"It's nothing." Ye Qing smiled, even after being hunted down once, he still seemed to be in a good mood.


Jill's eyebrows sank: "Laughing like a fool, you bastard...you actually become happy just talking to yourself."

"It's better for people to be happier."

"Yeah, but..."

Jill looked at Ye Qing indifferently, a dangerous light flashed in his red pupils.

"Your stupid face with too much happiness is really unpleasant!"


"Alice, I need you to do something."

In the hall of the old castle, Jill said so to Alice who was saluting respectfully.

"May I ask what is the matter, king."

Alice raised her head in doubt, but still respectfully said.

"If it is the king's request, then [Sage Council] and I shall try our best to satisfy it."

Apart from Alice and Jill, there were only Liliana and Erika as attendants in the hall.

As for Ye Qing, who should be there normally, he accompanied Xiaoling to climb the mountain.

Since the girl discovered that her physical strength has increased a lot, she has become interested in outdoor sports and wants to challenge the Alps while taking advantage of the freshness.

Xiaoling, Ye Qing, black and white swords and Athena, just looking at the staffing, it is more like going on an outing than challenging the mountains.

In fact, when Xiaoling truly understands her current strength, she will no longer consider mountain climbing to be a challenge.

"Heh, it's not a big deal, it's just that the king is a little bored now and wants to find something to do."

Jill wrapped her fingers around her golden hair, and said lightly: "This castle is almost tired of living, it's time to leave here."

"Leaving here...going back to Sardinia?"

Watching Jill shake her head slightly, the smart Alice sensed a hint of something bad from the previous words.

Could it be that this king wants to...

"Hunting," Jill's voice suddenly rose, "the hunting is about to begin—the King's Harvest Sacrifice!"


Alice held her forehead, and although she was only a soul body now, she felt the special feeling of "headache".

Should it be said that it is a godslayer?Even if she serves wholeheartedly, it is still impossible to satisfy her.

"Hunting... the God of Disobedience?"

Erica and Lily also had surprised expressions, obviously Jill hadn't told them about it before.

"Yeah, and the average God of Disobedience is not enough."

The corner of Jill's mouth curled into a thrilling arc, and he said slowly.

"This king is going to hunt [Steel] this time!"


Alice wanted to speak out in astonishment, but suddenly recalled the difference in identities between the two parties, and abruptly suppressed what she was going to say.

"King, is your target the legendary Heroes of Steel?"

Lily took a deep breath, put her hands on her chest, and said with the courtesy of a knight: "As expected of my master, this kind of courage is really shocking. No matter where you go, please let me accompany you."

Even among the Gods of Disobedience who deviate from the myth and have power beyond human beings, the God of Heroes of [Steel] is a very special existence.

They have great strength and magic weapons, and often have some kind of immortality, which is definitely the worst kind of enemy.What's more, in addition to this, they also have the ability to become stronger as they fight, and to plunder power from other places (the earth)-this characteristic is very similar to the godslayer.

(Note: According to the original book, the godslayer is actually a generalized existence of the characteristics of the god of steel, and it is not an exaggeration to call [steel] the prototype of the godslayer.)

Even if you are a godslayer, if you want to fight against the Gods of Steel, you must be prepared for serious injuries, or even death!

But now Jill wants to treat him as a prey, or even just a toy to pass the time when he is bored. This courage naturally makes Lily and Erica heartbroken.

"Me too." Erica also saluted, "In terms of loyalty to the king, I will not lose to Lily."

Jill gave them a deep look.

"Well, it's fine as you like. As long as it doesn't hinder the king's hunting, the more audiences who praise the king's heroism, the better."

"Do you have an accurate goal, Wang?" Alice asked cautiously.

"Not so far." Jill smiled lightly, "Since it is to pass the time, there is nothing to choose from, the most important thing now is to find the traces of the gods.

As for the other party's real name and godhead, let's ask slowly after this king suppresses him. "

"Although it is somewhat unlikely, do you mean..."

Alice suddenly showed a somewhat weird smile, which was slightly different from her usual dignified image.

"Could it be... you want to challenge the [King of the End]?

Looking for the traces of the God of Steel, one is to increase the understanding of this type, and the other is to find clues to the [King of the End] by the way... I hope I am wrong. "

The girl took a deep breath, and her smile gradually disappeared.

Judging from the various descriptions of the "King of the End", no matter whether Jill can defeat him or not, it will inevitably lead to an unprecedented turmoil, and it is not impossible to even involve other godslayers in one go .

After all, he is the "last king to appear", and he is naturally incompatible with the god-slaying demon kings.

