
Being constantly selected as a backup Digimon, the ancient genes in the body are activated.

It is a giant bird-type Digimon with two huge horns growing from its head. It is called the Giant Vulture of the Desert. It soars in the sky at the speed of sound, and it has the eyesight to find enemies far away.

The horns on the head can exert great power when gliding to the enemy in a distant high altitude.

Most Bird-species Digimon have a violent personality, but Agouramon has always paid attention to etiquette, and absolutely obeys the orders of its master who has sworn allegiance.

[Name: Fire Field Iori

Age: 5

Sex: Male

Spiritual Attributes: Knowledge, Honesty


Constantly preparing one of the chosen children, representing knowledge and honesty.

Too young, no knowledge, no growth experience, too honest and easy to be fooled. 】

【Name: Warframe Beast (Called Digimon)

grade: mature

Type: Armored Dragon

Attribute: free species

Energy: Earth

Talent skills:

Ancient Gene: 55% increase in all attributes

Common Skills:

Megaton Pressure: Jump to unseen heights and crush enemies with giant bodies

Giant Tail Hammer: Hit the enemy violently with the iron ball at the front of the tail

Recommended evolution route: none

Other evolutionary routes:

Earth Dragon Beast: The genes in the body are fully developed, and it absorbs a large amount of data, as well as a large amount of green larkite mined from lush forests that are more than a hundred years old.


Being constantly selected as a backup Digimon, the ancient genes in the body are activated.

An Armorosaurus Digimon whose entire body is covered by a hardened epidermis, not only is the epidermis hardened, but hard protrusions also appear from various places, making its dashing attacks extremely destructive.

It is basically a Digimon of the herbivore family, so it is not ferocious, but it is not timid at all, and it is a Digimon with a brave personality. 】

"Blast Laser!"

"Big Tail Hammer!"

Under the command of Inoue Kyo and Hida Iori, Yaguramon and Armored Beast cooperated tacitly and knocked the Dark Dragonmon to the ground.

The Fairy Beast in the air smiled triumphantly: "Taiichi Yagami, look, even in the face of the Dark Dragon Beast, the chosen children are not afraid, and they can cooperate tacitly to defeat it!"

Yagami Taichi also laughed, but it was a mocking smile: "My Mechanical Tyrannosaurus can fight ten of these Dark Tyrannosaurus!"

The goblin beast replied: "Taiichi Yagami, power is not the way of light, especially the way of salvation brought by you with dark power!"

Yagami Taichi didn't rush to refute: "Fairy Beast, keep watching, there will be surprises!"


Fairy Beast didn't rush to reply, but continued to watch.

See below, after the battle, Inoue Kyo stepped forward, looked at the dying Dark Dragon Beast, and softly comforted him: "Dark Dragon Beast, don't do evil anymore, the door to the Digital World is open!"

I have to admit that in order to simulate the real reality, Fairy Beast made the illusion extremely realistic. After Inoue Kyo finished reading the lines of the second class, a green vortex appeared, and the time and space door to the digital world opened instantly.

"Battle armored beast, it's up to you!"

Hida Iori commanded the action of the armored beast, and sent the dying dark dragon beast into the gate of time and space, returning safely to the digital world.

"Fairy Beast, I use the power of darkness to eradicate the forces of darkness. Although I have fallen into darkness, at least my heart is for the light, and I am still working hard to defeat the four heavenly kings of darkness.

As for the chosen child you chose, for the dark giant dragon beast of the dark forces, it was only wounded, not killed, and then sent back to the digital world, which is ridiculous.

Could it be that just one sentence and a beating can influence the Dark Dragon Beast, so that the Dark Dragon Beast will no longer be evil? It's nonsense, only a child would think so.

Moreover, sending Darkdramon away can indeed protect the human world. Fairies, do you think Darkdramon will continue to destroy the Digital World after returning to the Digital World? "

Yagami Taiyi is very nice, analyzing the current situation for Fairy Beast.

After a long time, the goblin beast replied: "But they are very kind!"

Hearing Fairy Beast's uncertain answer, Iori Tai smiled: "Kindness? Hehe, Fairy Beast, you said that with their kindness, would they really choose to kill the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness?"

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