At the beginning, Zhang Lan chose to go with a virtual body. After all, he didn't know that the elf world was the elf world he knew at the time.

Going to an unknown and dangerous world, it is natural to choose a virtual body to enter the best, which is equivalent to giving yourself more chances.

Anyway, what the virtual body gets is also owned by the real body.

However, in the first three years, the things of the two worlds cannot be brought to each other without special means.

At the beginning, after Zhang Lan obtained the beautiful scales, it took a full month to bring it back to the Blue Star to be used by the Ugly Ugly Fish. The reason was that it was not easy to carry things through, and some special methods were required.

And this time, Zhang Lan chose ròu to go.

As for the reason, it's simple, for the good!


After Zhang Lan made his decision, he only felt his eyes brighten, and then he appeared on a country road.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Zhang Lan's face showed joy

"Very good, my random birth point is still on this road, in that case, my plan can be unfolded according to the best process!"

The so-called instant birth point is the location where the Blue Star Humans appeared in the Elf world.

This location is random, but the location where it appears must be in YeWai.

Zhang Lan remembered that when he returned to Blue Star to read the online forum in his previous life, some people said that he was born in the clan of the popular monkey qun. He was regarded as an intruder, and he was reborn five times, which took more than a month. successfully escaped.

Because the person who chooses the virtual body to enter after death, the rebirth position will be within [-] meters of the dead position, which is chosen by the deceased.

But after three years, if a person travels between the Blue Star World and the Elf World, the point where he appears will be the point where he leaves.

Also, time passes at the same rate in both worlds.

The place where Zhang Lan was born before his rebirth was in the Carlos area, on a road between Chaoxiang Town and Meichuan Town.

Originally, Zhang Lan didn't know where he was born after he appeared here. At that time, he chose to go north, that is, Meichuan Town.

In less than an hour, he arrived at Meichuan Town, and then began a series of information search trips.

But this time, Zhang Lan, who saved the time for information search, chose to go south, and he was going to Chaoxiang Town.

You may not know this Asaka Town, but you must know a name!


(PS: Serena has a lot of names, I use this here, my favorite friends will give Huahua and a few tickets!)

Chapter 20 I have a small portable space!

Asaka Town is the birthplace of Serena, the heroine of the Carlos arc in the Pokémon anime.

If Zhang Lanjue remembers correctly, in this real world, Serena should be fifteen years old now, and will go on a trip next year, while Xiaozhi is going on a trip this year!

And the first chance in his plan was with Serena's mother, Saki.

With this opportunity, Zhang Lan will move to the Kwantung Alliance! (Although it starts from the Kanto chapter, it will definitely give everyone a different feeling! Exciting!)

After all, getting rich is the most promising way to follow Xiao Zhi!

"Confirm that Zhang Lan, a human being of the Blue Star, chose to enter the elf world and give him a ring!"

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared in Zhang Lan's mind, causing him to show a relieved expression, and then put his eyes on the embodiment ring that appeared out of thin air on his hand.

"Revelation ring: a device that can bring things from the elf world back to the real world, or bring things from the real world to the elf world. (Note: The things that can be brought are non-biological, and the elf ball with the elf is not allowed to manifest. , each ring can be used 3 times, when the number of times is used up, the ring disappears, and the ring has its own manifested attributes)”

"Sure enough!" Seeing the effect, Zhang Lan clicked the corner, this is the welfare of those who entered the elf world.

Zhang Lan knew this thing because he knew a human being who entered in person.

Although [-]% of people will choose to enter the virtual world like Zhang Lan, because of concerns and unknowns, but also because of fear of death.

But in fact, some smart people know that entering the world with a human body will definitely be beneficial. Otherwise, why would the world's will need to set two options for it? Is it better to be virtual?

In fact, the purpose of the will of the world is to see which people are adventurous.

The spirit world needs an adventurous spirit.

It's a pity that Zhang Lan had too many concerns before his rebirth, so he chose the method of virtual entry and missed the ring.

If he had this ring, he would be able to get Minas to become stronger in a month, and he would not need to work on a realization mission for a month. Many things could change.

