
Incense is burning in the Zen room.Huamanlou had bathed in incense, sat quietly and waited.

If you want to taste the vegetarian food cooked by the bitter gourd master, you must not only bathe in the incense, but also have patience.Master Bitter Gourd does not cook easily, not only must the person come right, but also must make him happy.Today's people are quite right, besides Huamanlou, there is also Huangshan Gusong Layman.And Mu Taoist, who is known as the first in Go, second in poetry and wine, and third in swordsmanship.


Of course, these people are not vulgar, so Master Bitter Gourd is very happy today.In the boundless twilight, finally came the Qingyue evening bell.When Huamanlou walked out.Layman Gusong and Taoist Mu were already waiting for him in the yard.The evening wind blows, the bamboo forest.The summer heat has long been isolated from the world of mortals.

Hua Manlou smiled and said, "It's really unreasonable for two seniors to wait here." Taoist Mu laughed.This Wudang elder, who had always been unkempt and unkempt, took off his tattered tattered Taoist robe at this moment, and put on a spotless blue shirt.


In order not to be restrained by others, he was willing not to be the master of Wudang, but he had no choice but to resign himself to tasting the vegetarian food of Master Bitter Gourd.

Everyone knows the strange temper of Master Tomagoa.

The bamboo curtains in the meditation room are hanging down, and through the bamboo curtains, one can already smell waves of indescribable aroma, enough to arouse anyone's appetite.

Layman Gusong sighed: "Master Bitter Gourd Vegetables are really unparalleled in the world."

Taoist Mu said with a smile: "He often said that even if a Bodhisattva smells the vegetarian dishes he cooks, his heart will be moved."

"Haha, what are you waiting for?"

They raised the bamboo curtain and walked in, suddenly froze.Not only has Lai been placed on the table, but there is already a person sitting there enjoying himself.

The uninvited guest didn't wait for them, and there was neither incense nor a bath.In fact, this person's body was not only covered in mud, but also smelled of sweat all over his body.Master Bitter Gourd didn't drive him out.She was still picking up food for him, as if she was afraid that he would not eat fast enough.

Taoist Mu sighed, "This monk is biased."

Hua Manlou smiled wryly and said: "When I meet this person, I'm afraid even a Bodhisattva can't help it." Of course this person is Lu Xiaofeng.

Hua ManLou sat down beside Lu XiaoFeng, immediately frowned, and said, "You usually don't smell too bad, why do you smell like a dog that just got out of the mud?"


In the second watch, I drank too much and slept all afternoon. .

The twenty-seventh chapter begins with the Embroidered Thief. "Please be automatic! "

Lu Xiaofeng said: Because I haven't showered for ten days. "

Hua Manlou frowned and asked, "What are you doing these days?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "I'm very busy."

Hua Manlou said: "What are you busy with?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Busy paying off debts, gambling debts."

Hua Manlou said: "Who do you owe the gambling debt to?"

Lu Xiaofeng sighed, and said, "Aside from that bastard Sikong Zhaoxing, who else is there?"

Hua Manlou said: "How did you lose to him?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled wryly and said: "Last time I competed with him in somersaults and won him in a mess. This time he actually found me and wanted to compete with me in somersaults. Why don't you say I won't agree!"

Hua Manlou said: "Of course you will agree!"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Who knows that this kid didn't do anything recently, he just practiced somersaults, he actually did somersaults six hundred and eighty times in one hour, do you think he will die?"

Hua Manlou said: "What did you lose to him?" "Five Zero Seven"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "We have an appointment, if I win, he will kowtow to me and call me uncle when we meet in the future, if I lose, I have to dig [-] earthworms for him within ten days, one tumble, An earthworm."

Hua Manlou smiled and said, "It's no wonder you look like an earthworm yourself."

Taoist Mu couldn't help laughing too, and said, "Did you really dig up [-] earthworms for him?"

Lu Xiaofeng sighed again, and smiled wryly: "In the first few days, there seemed to be a lot of earthworms, but in the next few days, finding an earthworm is almost more difficult than a toad finding a wife."

Layman Gu Song couldn't help asking, "Why does the king who stole the king want so many earthworms?"

Lu Xiaofeng said bitterly: "He doesn't want earthworms at all, he just wants to watch me dig them!"

Taoist Mu laughed loudly and said, "I never imagined that Lu Xiaofeng, who is famous all over the world, will have such a day. It's really a joy!"

Master Bitter Gourd suddenly said: "Actually, he is no longer the most prominent person in the arena these days!"

Lu Xiaofeng said in a deep voice, "You mean Bai Ziyang?"

Hua Manlou shook his head and said, "If Brother Bai gets the limelight, the world will be in chaos."

Taoist Mu asked suspiciously: "You mean that 'Master Bai'? Why do you, Lu Xiaofeng, seem to be a little afraid of him?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded seriously.

Even Layman Gu Song became curious about this, and he also asked: "You offended him? Even if you offend him, Lu Xiaofeng doesn't need to be afraid!"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled wryly: "That's not true, I really offended him...I'm afraid Lu Xiaofeng should prepare the coffin now."

Taoist Mu said in astonishment, "Is 'Master Bai' so terrifying?"

Hua Manlou answered, "It's not about Brother Bai, but his martial arts and character."

Layman Gu Song asked: "His martial arts?"

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