The wound on his chest was aching, deep into the bone marrow, unforgettable.

"Maybe... maybe I just want to see Hydrangea again."

Kotomine Kirei was silent, the flower was long gone, and even if he searched all over the world, he could not find another hydrangea that was exactly the same.

However, it is not without hope.

Although the hydrangea withered, but the flower seeds remained.If you take good care of it, the flower seed will eventually grow into a beautiful figure like its mother.

Kotomine Kirei stood up swaying, struggling to walk outside. In his heart, the desire to survive had never been so clear and fiery as this moment!

The Almighty Grail was behind him, but he didn't look back, and he didn't even hesitate to stop.

Now he no longer needs that kind of thing.

The pain in his chest reminded him all the time that his heart is not empty, but is made of flesh and blood, and there is a so-called "emotion" - although it may be just an illusion.

Or his wishful thinking and self-deception.

But even if the possibility is less than one in ten thousand, he will pursue it!

Do everything you can to get close to the sunshine that doesn't belong to you, even if it burns out.

"I... want to live!"


The origin of a certain man is "inversion", which is an abnormal existence that goes against ordinary people's cognition and can only get pleasure from distortion.

The origin of a certain man is "cutting and connecting", which means repairing after destruction, but the repaired object will never return to its original appearance.

A certain assassin shot the magic bullet that embodied his own origin into the main body of the imperial body, but it was only a slight gap, and it did not penetrate the heart, but stayed in the gap between the nerves and flesh.

This is a simple operation that even the most brilliant doctor cannot perform, but if you have the Noble Phantasm and Dexterity of an assassin, the impossible can be turned into a possibility!

The original impulse called "reversal" has indeed been triggered, but it has been disrupted by another origin and then reconnected.

But just like when a thread is broken, the reconnected part becomes extra thick, Kotomine Kirei's awakening has also undergone some unpredictable changes.

Maybe redemption, maybe faster fall.

But no matter what, with this magic bullet buried in his body, his life and soul will take a different path.

There is only one question left in the end: why did the assassin take so much trouble to change Kotomine Kirei, and what was the importance of this man to him?

Chapter 37 The Assassin and the Magician Killer

What kind of person is Emiya Kiritsugu?

Quite simply, the dingo of war and the walking saint.

He has a lofty and naive ideal: to be a partner of justice.

To be more specific, it is to use the Holy Grail to achieve the desire to bring peace to the world.

Funny, but not frivolous.Childish, but not naive.Because he has been practicing all this in the most cruel way to himself, every footprint can ooze blood, but he has never thought of stopping.

Efficient, determined, icy, like a perfect machine.He was two different types of people similar to Kotomine Kirei, and compared to a priest with an empty heart, he was too emotional.

If he was an inhuman executioner, his life must be much easier than it is now, but unfortunately he is not.

So, he felt the pain rightly.

Today, he will once again lose an important person and experience a long-lost bereavement, but he can only endure it.

"It's a necessary sacrifice to peace, so that people all over the world can be happy."

- so hypnotize yourself.

"What a joke, do you really think that so-called self-sacrifice can bring peace?" The assassin made no secret of his sarcasm.

"Saving humanity...what a noble reason it sounds, but you never think about it..."

The assassin brought a series of phantoms and inserted the dagger into Emiya Kiritsugu's lower abdomen!

Even if Emiya Kiritsugu had the means of speeding up with inherent time control, it couldn't compete with the assassin's inhuman speed at all.

The assassin said fiercely, "Humanity doesn't need your rescue at all!"

Turning his wrist, the dagger dug into his chest and abdomen, making a chilling "creak" sound, and Emiya Kiritsugu had a big hole in his body that he could put his fist in.

If it was an ordinary magician, this kind of damage would be fatal, but this is not the case with Emiya Kiritsugu. He has the top defensive Noble Phantasm "Avalon" in his body. Now that he has contracted with Saber, Avalon Enough to heal all his injuries, even fatal ones!

I didn't expect to meet an assassin on the road...

Although Kiritsugu felt troubled, he did not give up.

Although the other party is a Servant, he is only the weakest assassin agency. He has Avalon's shelter on his body, and he also has a Origin Ball costume, so he may not have a chance to win!

Quietly pressing the button on the cuff, the bomb pre-hanging on his waist started a chain reaction.

boom boom boom...

The flames of the red lotus filled the entire space, engulfing the two figures.

Having spent half his life with bombs and gunpowder, but it was the first time that he had used it on himself, Emiya Kiritsugu felt a strong sense of irony.

But if he hadn't carried a small bomb habitually, he probably wouldn't have the ability to injure the assassin.

The smoke of gunpowder gradually dissipated, and at the center of the explosion was Emiya Kiritsugu, who was almost blown in two, but the scary thing was that he was still not dead, and his flesh and bones were recovering at an alarming rate.

