Therefore, Meizu's ultimate move is often to make the elements and elves in the air respond to their call by singing similar lyrics, and release high-level skills at the cost of saving or even not using magic power.

And what Lena is singing now is the elemental pulse skill called the song of the elves.

After Lena sang the lyrics, the elemental spirits began to condense behind her, and the magic power in the earth and air actively condensed behind it, and it became 14 elemental gates carved with complex patterns.

Terrifying power condensed in the elemental gate, superimposed on Lena's back layer by layer, and transmitted through her elbow to the upright finger facing Evie, bursting out fourteen elements in the smallest point. door power.

The power enough to tear apart the different dimensions exploded in front of the Pope, although Lena released an elemental pulse with a power of level 145.

But this skill doesn't look like a 140-level momentum at all. Judging from its terrifying power, it is a 150-level ultimate move, and some people believe it.

At this time, Yiweier has no way to retreat, and she is about to be bombarded by the elemental pulse that tore out a different dimension in the air.

Even flashbacks from her lifetime began to appear in her mind.

However, when she recalled the incident with Ryan, the phantom of Ryan appeared in front of her eyes.

And the phantom was still beside her, as if it was about to be bombarded by the elemental pulse.

But soon she discovered that this was not an illusion, but that Ryan really came out, and entered the range of elemental pulse bombardment with her.

Seeing that he was about to be bombarded to death, both Yiweier and Lena who released the skills were extremely anxious.

However, when one of them was unable to recover the skill, and the other was unable to block the skill, they thought they could only watch Ryan and Evie disappear together.

An unexpected thing happened, the single-point burst power of the fourteen elemental gates that was highly concentrated by the elemental spirits was enough to tear apart the different dimensions.

Actually stopped the car abruptly in front of Ryan.

Author's message:

ps: There is one more update, my women's clothing is finished!

Is there anything like that! (hint)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ryan is the most familiar with Lena's breath, because since he was a child, he may be more familiar with Lena's body than she is.

Therefore, when the other party appeared, he also instantly sensed the other party.

And he also sensed the ghoulish art that Lena had buried on his body.

Originally, because the move was planted early, Ryan's level was still very low at that time, so he didn't find it. After he crossed, it was just a self-protection technique in the past.

However, it wasn't until he got real growth that he understood the specific function of this technique for the first time.

After understanding this, he immediately thought of Lena's fury when she knew that her hard-boiled soup was eaten and drunk.

Because Lena's magic power was drained in order to take him to teleportation.

Worried that the other party would try his best to attack the Emperor's Court and be purified by a family of Evie who had entered level 140, Ryan hurriedly woke up Philomena who was still pretending to be asleep because of shyness.

"There seems to be a fight at Philomena's main entrance. Take me to have a look."

At this time, Philomena was already a super strong person, but because of what happened before, she became unexpectedly shy after seeing Ryan.

Obviously before that, she was still a player who was good at taking the initiative to attack.

Unexpectedly, after becoming an adult, she turned into a soft girl who is obedient and obedient.

After hearing Ryan's words, he nodded obediently, shook his head and restored his red face, then Xiaoniao hugged Ryan gently, and took him gently to the main entrance.

At this moment, Philomena is already at level 130, and she took Ryan to the main entrance of Shenting in a short while.

But at this moment, there is no such thing as the main entrance of the Shenting, the entire building complex has collapsed more than half, and the main entrance is only left with a jade pillar and the god who buried his head in the soil and turned into a carrot because he was frightened by the aftermath of Lena's battle happy.

Ignoring the soft and fluffy fox tail, Ryan let Philomena continue to fly forward, and followed the traces of the ruins to find the battlefield between Lena and Evie.

Soon, Ryan found the Pope and Lena, who were facing each other in the air, because of his possession of the Evie Roller contract and his familiarity with Lena.

The Pope's condensed Sword of Damocles, the Holy Art Edition.

Because she was suppressed too much by Lena, her chant was not completed yet, and the gate of twelve elements on Lena's side was unfolded.

As a level 200 player, Ryan is very familiar with the power of energy.

With Evie's current strength, even if she uses the sword of Damocles, she can't prove the elemental pulse that just passed the fourteen gates.

So Ryan was very anxious to let Philomena throw herself towards the gate of the elements.

