"That trainer from Shanaido is so handsome!"

"Silly, it's Shining Shanaido, I really don't have it, and its strength is at least silver, and it's another strong enemy!"

"This time, I want that good result to hang again!"

"Silly, look at their shoulders, the Heavenly King badge!"

"Hey~~ so young!"

"I guess this Shanaido is not silver, but gold!"

The sudden appearance of Zhang Lan and Shanaido appeared on the high platform where the much-anticipated contestants were at this time.

Almost instantly became the focus of everyone.

There are people who marvel at the beauty of Shanaido.

Marvel at the strength of Shanaido.

I am amazed that Zhang Lan is so young at such a young age.

Even Zhang Lan is handsome and handsome!

In short, Zhang Lan immediately became the focus of the audience.

In this regard, Zhang Lan seemed to be light and calm. He actually didn't want to be ostentatious, but this time it was stipulated that the only elf he used would be released before the start of the game.

And Shanaido itself is a moving focus, not to mention that his Shanaido is still a flash Shanaido, it must be more eye-catching.

In this case, there is no need to deliberately keep a low profile.

Beside Zhang Lan, a beautiful black-haired girl wearing high heels, her lower body wrapped in black silk, and a pink kimono on her upper body looked at Zhang Lan and Shanaido beside him with some surprises.

Or Shanaido.

This girl is Ma Xiu, the future goblin gym owner in the Carlos area!

She paid too much attention to Shanaido because this has always been the elf she dreamed of!

In front of Ma Xiu stood an Eevee, the elf she used in this competition.

Zhang Lan looked at it and found that this Ibrahimovic has a very good aptitude. It even has a heavenly king level, which is quite rare. Zhang Lan has seen it on Nazi's side so far.

Looking at it this way, it's just that Ibrahimovic will become a fairy elf in the future because of his super-high intimacy with Maxiu, and he is a good partner.

"Hello there!"

Zhang Lan greeted Ma Xiu, after all, everyone's attention is only on his Shanai Duo!

"Ah, hello!" Ma Xiu smiled.

Seeing this smile, Zhang Lan blinked. He didn't expect Ma Xiu's famous business-style smile to appear so early.

He thought that this smile would not come until Ma Xiu became a master of fashion design.

After Ma Xiu smiled, she hesitated for a while, opened her mouth and seemed to want to ask something, but at this time, the host pinched her watch and shouted

"Okay, the time is up, the elf conquering contest officially begins!"

Chapter 108 The Hezhong Package, Maxiu vs. the Three Evil Dragons of the Quasi God!

"Miss, I wish you good luck, come on!"

"I go first!"

Zhang Lan noticed that Ma Xiu wanted to talk to him, but he didn't want to capsize in the gutter now, so after saying hello to Ma Xiu, he rushed forward with his elf Shanaido like the rest of the trainers. out.

"This person..."

"Forget it, wait for the game to end!"

Ma Xiu looked at the back of Zhang Lan leaving, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then rushed forward with a habitual smile.

"Go, Ibrahimovic!"

The Genie Conquering Contest has officially started.

There are always trainers who encounter labeled elves and start a battle.

"Shanaido, mind power!"

Zhang Lan released his superpowers to rush in one direction, and found a double-edged pill in the corner, and immediately issued an order to Shanaido!

Hearing the voice resounding in his heart, Shanaido, who also released super powers, instantly understood what Zhang Lan meant, and his spirit condensed into substance!


Shuangren Maru was caught by the blue light, and when he didn't react at all, he was absolutely controlled and flew out towards Zhang Lan.

"Magic Leaf!"

Zhang Lan gave an order again and threw a special Poke Ball at the same time!


With a soft call, a touch of blue and a touch of green appeared in Shanaido's eyes.

The next moment, countless green leaves appeared out of thin air, as if they had their own consciousness, and shot in the direction of Shuangren Maru in all directions.

At this time, due to Shanaido's second trick, Shuangrenmaru has been freed from the shackles of mind power, and his body has returned to freedom.

"Ki~~" Shuangrenmaru held the shell water swords she carried in both hands, and when she waved it, she wanted to split the green leaves flying around.

But these green leaves seem to be alive, and when they are about to be cut, the flight trajectory has undergone subtle changes.

The attack level of this double-blade pill can be seen to be quite good, and the accuracy of the head is very good.

But now, because of its excellent caliber, the magic leaf completely avoided his attack after the slight change, and swarmed towards its body!


All the magic leaves attacked Shuangbanaru, and there was a large explosion.


It was at this time that the Poké Ball thrown by Zhang Lan successfully came to Shuangren Wan, shooting a red light!


As a result, there were no accidents, and the Shuangren pill was successfully subdued!

"Not bad!" Using his super power to control the spirit ball to fly into his hands, Zhang Lan nodded with satisfaction. This double-edged ball is silver, and the points won't be too low!

"Sha Naiduo, you did a good job!" Zhang Lan put away the Poke Ball and showed a gentle smile to Shanai Duo!

"Shanai~~" Shanaiduo answered happily!

"Okay, continue!" Zhang Lan released his super powers to continue on his way, and found that there was a booming pheasant on the roof at the corner in front of him, and immediately took Shanaido on the road again!

This time, Zhang Lan is very confident, because others still need to use luck to find and meet the elf, he released his super power to investigate around, and he can do it with strength!

As for whether this will affect the fairness of the game!

Just kidding, his superpower is his own ability. If he doesn't use it, he will sacrifice his own justice to fulfill the justice of others.

This is almost the same as cutting off one's own arm, that's stupid!

"Ibrahimovic, high-speed star!"

Not long after Zhang Lan left, Ma Xiu, who was heading in the same direction as him, deviates from his direction at this corner.

But Ma Xiu had good luck, and successfully encountered a dragon-headed gopher that sprang from the ground.


Ibrahimovic on Maxiu's shoulders exerted force with his legs, leaped forward with all his might, and launched bursts of high-speed stars in mid-air.


The speed of the high-speed star is very fast, and it arrives in a blink of an eye, and it successfully hits the leading gopher!

"Not enough, pluck the sand!" Ma Xiu's eyes were locked on the dragon head gopher!


The rotating Ibrahimovic coincidentally fell not far from the dragon head gopher, turned around deftly, and moved his hind legs!

Layers of sand came to the front of the dragon head gopher, and the ground-based skills had an outstanding effect on the dragon head gopher. This move successfully caused him discomfort and obscured its sight to the greatest extent!

Grab this almost, Ma Xiu took out the special Poke Ball and shouted at the same time

"It's now, the last blow, the second kick!"


Ibrahimovic used his legs hard, jumped violently, came to the top of the dragon-headed gopher, and his two hind feet violently used strength.

Take advantage of the strength to reverse again in the air, and then step on the head of the dragon head gopher with the front foot again!


The dragon head gopher was stepped on the ground!

"Go, Poké Ball!"

The special Poke Ball flew out of Ma Xiu's hand, shot the dragon head gopher, and successfully captured it!

"Great, Ibrahimovic!"

Ma Xiu showed Ibrahimovic a bright smile from the heart, and took a few steps forward to pick up the Poke Ball!

"Next, let's keep working hard!"

"Shanaiduo, front left, use mental strength on the heart bat!"

"Okay, take it!"

"Here, use the magic leaf on the cold water ape!"

Unleashing superpowers, Zhang Lan searches for elves very fast, and he can basically capture elves every once in a while!

His points also increased rapidly because of this!

Moreover, with the subduing battle during this period of time, Zhang Lan found an interesting thing, that is, the elves encountered in this subduing contest were mainly distributed in the Hezhong area.

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