Just no one to appreciate.

Eighteen witches stood evenly around the "well". At this time, all the girls, including Yuri and Shion, were imprisoned in the crystal prism with their eyes closed.

Each shrine maiden is entwined with thin black threads that protrude from the well. These threads are imperceptible, but if you look closely, you will find that they are not textiles, but living creatures' hair.

Yes, like a woman's hair...  

Yuri was standing closest to Shiro, and the black thread wrapped around her body was the most, and the others together were not more than half her size.

The red liquid flowed out of the well, followed the texture of the crystal to the outside, and then directly entered the pre-arranged ditch, extending into the darkness, where it was unknown.I only know that it has never been cut off, and the liquid level has not increased, as if it has slipped into a bottomless abyss...

Kato'er was serving as Shiro's bodyguard, but for some reason he often looked worried at him.

"If this goes on, Lord Shiro will sooner or later..."


A muffled sound interrupted Shirou and Jiu'er's thoughts, they turned their heads together, and then saw a young man with a tattered knife lying on the ground [-] meters away. Above him was a round hole that was slowly closing.. ....

The teenager moved his hands and feet twice, got up from the ground and shook his head: "I almost missed it!"

It was also his luck that the canal carrying the red liquid was next to him, and he didn't even fall into it.

The corners of Shiro's mouth twitched uncontrollably. Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, and he finally found the greatest possibility.

Who has the best spatial ability in this city?Do you still need to ask!

"Okay, you Huangquan, you really have evil intentions! In order to delay my plan, you have deliberately transferred people to me!"

"Is this about to tear my face... Hmph, don't you think I'll have no backs?"

Shiro took off a bell hanging from his waist and squeezed it flat with his fingers.

In the capital city, somewhere hidden, a dark spell was triggered, and a small spark lit up, igniting the fuse...


After an earth-shattering explosion, the area was razed to the ground, revealing a half-buried body of a monster under the rubble.

The black gas that had just escaped from Sesshomaru, Huang Quan, was silently watching this scene.

"Why? Why is this happening? Obviously... I haven't done anything yet."

"My last clone!"

Chapter 91 Silence

On the crimson yellow spring tower, they rushed up layer by layer to solve all the thorny enemies, and the blood-soaked carp and snow girl finally came to the top.


He couldn't help coughing up black blood clots, and the carp companion was unsteady, but fortunately Snow Maiden supported him in time.

"Liban, your body... No, you can't go up any further, you are definitely not that person's opponent now!"

Lihan smiled miserably: "I'm sorry, eldest sister... just take it as my willfulness. This time, I want to see him no matter what!"

The snow girl silently supported the carp companion to the top floor, where waiting for them was the master of the ghosts and ghosts sitting on the throne.

"Oh, isn't this Liban? It's been a long time since I saw him." The handsome man who was very similar to Liban took a sip from the pipe, and exhaled a circle of smoke in ecstasy.

"What's the matter, to be so embarrassed, it doesn't look like your style at all."

"Dad... do you know what's going on outside?"

The carp companion desperately resisted the urge to chop up: "Dad, your brother, your ghosts, all of them are dead!"

"So what?"

The slicker's tone was so indifferent that Koihan couldn't believe it.

"If you die, you will die. That kind of weak guy can be seen everywhere, as long as you recruit more powerful monsters. Trash is trash, and the weak are still weak even if they have a hundred ghosts... Sure enough, the strong are more qualified to enter the Hundred Ghosts."


Under the fury, Lihan calmed down: "Indeed, you are definitely not my original father. Although the old bastard I know is unreliable, he is a kind and righteous guy, definitely not like you. Cold-blooded!"

"Sister Snow!"

Lihan shouted: "Entrust your demon power and everything to me!"

"Betting on the royal career of this body, I will cut off the impurity of hundreds of ghosts today!"


go, go, go...

His internal organs seemed to be on fire, irritating sensitive nerves all the time. His body was as heavy as molten iron, and every step he took was torturing his muscles.

However, he still walked on the road.

I don't know what kind of death battle I went through, even though I was scarred, I finally crossed the barrier called Ibaraki Doji.Murasame Shirou left the blood-stained footprints and left the workshop step by step.

Behind him is a broken bone knife...

He didn't know where Yuri was hiding, but an inexplicable impulse in his heart guided his direction and let him gradually walk to the right place.

This is the connection between brother and sister. A certain girl once made a wish to "protect her brother", and the karma formed by this wish will guide Shirou to her side - until this body collapses!

