The tall slender woman smiled and said, "After all, the market has been very unbalanced recently."

Her tone was relaxed, and she seemed to completely forget that the tense situation had something to do with her.

"...Master Liu Dao, can you stay away from me?" The petite girl said coldly as she tightened her coat.

"Oh, does Little Tranquility hate my sister?" Sixth Director Lingxia deliberately pretended to be sad, "Then I'll let my sister out of the way."

"No, that's not the case..."

After a pause, the girl said in a low voice, "It's just that... if you approach me, you will be 'stabbed'."

The girl knew exactly what her own existence meant. Even without physical contact, her breath alone could paralyze or even poison people.

It was obvious that her life would be in danger if she got close, but the sixth guide, Lingxia, had no intention of avoiding it at all, and kept a fairly close distance from the girl all the time.

She said softly: "Although the rose has thorns, it also protects itself, and it will not lose to other flowers in beauty."


The girl savored this word. This kind of flower is somewhat similar to her. They all use their beautiful appearance to attract others, but in fact they hide sharp [thorns].

The sixth director Lingxia might want to say [thorns protect roses], but all the girl can think of is [pretending to be beautiful will sting people].

"Has Little Tranquility ever seen a rose?" Sixth guide Lingxia thought about the girl's background, and thought that she might not have seen this kind of Rosaceae plant.

"If it's just petals..."

Roses planted in the soil - the girl has never seen it before, or even if she does, she will deliberately avoid it.

But if it was picked petals, she had seen quite a few of them as a dancer who performed assassination missions many times.

After all, her environment is not very suitable for the growth of delicate flowers.

"Xiao Jingjing...don't you like flowers?"

"Yeah." The girl said calmly, "Because I can't touch them."

Rather than disgust, it would be better to say fear.

With her physique, touching a flower would only wither it—so she developed the habit of watching from afar, never reaching out to touch it.

The sixth leader, Lingxia, was silent for a while, and said softly: "Ah, that's really a pity..."

After a while, she asked carefully, "Is the injury...healed?"

"En." The girl nodded, inadvertently revealing a few strands of short purple hair.

"It's almost better, thanks to the good 'nutrients' I got in the past few days."

"Hehe, as long as you show your face, those flies will automatically fly over. Xiao Jing Mi is very popular."

"...I don't want to kill people for no reason, but if it's a magician...and I didn't do anything about it."

The girl did not take the initiative to kill people. Those who died in front of her eyes were not so much killed as "suicide".

"If it's not enough, it's okay to rely on my sister." The sixth guide, Lingxia, didn't seem to care about the fact that she was an ordinary person and couldn't bear the consumption of a follower's magic power.

The girl shook her head slightly, expressing that she didn't need to do that.She is the kind of servant who consumes very little mana, and hunting magicians and beasts is enough to maintain her own existence.

As for fighting for the Holy Grail, she gave up this idea after the battle with Saber.

Although the girl's strength and "characteristics" are not weak, and she can even be said to be a joker, she is still too weak compared to a real hero.

Even if she is lucky enough to win one, she will be directly obliterated by the next opponent because of the information exposure!

But fortunately, her wish does not have to be fulfilled by the Holy Grail, so she is not too upset.

"Master Six...why do you want to help me?"

Assassin of the Black—Hassan of Tranquility, asked Reisha, the master and sixth leader, a question that he had been puzzled for a long time.

"Do you need to ask? Because Xiao Jing Mi saved me at that time." The sixth guide Lingxia gently rubbed Jing Mi's little head through the hat.

The two first met one night not long ago.

For some reason, she accidentally lost her Master, but with A-rank [Independent Action], Jing Mi was able to continue her actions.Then, in a certain alley, I met Lingxia, the sixth leader who was entangled by the underworld, and seemed to want to expel her because she didn't abide by the rules.

Tranquility did nothing, she was not a ghost who would suddenly kill people at will, but she was not a saint who would lend a helping hand to everyone.

Originally, because she was afraid that the spirit body would disappear immediately, she just wanted to maintain the posture of a servant and walk by quietly.

But maybe her attire was too conspicuous, or maybe the gangsters themselves had the desire to do so, in short, they were stopped.

And then...they died pointlessly.

For some reason, Lingxia, the sixth guide, did not escape, and became the master of Tranquility, and came to Romania with her from Japan to help her in the Holy Grail War.He is obviously an ordinary person, but he has been working hard to adapt to the rules of the magic world, just to help Tranquility—until now.

Tranquility has always had doubts in her heart, and she doesn't understand why Lingxia, the sixth guide, who is a member of the watch world, would willingly step into the dangerous inner world.

You know, before this, Liu Dao Lingxia was just a self-willed prostitute who knew nothing about the world on the other side.

After getting along with her these days, I learned more about her tranquility, and also denied the reason of "repaying her kindness".

Excluding the unexpected master qualifications (not in magic, but as a game player), the sixth guide Reika basically has a normal ethics...probably.

In other words, she would not have the idea of ​​"a drop of water will be reciprocated by a spring".

'Sure enough, I still have a wish to come true. ' Tranquility thought so in her heart.

But the sixth director Lingxia's next answer made her startled.

