【Saint Michael】, this is a holy angel with the title of "Who is like God".

He is the head of the angels, the Lord of Light who commands the army of heaven to crusade against hell, and his status is second only to [GOD] in the Christian system.

There are five angels whose names are mentioned in the "Bible", and the angels mentioned in the "Bible Old Testament" are only [Michael] and [Gabriel], and only Michael has The title of "Archangel".

There are countless achievements, most of which are conquests, but the most famous of them may be "the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah" and "capturing and imprisoning the thousand-year-old snake (Satan)".

To put it bluntly, he is the number one thug in heaven (the chief fighter of God)!

There are three theories about its rank: Seraphim, Power Angel, and Archangel, but no matter which rank it is, its most essential identity—the commander of the Angel Legion will not change.

His deeds are recorded in the "Old Testament", "Revelation", "Dead Sea Documents" and other classics.

There is also a saying that it is called the adjudicator who blows the trumpet on the Judgment Day, liquidates the souls of mankind, and leads the pure to the kingdom of heaven.

(The "judgment (judgment, temperance)" in the Tarot is the image of Michael judging the soul.)

Hearing that the descending angel is this one, even Ye Qing couldn't help being interested, and looked quite eager to try.

Apart from the identity of "Head of Angels", what interests Ye Qing the most is actually his godhood as a warrior god.

It is worth mentioning that Michael is actually a [Steel], and he is an extremely primitive and high-ranking [Steel].

When Christianity expanded its beliefs, it incorporated a large number of local legends, and even directly used the main gods of other pantheons as angels, some of which were the result of the fusion of several godheads.

Therefore, for the two angels Michael and Gabriel, the origin is actually quite difficult to verify (they may have the same origin as Apollo and Hermes), but what is certain is that they are by no means unique primitive gods of Christianity.

But although the origin is ambiguous, the image of later generations has extremely accurate records.

It is also in the constant changes of the myth that his own achievement of "defeating the red dragon (Satan)", combined with another purest [steel], has become possibly the most powerful in the world. 【Steel】One.

That steel is the saint of dragon slaying in Christianity, the hero among heroes, the bravest among braves, the king of kings—St. George!

[Michael] has a variety of images, representing the brave "sword-holding warrior" and using it to destroy Satan. Soul, don't let others defile.)

This is the basis of him as 【Steel】.

The other is the image of the judge with the sword in the right hand and the scale in the left hand, which is the existence of extraditing the souls of the dead to the "other shore", and it is also the most widely circulated image of Michael.

(For [ruler], the pattern on the back of the card should refer to Michael's image and priesthood, but it may also be based on the goddess of justice "Themis". Considering how many servants this job currently has Both have a Christian background, I think it should be...feminine Michael.)

And he also has a symbol mixed with other gods-the red cross.

The red cross was originally the token of St. George, the patron saint of England, but since the Middle Ages, Michael has gradually been confused with St. George, and Michael has become the guardian angel of England.

The flag of England is based on the red cross of [Michael & St. George] as the prototype.

St. George is the most famous dragon slayer in Christianity, and his popularity can be said to be the top in the world.

Michael's relationship with this dragon slayer, coupled with his own achievements in defeating the red dragon (Satan), naturally became the top [steel].

The arrival of such an angel in this world naturally caused quite a stir, and the [Sage Council] is a force that is extremely sensitive to similar events.

As for the person in charge, Princess Alice, after learning of Michael's arrival, the first thing she thought of was Ye Qing and the Ark in his hand, so she immediately rushed to Sardinia in the form of a soul clone.

One is to confirm the condition of the ark, and the other is to ask Ye Qing to take responsibility and send this angel back.

"Things have become like this, you must be responsible, otherwise the little girl will not know what to do." Alice wiped the non-existent tears at the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and said in an extremely weak voice .

The corner of Ye Qing's mouth twitched: "Your statement is very misleading...

Cough, although the coming of Michael should have nothing to do with me, but since I am a 'God Slayer', it is also necessary to crusade against the God of disobedience.

Well, tell me clearly about Michael's movements, and then I'll get rid of him for heaven's sake!

You're welcome, this is what a godslayer should do. "

Even if Michael's coming was not Ye Qing's fault - he would not admit it anyway.

But for the peace of the world, for the happiness of mankind, for love and justice, Ye Qing decided to take up the responsibility of being a king, and went to attack the archangel.

What?Is this where Michael is headed?

Must be a coincidence!

"Angel? It's too unchallenging for this king." Jill said lazily, "In the final analysis, they are just some miscellaneous fish who have been degraded from the main god in the center of the gods to the status of 'servants'."

He is not interested in the descending angel, even if the other party is the Lord of Light who is stronger than most of the main gods of the pantheon.

The reason is very simple. Jill's treasury has a magical tool called "Longinus Spear". It is one of her powers to kill the gods, which is almost unsolvable.

Although she "self-destructed" once during the confrontation with the Uruk duo, she has been "recovered" during this period of time, and is now quietly lying in a corner of her treasure house.

No matter how powerful Michael is and how high he occupies in the Christian system, he is destined to be no match for this Spear of Destiny!

Because the spear of Longinus had pierced the body of the "Son of God" and was stained with holy blood, which meant the execution of the gods.

Michael, who also belongs to Christian mythology—or any angel, can't escape the puncture of this gun!

Jill's disdain for angels and disobedient gods is actually not difficult to understand.

