The vast world where the hero named Achilles once galloped!

Even the magic sword that surpasses the realm of gods cannot shake this world. Even if everything is annihilated, the imprint of time will not disappear.

Bai Wugou failed to break through this shield.

It's not because of the power of the sword or Ye Qing's skills, but because Achilles' belief in betting everything blocked Ye Qing's sword intent at this moment.

But, after all, it's just a shield.

Like a normal shield, it can only block attacks from one side.

The sword was blocked, but Ye Qing didn't hesitate at all, he activated [Shrinking Ground] almost the moment Achilles thrust out the spear.

Footwork, breathing, and heartbeat present a wonderful balance, blending skills and diligence together, Ye Qing's [Shrinking Ground] has already surpassed blue, and even achieved the effect of space transfer at this moment!

The point of Achilles' spear pierced only the afterimage, the ruthless and cold blade pierced his chest, and the beating of the heart was transmitted to Ye Qing through the blade——


The magic sword shook slightly, and fierce sword energy erupted in the body, completely destroying Achilles' internal organs.

The cold air has sealed all vitality, this is an injury that even [Battle Continuation] cannot save.

Achilles was slightly stunned, and his body naturally fell forward. The moment before touching the ground, the boy's arms hugged him.

"Really... really can't win."

Glancing at the young man in front of him, the red rider smiled in relief, and his body and weapons disappeared like flying lights.

Ye Qing returned Bai Wugou to the sheath, and walked towards the nose of the plane.

The plane began to disintegrate, and he was to be transferred to the sky court before it fell completely.

Before he left, he turned his head to look at the place where the rider disappeared.


Gently letting out a sigh of relief, Ye Qing jumped towards the enemy's last fortress!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Red Lancer brandished a powerful gun and tried his best to fight against the Great Sword of Dusk, but at the same time he did not stop thinking.

Have you ever had such an experience before, when you were still alive?

In order to defeat the enemy in front of him, he put all his heart and soul into it. From the brain to the nerves, everyone was excited by the surge of magic power. The thorough current spread throughout the body, and even the pores revealed a hot breath.

— ever?

Strictly speaking once.

He didn't show mercy that time either, because releasing water in battle was an insult to the enemy and himself, and since he was a soldier, he couldn't allow this kind of behavior.

But that's just "going all out" on the spiritual level. In fact, his battles are always subject to various restrictions, which makes him unable to exert his full strength.

As humiliating as it may feel, this is an indisputable fact.

That is, he, "Karna", the son of the sun god, has never been treated fairly on the battlefield.

The reason is simple: he is too strong.

He was one of the most feared and strongest warriors in the ancient Indian civilization that gave birth to many heroes.

In this way, it is normal to be murdered by villains and tricks.

In the final battle, when facing the greatest crisis in his life, he forgot the secrets of archery he had learned because of the teacher's curse.

The chariot fell into the mud and could not move, was bound by a curse, and because of his own oath, he fell into the scheme of Indra, the god of thunder, and finally lost the golden armor bestowed by his father Surya, which was the only proof that he was the son of the god.

Because he was just an experimental product of his mother, he was abandoned by his mother after birth, picked up by the coachman and brought up.

He proved his excellence with his talent and endurance, but was expelled and cursed by his teacher because of his birth.

After he became the lord of a city, he was unwilling to deny his adoptive father, and still called him his father, but was scolded maliciously by the villain as a pariah and a slave.

The armor given by his father is his only consolation. In this world that only treats him with malice, only this golden armor will protect him from harm.

However, this armor, which is equivalent to his life, was eventually taken away by tricks.

Those who laughed at him would not have the slightest pity, but would only laugh louder.

Nevertheless, he went into battle and lost his life after a fierce battle with his half-brother Arjuna.

He didn't resent anyone, he just accepted this fate lightly.

Although he has been resisting the unfair fate all his life, at the end of his life, he can only lower his stubborn head.

Of course, he didn't regret his life, he just thought it was helpless, so he had neither the desire to entrust the Holy Grail nor the will to fight for the Holy Grail.

Now, the red Lancer only cares about the man in front of him!

Only this man who fought with him!

Unlike in his lifetime, he was summoned as a Servant without having to worry about anything other than fighting.

The only thing he desires by the master (Shiro Amakusa) is power, the power to defeat any enemy!


Clang, clang!Clang!Clang!

The powerful gun that symbolizes the sun of the sky rolls up the raging red lotus fire, biting the strong warrior like a dragon like a beast.

