But recently... To be precise, when the [Gorgon Stone] was discovered, as if echoing with it, this stone pillar began to store mana. The earth spirit energy in his body is indeed increasing all the time.

Gradually, the energy of [Hera Stone Pillar] fluctuated, even to the point where the witches could no longer hide it.

If it goes on like this, it may attract the dependents of the Mother Goddess—the dragon.

After realizing this, a witch who is equivalent to Liliana's master notified her and asked her to seek help from the god-killing king on her behalf.

Jill, who was actively searching for clues to the gods, set off immediately after learning the information about [Hera's Pillar] from Lily.

Hearing that there might be a dragon, to save trouble, he brought Ye Qing with him, then Xiaoling, Bai Wugou, Athena, Xiaomeng...

"Lily, is that witch who lives in Naples your master?" While admiring the night view of Naples, Ye Qing asked the silver-haired girl.

"Yes." Lily replied, "Madame Diana...Miss, you can be regarded as my teacher in magic, and also a very senior senior witch."

"She is in Naples now, and as a ostensible identity, she runs a used bookstore."

"An old bookstore..."

Ye Qing felt something in his heart, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The girls around him all looked at him strangely, only Bai Wugou and Xiaomeng noticed something, and their eyes turned to a certain place in unison.

"Well, I'll just ask just in case... Is that used bookstore in this direction?"

The direction Ye Qing pointed was the same as the two girls' gazes.

"...That's the direction, but Wang, how did you—"

"Is that ruin under the second-hand bookstore?"

"No, according to the geographical location, it should be near the seaside, only a ten-minute walk away from the second-hand bookstore... But there is indeed a tunnel in and out of the ruins in the store." Lily's eyes widened slightly, and suddenly there was A sense of foreboding.

"Could it be that?!"

"Your hunch is correct." Ye Qing looked into the distance, "That magic tool is indeed not very stable."

But then he frowned again: "But something is not quite right, this breath... is there anyone in it?"

At this moment, a shock wave spread along the ground, passing by the place where everyone was in an instant.

The passers-by around didn't seem to notice it, but Ye Qing and the others felt it clearly.

"This is......"

Lily took a deep breath and suddenly looked up to a corner of the city.

Then she saw, that unusual surreal scene——

The emerald green essence gushing out from the depths of the earth, the elemental fluctuations of earth, wind, water and fire spread in the atmosphere, and the huge life energy condensed into a shape in midair.

That is [Winged Snake].

It has a huge body based on a big snake, a slender and fit body, and bat-like wings. Compared with the thick hind legs, the forelimbs are relatively short, reminiscent of a lizard.

The teeth as sharp as a sword and the vertical pupils of a snake—the dragon was born at this moment!

Just above the coast of Naples, a newly born giant dragon is circling leisurely.

After witnessing the birth of the giant dragon, everyone was deeply shocked and speechless——

"It's ugly!"

— It seems that not everyone is silent.

The blond-haired and red-eyed girl shook off a strand of hair in front of her, and said disgustedly: "Leaving aside the attribute of strength, this look doesn't feel sacred at all."

"This giant dragon was born from the spirit of the earth. It is a beast in terms of power level, but even if it is classified as an 'elf' according to the way of existence, it just looks ugly..."

Ye Qing shook his head: "Actually, from my experience, it should be considered more handsome among the Dragon Clan."

As he spoke, he put his hands on the heads of the two girls, one black and one white.



Bai Wugou calmly closed his eyes, while the sexy Xiaomeng took advantage of Ye Qing's hand and squeezed it with his stalwart majesty.

But the two of them had to do the same thing. Two rays of light flashed, and the figures of the girls disappeared.Correspondingly, the pure white magic sword and the shield attached to the forearm appeared.

Ye Qing looked at the weapons in his hands, nodded in satisfaction, and looked excitedly at the giant dragon in the distance.

"You stay here and don't move, I will come as I go."

——Said something that seemed to be a flag.

But Ye Qing didn't worry about the next battle at all, if he wanted to say why, it was because he would definitely win.

After all, the other party is a dragon, and it was born from the earth, the purest dragon.

That being the case, Ye Qing has no chance of losing!

Although he has the kingship of [Beastmaster], he can suppress any Eudemons and Warcraft, but Ye Qing is really good at dealing with dragons!

Not to mention himself, the two weapons in his hands alone - Bai Wugou and the Snake of Gumeng, can also innately suppress ordinary dragons.

