"You are weaker than us now, but the weak also act like the weak." Chen Feng squatted down softly and gently hugged the sad little loli.

"As a weak one, you didn't give us too much trouble in this battle. With your current ability and mind, you are perfect."

"It's not someone. After seeing our kind of battle, you can still stay calm, instead of causing trouble for your teammates in a panic."

Chen Feng's eyes glittered with approval: "Your first battle was perfect, and it can be called a perfect answer."

Little Loli's eyes seemed to light up all of a sudden, she raised her head and looked at Chen Feng with expectant eyes: "Teacher, did I do well this time?"

"Well, well done, very good!" Chen Feng affirmed.

Mikoto's hair on both sides seemed to be picked up happily, she picked it up happily, then hugged Chen Feng and said, "Thank you, teacher!"

However, Chen Feng and Tsunade did not show a gentle smile, instead they pointed at Mikoto and shouted with a look of surprise.

"Writing round eyes!"


Mikoto stretched out her hand in surprise and touched her eyes. Although she had never tried that kind of sight that seemed to be clear to the world, she had heard so much from her clansmen, so she naturally had some expectations.

"Sharing Eye? I awakened Sharinyan?"

Chen Feng also felt a bit of surprise. Sharinyan is usually stimulated by a major stimulus, such as the death of a relative. It would make sense if the eyes were opened during the battle just now. After all, the feeling on the battlefield has a similar stimulating effect.

But... the end of the battle, what the hell is it that Chen Feng praised him for opening his eyes? !

"Well, although it's just a small one, not a double hook like Itachi and Sasuke, but being praised for a few words..."

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Could it be that complimenting people can also make the writing wheel eyes open?"

"Let's go back to the front first, anyway, Iwanin Village can't escape, so the big troops can't escape either!"

Thunder flashed.

The rock ninjas kept retreating and retreating, Oh Yemu's face was as dignified as water, hovering in the air, and his face was gloomy.

"Sir! Lord Tsuchikage!" A ninja from Iwa Ninja Village hurried past.

"What's wrong?" Onomu asked with a sweep of his eyes.

"There is news from Sand Ninja Village." The man seemed to hesitate before he took out a scroll: "This is the document sent by Sand Ninja Village."

Onogi pulled the scroll, held the scroll in his hand, and opened it without hesitation, staring at it for a long time.

"Hmph, that bitch Chiyo, what a good idea!"

Onogi's short palm grabbed the scroll tightly in his hand.

"Taking advantage of the heavy losses of Yuren Village, and the great losses of our Yanren Village, does she still want to take advantage of us?"

"Sir, I wonder if you agree?" The ninja stepped forward and asked.

"Hmph, in order to kill the second Uchiha Madara, I, Iwanin, is to blame!" Onogi Yan's eyes flashed, and then he took a good look around the Iwanin.

"Okay, you have almost passed the news, you can also die."


Naiwa Ninja was still shocked, and then saw Oh Yemu's palm slash, and cut him directly in the middle.


Although it was cut off, there was no blood, but instead fell to the ground, making a sound like wood falling to the ground.

"Hmph, Chiyo, you want to hide this trick from me?"

On a high rock far away from the Iwanin troops.

Chiyo frowned, his hands loosened, and Chakra's silk thread didn't matter.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

Hai Lao hid beside him and asked.

"That bastard Onogi ruined my puppet." Chiyo frowned and snorted coldly.

"Then he refused?"

"No, he agreed!"

Chapter 0031 The old fox shows his face

"Oh, isn't this our Miss Tsunade? Why, do you still need someone to pick you up before you come back?"

"After all, Miss Tsunade is the strongest of my Konoha's No. [-] strong clan. After all, she has a little fandom."

"Who made her the legendary Tsunade? She has a prestigious status and must be picked up by the teacher herself before she can come back. Otherwise, people would rather stay in the encirclement of Yannin than take a step towards Konoha."

"Speaking of which, I didn't even send out a distress signal. It really was because I wanted the teacher to take the initiative to pick it up..."

As soon as Tsunade entered the camp, he heard Mina talking yin and yang beside him, and there was still a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Enough is enough!" Tsunade burst into anger, and the two horns flew straight into the air: "Is it finished, isn't it just being forced there? Are you talking non-stop?"

"Oh oh oh..." Mina raised her body exaggeratedly, revealing a beautiful curve.

"I'm just casually remarking for the arrogance of Miss Senju Tsunade."

Tsunade's forehead suddenly appeared three tic-tac-toe, slapped it suddenly, and shouted, "Come outside for me!"