It was a blow that would kill a normal Servant if he touched it, but the Black Saber blocked it with an incomparably solid defense!

If Karna slacked off a little, brave warriors would take the opportunity to break through his spear and leave wounds on Karna's body with his big sword.

It was neither a conspiracy nor a cruel curse. The man in front of him forcibly broke through from the front and touched Karna with his own martial arts and sword!

Regardless of politics and origin, there is no room for that kind of shady stuff here!

All that exists here is a gun and a sword——

It's just the will of these two people to collide violently!

Similar to the red Lancer's feelings, the black saber - Siegfried is also happy for this battle, and in order to repay Lancer who brought him this happiness, he launched an offensive more actively.

Since defeating the dragon (Fafnir), he has never been able to fight on an equal footing with others, even though he didn't want to.

No one can beat his superb swordsmanship, even if there are such warriors, they still cannot break through his immortal body.

He got the glory that a soldier could only dream of, and finally fell because of betrayal. Although his life was full of sadness, it can be said to be a clean and honest life.It's just that...something was left unsatisfied.

Just wielding his sword because of people's wishes - he lived a life like a machine, empty and lonely.

Yep, his way of being is the equivalent of a wishing machine in human form.

He is the holder of power, but he will never fight for himself, he will only act according to the wishes of others.

There is no good or evil in battle, and even the two cannot be distinguished, and his sword is only of this level...

However, now that he, Siegfried, appeared again because of someone else's wish, he met for the first time an opponent who had the thought of "I will defeat him" surging from the bottom of his heart.

Not dedicating all of oneself here is simply a blasphemy against each other's weapons!

Unleashing all her strength, the Black Saber swung her great sword selflessly.

Saber thought that her sword skills were passable, but in front of Lancer's golden armor, it was almost just a useless struggle.

Even if his sword could touch the opponent, most of its power would be weakened by the armor, and Lancer's attack could not break through the [Dragon Blood Armor] and cause him enough damage.

The battle between the two has entered a stalemate mode as before-but!

This time the battle must not end in a stalemate!

Saber used the big sword to block the tip of the burning red lotus spear to one side, and slashed at Lancer's body obliquely from top to bottom.


The dragon slaying warrior was roaring, using his proud wrist strength to cooperate with the magic sword made by the dwarves, and dealt a heavy blow to his opponent.


Lancer couldn't bear the huge force, and was knocked back by the big sword a few steps, but he didn't fall down, still standing on the ground.

Then, Shura's battlefield was shrouded in the blur of dusk...

Dividing the realm of day and night, the fire of life is ignited in the darkness, and the world is dragged into the abyss of death——

"[Fantasy Great Sword - Heavenly Demon Lost Fall (Balmung)]!"

Hidden in the hilt of the sword, the [True Ether] inherited from ancient times amplifies the power of the holy sword, and the torrent of dusk-colored sword energy is released by the great sword with both holy and devil!

The light engulfed Lancer...

An anti-army Noble Phantasm of A+ rank is enough to wipe out high-ranking servants, and in a normal Holy Grail War, this blow is enough to decide the outcome.


The brilliance of the red lotus broke through the twilight curtain, and the sun rose again in the space.

An unprecedented terrifying flame burned on the golden gun. Lancer was not repelled by the sword energy, but moved forward with the gun and parted the dusk.

He has no intention of regrouping, but wants to break Saber's magic sword from the front!

"Grit your teeth, Saber!"

Lancer concentrated all the flames on the tip of the gun, and the radiance of the sun filled the world in an instant. He raised a sharp gun that surpassed ordinary people's imagination, and there was a flame on the blade that could burn everything!

'No, just words like this are not enough! '

Having made such a judgment, Black Saber activated the Noble Phantasm again.

If it was during his lifetime, he could achieve uninterrupted and instantaneous Noble Phantasm, but as a follower, he can only activate it after a period of time-this is also thanks to the command spell used by the master (Gold) to strengthen the connection, Fill his body with magic power.

Even so, the superposition of the two sword qi before and after is far from being comparable to the A+ army on the bright side.

Lancer ignored Saber's actions, and didn't care how he countered at all, he just let the flow take its course and released his own treasure, raising the tip of his sure-to-kill spear.

"Here comes—[Brahma, curse my body (Brahmastra Kundala)]!"

The raging fire of Haotian forms a vortex sweeping all things, and the aurora at dusk rushes forward fearlessly. The two colors devour, distort, compete, and bite each other, causing everything to be annihilated and flooding the entire space...

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