"..." root style.

There is no sadness or joy in the root style, but he just raised his tired eyes and looked at Huangye Zonglian, who was covering his right shoulder.

"Is this the end of today?"

Feeling that her entire right arm was completely lost, Araya Zonglian was indeed worthy of the title of ascetic monk, but she didn't even snort.

He felt the frantic anger pouring out of his right shoulder.

I also understand that my right arm on the soul has been cut off.

If you leave it alone, you might really die here.

Death, Kuroye Zonglian is not afraid.

But meaningless death in such a place is not what he desires.

Now that the road to the root and the method to the root are all in front of him, Araya Zonglian finds that he has to think more carefully about the plan he should make next.

As soon as he stepped, the three enchantments formed a brilliance, and the whole person suddenly jumped down the mountain road of Qiu Ming Mountain.

During this period, Gengen just looked at him quietly, neither chasing him nor stopping him from escaping.

If Bai Fan was awake, he would probably complain mercilessly.

"Sure enough, it is the root style. It is decisive, and the knife is deadly. But in the end, it can let the opponent go. This is similar to the final villain. After letting go the hero, wait for him to gather all the equipment before brushing himself."

"Oh? You woke up faster than I thought."

Genyuan looked back at Bai Fan, who had woken up at an unknown time, and pressed his snow-white palm on his chest.

"And you seem to have succeeded."

"At this time, I hope you have more emotional fluctuations, such as complimenting me."

Bai Fan shrugged and looked at the escape route of Zonglian.

If possible, he would like to catch up with each other now.

But in fact.


Bai Fan covered his nose.

There was a faint oozing of nosebleeds.

The vortex of roots, even if no one stops him, the danger in it cannot be exhausted in one sentence.

The knowledge in it, the truth, the makeup of the universe, everything.

That huge amount of information, as long as you glance at it, you will get lost in it.

Bai Fan was just passing by in a hurry.

But there are also occasional glimpses of a swirl of information in a paragraph or two.

Now his brain is a mess.

"So, after I've been pretending for so long, I'll ask you to take me home... My address, you should know that I've been in the vortex of the root cause, I'll sleep for a while."

With a click, Bai Fan fell on his back again.

Live like a salted fish.

Chapter 74 Dating with roots?

Bai Fan didn't fall asleep for too long.

After all, now that Huangye Zonglian has appeared, then there will be a battle between the two of them like a fire!

Although the description is somewhat inappropriate, it is similar.

After he sorted out the information sources in his brain, Bai Fan opened his eyes again.

"woke up?"

"woke up."

Bai Fan rubbed his temples, and there was still some pain in the depths of his brain.

But it didn't put much of a burden on him.

On the contrary, the pain made his brain, which had just been baptized by the root, run faster.

"Let's eat."

The root style serves up grilled fish and miso soup blandly, and adds a bowl of white rice to Bai Fan.

The movements are familiar, and it seems that the same behavior has been practiced many times.


Bai Fan's response to this 'Wow!"The root style actually cooks for you", he just hummed indifferently, but his expression didn't fluctuate much.

For some unknown reason, the two of them followed the iron rule of 'eating, not talking, sleeping' and chewing slowly.

After a long time, the root style slowly opened his mouth.

"It's an amazing feeling, I don't even want to quit here right now."

"The familiar feeling that cannot be experienced in the root, but some memories that do not belong to me are constantly emerging."

Bai Fan didn't speak, but he was already calling out to the system in his heart.

It was the first time he had come to this world to encounter such a situation.

Roots link roots.

Bai Fan once traveled through the Xingyue world.

The Moon World has its roots.

The world also has roots.

So the question is, are the roots of this world the same as the roots of the Moon World?

Through the root-style attitude, Bai Fan has roughly guessed it.

"As you think, host, there is no way to prevent her from restoring her memory in the root style. All I can do is to seal her memory."

"But when you're in contact with her formally, those memories are like water coming out of a water bottle."

"What about the two ceremonies?"

Bai Fan did not panic.

"The memories that can be recovered by the root style will not be known to the individual of the two rituals. In the final analysis, the two rituals cannot fully awaken the origin. How can it be possible to obtain feedback from the root memory of other worlds."

The system snorted coldly.

"Our system can do a lot more than you can imagine, host."

"Really? So even the memory of a root can't be blocked?"

"You... I said it! That is the root of countless parallel worlds! It can't be blocked so easily!"

"So even the memory of a root cannot be sealed?"

"Don't think that you can use it against Wugeng Liuli to deal with me!!!"

"Really? You, a weak scum system who can't even block the memory of a root, are too embarrassed to say that?"

"You are riding a horse!!!!"

Hehehehe - this system is so angry, I'm sorry, I'll be angry with you next time.

Ignoring the screams of the system in his head, Bai Fan turned his attention to the root style in front of him.

"You've almost had enough trouble."

He said in a good voice.

To be honest, if the root style was not part of the two rituals' personalities, Bai Fan would have murdered her long ago.

But there's something wrong with this one.

He only treats the girl who likes him nicely.

"Not enough."

Yuan Yingying replied with a smile.

"When are you going to let the formula come out?"

"When I think it's about the same, she can't hear a word of what I'm saying to you anyway."

"How did the Liangyi family collapse?"

"You have gone deep into the root and observed the two rituals. Naturally, you will know the reason for the destruction of the Liangyi family, right? It is normal to create a special existence different from humans, and it will disappear because of this."

Bai Fan asked, and answered root-style.

"When are you going to give up..."

"When I think it's about the same."

Rooted brow corners slyly curved into an arc.


Although it is only a physical consciousness, she has a happy emotional expression.


She only felt that the world was new to her now, not as chaotic and boring as she was in the vortex of roots.

But Bai Fan didn't think so.

He opened those dead fish eyes and looked at the root style.

Is this a black belly?

He didn't know before that after the original root form was fully awakened, he would actually be so black.

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