He planned to use the evolved 170-level holy sword and the Wings of Fallen Heaven to block this fierce elemental pulse.

Although I don't know why Lena changed from an empty magic state to a full state, and she is still raising the level by 5.

But Ryan believes that it is no problem to use the 170-level holy sword Fallen Wings to perform a 145-level ultimate move.

So he didn't hesitate to let Philomena throw him over.

This will save Evie and the priests behind her.

However, in the face of his request, Philomena, who was originally obedient, disagreed at this time.

After entering level [-], her strength improved, as did her perception.

In her opinion, Ryan is looking for death if he goes head-on to the elemental pulse.

So this time she didn't listen to Ryan, but instead hugged him and planned to run away.

Anyway, Evie is a rival in love, as long as she loses herself, she will be Ryan's only woman.

As for the court of the emperor, when she was under house arrest, she was already nostalgic for it.

A home that has been guarded all his life, he put himself under house arrest because of some gossip.

And listen to what they mean, but also to purify yourself.

And the most important thing is that she didn't want to watch Ryan go to die, so even if it was Ryan's words this time, she still planned to go against it.

However, it wasn't long before Philomena picked up Ryan and flew away.

Her body turned around on its own initiative and flew towards the gate of elements.

"How could this be?"

Philomena's eyes revealed puzzlement.

"Have you forgotten that you are already mine? Your body and mind are mine, so you no longer have the right to refuse."

It was Ryan's serious voice that answered her.

The contract of the favored one is even higher than the slave contract, and it is irreversible!

After launching the command to the favored ones, although Philomena looked unwilling, her body still threw Ryan towards the gate of elements honestly.


After the fourteen elemental gates appeared on the other side, as long as the people in the entire Emperor's court were not fools, they would know that the power of the one in the sky was far greater than their Emperor's.

This killer move, their Fahuang couldn't catch it.

And because the attack range of the elemental pulse is huge, this move can't even escape level 140, and those guys with short legs can't escape even more.

So after seeing Lena sing the song of the elves, they were ready to die.

However, when everyone was in despair, the legendary Holy Son of the Emperor's Court appeared.

That destructive aura that tore apart the different dimensions, like a goddess coming down in the sky, stepped on the brakes so straight after meeting Lord Shengzi!

You must know that it is a power that even the Emperor is powerless!

Such a terrifying power actually stopped in front of Ryan.

What does this show!

"Master Shengzi is awesome!"

For a while, the priests of the gods, who were already desperate enough to accept death, made up their minds to follow Lord Shengzi with all their bodies after seeing Ryan stop the elemental pulse of all fourteen gates.

That is the gate of elements!

A door is equal to a full blow of a user-level powerhouse.

And the fourteen elemental gates are equivalent to Lena's fourteen strongest elemental attacks at once.

Moreover, it is an enhanced version of the super power of a single-point explosion. In principle, even Bolivia, the gluttonous demon king, cannot retreat from this move!

In fact, there has always been a tradition in the Emperor's Court.

There are only two ways for the succession of the Pope.

The first type is the kingdom of heaven of the goddess on the old Pharaoh, but the Holy Son or the Holy Maiden inherits the title of Pharaoh.

And because the emperor is for life.

How can there be a 60-year-old prince in the world?

In order to prevent the mutiny of the Holy Son or the Holy Maiden, a second method of succession appeared in the court of God.

That is to abdicate to the virtuous.

Although this Renxian is the word Ren, it is essentially grabbing.

Only if the strength or level of the Holy Son or the Holy Maiden far exceeds that of the current Emperor, then the Holy Son and the Holy Maiden can automatically replace her as the Emperor at this time.

Right now, Ryan has proved his strength in front of all the priests, so from this moment on, those who are rectifying the Emperor's court have regarded Ryan as a new generation of Emperor in their hearts.

After this battle is over, when the meeting before the gods is held, all the priests of the court will jointly sign a letter, asking Evie to abdicate, and recommend this generation of holy sons to become the new generation of the emperor, the head of the emperor's court.

Author's message:

ps: Everyone go to bed early!

The second one is delivered!

Thanks for reminding everyone, it has been changed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When he really stood in front of the element pulse, Ryan regretted it.

This power is too amazing!

He didn't feel at all that with his own weak strength, only relying on the power of the Holy Sword could resist such a powerful explosion.

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