can't see it either?

This is her meowing hair!

It doesn't matter if the desire demon king, even the little girl next to him has the debuff of belching as soon as he looks at it?

Hiccup at a glance!

How is this played?

Don't play like this!

I want to report!

Someone is cheating!

But Duyana thought about it again, and it seemed that something was wrong!

Because she seemed to have seen Ryan and Holy Sword Sauce before, why did nothing happen after she glanced at it, but Delia died instantly after seeing it?

Could it be that there is something hidden in this?

Author's message:

ps: Second update!


Everyone go to bed early!

good night!

I have to wake up at 5 tomorrow!

so busy!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As a level 140 Thousand Faces Phantom, Du Yana is actually quite smart.

She was autistic before because the opponent's ability was too weird.

The most powerful Star Witch on my side died violently just by looking at it!

And the most terrifying thing is that the opponent can kill the enemy just by looking at it.

How can she beat meow!

She can't kill with her eyes closed!

So when she saw that the strongest 145-level boss in her family was actually killed by the opponent's first encounter, she collapsed!

Can't beat it!

Shut up!

However, as time went by, she gradually calmed down, and gradually discovered some illogical aspects of the whole thing.

For example, why wasn't Delia killed face-to-face when she saw Ryan for the first time?

It stands to reason that I saw it at first glance, so why didn't I die suddenly?

After carefully recalling the process of Delia's sudden death, Du Yana discovered an astonishing fact!

That is, Delia changed the distribution of star power in her body after using coercion to suppress the opponent to no avail, and raised the level of her eyes to 160 or higher.

Delia originally wanted to use the 160-level eyes to control the gravity around Ryan and suppress the two of them.

In the end, I didn't expect it to be self-defeating, and it became the current situation.

Delia looked at Ryan twice, and the only difference was that the level of the eyes had been raised to 160, and she didn't see him use this power when fighting Ryan as a glutton.

Could it be that the power of astringent desire can only be revealed when the opponent is above level 160?

After carefully analyzing what happened before, Duyana rationally analyzed the truth of the whole incident.

In fact, after calming down, her IQ is still quite high, and she definitely lives up to the title of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Gluttonous Demon Clan.

Since it is only effective when the level is high, it means that she, a level 140 guy, should not be able to hit the opponent's power in theory.

After figuring this out, Duyana even rose up for a moment, planning to take a sneak peek at Ryan's thoughts.

Soon, however, she abandoned the idea.

Because this is just her personal guess, if it is wrong, she will die suddenly like a piece of Delia.

For the safety of her life, she was determined not to use herself as an experiment.

But after thinking about it, she suddenly remembered that Delia didn't know why she didn't suddenly die suddenly?

Was it because he saw the girl behind Lane?

No, after seeing a girl, she immediately started to die violently again.

So what is the reason?

After thinking about it for a long time, Du Yana finally understood!

When Delia turned her gaze to Holy Sword Sauce, there was a transition. In this transition zone, she didn't see Ryan's face, so she launched the sudden death state.

That's it!

As long as you don't continue reading, this weird state of sudden death will be interrupted.

After thinking this through, Duyana stretched out her hand to cover Delia.

This time was different from before, she didn't have to risk her life, so she was very decisive this time, anyway, even if she failed, it wasn't her who hiccupped.

Maybe if you try it, you can give Godelia a meal!

But in fact, Du Yana really guessed it right this time!

After the eyes were covered by Duyana, and after Delia lost the figure of the seven stalwarts in her eyes, everything became different.

Because there was no need to perform complex calculations, Delia's brain power recovered, and her body's functions gradually returned.

Soon Delia regained her sobriety.

Pain and panic remained on her face just after recovering, and even the blood hadn't dried yet.

After finally recovering her mind, Delia quickly turned her head, not daring to look at Ryan, and withdrew the use of Star Power with a pale face.

After restoring the levels of eyes and body to normal, he said in fear:

"Duyana is lucky to have you here, I just saved my life!"

While Delia was telling Duyana about the luck of the rest of her life after the catastrophe, and the unpredictability of Ryan and Holy Sword Sauce, Ryan, who was buried deeply by Holy Sword Sauce, finally got rid of the pair of peerless weapons.

"That Fallen Heaven...you calm down first!"

Coming out of Holy Sword Sauce's chest, Ryan subconsciously wanted to continue calling her Fallen Wings, but after seeing the other's ready-to-move chest, he decisively changed his mind.

"Holy Sword Sauce, what do you think of the name Filia?"

Really being forced to rush, Ryan had no choice but to give Holy Sword a name by the way.

But even though the name he thought of was very casual, he even felt that it was not as domineering as Wings of Fallen Heaven before.

But after hearing this name, Holy Sword Sauce was obviously a lot happier. The dull hair on his head was raised before, and he kept swaying with the wind and said:


"Filia likes this name very much!"

"In the future, the master will be called Philia Philia, and don't be called Philia Holy Sword Sauce and Fallen Wings anymore, such weird names!"

After having a new name, Filia was very happy. Although it was just a name that Ryan chose casually, she was so happy that she used this name instead of calling herself.

On the other hand, Ryan didn't expect that just thinking of a name would make Holy Sword so happy. Seeing the girl in front of him jumping happily, he felt a little bit of joy in his heart.

Although I don't know why my holy sword has turned into a human form, and it is still naked, but thinking that the holy sword that has become a human form may become stronger, and it can be eye-catching even if it is not used at ordinary times, Ryan doesn't bother with her in an instant Why did it become human.

Anyway, no matter what, I won't lose money.

It's just that it's not good for my holy sword to be naked all the time.

Although there are only girls here except herself, she will go out sooner or later, and it will be bad if she is seen by other men.

Thinking of this, Ryan is planning to talk to Holy Sword Filia about her clothes.

Just as he was about to speak, Delia and Duyana, who had exited the state of sudden death, called over.

After confirming that Ryan would not have any problems as long as he didn't look at him with advanced eyes, Delia decided to give up the most decent way of fighting and use the most brutal method, Earthfall, to deal with Ryan.

The Fall of the Earth Star is the ultimate move of the Witches of the Stars. It guides the meteorites from outside the starry sky to smash down to meet the enemy.

In the situation where you can't look directly at the enemy in front of you, this trick is the best solution to the enemy.

After seeing the true faces of Ryan and Holy Sword Sauce, Delia no longer has the confidence to defeat each other. Now she only hopes that the falling meteorite can temporarily block Ryan and Holy Sword Sauce for a while, so as to give her a chance to escape.

So under the guidance of her star power, a huge meteorite fell towards Ryan, interrupting his relationship with Filia...

Author's message:

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