Bai Fan's voice stuck in his throat.

"I do not want."

Suddenly, Makase Kurisu stopped, clasped her chest with both hands, and stared at Bai Fan with those wisteria-colored pupils in a fit of anger.


Bai Fan just wanted to continue talking.

The pink lips opened slightly up and down, and a series of rebuttals spewed out of the girl's mouth.

"I don't want, I don't want, I don't want, I don't want!"

"Is that so, then take Miss Makase to see the area close to life."

After the words that were finally organized were broken by Makase Kurisu with this series of words to express disgust, Bai Fan's expression did not fluctuate much.

Makase Kurisu would speak in such a pissed off tone, which was indeed what he expected.

If she didn't say so, Bai Fan would even wonder if she was the Makase Kurisu who was a bit biased towards love and even gave up her mind.

She doesn't want to leave yet, doesn't want to leave this place.

You can't drive her away with the stalk that masturbating is justice.

Makase Kurisu is not a fool.

That's why I said you science students—

"Don't ask why? The reason why I stay here."

"Miss Makase must have her own plans. It's not convenient for me to ask. Maybe it's because of the beautiful scenery in Chiba County, or other reasons for work? It's hard for me to ask outsiders."

"There are some work reasons, but don't you think there should be other more important things?"

Makase Hongli was pressing step by step, her aggressive gaze almost stuck on Bai Fan.

"Well, I don't know about that."

In order to dispel the girl's doubts, Bai Fan rationally chose to pretend to be mentally retarded.

He is a man who has experienced countless daily Fan Shura fields!There is a hatchet under his feet all the time, but he can balance his harem. Whether it is a slow-moving male lead or a very emotionally intelligent male lead, he can skillfully control the role.

Oh - woman.

You can't do anything about me now, can you?

As long as this act is stupid, basically all the female protagonists who are pressing will slow down the offensive, and whisper cutely a 'nerd'.

This is a light novel routine!

Bai Fan was content in his heart, but he didn't show it at all on the surface.

"Then let me tell you."

Makase Honglixi's crystal clear pupils flowed, her hands were on her chest, her weak body was close to Bai Fan, and she raised her head slightly.

There is a difference in height.


Um...? ? ?

This atmosphere... is not right!

The alarm bell in Bai Fan's heart sounded.

"Bai Jun, half of the reason I stay is because of you. I said it before, I fell in love with you at first sight."

Fuck that fucking light novel script!I, Makase Kurisu, just want to follow the routine today!

Bai Fan seemed to hear someone tearing up the outline and letting go of himself without restraint.


The smile on Bai Fan's face froze for only a second, and then he immediately returned to his original appearance, still the same undisturbed look.

"Really? It turns out that I have such a high status in Miss Makase's mind..."

"Maybe it's higher than you think."

Makase Kurisu said solemnly.

What the hell!Kurisu, you give me some leeway for my lines!How can you make me pretend to be retarded?

As the saying goes, the protagonists of light novels in the dull series have a series of accidents before they can become that kind of emotional intelligence and mental retardation.

But Makase Kurisu didn't even give Bai Fan the chance to create an accident.

Bai Fan didn't even take a chance to catch his breath.

The fierce attack was even more violent than the fact that Gaya and Sadako loved him Bai Fan together in a certain world!

"I like you, Bai Jun."

"Uh, is it from the friend's side?"

"It's a romantic relationship."

"But we don't know each other well, do we?"

"When I move into your house, I think we can have a deeper connection."

"My earning power..."

"I'll do research to support you."

Fine!Not even money is an excuse!There's really no reason for that!

Bai Fan exclaimed in his heart that he had a headache.

It turns out that the serious Makase Kurisu is so difficult to deal with?

He felt that he should have changed a little bit about Makase Kurisu.

"Well... it's really a novel American joke. It's really difficult to cooperate with Miss Makase."

"No, I'm not kidding..."

"Ah—the weather is really good today! It seems that a better explanation can be made. Let me show you about Chiba Prefecture, Miss Makase."

Excuse me, was the topic forcibly pulled off?

After all, I am a girl, so I will retreat here temporarily and look for opportunities later.

A lot of thoughts flowed through the delicate eyes, and finally settled at one point.

Makase Kurisu smiled calmly.

"Then I'll ask you, Bai Jun."

"Ahaha, the accent mistakes in the US are really annoying too."

Bai Fan made a look of ignorance and made a joke with a smile on his face.


Makase Kuri grinned but didn't laugh.

(...When my sister was shaking the code, she never entered any sage time, only when she was really bored. When she was tired of chatting, novels, and animations, she might think about it, and don't think about it at other times. )

Chapter 31 Makise Red Liqi never needs a reason! (For collection)

The tram rubbed the rails and took Bai Fan and Makase Kurisu forward.

The time is now close to nine o'clock in the evening, the rush hour has passed, and there are few passengers in the tram.

Neither Bai Fan nor Makase Kurisu said a word.

From the morning till now, Makase Kurisu and Bai Fan have been in constant confrontation.

Bai Fan pretended to be an everyday hero with low EQ and IQ for a day.

Makase Kurisu, on the other hand, did not give in, and launched a frantic attack on Bai Fan.

To be honest, under such a fierce attack, the face of ordinary young people has long been flushed, their feet are weak, and they will probably stutter when they speak.

Bai Fan, on the other hand, behaved gracefully and without panic.

Even Makase Kurisu couldn't help but wonder if this guy really had low EQ.


Makase Kurisu and Bai Fan both let out a long sigh of relief.

On this day, Makase Kurisu was in a good mood.

After talking to Bai Fan a lot, even if her goal was not achieved, she was satisfied.

The reason why Bai Fan exhaled was that he finally didn't have to pretend to be a male protagonist with a problem in his head.

do you know?It's really hard for a normal person to pretend to be neurotic.

Especially when you have to pretend to be neurotic, it's even harder.

Bai Fan felt this way.

Just as Bai Fan was rubbing his temples, Makase Kurisu spoke up.

"Bai Jun."

"I was kidnapped by bank robbers the other day."

Saying things in a natural tone that doesn't fit what you should be talking about right now.

"Really?! Is Miss Makase injured? Are you alright?"

Bai Fan's voice was mixed with concern and consternation just right.

"It's okay, it's just—"

Makase Kurisu gently rested her head on Bai Fan's shoulder, as if she was a little tired.

"..." Bai Fan.

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