Uncle policeman, come and take care of the two here.

She thought blankly.

(I don't know how to write the introduction! Hmph, too much!)

Chapter 93 Learn about Chinese cuisine (fifth update)

"Ha ha ha ha ha--"

"Ha ha ha ha ha--"

"What a pleasant tax response, some of your tax responses are refreshing to me."

Ono Ashley looked at Bai Fan with burning eyes and stretched out her palm.

"Nothing, it's just picking up people's teeth."

Bai Fan responded with a smile, holding Ashley Ohno's palm.

Indeed, the tax measures he mentioned were actually things that he had discussed with Ashley Ohno before.

The two are friends after all, so the experience in this area is also communicated and exchanged with each other without hesitation.

It can be said that these two people can be said to be unmatched in terms of tax avoidance.

"We can have an in-depth exchange in the future. Remember to entrust me at the end of the year."


"..." Makase Kurisu.

For some reason, she was suddenly a little panicked whether Bai Fan would enter the police station because of this thing in the future.

After sending Ashley Ono out, Bai Fan returned to the room.

"Is it really okay? Bai Jun?"

"Huh? No problem. Everything complies with the rules and regulations, and it is very convenient to have an experienced tax accountant."

"..." Makase Kurisu.

The two of you are really the representatives that everything is fine-

Makase Kurisu's pink lips trembled at this moment, and she couldn't even utter a word.

"Don't worry, these are just trivial matters. She and I are more experienced than you when it comes to saving taxes."

As an opinionated head of the family, Bai Fan would definitely not take this trivial matter to heart.

"Is it really okay? What if—"

After listening to Bai Fan's interview, Makase Kurisu knew from the bottom of his heart that Bai Fan was not a serious person.

"Don't worry, there is no such thing as that."

Bai Fan raised his eyebrows.

"By the way, Miss Makase, you haven't eaten yet, right? Let's stay for dinner today."


Hearing Bai Fan's words, Makase Kurisu subconsciously wanted to refuse, but she thought of the fried noodles that Bai Fan made that day——


The cooking techniques Bai Fan learned in "The Spirit of Spring 1 Medicine" and "The Little Master of China" are not so simple that they can be forgotten.

And this guy is also a foodie himself. I'm usually too lazy to fish and don't want to cook, but when I really cook—

"Hey! Bai Fan!"

The sound of Wugeng Liuli sounded outside the door at the right time, which made Makase Kurisu's eyes fixed and determined.

She couldn't help thinking that her competitors had already entangled Bai Fan like this. If she didn't give up her face, the things she got might slip off.

"Oh... it's Miss Liuli, I'm just about to cook, why don't we stay and eat together, just to thank you for the potato stew last time."

"Huh? Why do I have to—"

Wugeng Liuli's voice sounded a little unhappy, which made the corners of Makase Kurisu's mouth twitch up while sitting in the room.

"Miss Mase is also eating at my house. It's not too much trouble to do it for one person, or for two people."

Bai Fan's voice came out melodiously.

"I'll put down my bag and come right over."

Wugeng Liuli immediately changed her tone.

She couldn't help thinking that when she was away, there would always be some coquettish and cheap people who wanted to hook up with Bai Fan. If she didn't work hard and show her face, the things she got might slip off.

You see.

At this moment, the thoughts of the two girls immediately reached a unity.

Seeing this, Bai Fan just smiled.

Makase Kurisu was in her own home.

If you let Wugeng Liuli go away, she will definitely come back later, and let her enter the room at that time, and it will directly evolve into an Asura scene where Makase Honglisu and Wugeng Liuli go head-to-head.

As for the foresight of the Shura Field, Bai Fan is always one step ahead of others.

As for saying that Makase Kuri was living in her own house at this time, it would not give Wugeng Liuli the illusion of 'why is this guy guilty'.

As I said before, he doesn't have to feel guilty at all!

Sometimes I really don't understand those youthful everyday male protagonists who are inexplicably guilty.

Obviously he has never done anything, but due to his own guilty conscience, the Asura Field came into being.

There is no lover relationship with the girl, everyone is just a friend, and there is absolutely no problem in meeting.

Even if it is jealous——it is just jealous, if it is true that a lover is still hanging on to others, it is really too much——

Sure enough, after putting down the student's purse, Wugeng Liuli didn't stay at home for too long, and came directly.

For this, she was also ridiculed by her parents and two younger sisters.

This made her blushed and even looked a little annoyed.

Tsk—it's all to blame for this woman who suddenly appeared in Bai Fan's house.

Makase Kurisu and Wugeng Liuli couldn't help but think so.

"Just sit down, you know where the drinks are, I still have a pot on the stove, so I won't explain."

Bai Fan brought Wugeng Liuli in, and didn't care about the girls sitting on both sides of the dining table staring at each other. He turned around and held the handle of the pot, his wrists shaking, and he continued to work.

You pinch you, I choose to cook.

"Miss Mise is really leisurely. Today, this guy just came back and couldn't wait to rush here."

Wugeng Liuli smiled on the surface, but after a little thought in his heart, he found that it was very wrong.

Why does Makase Kurisu know that Bai Fan is back today? Could it be that this guy has really set his sights on Bai Fan?

Appearance, speech, and behavior are all top choices, and there is also the natural buff bonus of 'Research Institute Girl', which is definitely an opponent not to be underestimated.

While thinking about it, the vigilance in Wugeng Liuli's heart became stronger and stronger.

"I just think that Bai Jun will come back at this time."

Makase Hongli raised her purple eyes lightly, and answered Wugeng Liuli's question indifferently.

But her inner drama did not stop.

Wugeng Liuli is now Bai Fan's neighbor. She is petite and cute. I heard that boys have a very pity attitude towards such girls, not to mention that the appearance of the other party is not bad compared to her. She is absolutely unable to be small now. look at the opponent.

Think hard, weigh left and right.

The two girls were both chatting and laughing, but in their hearts, they gradually adjusted the other's vigilance level to the highest level.

It can be said to be very thoughtful.

But these two girls probably haven't thought of it yet.

On the other side of Kanbuzi City, there are two great enemies, the two rituals and Asakami Fujino——

It can only be said that she is a girl in love.

Bai Fan flipped his wrist, and the pillar of fire rushed upwards, accompanied by the free and easy appearance of the pot, which shocked the two girls who turned their heads and saw them accidentally.

The two were not in the mood to quarrel, instead they admired Bai Fan's cooking skills.

Chapter 94 High Playing Bai Fan! (Sixth update!)



In front of Gogen Ruri and Makase Kurisu were Chinese dishes full of colors and flavors.

The two of them couldn't help swallowing their saliva, glanced sideways at Bai Fan who was loading the rice, and couldn't help thinking.

Is this guy an omnipotent housekeeper?

"I haven't come to the omnipotence of housekeeping, but I just said that I have some talent in cooking."

As if seeing through the thoughts of the two, Bai Fan raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly kindly.

"Please use."

Handing the rice bowl to the two girls, Bai Fan really had a strange feeling in his heart that he was now opening a harem.

I'm sorry, but Bai Fan has never had a B number in his heart.

"You guy... could it be Liu Angxing's reincarnation? You can make such simple ingredients so delicious..."

"Actually, it's totally fine for you to think so, Miss Liuli."

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