"I don't know why, but I think Little Tranquility can't do without me. How could Big Sister let such a cute child go to war alone, of course I have to accompany you."

Beauty and kindness are mixed, and her contradictory yet harmonious temperament has been sublimated in her.

"Xiao wish is to fulfill your wish."


Hassan, who is good at taking people's lives silently, can only remain silent when he is attacked unexpectedly.

"What is your wish, Jing Mi." The sixth guide Lingxia asked softly, "It would be great if I could help."

"...I, my wish is—"

The girl raised her face to look at the Sixth Director Lingxia, revealing a seductive and beautiful appearance just like the black rose.

Picture: "The Untouchable Girl", Location: "Images/1532010150-100059781-102163542.jpg"

In the dreamy amethyst-like pupils, there was a trace of undue expectation cowardly.

"—Find an existence that can touch me."

An extremely pitiful, humble little wish in the dust.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The thorny and vine-like rays of light bloomed in the eyes, the cyan waves shone bluntly, and then slowly converged, Ye Qing's eyes returned to normal mode, and a vague smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Finally found......"

The Eye of Horus endowed Ye Qing with the sharp eyesight and insight of a condor, while the Cursed Eye of Cyan allowed him to see what he was looking for at a glance in the chaotic world.

Combined with his intuition and spiritual perception of the unity of man and nature, Ye Qing's search ability is second to none in this Holy Grail War.

Even so, it is still very difficult to find an assassin with [Aura Covering A+] from a modern town.

It is unrealistic to search the entire territory of Romania. Based on the location and time of the murder case, and the support of Thousand World Tree intelligence personnel, Ye Qing believes that the assassin has returned to Tulifas, so Been waiting here.

After waiting for a day and a night at the selected best lookout point, scanning around every once in a while, I finally found the trace of the assassin just now!

It seems that she and her master just came to this city, and Ye Qing's previous judgment is slightly different.

After all, he calculated it based on the speed of the servants, but in fact Jing Mi and Liu Dao Lingxia usually came here on foot, sometimes in a car.

The two came to this city only to determine the direction of the war, and had no intention of competing for the Holy Grail, so the itinerary was as easy as traveling.

"Really, a defenseless and leisurely look."

Ye Qing suppressed the energy fluctuations, condensed a blue-red bow and arrow in his hand, slowly pulled it away, and under the guidance of a falcon's eyesight, locked the target on Assassin's legs.

There are two missions for this attack, one: eliminate the threat of the assassins and create a stable rear for the black camp, two: under the premise of ensuring the completion of mission one, contact the assassins, try their best to win them over, and increase the strength of the black side. combat power.

In other words, the best case scenario is to turn the assassin into a companion, or kill him if he can't.

But no matter what, Ye Qing must subdue the assassin first, otherwise there will be no chance for the mission.

If you aim at both feet, you can deprive her of mobility without harming her life, as long as Ye Qing is careful not to cause any irreparable damage... For example, the assassin is willing to surrender but cripples something of.

Ye Qing carefully controlled the power of wind and fire poured into the arrow, trying to maintain it at a level that "can easily kill ordinary people, but it is only troublesome for followers".

Then, Ye Qing let go of his hand, and the tense bowstring immediately shot out the arrow at several times the speed of sound!

"It's over." Ye Qing was very sure that his arrow would penetrate the assassin's calf.

Hiding in the dark and shooting an arrow with full force beyond the speed of sound, the mere assassin has neither [Intuition] nor [Arrow Avoidance Protection] skills, there is no reason to dodge it!

As Ye Qing expected, when the petite assassin sensed the danger and instinctively wanted to dodge, the arrow was already only ten meters away from her.

For Ye Qing's arrow, this distance is no different from being close to the body, even if it is replaced by Chifang's rider, it may not be able to dodge it, let alone the black assassin with the master's drag.


Just when Ye Qing thought he was safe and Assassin showed despair, a emerald green light flashed across and hit Ye Qing's arrow with incomparable accuracy. The collision of the two slightly opened up the atmosphere, and they exploded in midair!

When the fire was extinguished, the assassin and her master were no longer in Ye Qing's vision.

"Have you hid?" Ye Qing frowned slightly.

Although his detection ability is powerful, when the assassin intends to hide, the breath cover of up to A+ level can almost eliminate all sense of existence, as long as he does not actively attack, he will not be exposed.

Now, Ye Qing's position has been exposed because of this arrow, but the assassin hid in an unknown corner with the master, the situation of light and darkness reversed, it is very difficult to catch her again.

Another ray of cold light hit, the target pointed at Ye Qing!


Since it was exposed, there is no need to stay in this kind of place as a living target, Ye Qing jumped up and decisively left the place he had been guarding all day.

The enemy's arrows pierced through the masonry, but just a thin arrow directly punched a fist-sized hole in the thick wall, and there were no cracks around it, which shows the concentration of strength and the superb skill of the archer.

It wasn't until this moment that the sound of piercing the sky came slowly, just like Ye Qing's shooting, this arrow undoubtedly broke through the speed of sound!

Ye Qing fell to the ground, without any pause, he quickly rushed into the alley.

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