In addition to having more than a thousand kinds of mythical weapons in her hands, she also has two treasures that can be called the nemesis of gods.

The commandment to the gods - [Sky Lock].

The execution of the gods - [Longinus' Spear].

These two treasures made her look down on most of the gods. In fact, even in the previous battle in the desert oasis, she was only reluctant to use the Sky Lock for personal reasons. From Gilgamesh, it is definitely not that difficult to deal with.

In the end, the biggest enemy she encountered in this world was actually herself—not counting Ye Qing.

If Ye Qing is serious, even if Jill has these two weapons, it is useless.

"Since Ye Qing is interested, I'll leave it to him." Jill yawned, "I still have a mole—the crystallization of human wisdom, I need to explore it, and I don't have time to fight against gods who don't obey. "

"You are really busy." Ye Qing complained.It seems that in Jill's eyes, racing models are more important than gods who don't follow.

"Huh? Miscellaneous cultivator, do you have any comments? You might as well tell it and listen to it. My king is always happy when he hears it."

"..." Seeing the faint golden light, Ye Qing naturally closed his mouth tightly.

Somewhat speechless, she looked at the two incomprehensible godslayers, who were flirting there (strike out) and discussing business. Alice sighed deeply, but she still cheered herself up in order to complete the mission.

"Apart from the coming of Saint Michael, there is actually one more thing that needs to be reported to the two of you."

Seeing the two of them turning their attention back to themselves, Alice regained her composure and her face became serious.

"Actually, the appearance and rise of His Royal Highness Ye Wang is too fast, and it is too abrupt for the people of the world, so many people have strong curiosity about you...including some special existences."

"Oh hoo..." The corners of Jill's mouth curled up, "Interesting."

Ye Qing frowned slightly, the "special" that Alice mentioned must not be at the level of a magician or a knight, otherwise there is no need to mention it.

"Is it the other godslayers?" Ye Qing expressed his guess.

There was a hint of helplessness in Alice's smile: "Yes, recently there is indeed a king—the godslayer who has started to act.

Especially after you and King Jier defeated the two disobedient gods, as if stimulated, a certain ancient godslayer changed his leisurely wandering journey and headed here instead...

If my predictions are correct, the vision of heaven and earth that occurred in the nearby waters a few days ago was probably due to the battle with the Earth Mother Goddess.

It is no secret that the [Gorgon Stone] can attract the ancient Mother Goddess, and the battle between the two kings has not been concealed at all. Presumably this news will soon reach the ears of other godslayers.

Regardless of whether there are new gods to kill or not, there will definitely be warlike kings who will be interested in the dazzling achievements of the two, so let's take action accordingly. "

"Heh, it's just a group of young people."

Jill said disdainfully: "If you are willing to obediently hand in the greeting card and visit them with the etiquette that suits your status, it is not that this king can't condescend to meet them.

But if there are rude people with brute force, then I don't bother to deal with them, I just need to drive them away and kill them with vicious dogs. "

vicious dog?It might be Xiaobai.

Ye Qing nodded, and then said to Alice: "It is true that we have fought against Athena in the Earth Mother Goddess, but we have already defeated her, so it won't have any impact on the human world.

As for my 'colleagues'... If they want to verify the quality of my junior, I will naturally not be polite, and I must treat them well. "

Alice shook her head secretly: She had never heard of a godslayer that could be associated with the word "polite".

It seemed that the conflict between the godslayers was doomed. She wanted to discuss with other magic associations how to minimize the losses caused by the aftermath of the battle.

This is the only thing they magicians can do. As for preventing the godslayers from fighting... It's best not to try this kind of thing, don't even think about it!

However, there was one more important thing before that, which was to make Wang Ye and Jin Meiji pay attention to it no matter what.

"I wonder if the two kings have heard of [God Ancestor]?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"God ancestor..."

Jill was thoughtful, but Ye Qing simply shook his head.

"What is that? Does it have anything to do with the God of Disobedience?"

"If you have to say it, it can be regarded as..."

Alice looked at Ye Qing, her gaze seemed to indicate something.

"That is the existence of the goddess of the earth in ancient times, who died under extremely special circumstances, and reincarnated in a certain way in the future.

They are not disobedient gods, but they are equally destabilizing threats to humans.

And they have a deep relationship with magicians—to be precise, existences such as witches and witches.

Because the ancestors of the witches were the existences that served the goddess of the earth, for example, Miss Liliana of the Bronze Black Cross and I can actually be regarded as the descendants of the ancestors of the gods. "

"Oh?" Ye Qing noticed something, "You and Liliana?"

"Yes, although the word 'witch' is used today to refer to female magicians, it actually deviates from the original meaning.

Miss Liliana and I are both born 'witches', that is, descendants of the earth mother's family, possessing some special abilities that ordinary magicians do not possess.

Strictly speaking, someone like Miss Erica can only be regarded as a 'female magician' rather than a 'witch'. "

"I see."

Ye Qing then asked: "The so-called 'God Ancestor' is the reincarnated existence of the Earth Mother Goddess. I have already understood this point, so what is its strength?"

Although it was a question, Ye Qing actually already had a rough guess.

Since it can be related to the gods, its strength will definitely not be too weak, but it is an inferior existence after all, Ye Qing doesn't think that the god ancestor can reach the level of the previous life, that is, the level of the earth mother god.

After a comprehensive analysis, based on Ye Qing's experience and wisdom, he can easily come to a similar conclusion.

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