None of the women in Sobu High School can fight!

"Ah, the brownie cheesecake is good, I'll take it."

"I want matcha honey bean cake roll!"

"This Minion Frozen Cheesecake is so cute!"

"Ah, Yihua, you're so cunning! I've taken a fancy to that too."

"Hey (*^▽^*), let's act first, don't you understand, Wuyue! You can choose something else. I think meat floss salad cake roll is very good. There is meat in the name, which just fits your taste .”

"That's too much to say, Yihua! Me, I don't usually eat meat for breakfast!"

Nakano Nino: "..."

Sisters, is this my partner ready for me?

You took the bread away in front of me in such a high-profile manner, I endured it.

After all, I do, too.

But, no matter what you do, at least let me choose first!

Even if you just ask me symbolically!

Am I in love, or are you in love?

If it wasn't for the women in front of me, it wasn't for my sisters.

If it wasn't for Miyano Tianhui standing next to him!

Nina Nakano will definitely give the sisters she has done, some good health, and give them health!

Resisting the feeling that her favorite cake was shared equally by her sisters, Er Nao focused her eyes on the last breakfast in her handbag, her blue eyes began to enlarge slightly.

Because that's her favorite food


It must have been left to her by her sisters.

Knowing that she likes to eat this, they all subconsciously chose other cakes and left her favorite one.

Not saying it doesn't mean they forgot.

After all, they are siblings of the same mother, inseparable sisters!

When Er Nao raised her head to look at her sisters, they were still chatting happily and didn't look here.

It seems that when there were pancakes left, they accidentally chose to leave it out.

However, whether it was unintentional or not, only the sisters themselves know.

Gradually, the girl began to lower her head, and muttered in a low voice: "What is this? A mallet, a date? Obviously, it was all mine from the beginning!"

Seeing the young girl's duplicity even though she was happy, the corners of the boy's eyes softened.

"..., let's go!"

Noticing that the guard uncle was already waving at them, urging them to leave, the boy Miyano reminded in a soft voice.



After entering the teaching building, the six separated.

When Miyano Tianhui brought Nakano Nino and Nakano Sanjiu into the class, the class, which was originally lively, fell silent instantly.

As if to welcome the arrival of the king, everyone began to focus their attention on a certain person.

Sitting in the corner of the class, eyes dull like rotten fish, a man with curly hair on his head, resting his chin with his hands, thinking idly.

If Miyano Tianhui was in the class all the time, then how peaceful the class would be!

It is simply the number one holy place in his mind!

Miyano Tianhui himself looked very calmly at these gazes.

After all, he has long been used to being looked at like this every day.

However, Nakano Nino and Nakano Sanjiu couldn't keep his calmness.

Stared at by eyes mixed with hostility, curiosity, and gossip.

Nakano Nino could still maintain her superficial composure.

However, her younger sister, Sanjiu, failed.

Being stared at by dozens of eyes neatly, she always has the feeling of being stared at by a pack of wolves, and her heart jumps in fear.

(do not look at me....)

Like a frightened rabbit, the weak legs supporting Nakano Sanjiu standing on the ground began to tremble involuntarily.

The cute face covered by the long hair like cherry blossoms also began to turn pale under the gaze of the students in the same class.

The little head also began to lower itself less confidently.

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