You must know that he is a weak chicken who can vomit in Roxani.

But this time Yujian flew very smoothly, without feeling the slightest bump in the whole process, and arrived so briskly.

Looking at Lena standing in front of him, Ryan shrugged helplessly and said:

"At that time, I just wanted to just grab a holy object, but I didn't expect the sword to pop out of the stone, and rolled to my feet, and finally followed me out of the collection room, because it is real. It’s too clingy, and I have no choice but to accept it reluctantly.”

Ryan flatly told Lena how he got the holy sword, as if he hadn't seen his family chatting for a long time.

"So this is ah........"


Ryan may not know how many people have thought about this holy sword, but Lena knows that this holy sword inside the court of the French emperor has caused a grand occasion for brave men from all over the continent to draw their swords one after another.

Different from the barren surroundings of the Sinyu Demon Clan, the Central Empire Alliance inside the mainland and the deeper hinterland all have superpowers.

However, even those high-level and terrifying powerhouses, still no one can pull out this holy sword.

So Lane is absolutely unique.

Being favored by the holy sword is definitely not as simple as Ryan thought.

It's just that the focus now is to make Ryan the Emperor of France, and the matter of this sword can be put aside for now.

So Lena didn't delve into it, and then said:

"Since you have come, you still have to do enough tricks."

After speaking, he began to sing the song of the elves.

With the opening of fourteen elemental gates behind Lena, a sharp pulse pierced the night sky, planting air mushrooms for a moment in the suburbs where no one went.

Lena has made a move, and Ryan can't show weakness. Unlike the song of the elves, although it is also a smooth and standard ancient secret language, one points to the elves and the other to the goddess.

Obviously Ryan's style is higher here.

This time without the silence technique brought by the enchantment, the divine power of the Goddess of Light was poured into Ryan like money.

Not long after, a handsome golden sword formed in the sky.

Because it was too huge, and it was at a high altitude, the moment the golden giant sword appeared, the entire suburb of Shenting seemed to have a temporary sun.

Almost turned the night into day.

"It's the staff of the goddess! The sword of Damocles! As expected of the Holy Son, you can use such a high-level divine technique all at once!"

The former members of the Emperor's Court have been destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between Yvril and Lena.

Therefore, they can see the golden holy sword floating in the night sky most clearly.

And the divine power of the Goddess of Light contained in the sword body.

After being rescued by Ryan, these priests had already turned into fans of his brains. At this moment, seeing Ryan cast the wand of the goddess - the sword of Damocles, it was greatly strengthened. They wanted to let Ryan take the position The determination to become the emperor.

The golden giant sword soared into the sky, and fell from the sky after reaching a sufficient height.

With the fall of the sword of Damocles, a huge explosion occurred instantly in the uninhabited suburbs, endless light and heat erupted on the ground, and for a while the entire surroundings of the divine court were illuminated by the soaring golden light.

The golden light erupted, and the entire court seemed to have entered daytime.

However, even so, Lena's aura is still there. After encountering such a strong attack, she can still display the fourteen element pulses?

This is too strong!

What the priests didn't know was that the previous elemental pulse and the staff of the goddess were all used to pretend.

None of them fell on either of them.

If Ryan wants to become the master of the God Court, he must undergo training, and Lena just gave Ryan another good opportunity to earn experience and contribute.

Just pretend to beat her away in the suburbs.

It's just that the land must be rejuvenated on site.

Because only the remains of the fierce battlefield can it be seen that the two fishers did not pretend to fight.

So after plowing the no man's land in the outskirts several times, Lena reluctantly left Ryan temporarily.

And Ryan also sat on the holy sword again and flew back to the court of the French emperor. What awaited him was the cheers of the entire court priests.

He has secured the seat of the new French emperor of this generation.

On the other side, after Croyer's enchantment disappeared, Polvia kept turning around through the teleportation circle and came to Elton, which is the closest to the Demon King's City.

After walking out of the mage's tower, Polvia looked in the direction of the Demon King's City, and secretly said in her heart:

Finally, before my sister's army was taken to the border, I arrived.

I heard that there is only a 120-level secretary, the shadow pterosaur, who is the highest combat power among the astringent demons.

The others are in their early 100s.

Now, as long as I rush to the Demon King City, and defeat the strongest Roxani, I can take down Ryan!

Author's message:

ps: really tired!

It hurts too much, everyone go to bed early!envious

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Ryan drove away Lena, he returned to the court to usher in a group of people who vowed to follow him.

The court of the emperor of France has a system of abdicating the throne and letting the virtuous.

Therefore, in the hearts of these people, Ryan has become a new generation of the Pope, and is already their leader.

Everything that follows is just a formality.

