"Yes, the ceremony."

Bai Fan's expression remained unchanged, and the corners of his eyebrows sank.

Just listen to his intimidating tone and speak slowly.

"Foreknowledge of the future, please look forward to the next novel by Mr. Bai—"

"Tsk... just say everything you want to say! I hate half-hearted men the most."

Wugeng Liuli interrupted Bai Fan and kicked his calf with a displeased face.

"Uh...you really want to keep listening?"

Bai Fan touched his head and asked with a smile.

It was so hard to create an atmosphere for telling a story, and it was destroyed by this relaxed tone.

But the curiosity of the girls including Takasaka Kyosuke was completely stirred up again, and they naturally nodded with uncomfortable expressions.

"Do you really want to listen?"

Bai Fan blinked his eyes that were still wearing beauty contact lenses, and an indescribable oozing and gray cold aura lingered on everyone's body again.

They shuddered.

Bai Fan didn't make any weird expressions, and didn't say any weird words.

But it was just that simple questioning.

It was like a cold feeling of the deceased whispering in his ear, which made one's heart climb into an unspeakable fear.

"The unique ritual of going up the mountain is a living sacrifice."

Even if they heard the gloomy word 'living sacrifice', which must never appear in modern law, no girl would interrupt Bai Fan to continue speaking.

"Break off the witch's limbs, put it into the black coffin, and sink it to the bottom of the water, as a human pillar to suppress something."

"This is really... too cruel..."

Ayase Ayase muttered something.

"Cruel? No one would think that, in those ancient times, being chosen as a human pillar was actually regarded as a very lucky existence."

Bai Fan commented casually, his voice flattened.

"On Rishang Mountain, it is believed that life originates from water, and will eventually return to water, and everything that arises from water will also perish because of water—while on Rishang Mountain, somewhere between the hidden world and the present world, if there is no such thing as Do a real death—"

"If there is no real death...?"

Wugeng Liuli couldn't help but say one more sentence.

"Then the dead will repeat the way he died, a hundred times, a thousand times, forever."


It seemed that even the air was quiet a lot.

"And those who enter the mountain will surely die on the mountain. This is a prescribed thing, and they can only melt their bodies where they will eventually disappear."

His voice is leisurely, which makes people feel as if he is in the middle of the rising sun.

"The sporadic information you searched for on the Internet is actually just a simple introduction to the spiritual attraction of Rishang Mountain. You have not yet reflected what the place you are going to is like."

There was a strange, unpredictable emotion in his voice.

"Those who yearn for death, people who yearn for death, all kinds of tragic events, those women or men, where did they end up going? Everything, when you step into the mountains, you will find out—"

"If you want to escape, it's too late."

He flatly concluded his improvisational little ending.

It didn't reveal too many details of Ri Shangshan, but it also made the girls understand what kind of place they were going to.

This is his purpose.

Want to run away...it's too late?

Kosaka Kirino gently stroked the goose bumps that he didn't know when, and swallowed.

It's no wonder that the girl is too timid.

But under Bai Fan's vivid narration and the wonderful and gloomy worldview of Ri Shangshan that people couldn't help but immerse themselves in, she couldn't contain the unspeakable fear in her heart.

Even Saori Bagina, the most cheerful among them, is now smirking and doesn't know what to say.

One can imagine the state of other girls.

But Bai Fan didn't care about this, he took out the snacks that he had prepared in his backpack, and asked indifferently while eating.

"Actually, it doesn't make much sense to go down the tram like this all the time, or I'll tell you some anecdotes about going up the mountain for a few days?"

"Forget it...you don't need it anymore."

"No, no need, in fact, we also brought card games for entertainment. Although Bai Fan's investigation was very detailed, it was all spoilers. Isn't the next trip completely meaningless? Let's forget it. "

Just for an expedition, I actually investigated so many things. This is not something that ordinary people can do, right?

The girls couldn't help but glance at Bai Fan.

"Bai Fan... Bai... Teacher Bai? Are you the teacher Bai who wrote the horror novel "Between the Dolls"?!"

Kosaka Kyosuke, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly shouted loudly, with a frenzied look like seeing his favorite idol.

"My reputation shouldn't be that big, right?"

Bai Fan really doesn't think it's that strange about Kosaka Kyosuke's recognition of his identity.

After all, there must be some fans of animated characters in the novels he wrote, which is beyond doubt.

And he also revealed a little earlier, and the other party guessed it was also a very normal operation.

"I'm a big fan of yours!!! I'm reading all of your novels, whether it's "Song of Hell" or "Broken Robin" or even the fifth volume of "Between the Dolls"! What you describe, teacher, is really wonderful."


Bai Fan touched his nose.

He's not gay, and being so admired by a man doesn't actually affect his senses too much.

"Are you the very popular writer?"

Kosaka Kirino also widened his eyes.

Sitting in the same car, didn't expect you to be a big boss?

Although she is not a big fan of Bai Fan, the people around her often talk about the plot of "Between the Dolls", so she has heard about the writer 'Mr. Bai'.

"The writer dare not say that Bai is the pseudonym I use, but recently I have the urge to change the pseudonym to 'Black'.

Bai Fan admitted it generously.

In an instant, I felt that the eyes of the girls around were different.

I didn't expect a living big man to be by my side.

(Well... Guangxi's March [-]rd holiday is still quite comfortable~ Especially after March [-]rd, there is a May Day holiday. Isn't this an excuse for me to touch...to code? Ha!)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I originally came here to collect materials as the subject of a novel, and I did some research before going up the mountain, so I came here with my sister."

Bai Fan said calmly.

"There are indeed some bad things on that mountain, but as long as you go down the mountain before dusk, there is no problem. At other times, it is no problem to treat it as an ordinary mountain."

"Is that right?"

Kasaka Jing interface showed surprise.

Or this is the role of the idol halo.

Kasaka Kyosuke still believed more than half of what Bai Fan said.

"Yes...Is that so? I heard what Bai Fan said just now, and I also began to hesitate whether to go to Rishan. After all, there are so many bad rumors, but after hearing Bai Fan's explanation, I I'm a lot more relieved, at dusk... that's it, right? It's the time of the devil that is often mentioned in the animation."

Kasaka Kirino asked excitedly.

This is a living author!It would be a shame not to catch him and ask a few questions.

"Actually, the specific statement does not appear in the animation. It has been said in Japan since ancient times. Of course, at this point... Since I am a Chinese, I don't feel deeply, but in this world, there is a real existence. Something you never imagined."

Bai Fan answered with a smile.

In just a short moment, Bai Fan merged into them and started to talk.

Even Kosaka Kirino and the others did not notice this rapid change.

Except for one person.

Five more glass.

He has been watching Bai Fan since just now.

Seeing how he could easily stir up a topic, then blend in with others, and talk easily, she was both relieved and envious.

Also a little sad.

In the end, the person who came here, got nothing or was it only her?

A pair of hands silently held her palm.

Seemingly aware of the loneliness in her heart, Bai Fan gently grabbed her palm and looked back at her.

With a smile as always.

"With such an expression at this time, it's not the Miss Wugeng I know."

Bai Fan whispered in her ear.


Came in.

Wugeng Liuli found that she couldn't tell how she felt.

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