Needless to say, Bai Wugou's growth path was almost paved by stepping on dragons, while the Gumeng Snake was conceived in the body of the oldest mother god, and in a sense it is actually the mother god descendant.

Speaking of "bloodline", Xiaomeng is no worse than the so-called god ancestors.

The giant dragon is a member of the Earth Mother God, so it is much lower than Xiaomeng in terms of class, not to mention the difference in power between the two is also very different.

Therefore, when Ye Qing saw a dragon appearing in front of him, apart from being excited, he subconsciously felt sorry for him.

If he fights with the opponent, it will be literally the same - go and go back!

"My lord, please don't do this!"

Lily stopped Ye Qing before he could move.

The girl with the silver ponytail blushed from shock and impatience, she spoke to Ye Qing in a panic.

"Judging from the fluctuations just now, this dragon is a divine beast formed by the condensed energy of the earth here.

If you knock it down recklessly, the spiritual veins in the vicinity might dry up because of it!

Please be careful, don't just slay dragons casually! "

While looking at the giant dragon circling in the distance, Lily yelled at Ye Qing, the panicked look was very novel to Ye Qing.

"Um...that's what I said."

Ye Qing calmed down and thought about it, this dragon has just been born, not only has it not harmed humans, as the incarnation of the leylines, in a sense, it has supported and protected the humans on this land for thousands of years.

It is a real "divine beast", not the evil dragon Ye Qing has seen before.


Ye Qing rubbed his nose, suddenly a little embarrassed.

"So I wanted to kill Mao the moment I met him... Is it really a habit?"

Habit is a terrible thing indeed!

"Then, what should we do next?"

Ye Qing pointed at the giant dragon: "We can't just let it fly over the city."

"Uh, of course this is not allowed..." Liliana was at a loss for words.

Erica glanced at her, and picked up the conversation by the way: "Now, the first thing we need to do is to understand the current state of [Hera Stone Pillar], and we can do something about this giant dragon only after we have certain information. , so that it may return to the earth."

"It's really troublesome."

Jill snorted: "Isn't it enough to just break it up into energy?"

"Returning to nature and being slaughtered...are two completely different concepts."

Lily and Erica looked at each other with wry smiles, and then looked at Ye Qing together.

"My lord, I'm afraid I will trouble you this time. Please let the dragon calm down and return to the earth's veins."

"Leave it to me."

Ye Qing smiled and patted his chest: "I have always used (physical) physics to convince people...long."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Oh, the dragon is really summoned, just like what you said."

The Marquis of Vauban looked up at the giant dragon circling in the sky, and turned to look at the young ancestor rising from the mud.

"It seems that you are a very useful woman, why, after this incident is over, come and serve me and seek God's footprints for me.

Correspondingly, I can shelter you, so that other godslayers and gods of disobedience cannot attack you. "

The ancient demon king sent an invitation to Guinevere. Although there was a smile on his face, it meant that he could not refuse.

Of course, no one would dare to refuse this request. After all, he was a wanderer who visited the Queen of England just out of interest. There was nothing to restrain him, and no one could restrain him.

Appetite, sex. Desire, desire to destroy, desire to possess, once these things arise in the heart, they will grow irresistibly.

Normal humans learn to mediate and control, but Demon Kings don't.

He neither restrains his desires nor cares about others, and at the same time possesses this incomparable power. This is the Demon King—that's why the Marquis of Vauban is called the [Demon King].

Now that he is interested in Guinevere, he will naturally take it under control, but...

"Unfortunately, I already have someone I love, and I'm afraid I won't be able to serve you anymore."

"Ah, that's really a pity, even I wouldn't do something to steal love." Vauban narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed, "In that case, let you open the Dragon Snake Seal, let me warm up as an appetizer for the big meal."

"Wang's enthusiasm is hard to refuse, but if you do that, Guinevere will lose her life, and I still have a mission to complete no matter what, so I absolutely cannot die here."

The young god ancestor smiled slightly: "My promise has been fulfilled, so let me retire for now."

Vauban opened his mouth wide, showing a predatory smile: "In front of me, do you think you can retreat calmly?"

"Is the king going to kill me?" Even at this point, Guinevere's face was still full of smiles, showing no signs of tension.

"Guinevere doesn't know where she offended the king."

"Nowhere, on the contrary, your special ability as a witch makes me very satisfied."

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