Evie said with a trill.

Her heart kind of broke down.

However, Ryan didn't want to hide his identity anymore. Lucasa had already washed the Emperor's Court with blood outside, and when she and the people from the Holy See cleaned the Emperor's Court, the three people here would have to face the Holy Goddess Cult and the Holy Court. There are two groups of people in the Holy See.

And the most important thing is that this enchantment is related to the gluttonous demon king.

Below the Gluttonous Demon King, there are several [-]-level powerhouses.

If the enchantment cannot be opened quickly, both the Emperor's Court and himself will be in danger.

And his biggest reliance on this trip is Lena, who is still lying in the hotel at this time, let Kagura take care of it!

Thinking of this, he nodded without hesitation, looked at Philomena and said:

"I'm really the devil, and Philomena can also prove it. I met her for the first time in the city of the devil. At that time, she was blown into a puddle of rotten meat by Roxani. It was I who used Divine magic cured her."

Seeing that Ryan took the initiative to reveal his identity, Philomena nodded and said to her teacher:

"Yes, it was Melissa who brought him out of the Demon King's city. We thought he was a poor man captured by the Demon King, but we didn't expect that we actually rescued the Demon King himself."

Evie didn't believe in Ryan at first, but both he and Philomena admitted that she could only accept the fact that Ryan was the devil.

But there was one more thing she didn't understand.

With doubts, she asked:

"You said you were the devil king, but why, as the devil king, you can get the favor of the goddess?"

Why can I get the favor of the goddess? I also want to know this question.

Hearing Evie's question, Ryan also began to think about a question that he had neglected for a long time, that is why he was favored by the Goddess of Light.

Is it because he is handsome?

But if you say this reason yourself, people have to believe it!

Thinking of this, he thinks it's better to fool around.

So, he pretended to be mysterious and said:

"Do you still remember when the angels from the kingdom of God descended to the lower realm for the first time?"

The lower realm of angels in the Kingdom of God is just common sense to the Pope, and Evie answered without thinking:

"It's the second era. Seven angels before the gods led the residents of the kingdom of God to betray the goddess and fell to heaven."

Seeing that the other party was hooked, Ryan went on to say:

"Very well, then let me ask you again, what did those angels before gods do after they fell to heaven?"

"The seven angels before the gods, after falling into the sky, turned into the original devil king of seven sins, and set off a war in the world."

The story of the second era was very familiar to Philomena, who grew up in the court of the emperor, so she rushed to answer before the emperor spoke.

"You are right, then you are thinking about it, since the first Seven Sins Demon Kings were originally fallen angels, and the subsequent Seven Sins Demon Kings also inherited their powers, is it possible that a kind-hearted demon king was born? Demon King, he who inherited the power of the original angel was favored by the goddess?"

The original Demon King was the product of the fallen angel, which many clergy were reluctant to mention, so the Pope didn't think about it before.

After being reminded by Ryan, she immediately figured out the answer.

Since the original demon king was an angel, is there a possibility that Ryan is actually an angel reincarnated from the upper world, and that's why he is so favored by the goddess of light.

After thinking about this, she suddenly no longer resisted the fact that Ryan was the devil.

"I understand. It turns out that it is my inherent impression of the Demon King that made my thinking go wrong. I would like to apologize to you here!"

The Pope is a person who serves the goddess, and Ryan is an angel deeply favored by the goddess, so Evie showed her loyalty to Ryan.

"Since you don't have any doubts, let me talk about how to use the power of astringent desire to open this enchantment."

"First of all, the power of astringent desire is not a power of direct attack. All it can do is to give you the power to destroy this enchantment, but before you get this power, you must voluntarily surrender your body and mind to I."

The power of astringent desire can give Ryan's scroller a 20-level promotion. With the strength of the Emperor, after waiting for the 20-level promotion, he will be a 140-level boss. With the blessing of holy objects, breaking this enchantment should not be a problem of.

But the main question now is whether the Pope will resist Ryan.

Because once you sacrifice your body and mind to him, everything about the Pope will belong to Ryan, and unlike the slave contract, this process is irreversible and cannot be lifted.

As a believer of the goddess, Ryan felt that the Pope would hate this very much!

Body and mind?

After hearing Ryan's words, Yiwei Er was stunned for a while, and then her pretty face was stained with a layer of blush.

After sneaking a glance at Ryan's handsome face, he swallowed secretly and said.

This sacrifice is necessary for the sake of the emperor's court, and Ryan is still the angel of the goddess. I am a person who serves the goddess, and the angels who serve the goddess are actually the same in essence.

Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated in her heart, and walked towards the bewildered Ryan with a flushed face, and then released a super-lasting holy light spell.

Walking towards Ryan, and in his fierce resistance, slowly pressed him under him.

"Wait, what are you doing, let me go! I'm not talking about dedication!"

After seeing Evie release the holy light, Philomena felt a twinkle in her heart.

The sound outside the barrier is blocked, but the sound inside the barrier is not hindered.

Although her vision was blocked by the holy light, Philomena couldn't see what her teacher did to Ryan.

But she still heard the ripping of clothes and Ryan's voice against Evie very clearly.

It's a pity that Philomena's level is too low to see what happened there through the holy light.

If her level is [-] levels higher, she will find her teacher in the holy light.

Evie's body was infected by a special power that she had never seen before.

Infected by that power, Evie's movements became very rough, and she made various blushing positions towards Ryan.

While constantly searching for Ryan, the original seven stars on Ryan began to dim, and entered Evie's body through the combination of the two, and were swallowed by that special power.

After devouring those powers, the mysterious power in Yiweier's body expanded rapidly, and soon reached a level close to the seven powers in terms of personality.

At this time, Philomena also suddenly changed.

Because of the barrier of the barrier, the great existence of the seven forces did not notice the strangeness here.

However, this is the base camp of the Goddess of Light after all, and a trace of power residing on the holy banner brought by Ryan discovered the abnormality here.

That power was injected into Ryan when he touched the Holy Flag for the first time.

Not only Ryan didn't know, but Philomena herself, and even the Holy Banner herself didn't know about it.

The super pure power of the Goddess of Light, after sensing the change between Ryan and Yiweier, left and rushed out of the holy flag, flew in front of Philomena, and entered her body in a flash .

Accompanied by this force erupting in Philomena's body.

Philomena saw clearly everything that happened under the Holy Light in an instant.

Seeing Ryan struggling to resist to no avail, Philomena broke free from twenty-four light spears in an instant with the strength she didn't know where it came from.

And with the support of courage and mobility that came from nowhere, he rushed to Ryan and Yiweier, who joined the battlefield with jealousy and reluctance.

Author's message:

ps: This paragraph may be a bit long, and it is also a bit bad. How to say, although it is only half, it can be regarded as the completion of the target.

The next chapter will be updated tomorrow.

There is really something about Teacher's Day.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Evie walked towards him, Ryan was stunned.

Because the so-called dedication of body and mind is not actually physical, but spiritual.

Just like a man who likes to kick a cane, as long as he swears to Ryan that he is willing to dedicate his body and mind.

This is not a physical movement, but a spiritual and soul contract.

It is essentially born out of the power of the goddess of fate.

Because in the first season, the first-generation Lust Demon King hadn't fallen to heaven, and she was an angel in front of the goddess of fate at that time.

Symbolizes chastity and fidelity, one of the seven virtues.

After falling into the sky, his power changed, forming the power of astringent desire today.

Give great strength to those who dedicate themselves physically and mentally.

This power is 10% of its own level.

And when it comes to Ryan, those who swear loyalty to him can soar to level 20.

The price is that both body and mind will become Ryan's property, and this process is irreversible.

However, it was originally a very simple thing.

Ryan felt that before the crisis in the court of the French emperor, Yi Weier would definitely choose to be his favored person, and he had also fooled the other party, the relationship between the devil and the angel.

Presumably, Evie will agree to become his favored one soon, and then Ryan will truly have a combat power of level 140.

However, what happened next was beyond his expectation.

From Ryan's point of view, he could clearly see the abnormality in Evie's body.

She was enveloped by a power he had never seen before.

It is a power that is infinitely close to the seven goddesses of creation in terms of personality.

Legend has it that there are more than seven true gods in this world.

And the existence that possessed Evie's body now is likely to be that kind of existence.

Seeing Evie walking towards him with an uneasy expression, Ryan quickly explained the so-called dedication to her, hoping to clear up the misunderstanding.

However, after being possessed, Evie couldn't listen to his words at all. Although Ryan was level 200, he added the wrong point, and his strength was not as good as the normal one, and there was Evie who was possessed by a cheater.

Without much resistance, she was overwhelmed.

To be honest, although she is at the bottom, Evie is actually a rare beauty. In addition, she has been the emperor for many years, and she still has a holy temperament of a superior.

Ryan resisted and explained very hard at first, but it didn't take long for him to surrender.

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