Although she still can't get to the core of the truth, Alice can easily guess the chaos brought to the world after the [King of the End] wakes up.

Fortunately, Jill's next words made her breathe a sigh of relief.

"Huh? [King of the End]?" The blond girl snorted, "I don't have any reason to look for that kind of thing. I just suddenly want to use the God of Steel to practice my skills."

Just treat it as a practice in advance. After all, accumulating experience is also very important.

"The King of the End...ha, if you dare to call yourself like that, he must be quite a powerful God of Steel. If that's the case, if you can defeat him, then...you'll be more confident .”

The blond queen showed an extremely cruel smile, which made the expressions of the three girls stiffen when they saw this scene...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"If you add King Ye and King Jier, there are a total of eight god-killing kings in this era."

On the small passenger plane heading to a certain country in Europe, a group of people sat in their own seats, while Alice was educating Ye Qing about the God of Disobedience and the Godslayer.

"In the past, even if there were multiple godslayers at the same time, generally there would not be more than three to five.

As it is now, the grand occasion of the arrival of eight demon kings... is abnormal. I don't know whether it is luck or misfortune. Whether the [King of the End] wakes up or not seems to have something to do with the number of godslayers .

That being the case, in this abnormal era, if the two kings want to find the [King of the End], the difficulty will be correspondingly reduced a lot. "

"Eight... that's really a lot. Killing gods with human bodies - has this kind of miraculous thing happened eight times in just two centuries?" Ye Qing was a little surprised.

It has to be said that the human possibilities are truly astounding.

"No, it's six."

Alice took a deep look at Ye Qing and Jill: "The god-killing feats of the two kings are by no means [miracles]."

"I'll take it as if you're praising us." Ye Qing smiled wryly.

"Well, I've heard Lily mention it too." Jill recalled, "The other six godslayers... besides the kid playing with the sword, there seems to be one in Europe, right?"

"Yes, besides the sword king Duniqing, there is also an ancient demon king who likes to wander in Eastern Europe.

That is [Wolf King Who Calls the Wind and Rain]——Marquis of Vauban! "

Having said that, Alice paused for a moment, then looked at Liliana who was sitting quietly beside her.

The girl with the silver ponytail closed her eyes calmly, she didn't notice Alice's words, but when she heard the words "Marquis of Vauban", her ears moved unconsciously, and her heartbeat accelerated slightly.

Although it was an imperceptible subtle change, it still couldn't escape the perception of Ye Qing and Jill, but neither of them spoke to Lily.

If the girl didn't want to say anything, the two of them had no interest in asking.

"The Marquis of Vauban is the oldest godslayer, and he is also the one who best fits the title of 'devil king'.

Because he's erratic and has no 'common sense' - which is pretty much the case with godslayers - but he carries a definite malice. "

For a pure fighter like Doni, the cause of destruction is often the loss of calm in battle, but he has no intention of killing ordinary people deliberately.

Compared to other godslayers, Doni's performance is actually pretty good, because he finally knows what is right and what is wrong, but he just doesn't care about it.

But there are still some godslayers who don't have the concept of "good and evil" at all. They prioritize everything after themselves, and live as they please...or live without scruples.

Ye Qing frowned, and sneaked a sneak peek at Jill next to him—although it was troublesome, it was still much better than those beasts.

It is not difficult to see from Alice's statement that the Marquis of Vauban seems to be such a character.

The platinum-haired girl frowned, as if just mentioning this name gave her a headache.

"This king is not only the oldest king, but also the most powerful king. Before the appearance of His Royal Highness Jill, he and China's martial arts king have always been considered the two strongest godslayers.

According to records, the Marquis of Vauban killed the God of Disobedience two hundred years ago... There are even rumors that this old man has killed no fewer than ten gods!

In fact, judging from years of research by our [Sage Council], the credibility of this rumor is extremely high.

The [Powers] possessed by the Marquis of Vauban is undoubtedly the most among all godslayers. "

"More than ten... This old man is really hardworking." Ye Qing said sincerely.

Even if it is a godslayer, it is not a sure thing to win the battle with the god of disobedience.

To be able to defeat more than ten Gods of Disobedience, even if it is spread over two centuries, is still an incredible feat.To achieve this, in addition to strong strength, appropriate luck is also necessary.

Other than that...

"This old man must have a strong life-saving ability." Ye Qing smiled faintly, "The power of super speed, the power of domain, the power of immortality, or simply the power of resurrection from death."

Alice blinked: "Why does Wang think so?"

"I just think it's very possible." Ye Qing shook his head and stopped talking.

This is a man's intuition - even if she told Alice about this, she would definitely think that Ye Qing was perfunctory her.

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