In the beginning of the manga, Zero Maru really only had the strength at the mature stage, and after continuous special training, he defeated the perfect body at the mature stage.

This book, Zero Maru, has just been born, has not yet received special training, and it is fighting a monkey beast that has been turned on, so it cannot be defeated for the time being.

Chapter 24 Three Badges

Digimon are presented in the form of data.

Generally speaking, Digimon need to breathe and eat to supplement the consumed data.

There are also some data in the body of Digimon that can be automatically restored, so there is no need to eat.

But now, the two rays of light from the notebook shine on Agumon and Zero Maru, and the data is transmitted to make up for the consumed data.

Agumon and Zeromaru touched their stomachs, and shouted in surprise: "Taiichi, I'm not hungry anymore, I really don't feel hungry, I'm a little full!"

Seeing this, Iori laughed too much. Molecule Beast's technology is very practical, and I don't need to eat in the future, so I need to prepare more data.

Looking at Yagami Taichi by accident, it was the first time that Fairy Beast knew the specialness of the soul of fate.

"Since you are full, come with me, your room is ready!"

After eating and drinking enough, Fairy Beast brought Yagami Taichi and his party to the corner room: "Rest early, don't run around, and train on time tomorrow morning!"

"I see!"

Yagami replied with a smile.

Watching the goblin beast leave and closing the door, Yagami Taichi looked at the layout of the house. The three beds were obviously custom-made, suitable for the three of them.

"Agumon, Zeromaru, go to bed early, we can leave early, it depends on whether you two can defeat the Fairy Beast as soon as possible!"

Lying on the bed, I have been sleeping in the desert since I came to the digital world, put away the notebook, Yagami Taichi fell asleep not long after.




The goblin beast stood on top of its own statue, monitoring Yagami Taichi and his party through the magic screen.

No abnormal behavior was found, Yagami Taichi quickly fell asleep, and so did Agumon and Zero Maru.

The goblin beast kept monitoring until midnight, but seeing that there was still no change, it waved the magic spear with its right hand in midair, and a portal opened in midair.

As for Yagumon, Goblinmon is dubious, and the appearance of King Apemon also needs to be investigated.

The goblin beast stepped forward, came to the desert plain, caught a single Jiazhi beast, and began to torture him.

The information obtained is similar to what Agumon said.

The captain of Jujimon is missing, Molemon is rescued, and the selected children lead Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, Zeromaru, and Molemon to ambush Apemon.

Finally, the Great King Apemon, which evolved into the ultimate body, was able to successfully annihilate the group of selected children.

After torturing Jiazhimon, Fairy Beast wiped away the traces, went to the pyramid to check the battlefield, and was stunned.

Not to mention the pyramid, there is no yellow sand within a radius of one kilometer of the pyramid, and there is also a thousand-meter deep pit below it, which has been eroded by the dark virus.

An eleven-year-old human child, who just got a partner Digimon, is still a growing Agumon.

After escaping to the wilderness plain, he first dealt with the giant chicken beast, and then cooperated with the molecular beast to ambush the ape beast. Even if he failed, he escaped under the guise of death and came to his own sacred sanctuary.

Combining all the known information, combined with the terrifying potential shown by Yagami Taiichi, as well as the learning speed and network technology, the fairy beast can't imagine what it will be like if Yagami Taichi really grows up.




So in the middle of the night, when the goblin beast left the sacred sanctuary, a trace of electric current came out of the notebook, and the sleeping Yagami woke up instantly.

Glancing at Yagumon and Remaru who were still sound asleep, Yagami Taichi sat up, opened his notebook, and Molemon was displayed on the screen.

Molecule Beast reported the situation: "Taiyi, Fairy Beast has just left the sacred sanctuary, so we should investigate whether what Yagumon said is true or not."

Yagami Taichi replied: "I have expected it, so I let Yagumon tell the truth, and it will not be exposed!"

Molecule Beast sighed: "I didn't expect the Fairy Beast to hate the Digimon of the dark type so much. Before we meet, there will be a clone that kills me instantly."

Speaking of now, Molecule Beast still has lingering fears. If Yagami Taiyi hadn't been extremely cautious and allowed himself to use the copy permission in advance to copy a clone and move forward, I am afraid that he would be the one who was instantly killed.

Although the avatar copied by the copying authority has almost zero combat effectiveness due to limited technology, it is enough to use it to distinguish the real one from the real one.

"Taiyi, with the level of fairies and beasts who hate darkness, if you stay, I'm afraid it will be dangerous.

The dark virus can corrode the sacred and space barriers of fairy beasts, let's leave now! "

Molecular Beast suggested.

Long before coming to the sacred sanctuary, Yagami Taichi had planned the retreat route, and he only needed to execute it.

As the saying goes, don't judge a lunatic's behavior with common sense, because no one can judge what the lunatic will do next.

I wanted to ask the Fairy Beast to send me to Fauilu Island, but I was imprisoned in the sacred sanctuary. The words I said were for my own good, but Yagami Taiyi couldn't guarantee the follow-up behavior of the Fairy Beast.

Of course, the more important thing is that the Fairy Beast will go to the wilderness plain to investigate itself, and it will not be difficult to find out what he did at that time. Yagami Taichi is not sure about the Fairy Beast's attitude towards him at that time.

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