That terrifying healing power, it's even disgusting...

Enduring the pain equivalent to a slash in half, Emiya Kiritsugu calculated his odds and tactics.

Under the circumstance that you can ensure that you will not die, it is undoubtedly the most efficient and direct method to adopt the method of perishing together.

Taking ordinary tactics, he is only a mortal and cannot hurt the Servant.If you want to break through the blockade of the assassins here, you can only use this kind of radical tactics!

"It's so ruthless, so cruel to himself." The figure of the assassin appeared ten meters away. Compared to Kiritsugu, who was cut in half, the damage he suffered was only a little bit of damage to his clothes.

Judging from the losses on both sides alone, Emiya Kiritsugu was at an absolute disadvantage.

However, the dominant assassin didn't attack immediately. He probably thought that since he couldn't kill him, he just didn't want to do it. The assassin, who had always acted resolutely and had no extra moves, even started talking to Kiritsugu.

"Hey, do you really think the Holy Grail can fulfill your wish?"

Emiya Kiritsugu said solemnly: "If it is really the omnipotent cauldron as rumored, then my wish will surely come true."

"What is your wish?"

He replied without hesitation: "Eliminate all disputes in the world!"

"That's an extravagant hope! Human beings are inherently ugly, and it's not enough to sing about their own existence without biting each other. As long as a fuse is needed, they can transcend rationality and become a beast at any time!"

The assassin sneered: "Do you want such a human being to stop fighting? I'm afraid it can only be done by killing everyone in the world."

Kiritsugu didn't waver: "Yes, I know it's impossible... That's why I'm going after the Holy Grail! Only this 'miracle' power can fulfill this wish."

"Why, why, why?!" The assassin couldn't believe it. "After wiping the buttocks for mankind so many times, do you still have hope for mankind? Do you still think that you are a savior?"

Emiya Kiritsugu stared at the assassin, and said firmly: "Yes, I firmly believe! But I am not a savior, just a war criminal. But even if I will eventually be sent to the gallows, I will never give up!"

The assassin was silent, then laughed wildly, and said in a arrogant tone that did not fit his image at all: "So an idiot is an idiot, even if he has failed countless times, he still doesn't have a long memory, and he rushes to hell!"


The assassin raised his flintlock pistol and aimed it at Kiritsugu. Almost at the same time, Kiritsugu's Origin Ammunition was also loaded and aimed at the assassin as well.

No, just comparing the speed, the assassin was better, but for some reason he waited for Kiritsugu for a second.

The two fired at the same time, and neither of them made a move to dodge.

Perhaps they sensed that if they dodge, it means that whoever is completely defeated in a field other than this battle!

This old-fashioned western movie-like shooting scene is a farce in the bloody and real Holy Grail War, but the director has the final ending.


The sound of two hits sounded at the same time, and the hit location was undoubtedly the heart!

But the two had very different reactions.

The assassin swayed slightly, then sneered three times, as if he had not suffered much damage.Emiya Kiritsugu's meridians bulged all over his body, his face twisted and bleeding, but the sword sheath Avalon in his body was quickly repairing his body.

It's just that this time is different from ordinary physical attacks. The magic bullet shot into the body is not just damage. In the reverse flow of magic power, there are countless memory fragments and sound echoes...

It was the story of a man named Emiya Kiritsugu in another world.

Emotionless, precise combat machinery.Not confused, not hesitant, and will kill the target as quickly as possible.

——This is the law of life of the magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu.

In this world, he has never met the gentle light of silver hair in his life, nor has he received any redemption.

In this way, he spent his whole life as a weapon and a tool, and in the end, he burned everything in himself, leaving only endless cold and indifference.

In this way, he did not find peace even after his death, but was dispatched to perform missions in various eras and regions as an agent of restraint.And those tasks have only one content - the annihilation of this group of humans!

Corpse, corpse, corpse, corpse...

It was a common sight for any Emiya Kiritsugu.

But, even shouldn't be endless!


Emiya Kiritsugu knelt on the ground, looked at the assassin blankly, his lips moved slightly: " are..."

PS: I'm sorry, I forgot the time yesterday... Now I'll make it up for you.

Chapter 38 Hero Emiya and Kotomine Kirei

"Funny face..." Yingling Emiya continued to reload and walked to Kiritsugu, the hot muzzle touching his forehead.

Taking off the hood and mask, lifeless white hair and dark skin were revealed, and only the facial features still retained the mark of "Emiya Kiritsugu".

"You have to die here, if one shot doesn't kill you shoot a few more shots, and if it doesn't kill you, cut you into uniform pieces over a thousand pieces...don't know if you can be like a mollusk Live."

Kiritsugu said absentmindedly: "Yeah... You do have this qualification, and it is your right to kill me... The purpose of your participation in the Holy Grail War is this? To deny my existence?"

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