"I don't want to, anyway, I'm reborn now, I don't need to regret it again."

Zhang Lan's eyes became firm, but at this moment, he inadvertently glanced at him and found that there was a strange thing in his attribute panel!


Name: Zhang Lan

Trainer Level: Rookie

Possess Pixie: Ugly Ugly Fish (22 Advanced)

Special Ability: Enchantment Small Space

Special Item: Embody Ring

Deputy: none

Number of Pokémon that can be carried: Six

"What the hell is this special ability?"

"Is there any benefit to entering the real body?"

Zhang Lan looked at an extra special ability on his attribute bar with some confusion.

"Try it!"

If you don't understand it, try it. Everyone who has died once, Zhang Lan decisively chooses the experiment.

Closing his eyes, Zhang Lan began to perceive. Although he never had it, he knew that special abilities could only be communicated with the brain through consciousness.

Closing his eyes, Zhang Lan found a strange white spot in his mind, consciousness entered, and a stream of information poured in!


After digesting the information, Zhang Lan suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"That's really good news."

Zhang Lan figured out that this small enchantment space was picked up by its unintelligent experience system after he entered the enchantment space.

This space is a square space with a side length of [-] meters. There is air, a small river road, land, sunlight and night.

Zhang Lan can enter this elf world from the elf world or Lanxing at any time, where to enter and where to exit.

"Where do you get in, where do you get out!?"

Knowing this situation, Zhang Lan touched his chin, and then he picked up a leaf on the ground around him.

Immediately after, the light flashed in his eyes, Zhang Lan's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in a small world.

"Can be carried!"

Finding the leaves that had not disappeared in his hand, Zhang Lan nodded, and then put the leaves on the ground.

Putting away the leaves, Zhang Lan tried to return to Blue Star directly from the small world, but this was not successful!

Zhang Lan was not frustrated, but chose to return to the space node where he came in.


With a thought, Zhang Lan appeared in the elf world where he had disappeared.

"The next step is the key to the experiment." Zhang Lan couldn't help but look forward to it, and he chose to go back to Blue Star.

This time, Zhang Lan succeeded.


Zhang Lan's body disappeared out of thin air again and returned to his familiar room.

"Huh? Don't you need the enchantment process..." After looking at the surrounding environment, he found himself directly back to Blue Star, Zhang Lan clicked, and understood that this should be the difference between real body entry and virtual entry.

Those who choose to enter the world virtually will return to the enchantment space first, and then return to the Blue Star after choosing to exit.

The appearance of that special enchantment is actually the will of the world to ensure that the human RouTi who chooses to virtualize into the fairy world will not be destroyed by external forces.

This really solves the concerns of many people. After all, if RouTi is in Blue Star, what do you do in the Elf world, and some people come to do something with your RouTi at this time...

Just can't imagine.

Ignoring this, Zhang Lan walked to his writing desk, picked up the five Poké Balls and the Poké Ball with Ugly Fish on it, and his mind moved again!


Zhang Lan disappeared and appeared again, already by the river in the small world.

Chapter 21: The Benefits of a Small World

Coming to the small world, Zhang Lan threw the Ugly Ugly Fish's Poke Ball!

"Come out, Ugly Ugly Fish!"


The Ugly Ugly Fish appeared in the small river in the small world, and looked at the surrounding scene with some doubts. After seeing Zhang Lan, it immediately spit out a bubble happily.

"Ugly Ugly Fish, this is where you will live from now on." Zhang Lan squatted down and touched the Ugly Ugly Fish's head gently...

"Fuck, bluff!" Ugly Ugly Fish was obviously happy that he had such a large range of activities, and shouted a few times happily!

"Next, you can move freely by yourself!" Zhang Lan motioned for Chou Chou to move by himself, then he took out three of the six empty Poke Balls and placed them on the ground, while picking up the leaf from the Poke World.

After doing all this, Zhang Lan once again controlled his body with his mind to exit the small world.

"Shu!" Back in the room again, Zhang Lan looked at his hand!

"Very good!" Zhang Lan smiled when he saw the leaf from the elf world that really existed in his hand.

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