"Allah, you can force people to agree with the unspeakable facts. You deserve to be that person's disciple, and you have won his true heritage."

"You are enough! Come out to me!"

"You think I'm afraid that you won't succeed? Come on, whoever persuades will be punished by the teacher today... Then another person is watching her ugly appearance!"

"it is good!"

Then, the two walked out pulling and pulling, and soon there was a roar from the ground.

"Haha..." Chen Feng smiled bitterly, and then: "Hey..."

He could only sigh silently.

"Teacher, they..." Mikoto's eyes flashed strangely, and she didn't know if she wanted to say, 'Is it okay for them to do this? ' or 'Are their IQs okay? '.

"No problem, no problem, just get used to it."

Well, for Tsunade, who is full of strength and has a low IQ, especially in language, it is normal for Mina to get mad at him.

Of course, in terms of force, Tsunade is still strong, but he can't beat her verbally, so she will be convinced physically, not once or twice anyway.

"Well, in theory, I should be blessed today."

Well, according to the usual posture, Mina will lose nine times out of ten, and then she will be beaten by Chen Feng in front of Tsunade, and a good voice will come out, and soon, Tsunade will lose. I couldn't help it, I took the initiative to join the battle...


Little Loli Mikoto didn't understand why Chen Feng showed a charming smile, but she deserved to know what she should do.

"Teacher, I want to go back to Konoha."

"Why?" Chen Feng stared strangely at the little loli in front of him.

Mikoto hesitated, but finally said, "I know the teacher's strength is very good, but I, who have just opened my eyes, need the guidance of my family."

"I want to go back to the family, and then ask Grandpa Zhenxiang to show me how to write round eyes."

She mustered up her courage, and Bai Nen's small fists clenched tightly and said, "I don't want to continue, I can only be a burden."

This encounter made her keep the guilt towards Tsunade deep in her heart, and the deep guilt was behind her back.

"If it weren't for me, Tsunade-sister wouldn't be trapped, and I wouldn't have to wait for the teacher to save me, and even at this time, I wouldn't have to be laughed at by Mina-sister..."

She thought, clenched her fists, raised her head, and said firmly: "Teacher, please allow me to return to Konoha."

Chen Feng blinked: "I'm sorry, I won't let it."


"At the moment of the war, I can't be separated, and I have to arrange an escort for you when I return to Konoha, which is very troublesome, and..."

"I can teach you how to use the writing wheel eye too!"

If you take off Chen Feng's contact lenses, you will see that under his eyes, the constantly rotating three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes, flashing red like blood.

Unlike Chen Feng's initial estimate, this time it was Mina who won, not Tsunade. Maybe it was because she was dazed by Mina's anger, or maybe it was because the previous battle had made her exhausted. Tsunade won ninety-nine battles The hand eventually failed again.

"Teacher, let me go..."

The hair is loose, the jade is blushing, there is a slight panting, the clouds are fluffy, the eyes are slightly open, and the charming appearance is revealed in front of Chen Feng.

"Go and bully Mina, you see, she's going to be emotional."

Mina laughed, not only did not come to help, but said with interest: "Hum, it's rare for me to win, this time I won't let you be bullied by the teacher, it's not a loss. already?"

"I'm not going to help you! Bear it yourself!"

Looking at Tsunade's dejected look of happiness, Chen Feng didn't smile, lowered his head and said softly to Tsunade, "Sorry, who made you so charming now?"

"Come on, the eighth battle continues!"

"Lord Chenfeng! Lord Chenfeng! There is an urgent report from the ninjas on the front line!"

Chen Feng's face suddenly collapsed, he hurriedly put on his clothes, and walked out angrily.

"What's the matter! If it's a trivial matter, come to disturb me, be careful I'll kill you!"

With a murderous look on his face, for men, is there anything more irritating than interrupting at such a time?

Anbu, who sent the letter, was also frightened, and almost collapsed to the ground by Chen Feng's murderous aura.

However, his sense of responsibility still made him tremble and hand over a scroll, and Chen Feng took it and glanced at it with anger.

"Iwa Ninja, Sand Ninja, and Rain Ninja formed a coalition?"

"Yes, sir." Anbu said in a trembling voice, "The leader is Chiyo from Sand Ninja Village. It is estimated that the total army has exceeded [-]."

"The three generations of Hokage seem to have also heard a bit of news from the village of Sand Ninja Village and have formed reinforcements and ordered them to go to our side."

"Hmph, what a waste!" Chen Feng snorted coldly, and then put his eyes on a name on the scroll.

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