"Or else let Teacher Bai Fan see my sincerity here?"

See sincerity?

Bai Fan was a little amused, he pushed aside Ryoko Gangno's palm, and instead held it tightly in his hand.

"I said I believe it, do you believe it?"


There was a hint of panic in his eyes, and Ryoko Gangno pulled out his white palm without changing his composure.

"Mr. Bai Fan still likes to joke around as always."

"Well, just take it as a joke. Remember to close the door after you go out. Don't worry, I won't be grumbling about this month's manuscript."

Bai Fan chuckled and shook his head, then lay down on the sofa.

"Hmph, if you don't submit the manuscript by then, you must educate Teacher Bai Fan well."

Yoshiko Gangano joked and walked out.


As soon as he walked out of Bai Fan's house.

Ryoko Gangano almost fell to the ground.

His heart was beating violently, and his whole body was weak and weak. This was the first feeling Gangno Ryoko had since stepping into society.

"Mr. Bai Fan, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to meet such an author."

Like or something else...

Ryoko Okano opened the briefcase and looked at the books inside.

The first four volumes of "Hell's Song", "The Robin with a Broken Shell", and "Between the Dolls".

When writing these things, what was Teacher Bai Fan thinking?

What he wrote did not simply start with horror and blood, but took over the heart of the person at a deeper level, starting from what the creature of 'human' would be afraid of and what it would be afraid of.

Some people know too much about human beings, but it makes people feel creepy.

This is also the reason why most trolls spray Baifan's works online.

Because they feel that their inner weaknesses are completely exposed by a person they don't know, and they are torn out naked, they will definitely feel scared.

Bai Fan is such an author, he is an author who can make fans particularly like and make trolls particularly unhappy.

"I originally planned to give this interview draft to him, but finally gave up? It must be refused anyway."

Yoshiko Gangano put the interview transcript into his briefcase, glanced at Bai Fan's residence, and opened the car door.

"Host, you are flirting again!"

The system reminder sounded.

"A buff opened without paying attention to passively flirting with girls, and I can't help it."

Bai Fan said indifferently.

"And the other party is a mature social person, it is impossible for me to become my fan girl just because of my two words, don't worry, this is not a happy booker, just join a service club, teach casually Teach others to write and write novels and you can get a girl's hands."

"It always feels like you're raising the flag."

The system muttered softly.

(Sister Liangzi, after so many years with Bai Fan, are you finally going to turn over and sing in this book?)

Chapter 50 Welcome to Guanbuzi City (Favorites!)

When Monday arrived as scheduled, Bai Fan followed his own ideas. After sending Makase Kurisu to Suizuki Middle School, he immediately said goodbye to go home and prepare for the trip.

Of course, according to what Bai Fan said, this is to go out to collect materials and not to travel.

"The current time is June [-], and try to come back and submit the manuscript at the end of the month."

Bai Fan glanced at the calendar, took the simple luggage, and left.

He's not the kind of person who likes to take travel as a special event, and he doesn't even have a definite plan for where to go.

His general idea is also in line with his character setting, specifically, buying a ticket for the farthest terminal, then taking a nap in the car, and getting off when he wakes up.

Is the real 'the world is so big, I just brush a copy'.

With an inexplicable emotion, Bai Fan walked towards the nearest station.

Time flies by.

It has been three days since Bai Fan left.

If it were an ordinary youth novel, it would definitely describe the changes in the heroine's mentality now, but—

"Three days have passed, is there still no movement?"

In the early morning of the third day, Bai Fan miraculously walked out of the hotel on the corner of the street and stared at his home.

For three days, neither Gamako nor Saeki Toshio attacked others while they were away.

"It seems that the teaching of Tune 1 was very successful."

Bai Fan stretched, narrowed his eyes and stared at his home, and set off back to the hotel to prepare for departure.

Three days have been wasted, and if it goes on like this, there is no way to go out to collect materials. No matter what, I promise Yoshiko Kano to submit the manuscript at the end of the month. Bai Fan still wants to work hard to fulfill the promise he has made.

He walked back to the hotel, picked up his luggage, and disappeared around the corner of the street.

Time passed silently, and in the blink of an eye it was evening.

"It seems that nothing will really happen."

Sitting in the cafe, Bai Fan leisurely code words while watching his home from time to time.

The system's alarm was not heard either.

"Let's go."

Putting on the luggage with only a set of clothes and a laptop, Bai Fan really intends to leave this time.

Although this trip has been bumpy.

But when Bai Fan really and comfortably lay down in his seat, he felt that everything had a dreamy and unreal feeling.

He met Makase Kurisu and met Wugeng Liuli.

"Next... Shouldn't it be?"

Bai Fan closed his eyes sleepily.

Three consecutive days of almost sleepless observation had exhausted his energy, and he could naturally replenish his energy on the tram.


Sleep from the first evening to the second evening.

Bai Fan was still drowsy and yawning.

Get off the bus and pick up your luggage.

It is useless to even look up the location of the mobile phone, just get on the bus, and then get off at a random place.

Travel is all about doing it casually.

Bai Fan was still sleepy to death, yawned, swaying under his feet, and even accidentally bumped into the person in front of him.

"Boy, do you want to die?"


Hearing the vicious voice in his ear, Bai Fan forcibly cheered up, his eyes confused.

He was originally walking towards the hotel, but because he was too sleepy, he came to an alley next to the hotel.

"Hey hey... Big brother, look at this guy, isn't he still awake?"

As long as the protagonist goes, there will always be a bad guy who doesn't have long eyes to forcefully look for trouble, and then let the male protagonist finish the slap in the face gorgeously.

But Bai Fan really didn't want to pretend to slap his face now, he just wanted to open a room and sleep comfortably on the bed, that's all.

But when Bai Fan took a step to leave, the dragon next to him sneered and pulled him by the shoulder.

"Hey! Do you want to run away so easily after hitting us?"

You see, this kind of deja vu.

I said earlier what kind of person Bai Fan is. He is not the kind of person who waits for the villain to finish his harsh words and rides on your face.

Before waiting for these gangsters to continue approaching him, Bai Fan jumped up and faced their faces with an output.

In just a minute or two, all the bad fell to the ground, groaning in pain.


Bai Fan narrowed his eyes with difficulty.

The brain is dizzy, and I can't think about other things.

Abandoning the bad of this place, Bai Fan staggered towards the door of the hotel next to him.

But he clearly forgot one thing.

Usually there will be so many bad people, and where the protagonist is, there will definitely be an old-fashioned plot such as the hero saving the beauty.

Just like now-

Purple hair and red eyes, wearing a solemn and solemn school uniform like a nun's uniform.

Even if he was surrounded by a large group of bad people just now, there was not much fluctuation in his eyes.

But for some reason, she should have panicked when surrounded by a group of bad people, but she did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation, but at the moment when she saw Bai Fan, her breathing quickened and her expression fluctuated violently.

Of course, all of this, Bai Fan, who wanted to go to bed, didn't pay attention.

He didn't even see the characters on the standing sign.

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