Ryan first expressed condolences to those injured in another sneak attack.

While he was greeting those people, the holy banner that Philomena had just brought back, perhaps because of the stimulation of the holy sword, voluntarily broke free from her hand.

Then he jumped into Ryan's hand with a flattering expression.

The moment it touched his palm, it burst out several times the energy that he had used to treat Philomena.

In an instant, all the priests who were still breathing on the ground were rescued.

Philomena looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

You must know that when she was rescued by Ryan with the holy flag, the light was much smaller than it is now.

Unexpectedly, his sacred object turned into Ryan's licking dog...

On the other hand, the priests of the God Court, who were already full of admiration for Ryan, received his favor at this moment, and immediately made up their minds in their hearts to follow Ryan for the rest of their lives.

So on the second day after the aftermath of the scene was settled, a group of priests surrounded the main hall of the French emperor, and handed over letters of recommendation to Evie one after another.

We all hope that Ryan will take over.

And Evie was already Ryan's favored person. Although she knew that he was the devil himself, after level 140, she saw the scene where the goddess descended on Philomena.

Since then, I no longer have any grudges about the identity of Ryan's Demon King in my heart. Instead, I finally understand why Ryan is so favored by the goddess.

Instead, she is now fortunate to be possessed by an unknown existence, thus taking Ryan's head soup, and using it to upgrade to level 140.

I just don't know if taking another bite can increase the level?

Those priests who came to recommend Ryan to be the Pope with letters of recommendation would never have imagined that their supreme Pope was thinking about how to steal another bite.

The process of changing the emperor is very simple. Yi Weier abdicates, Ryan assumes the position, all the priests vote, and half of the clearance can be changed.

The whole process went so smoothly that Lane still felt unreal when he became Queen Wayne Law.

It was only at this moment that Ryan realized that he had firmly grasped the hearts of the entire court when he saw a group of priests who looked at him with radiant faces and worshiped him.

The priests looked at Ryan with admiration, while the nuns of the God Court cast more aggressive eyes at Ryan.

It made Evie on the side very uncomfortable.

I knew that before I abdicated, I should have disbanded these women first, and it would be great if the Shenting only accepts men in the future!

That way no one would covet her Ryan.

Thinking of this, she glared at the nuns angrily.

It's just that she has abdicated now, and the person actually in power has become Ryan, and those nuns simply ignored her anger. Anyway, as long as the current Emperor is hanged, if Evie wants to stare, let her stare away.

A few women here are confronting Bo, and after confirming his prestige over there, Ryan began to issue orders from the new Pope.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for recommending me as the Emperor. However, recently I have always felt the goddess calling in my ears. I may have to retreat for a long time to feel the guidance of the goddess. All educational affairs will be managed first by the former French Emperor Yvie."

"As for the collusion of the original saint Philomena with the devil, after I asked the goddess, she told me that when the saint and the devil were together, she didn't know that the other party was the devil, so she didn't take the initiative to collude with the devil. I hereby set her free with the fate of the Pope, and restore to her the title of Holy Maiden."

"The last thing is about the Sect of the Goddess of Light and the Holy See attacking my court, which caused great damage to my court. Regarding this, I will definitely investigate to the end. The main culprit, Lukasha, has been imprisoned by me. Next I will torture her to find out the truth of this incident, and I will definitely not let the people of Shenting die in vain."

Ryan's plan is like this, so he doesn't have to stay in the court for a long time by pretending to retreat.

Because he is the devil king after all, he mainly stays in the devil city.

And Yiweier is already his favored person, she will do whatever he says, this is an irreversible contract engraved in the soul, which is higher than the slave contract.

So hand over Shenting to Yi Weier, he is very right.

It was because of him that Philomena lost her position as a saint and was placed under house arrest, so he wanted to compensate Philomena.

It was only after Philomena resumed the seat of the saint, according to the tradition of the court, she would be Ryan's student from now on, and she was instantly downgraded from a senior sister to a disciple.

In addition, regarding the last thing he said, in fact, Ryan already had a guess in his heart.

The scrolls and levers used by the Goddess of Light are enhanced versions of the same kind.

This shows that the force behind them is the gluttonous demon king.

Therefore, Ryan planned to pretend to torture for a few days, and then directly announced to the people in Shenting that the attack was led by the gluttonous demon king, and Shenting would definitely make her pay the price.

In this way, when going to war with the gluttonous demon king, Ryan can logically get a group of priests who specialize in restraining the demons.

Thinking of this, Ryan almost burst out laughing. Originally, he just wanted to learn a magical technique to save someone, but he didn't expect to get the entire court of the French emperor.

Simply buy one get one hundred free!

After explaining the matter, Ryan turned around and pretended to go back to retreat.

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