Shirou silently felt something in his right arm, and a wonderful force was condensing inside, constantly compressing, exercising, and reshaping...

It was as if he was forging a sword, but the one serving as the workshop became Shirou's body.

He knew the power of the magic sword in Shiro's hand, and the sustenance in this right arm was Shirou's final weapon!


"It's you?" Sesshomaru was slightly surprised when he saw the big snake in front of him, "Could it be that you give up people's hearts?"

When he first saw the little banshee, it was indeed a monster with a heart, but now this big snake...

The big snake shook his head slowly, opened his mouth and slowly spit out Ye Qing, and placed it on the ground safely.The eyes that looked at Sesshomaru were full of pleading.

That's right.

Sesshomaru suddenly, with his wisdom and experience, almost effortlessly guessed Qingzi's purpose.But after understanding it, he sighed secretly in his heart: To do this, this woman has sacrificed too much.

He also encountered similar things in his early years, and he couldn't help feeling it.

"Want me to save him?"

The big snake nodded, the pitiful appearance was really unbearable.

Sesshomaru looked blankly at Ye Qing who was dying, suddenly stretched out his finger and shot a light arrow through Ye Qing's chest!

Well, it turned out to be dying, now it's really dead...

The snake froze for a moment, realized what had happened, and rushed towards Sesshomaru frantically, opening its big mouth and spitting out a fiery blue flame.

Sesshomaru just waved his hand lightly, and the gust of wind it brought back blocked the flames, and Qingzi was also blocked by the wind wall.

Seeing the big snake slamming into the wind wall madly, Sesshomaru shook his head, pulled out his natural teeth at his waist and waved at Ye Qing!

Apparitions of ghosts flashed by.

Ye Qing made a sound of "um", and his fingers twitched, and he was about to wake up.

Only then did Qingzi realize that Sesshomaru's actions just now were to save people, so he quickly stopped attacking, and bowed down gratefully: "Thank you, Your Highness Sesshomaru... Please don't say that I have been here before."


Qingzi's eyes fell, and he turned to leave: "I don't want him to see himself like this..."

After Qingzi left, Ye Qing slowly opened his eyes and tried to move his body. There was no severe pain as expected, and his physical condition was unexpectedly good?

"Are you awake?" Sesshomaru said coldly, "When you wake up, go to the tower in the center with me. I sense the call of the bloodline, and that kid is there."

"Sesshoumaru..." Ye Qing stood up and glanced at the natural tooth in his hand, thinking of his own physical condition, of course he could guess what was going on.

Knowing that he was resurrected from the dead, he felt a little uncomfortable... Of course, he had to know that he was killed by Sesshomaru himself, and then resurrected... It is estimated that he is even more uncomfortable. .

But no matter how he was saved by Sesshomaru, he was naturally very grateful.

"Thank you... By the way, how did you find me?" In Ye Qing's memory, the last thing he saw was the wall of fire around him.

Sesshomaru gave him a cold look, walked in front of him without saying a word, and didn't answer the question at all.

Ye Qing froze for a moment, only thinking that Sesshomaru didn't like to talk, he didn't think any more, and quickly followed.

"But then again, who saved me? Fire, fire... The only person I know who uses fire is Meng Ji, uh, this is impossible." Suddenly, some vagueness flashed in Ye Qing's mind. fragment.


Ye Qing covered her head and frowned.

Sesshomaru said lightly: "Is there a rejection between the soul and the body? This is a common thing, and it will disappear soon."

Sure enough, the pain gradually subsided after a while.But at the same time, there were more images in Ye Qing's mind.Those were some scattered memories from when he was in the soul state.

Fire, serpent, mouth, dialogue, death...

"...that's it."

Ye Qing's footsteps became heavier unwittingly: "I owe a huge favor... Why, I'm not worth her actions at all... How should I repay this kindness?"

Sesshomaru, who had been walking indifferently in front of him, noticed the strangeness of Ye Qing behind him, and the corner of his mouth evoked a faint smile.

Qingzi asked him not to tell the truth, he is not a good person, naturally he will not talk too much.

But as his wife once said: Sesshomaru-sama is a very gentle person.

Meek people do not speak, but also have compassion.

PS: Well, there is still a chapter left today, it may or may not catch up.But if you can't catch up, I will make it up tomorrow, please rest assured.

Chapter 92 Together

"Zi Yuan!"

Tsuda teenager saw Shion who was imprisoned by the crystal, and rushed to his head as soon as he was hot.

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